
1、The big earthquake killed ______people.

A. hundreds of thousandsofB. several million of

C. many thousandofD. hundreds of thousand

2、In 1984, there was a serious accident in India and_____ of people were injured.
A. hundred thousand  B. hundreds of thousands
C. hundred of thousands  D. hundreds of thousand

3、In order to find ____ better job, he decided to study ____second foreign language.

A.the;aB. a; a C.the; the D. a; the

4、Two days isn’t enough for me to finish the work. I need____ day.
A. athirdB. thethirdC. the otherD. other

5、In order to make it clear, I must go up to _______ secondfloor and ask him _______ second time.

A.the; a B. the;theC. a; the D. a; a

6、— It’s already 7:40 now. When will the filmstart?
—___. We still have five minutes.

A. A quarter tosevenB. Seven past forty-five C. A quarter toeight

7、1. There will be more chances in __
century than in __ century.

A. twenty-one,twenty B. twenty-first,twentieth C. the twenty-first, the twentieth

8、The city changed a lot ___.
A. in1980sB. in the 1980s C. in the1980

9、He graduated in ____ of ____ century.

A. the sixtieth;twenty B. sixty; the twentiethC. the sixties; the twentieth

10、He got the prize ______.
A. in hisfiftiesB. infiftiesC. in his fifty

11、When Mr Liu was ____, he became a famous professor.
A. on his forties B. in the forties
C. in thefortyD. in his forties

12、The accident happened on ___.

A. April 5,2001 B. 2001, April5 C. April 2001, 5

13、I was born ___.

A. in March 8,1993B. on July 9, 1994 C. on May,1995

14、About _______ of the workers in the factory were born inthe _______. (2008无锡市;2009兰州市)

A.two-thirds;1970B. two-thirds; 1970s

C.two-third;1970D. two-third; 1970s

15、__ of the students __ boys in our class.

A. Two three;areB. Two thirds; are C. Two thirds; is

16、__ of her money __ spent on clothes.
A. Two three;areB. Two thirds; is C. Two third; is

17、__ the teachers in our school is about one hundred, and __of them are women teachers.
A. The number of; twothirdB. The number of; two thirds
C. A number of; two thirds

18、The boy always stays there for _____.

A.one and half hour B. one and ahalf hour C. one and a half hours

19、The old man drank _____ beer.
A. two bottles and ahalf B. twoand a half bottle C. two bottle and ahalf

20、This building is _____ that building.

A. three time as highasB. twice higher than C. threetimes as higher as

21、The elephant is _____ the pig.
A. heavier ten timesthan B. tentimes heavier than
C. heavier than tentimes D. tentimes than heavier

22、The winner is ___. He is an ___ boy.
A. eight-year-old; eight yearsold B. eight years old;eight-year-old
C. eight-years old; eight-year-old

23、He came to China ____.
A. at the age of 20 B. when heis 20 C. at age of 20

24、The river is about ____.
A. 6,000 meters long B.6,000-meters-long C. 6,000-meter-long

25、Our school is only _____ walk from here.(2002南京市)
A.five-minuteB. five minute’s
C. fiveminutesD. five minutes’

26、Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ___ to his office.(2001甘肃)
A. 20 minutes walk B. 20minute’s walk
C. 20-minutes walk D. 20-minutewalk

27、It is ___ walk from here to my school.
A.two-hoursB. two hours
C.two-hourD. a two-hour

28、He had a _____ visit to Canada last month.(2002深圳)
A. tendaysB. ten-day
C.ten-daysD. ten day

29、He wrote a _____ report.
A.2000-wordsB. 2000-word
C. 2000wordsD. 2000 word

30、Kate is _____ girl.
A. a 18-years-old B. an18-year-old
C. a18-year-oldD. an 18-years-old

31、Our teacher told us that we would have a ____ holiday afterthe exam. (2005湖南衡阳市)

C. twoweeksD. two-weeks

32、Harry has just finished writing a ________ composition.(2005无锡市)

A.nine-hundred-word B.nine-hundred-words

C.nine-hundreds-word D.nine-hundreds-words

33、The young woman has _____ daughter.

