新移民带多少钱去加拿大合适?怎么带?——关于联邦技术移民资金 加拿大联邦移民局


Proof of funds – Federal skilled workers

You must show that you haveenough money to support yourself and your family after you get toCanada. You cannot borrow this money from another person. You mustbe able to use this money to pay the costs of living for yourfamily (even if they are not coming with you).

You will need to show proofto the Canadian visa office in your home country that you haveenough money when you apply to immigrate.

The amount of money you need to supportyour family is set by the size of your family. We update theseamounts every year.

以下情况不需要出示以上资金证明:You do nothave to show that you have these fundsif:

我该带多少钱?How much money should you bring?

It is a good idea to research how much it costs to live in theplace where you plan to settle in Canada.

Bring as much money as you can to make moving and finding a home inCanada easier. Note, however, that Canadian customs regulationsrequire you to declare if you are bringingmorethan C$10,000 into Canada.Ifyou do not tell them, you may be fined or put inprison.(后果有些严重哦)Thesefunds could be in the form of:

新移民带多少钱去加拿大合适?怎么带?——关于联邦技术移民资金 加拿大联邦移民局


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101017/330688.html


移民加拿大需要多少钱 移民加拿大我后悔死了

移民加拿大需要多少钱——简介 加拿大是一个环境优美并且经济发达的资本主义国家,随着人们生活水平的提高越来越多的人们为了自己以后的长远的计划,于是就选择移民国外,由于加拿大一系列的福利因此成为很多人的首选,那么移民加拿大需要

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去张家界旅游需要多少钱——简介到张家界旅游需要多少钱 张家界我们大家一定都是非常的熟悉,那里的景色是美丽的不得了,但是咱们出门旅游花钱是避免不了的,尤其是在去张家界这样的地方,我想此时身在看经验的你一定想知道到张家界旅游多

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[新闻来源]《中国自主研发的新一代互联网有望明年在湘试运行 》 (2007年11月30日 来源:中国新闻网)中新社北京十一月三十日电 (记者 孙宇挺)......中央党校经济学部发展室主任谢鲁江说,现在通用的互联网协议是基于十六进制技术的互联

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