怎样发表SCI文章转载 公众平台怎样转载文章










下面我把我的一篇文章的投稿经历和大家分享一下(另一篇直接接收,四个审稿人的意见都很积极,没有代表性)。从Reject& Resubmit 到Accept,充分说明只要不被拒死,就是有希望的。

IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology - Account Created in ManuscriptCentral[/url]
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2006年5月17日(星期三)下午13:21

Dear Mr. XXX:
Welcome to the IEEE Transactions onControl Systems Technology - Manuscript Central site for onlinesubmission and review.
Your USER ID and PASSWORD for youraccount at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcstis as follows:
Please note that your PASSWORD iscase-sensitive.
Thank you for yourparticipation.
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology Editorial Office

IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology - Paper ID TCST-2006-XXXX
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2006年6月9日(星期五)下午13:14

Dear Mr. XXX:
Your paper entitled "XXXXXX" has beensuccessfully submitted online and is presently being given fullconsideration for publicationin the IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology.
Your Paper ID isTCST-2006-XXXX.
Please mention the above Paper ID inall future correspondence or when calling the office for questions.If there are any changes inyour street address or e-mail address, please log in to ManuscriptCentral at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcstand edit your user information as appropriate.
You can also view the status of yoursubmission at any time by checking your Author Center after loggingin to

Thank you for submitting your paperto the IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology.
Best Regards,
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology Editorial Office

Re: Status of manuscriptTCST-2006-XXXX
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2006年10月13日(星期五)下午23:08

I am currently out of the officeuntil October 19 and will respond to your request when I return.
All best,
Editorial Assistant
On October 10, 11:06 pm"XXX" wrote:
> DearEditors,

> Thank you for yourpreviously handing our manuscript
> We would like toknow its current status. Any Information
> will be greatlyappreciated.
> Thankyou!
> BestRegards,
Re: Status of manuscriptTCST-2006-XXXX
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2006年10月20日(星期五)上午03:53

Dear XXX,
Thank you for your email. I havelooked at the status of your paper and it appears that it iscurrently out for review. The reviewers have until mid-November to return theirreviews.
Thank you for yourpatience.
All best,

Re: [Fwd: Status of manuscriptTCST-2006-XXXX]
时 间:2006年12月16日(星期六)下午22:03

I have received only one reviewfor this paper so far. I have sent a
reminder to the other two reviewersto send me their review as soon as possible. I will make adecision as soon as I get their review.
Sorry for the delay.
Professor ofChemical and Biomedical EngineeringFAMU-FSU College ofEngineering
On Fri, 15 Dec 2006, IEEE/TCSTJournal wrote:
> Dear Prof.XXX,
> I am forwarding thison to you from the author. Please reply and cc mewith yourreply。Thank you,
> -------- OriginalMessage --------
>Subject: Status of manuscriptTCST-2006-XXXX
>Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 09:21:43+0800
>From: XXX
>To: ieeetcst
> DearEditors,
> Would you like togive us an update on the current status of our submission'TCST-2006-XXXXXXXXXX',
> which was sent onJun 9,2006? Any information will be greatlyappreciated.
> Thank you for yourhandling our manuscript.
> BestRegards,
Re:Request for StatusTCST-2006-XXXX
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年2月2日(星期五)上午02:20

Thank you for your message. I haveforwarded it to your paper’s Associate Editor, XXX and asked him to contact you as soonas possible. If you do nothear from him, within a few days, please feel free tocontact him directly at XXX@usouthal.edu.
Thank you,
Editorial Assistant
ph: 805-893-XXXX
On February 1, 1:02 am"XXX" wrote:
> DearEditors,

> …… draws researcherattention only in recent years. We have
> successfully controlthe real unit using the …… approach. We hopemorereaderscan see our research achievement as soon as possible andgiveus anyadvice for further improvement.
> Would you like togive us an update on the current status of our
> submission'TCST-2006-XXXXXXXXXX',
> which was sent onJun 9,2006? Any information will be greatly
> appreciated. Thankyou for your handling our manuscript. >
> BestRegards,

■ 第一次Decision-Reject& Resubmit
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology - Decision on Manuscript ID TCST-2006-XXXX
时 间:2007年3月4日(星期日)下午23:22