A. atwo-years-old B. atwo-year-old
C. two-year-oldD. two year’s old

34、She is looking after a _______. (2008兰州市)

A.five-month-old baby B. five month oldbaby

C.five-months-old baby D. five-years-oldbaby

35、The Sutong Highway Bridge, a ________ bridge, is alreadyopen to traffic. (2008南通市)

A.32 kilometrelongB. 32-kilometre-long

C.32 kilometres long D.32-kilometres-long

36、Each of us has to write a ____ report every two weeks.(2010广州市)

A.two-hundred-wordB. two-hundreds-word

C.two-hundreds-words D.two-hundred-words

37、“I want my leg! I want to run! I want to jump!” a ________girl cried in the hospital in Libya (利比亚). (2011云南八市)

C. 5 yearoldD. 5-years-old

38、Tom has just finished writing a _________ article.(2011四川资阳)

A.nine-hundred-words B. nine-hundreds-word

C.nine-hundred-word D. nine-hundreds-words

39、I don’t believe that this _____ boy can paint such a nicepicture. (2011四川德阳)

A.five yearsoldB.five-years-old
C. five-year-old

40、I’m _____, and I have a _____ sister.
A. 15 year old, 16-year-old B. 15 years old,16-years-old
C. 15-year-old, 16 years old D.15 years old, 16-year-old

41、In the past twenty years, many tall buildings have beenbuilt in our city. Look! This isa ________.(2008张家口市)
A. 70-floorbuildingB. 70-floors building
C. 70-floorbuildings D.70 floors building

42、Just a moment, please. I’ll finish it in ___ five minutes.(1998呼市)
A. another B. other C.more D. less

43、--Have you finished your report yet?
--No. I’ll finish it in ___ ten minutes. (2002呼市)
A. another B. other C.more D. less

44、If you want to change for a double room, you’ll have to pay___ ten dollars. (2000高考)
A. other B. more C. another D. each(01呼市)

45、The bus is full. We can hardly make ___ for ___persons.
A. a room, three more B. room,more three
C. room, three more D. a room,another three

46、Beijing is really an interesting city with a long history,so I want to stay here for ___ ten days.(02奥赛高一组)
A. another B. other C. more D. the others

47、The doctor worked for ____ after twelve o’clock.(2003河北)
A. two more hours B. two another hour
C. more two hours D. anothertwo hour

48、I am still hungry. Could I have two ____ pieces of bread,please? (2001冀)
A. much B. many C.more D. most

49、“Do you have enough men to carry these chairs?”(2001重庆市)
“No. I think we need ____ men.”
A. anotherB.two others
C. moretwoD. two more

50、---We have found ten desks.
---That’s not enough. We need to find ____.
A. the other one B. otherone
C. anotherD. one more

51、The work is too difficult for Mr. Zhu to finish in a week.He needs ____ days. (2008江苏宿迁市)

A.moretwoB. twomore
C. two another D. anothermore

52、We don’t have enough nurses to look after the patients. At least_____ are needed. (2009重庆市)

A.ten anothernursesB. more ten nurses

C.other tennursesD. another ten nurses

53、--How long will you stay here? (06武汉)

--Ithink I will be here for _____ more days.

A.few B. afew C.little D. alittle

54、We have waited for him for two hours.Let’s wait _____ minutes.
A. more a few B. a fewmore
C. moretwoD. a little more

55、---Did Han Meimei pick a lot of apples?

---Yes. She picked ______ than any of us.(2000荆州市)

A.many moreB. muchmore
C. themostD. the most of all

56、The Smiths have moved to No. 5 Building, and are now livingin ___.
A. 208thRoomB. Room 208
C. Room No. 208 D. the 208Room

57、.--There is a wrong word in Line ___.
--In the ____ line.
A. two; two B. two;second
C. second; two D. second;second

58、Now, everyone, please turn to Page _____ and look at the_____ picture. (2012兰州市)
A. Twelve; fifth B. Twelfth; fifth
C. Twelve; five D. Twelfth;five

59、December is the ____ month in a year.
A. twenty B.twelve
C. ninthD.twelfth

60、There are ___ people in my family. We live on the___ floor in a tall building.
A. five,sixB. fifth, six
C. fifth, sixth D. five,sixth

61、.--What was the date yesterday?
A. It was Friday.
B. It was the fifth day.
C. It was Aprilfifth.
D. It was April thefifth.