Dear Mr.XXX:
The paper "XXXXXX" referenceTCST-2006-XXXX which you submitted for publication to the IEEETransactions on Control Systems Technology, has beenreviewed. Copies of the Associate Editor Reportand of the reviews are included at the bottom of this letter.
After consideration of the paper andof the reviews, it is our decision that the paper cannot beaccepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology. It is possible, however, that itcould be published as a Brief Paper after significant revision. Suggestions forchanges that would increase the likelihood of acceptance arediscussed in the AssociateEditor Report and in the reviews.
Please note that resubmitting yourmanuscript does not guarantee eventual acceptance, and that yourresubmission will be subjectto re-review by the reviewer(s) before a decision isrendered. The revision should adhere to therequirements for a briefpaper, currently 16 double-spaced pages includingfigures.
To submit your revised manuscript,log into

http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcstand enter your Author Center. Click on Submit a NewManuscript. In Section 5, Details and Comments of the Submission Process,answer "Yes" to "Has this document been previouslysubmitted?" Add the original paper number in"Manuscipt ID of Previous Submission".
Follow the procedure and upload therevised paper.
When submitting your revisedmanuscript, include a detailed statement describing the changesmade to the paper and refer tothe paper number in yourletter. In order to expeditethe processing of the revised manuscript, please be asspecific as possible in your responseto the reviewer(s).
Prof. XXX
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactionson Control Systems Technology
Professor Francis J. DoyleIII
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology
University of California, SantaBarbara
Chemical EngineeringDepartment
Santa Barbara, CA93106-5080
ieeetcst@engineering.ucsb.eduAssociateEditors Comments to the Author:
The following issues raised by thereviewers need to be addressed:
1. The issue of observability of the…….
2. Justifiction for estimating…….
3. Tuning of ……parameters.
4. Justification for using …… forthis problem.
5. Clearer description of overallcontrol strategy.
6. Stability of identified……….
Reviewer(s)' Comments toAuthor:
Reviewer: 1
Comments to the Author
This paper presents an interestingapplication of ……. With revision
this paper could be of similarquality to other papers published in TCST. Following twoissues need to be addressed whilerevising the manuscript…….
Reviewer: 2
Comments to the Author
The authors have provided littlemotivation for the publication of this paper. …… has beensuccessful because of its ability to handle multivariable systems with constraints.The problem, as presented by the authors, has neither problem. Forsome reason, …… is applied ina SISO loop to regulate ……, while PI control is used to regulate…….
The paper is poorly written, withmany misspellings and a seemingly random placement of content. Isee no need to compare … with…. Also, all of the hardware and software details for theimplementation of the controller are largely irrelevant. The readers will not care whatmicroprocessor was used, for example. The … strategy is poorly presented. The classicaladditive output disturbance assumption is presented in equation(25), yet the point of thepaper is to use …….
The overall control strategy is alsonot clear. The authors use ……, but …… is not shown in anyplots.
If the ……, then what is manipulatedto handle ……?
How do the authors even guaranteethat the ……?

■ 改成Brief后再投
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology - Paper ID TCST-2007-XXXX[/url]
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年5月8日(星期二)上午09:38

Dear Mr. XXX:
Your paper entitled "XXXXXX" has beensuccessfully submitted online and is presently being given fullconsideration for publicationin the IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology.
Your Paper ID isTCST-2007-XXXX.
Please mention the above Paper ID inall future correspondence or when calling the office for questions.If there are any changes inyour street address or e-mail address, please log in to ManuscriptCentral at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcstand edit your user information as appropriate.
You can also view the status of yoursubmission at any time by checking your Author Center after loggingin to

Thank you for submitting your paperto the IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology.
Best Regards,
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology Editorial Office

IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology - TCST-2007-XXXX has been unsubmitted
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年5月8日(星期二)下午20:24

Dear Mr.XXX:
Your Paper, TCST-2007-XXXX, entitled"XXXXXX" has been unsubmitted to the IEEE Transactions on ControlSystems Technology. It has beenunsubmitted because it exceeds the lengthrequirements for a brief paper. The maximum lengthallowed for a brief paper is 8single-spaced pages in a double column format or16 double-spaced pages in a single column format.
Please adjust the length of yourpaper and re-submit the manuscript for consideration ofpublication. You may contact theEditorial Office if you have furtherquestions.
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology Editorial Office

IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology - Paper ID TCST-2007-XXXX
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年5月15日(星期二)下午16:06

Dear Mr. XXX:
Your paper entitled "XXXXXX" has beensuccessfully submitted online and is presently being given fullconsideration for publicationin the IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology.
Your Paper ID isTCST-2007-XXXX.
Please mention the above Paper ID inall future correspondence or when calling the office for questions.If there are any changes inyour street address or e-mail address, please log in to ManuscriptCentral at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcstand edit your user information as appropriate.
You can also view the status of yoursubmission at any time by checking your Author Center after loggingin to

Thank you for submitting your paperto the IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology.
Best Regards,
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology Editorial Office

IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年8月23日(星期四)上午00:32

Dear Mr. XXX:
Thank you for your email. I haveforwarded the request to your Associate Editor XXX and asked him tocontact you directly.

If you haven't heard from in a week or so, pleasefeel free to contact him directly at XXX@usouthal.edu. However,your paper's decision due dateis still more than a month away. We typically allow four months forthe review process.
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology
Re: Status of Revised ManuscriptTCST-2007-XXXX
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年10月4日(星期四)上午00:49

Dear XXX,
Thank you for your email. The editorhandling your paper is awaiting the rest of the reviews for yourpaper and has taken steps toremind the reviewers to turn in their reports. I expect he willcontact you in the next few weeks, as soon as he hasmade a decision.
All best,
XXX wrote:
Dear Editors,

Thank you for your handling ourmanuscript.
I am very sorry for the previousemails because of not knowing the routine time of review for yourjournal.

Our revisedpaper
has been reviewed for over fourmonths.
Would you like to give us someinformation about it?

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年12月5日(星期三)上午01:22

Dear Mr. XXX:
Your paper is currently outfor review. The associate editor handling youpaper is awaiting one last review, which is due any day, before he make a decision on your paper.I hope that we will have an answer for you in the next fewweeks.
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology

IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology - Decision on Manuscript ID TCST-2007-XXXX
时 间:2007年12月22日(星期六)上午08:01

Dear Mr. XXX:
The paper "XXXXXX" which you havesubmitted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on ControlSystems Technology has beenreviewed. A copy of the Associate Editor Reportand copies of the reviews are included at the bottom of thisletter.
I am pleased to report that yourmanuscript is acceptable for publication as a briefpaper. Please consider the commentscontained in the reviews, and send acopy of the revised manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief as soon asconvenient. Please note that authors have a maximum of six months torevise their manuscript. If this time isexceeded, the paper must go through the entire review process as in the caseof a new submission.
Attached are PDF files for thePublication Checklist and Copyright Form. You cansubmit the copyright electronically by clicking the "Create ECF" button next to theaccepted manuscript listed in your Author Center, but you willstill need to send the acknowledgment with the rest of the checklistmaterials.
Prof. XXX
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactionson Control Systems Technology
怎样发表SCI文章(转载) 公众平台怎样转载文章
Professor Francis J. DoyleIII
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology
University of California, SantaBarbara
Chemical EngineeringDepartment
Santa Barbara, CA93106-5080
Reviewer(s)' Comments toAuthor:
Reviewer: 1
Comments to the Author
I believe that the authors have madea serious and thorough effort to address all the issues ans pointsof criticism raised by thereviewers. However, they still need to:
i) take a final look and improve theEnglish in various parts of the text
ii) show that all assumptions andconditions of the paper's theoretical section are met in the casestudy under consideration.
Reviewer: 2
Comments to the Author
(There are no comments)
Manuscript ID TCST-2007-XXXX is nowin your Admin Center; ready for production checklist
发件人:"ieeetcst" 加入通讯录
时 间:2007年12月22日(星期六)上午08:01

Dear Mr. XXX:
Manuscript ID TCST-2007-XXXX entitled"XXXXXX" with Mr. XXX as submitting author, has been accepted tothe IEEE Transactions onControl Systems Technology.
Please send the production checklistfor this manuscript as soon as possible.
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology Editorial Office

IEEE Copyright Transfer Confirmationfor Article:XXXXXX
时 间:2008年5月14日(星期三)下午16:28

IEEECopyright Transfer Confirmation Receipt:
Publication Title: IEEE Transactionson Control Systems Technology
Article Title: XXXXXX
AuthorE-mail: XXX@sina.com
You have successfully completed theIEEE Electronic Copyright Form, a copy ofthe fully executed Form is attachedhere for your records.
Please be sure to save this e-mailfor any future reference.
If you have any questions about thisprocess, please be sure to contact theIEEE Intellectual Property RightsOffice at:
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway.NJ 08854-XXXX
Phone: +1 732 562 XXXX
Fax: +1 732 562 XXXX
Once again, congratulations, andthank you for being an IEEE author.
IEEE Intellectual PropertyRights

Receipt of ChecklistItems[/url]
时 间:2008年6月6日(星期五)上午03:25

Dear Mr. XXX:
Thank you for sending us yourchecklist items. I have everything I
need to send your paper to thepublisher when papers are next due. When your galleyproofs are ready, you will receive ane-mail notification and instructions from the publisher. Please note that we have had threeback to back special issues this year and that has created abacklog of papers. However, weare in the midst of implementing a rapid post procedure so that papers will beavailable online sooner than they appear in print.
Congratulations on the acceptance ofyour paper.
IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology

Your IEEE proof is nowavailable[/url]
发件人:"XXX" 加入通讯录
时 间:2009年1月29日(星期四)上午04:12

The proof for your article, XXXXXX,is ready for your review. Please access your proof via the user IDand password provided below.Kindly log in to the website within 48 HOURS of receiving thismessage so that we may expedite the publication process. Once you have accessed yourproof, please return your comments and/or corrections within thetime frame prescribed in theNotice to Authors, which you will find on the website along withyour proof.
Please see the following instructionsto retrieve your proof:
1. If your e-mail client softwaresupports live Web browser links, please click on the Web browserlink (URL) below to go to thelogin page to retrieve your proof. If your mailclient doesn't support live links, run your browser software, copythe link below, paste it intothe address box in your browser and press [Enter].
2. You should now see the IEEE Toolsfor Authors Article Proof Login page in your browser.
3. Please copy the User ID below andpaste it into the User ID field in the Login box.
4. Please copy the password below andpaste it into the Password field in the Login box.
5. Click on the "Sign In" button atthe bottom of the Login box.
6. You should now see your articleproof page, with links to download your proof and any associateddocuments.
User ID: XXX
Password: XXX
If for some reason your browserdisplays the IEEE Tools for Authors Article Proof Information Pageinstead of the IEEE Tools forAuthors Article Proof Login Page, you will need to take one extrastep before logging in: A. Simply copy the journalacronym listed below and paste itinto the Journal Acronym field in the Article Proof Informationbox.
B. Do the same for the Article ID,copying and pasting it into the Article ID field.
C. Then, click on the "Continue"button at the bottom of the box.
D. Then, log in normally, as in steps3-6 above. Copy the User ID above and paste itinto the User ID field in the Login box.
E. Please copy the password above andpaste it into the Password field in the Login box.
F. Click on the "Sign In" button atthe bottom of the Login box.
G. You should now see your articleproof page, with links to download your proof and any associateddocuments.
Journal acronym: TCST
Article ID: XXX
If you have trouble accessing yourproof site, please make sure that your browser's security settingutilizes 128-bit SSL as it isnecessary for access to your proof.
For Netscape. go to:
For Internet Explorer, goto:
If you are still having trouble,please make sure that you have captured the entire URL (sometimesit breaks to 2 lines).
If you have any problems or questionsregarding this proof, please contact your IEEE staff editor byreplying to this message.Thank you,
XXX, Associate Editor
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08855
Fax: 732-562-XXXX
Phone: 732-562-XXXX

发件人:"XXX" 加入通讯录
时 间:2009年3月4日(星期三)下午21:28
This has been corrected. You will seethe correct version when the issue is printed.
XXX, Associate Editor
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08855
Phone: (732) 562-XXXX
Fax: (732) 562-XXXX
IEEE. Fostering technology innovationand excellence for the benefit of humanity.
03/02/2009 02:45 AM

Dear XXX,

As the corrected poof of our paperhas been uploaded in the IEEE Transactions on Control SystemsTechnology journal website, wefound that the information of some of the authors have not beenproperly printed according to the corrected proof that we provided. The proper information isas follows:

The authors information has beenconfused. Please correct them in time. Thankyou!

Article No. XXX
Authors: XXX

Best Regards,


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101017/330718.html


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