62、.___ is Teachers’ Day.
A. The SeptembertenB. September the ten
C. September the tenth D.September ten

63、___ Chinese are lookingfor
ways to learn English wellbefore Beijing 2008 Olympics.
A.Thousand B.Thousandof C.Thousands D.Thousands of

64、Many old inventionsin
this science museumwere
invented ___ years ago.
A. hundredsof B. hundredof C. two hundreds D. twohundred of

65、___ of the teachers in the school is 300, ___ ofthem are women teachers.
A. The number, firstfourth B. Thenumber, one fourth
C. A number, onesecondD. A number, three quarters

66、In our class ___ of the
students are girls.
A. threefifths B.three fifth C. thirdfive D. third fifths

67、The question is very easy, even a _____ child cananswer it.

A. three-yearsold B. threeyears old

C.three-year-oldD. three year old

68、The _____ man on the left is Beckman, a famousfootball player.

A.two B.second C.three

69、---Which class won the match in theend?

---I’m not sure. Maybe _____ did.

A. ClassThirdB. Class Three

C. thirdthreeD. class three

70、Nine _____ pounds a week? That’s very good.

A. hundredofB. hundreds of

C.hundredsD. hundred

71、Sharks have been on the earth for _____years.

A. thousandsof B. twothousands C. two thousands ofD. thousand of

72、The computer was cheap. I spent only two _____yuan on it.

A.thousandsB. thousand

C. thousandsof D.thousand of

73、The road is over ______ metreslong.

A. six hundreds andfifty-two B. six hundred and fifty-two

C. six hundred,fifty-two D.six hundred, fifty and two

74、The boy told the old woman, “The train will arrive at two totwo.”It means ______.

A.2:02 B.2:20 C.1:58 D. 1:40

75、Every year, ______ fishes are killed by thepolluted water.

A. millionofB. millions of

C. two millionsofD. two millions

76、Sara said we would meet at _____ in front of themuseum.

A. onethirtyB. half anhour

C. one andthirty D. one pastthirty

77、We’ll have a _____ holiday afterthe exam.

A. twomonthB. two-month

C. twomonth’s D.two-months

78、Now children, turn to Page ______ and look at the_____ picture in Lesson Two.

A. Twentieth;one B. Twenty;one

C. Twentieth;first D. Twenty;first

79、Today we are going to learn the ____lesson.

A.twentyB. twentith

C.twentiethD. twentyth

80、Dinosaur eggs were found in the _____.

A.1990B. 1990th
C. 1990s D.1990s’

81、---How often do I take the medicine?

A.Twice B. Twice adayC. Twice one day D. In twice days

82、--How many magazines do you have?
--I have ________.
A.twoB.bothC.twiceD. the second

83、Three hundred thousand one hundred and seventymeans _____.
A.3,170B.3,117C.300,170D. 30,170

84、On May ________, ________ people traveled roundthe country.

A. the first,millions B.the first, millionsof
C. first, themillionth D.first, millions

85、______ of them are dining at school.

C. ThetwelveD. The 12th

86、---Which room do you live in?
A. The 201Room B. Room201
C. Room201stD. The 201’s Room

87、The People’s Liberation Army was founded ______.
A. on August 1, 1927 B. in1927, 1 August
C. on 1927, August 1st D. in August 1,1927

88、Three _____ seven is twenty-one.
C.timesD.divided by

89、It took me ________ to get there.
A. two hours and ahalfB. two hours and half
C. two hour and ahalfD. two hour and half

90、Please pass me _______ book on theleft.

C. the thirdD. the three

91、We have known each other for ________.
A. a year andhalf B. ayear withhalf

C. a year and ahalfD. a year with ahalf

92、The train from Shanghai will arrive________.

  1. in quarter pastsix B. in a quarter pastsix

C. at quarter pastsix D. at aquarter past six

93、My friend was born on ________.

A. three of July,1979B. the third of July, 1979

C. 1979, July thethirdD. 1979, the third of July

94、Abraham Lincoln was ______ President of the UnitedStates.

A. 16B. the16C.16thD. the 16th

95、Do you think there is any room for us________?

A.twoB. thetwoC.secondD. the second

96、The old professor still works hard though he is_________.

A. in hissixty B. inhissixties

C. insixtiesD. in the sixty

97、This classroom is ________ ours.

  1. three times bigas B. as three times bigas

C. three times as big as D. asbig three times as

98、Which of the following is wrong?________.

A. He is a fifteen-year-oldboy.B. He is at the age of 15.

C. He is a boy of15.D. He is fifteen year old.

99、.____ exciting news! We will have a ____ holiday after theexam. (2012兰州市)
A. What an; twomonths B. Howan; two months
C. What;two-monthD. How; two months’

100、There are ______ monthsin a year. October is the ______ month.(2009年广东中考第26题)

A. twelve, ten B.twelfth, tenth C. twelve,tenth D. twelfth, ten

101、---We have five kinds ofschoolbags. Do you like this one?

----No. Can you show me _______?(2009年广东中考第27题)

A. another B.each other C. theother D.others

102、---Do you know the boy_____ is sitting next to Peter?

---Yes. He is Peter’s friend. They are celebrating his _______birthday.(2009年深圳中考第6题)

A. who,ninth B. that,ninth C./,ninth D. which ,ninth

103、After Lucy and Lily, Tonyis now ____ student to win the game in ourclass.(2009年佛山中考第23题)

A. the thirdB. a third C. thesecond

104、---Zhanjiang is really abeautiful city, isn’t it?

---Yes, ______ travelers like to come here for avisit.(2009年湛江中考第26题)

A. thousandsof B. thousandof C.thousand D. three thousands

105、This is Mr. White’s______visit to Beijing. He has been there twicebefore.(2010年广东中考第30题)

A. two B.second C.three D. third

106、---_____people are takingaction to protect the environment now.

--- Yes. _____ of my classmates come to school bybike now. (2010年深圳中考第5题)

A. More and more, Fourfifth B. Less and less, Fourfifth

C. More and more, Fourfifths D. Less and less, Fourfifths

107、---How often do you go toschool in your country?


A. In fivedays B. For fivedays C. Five days aweek D. Five days ago

108、There are nine _____students in our school.(2010年茂名中考第33题)

A. hundreds B.hundreds of C.hundred

109、______ of the land inthat country _______covered with tree and grass.(2010年梅州中考第44题)

A. Two five ,is B. Two fifths ,are C. Two five,are D. Two fifths, is

110、After the Asian Games,_____people came to Guangzhou for a visit duringholiday.(2011年广东省中考第29题)

A.thousand B. thousandsof C. fivethousands D. five thousandof

111、---_____ will she stayhere?

---For ______.(2011年深圳中考第3题)

A. How soon, one hour and ahalf B. How long , one and ahalf hours

C. How soon , one and halfhours D. How long, one hour andhalf

112、To many foreigners,Guangzhou has become their ______ hometown.


A.two B.second C. the second

113、---Has Mary beenback?

---Not yet. She will comeback _____ the evening of June _____.(2011年梅州中考第32题)

A. at , firstB. to, thirtieth C.on, the twelfth D. on, thenineteen

114、--- How was yourweekend?

---Great! Itwas my grandfather’s ____birthday. We enjoyedourselves.(2012年广东中考29题)

A. seventy B.seventieth C. theseventieth D. seventeenth

115、Three students ran fasterthan Lily in the race. Lily was ______.(2012年佛山中考34题)

A. the fourthB. four C.the third

116、---Is Beijing a city witha long history?

---Of course. And afterthe Olympic Games, ____people came to Beijing for a visit duringthe vacation.(2012年湛江中考第23题)

A. thousandsof B.thousand C. five thousands D.five thousand of






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如何练习弹跳 精华

如何练习弹跳 (精华)——简介有很多人不能灌篮,不是因为黄种人天赋不及黑人,更大程度上说是对灌篮的欲望不够。我不是一个敢想敢做的人,挺理性的,现实中也总被条条框框囚禁起来。不过我从一开始打球就梦想着灌篮,相信这也是每个喜欢打球的


