点读课件 2015人教版PEP小学英语六年级下册三年级起点 (附录 英语pep三年级起点







Short plays 短剧
The three little pigs 三只小猪

Narrator: Once upon a time, 从前,
there were three little pigs, 有三只小猪,
named Pete, Pat and Paul. 名叫Pete,Pat和Paul。
They were brothers. 他们是兄弟。
One day, they left their mother's house. 一天,他们离开了妈妈的房子。
The winter was coming. 冬天要来了。
They wanted to build a new house. 他们想建新房子。
One day, Pete met a man. 一天,Pete遇到一个人。
He had straw to sell. 这个人卖干草。
Pete: Can I please buy your straw? 我可以买你的干草吗?
Straw-seller: Sure. What for? 当然。要做什么用?
Pete: I am going to build a house with it. 我要用它盖房子。
Straw-seller: Straw is not strong. 草可不结实。
Pete: That's OK. I need a house before winter.可以的。冬天之前我需要一个房子。

Narrator: So Pete built his house of straw. 于是Pete盖好了他的草房子。
The next day, Pat met a man. 第二天,Pat遇到一个人。
He sold sticks. 这个人卖树枝。
Pat: Can I please buy your sticks? 我可以买你的树枝吗?
Stick-seller: Sure. What for? 当然。用它干什么?
Pat: I am going to build a house with them. 我要用它盖房子。
Stick-seller: Sticks are not strong. 树枝可不结实。
Pat: That's OK. I need a house before winter.可以啦。冬天之前我需要一个房子。

Narrator: So Pat built his house of sticks. 于是Pat盖好了他的树枝房子。
Then Paul met a man. 然后,Paul遇到一个人。
He sold bricks. 这个人卖砖块。
Paul: Can I please buy your bricks? 我可以买你的砖块吗?
[点读课件]2015人教版PEP小学英语六年级下册(三年级起点)(附录 英语pep三年级起点
Brick-seller: Sure. What for? 当然。用来做什么?
Paul: I am going to build a house with them. 我要用它盖房子。
Brick-seller: Great! Bricks are very strong. 太好了!砖很结实。
Pete: It is hard work to build a house of bricks.用砖头盖房子是个辛苦的工作。
Pat: Bricks are very heavy. 砖块很重。
Paul: Bricks are heavier than straw and sticks. 砖块比草和树枝都重。
Brick house are stronger than straw houses and stick houses.砖房子比草房子和树枝房子更结实。

Narrator: The man sold Paul the bricks. 那人卖给了Paul砖块。
Paul built his house of bricks. Paul盖好了他的砖房子。
Pat built his house of sticks. Pat盖好了他的树枝房子。
Pete built his house of straw. Pete盖好了他的草房子。
Then one day, 然后有一天,
a hungry wolf came out of the woods. 一头饥饿的狼走出来树林。
He went to the first house. 他到了第一个房子。
It was Pete's house, made of straw. 是Pete的草房子。
Wolf: Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in! 小猪,小猪,让我进去!
Pete: No way! No way! Not by the hair on my chin. 没门!没门!别想进来。
Wolf: Then I will blow your house down. 那我就要吹倒你的房子。

Narrator: The wolf blew the straw house down. 狼把草房子吹倒了。
Pete ran to Pat's house. Pete跑到了Pat的房子里。
The wolf went to the second house. 狼去了第二个房子。
It was the house made of sticks. 这是树枝盖的房子。
Wolf: Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in! 小猪,小猪,让我进去!
Pete & Pat: No way! No way! Not by the hair on my chin.没门!没门!别想进来。
Wolf: Then I will blow your house down. 那我就吹倒你的房子。

Narrator: The wolf blew the stick house down. 狼把树枝房子吹倒了。
Pete and Pat ran to Paul's house. Pete和Pat跑到了Paul的房子里。
So the wolf went to the brick house. 于是狼去了砖房子。
Wolf: Little Pig, Little Pig, let me in! 小猪,小猪,让我进去!
Pete, Pat & Paul: No way! No way! Not by the hair on my chin.没门!没门!别想进来。
Wolf: Then I will blow your house down. 那我就吹倒你的房子。

Narrator: The wolf blew and blew.狼吹啊吹。
The house would not come down. 房子就是不倒。
He blew harder. 他吹得更厉害了。
The house would not come down. 房子还是不倒。
Finally, the wolf climbed on the top of the house.最后,狼爬到了房顶上。
He went down the chimney. 他顺着烟囱下来。
He fell into the fire. 掉进了火里。
Pete, Pat & Paul: Hurray! 万岁!

Little Red-Cap 小红帽

Narrator: Once upon a time, 从前,
there was a pretty little girl. 有一个美丽的小女孩。
She wore a little red cap. 她戴一顶红色的小帽子。
It was from her grandmother. 那是奶奶给她的。
The girl loved the cap very much. 女孩很喜爱这顶帽子。
She was always wearing it. 她总是戴着它。
So everyone called her "Little Red-Cap". 所以人们都叫她“小红帽”。
One day, her mother called her from the garden. 一天,妈妈在花园里叫她。
Mother: Little Red-Cap! 小红帽!
Little Red-Cap: Yes, Mum? 什么事妈妈?
Mother: Here is a piece of sweet cake and some medicine.这里有一块甜蛋糕和一些药。
Please take them to your grandmother. 请把它们带给奶奶。
Little Red-Cap: Sure! 好的!
Mother: Don't run off the path. 不要离开路。
Don't go into the woods. 不要进树林。
It's dangerous. 树林危险。
Walk nicely and don't break the bottle. 好好走路,别打碎瓶子。
Don't forget to say "Good morning!" to your grandmother.别忘了和奶奶说“早上好!”。
Little Red-Cap: Yes, Mum. I will be careful. 好的,妈妈。我会小心的。

Narrator: Little Red-Cap set out. 小红帽出发了。
She was so excited. 她很兴奋。
She saw the woods. 她看到了树林。
She wanted to go into the woods. 她想进树林去。
She forgot her mother's words. 她忘掉了妈妈的话。

Little Red-Cap: What's in the woods? 树林里有什么呢?
I'd like to see the trees and the birds. 我喜欢看树和鸟儿。
Narrator: She went into the woods. 她走进了树林。
She saw a wolf. 她看到了一头狼。
Wolf: Good morning, Little Red-Cap. 早上好,小红帽。
Little Red-Cap: Good morning, Wolf. 早上好,狼。
Wolf: Where are you going? 你要去哪儿?
Little Red-Cap: I'm going to my grandmother's house. 我要去奶奶家。
Wolf: What do you have there? 你带什么了?
Little Red-Cap: I have some cake and medicine for my grandmother.我给奶奶带了一些蛋糕和药。
Wolf: Where does your grandmother live? 你奶奶住哪儿?
Little Red-Cap: Her house is far. 她家很远。
She lives near the mountain. 她住在大山附近。
Wolf: Listen, Little Red-Cap. 听着,小红帽。
Can you hear the sweet little birds? 你能听到动听的小鸟吗?
They are singing. 它们在唱歌。
And look! How pretty the flowers are! 看!花儿多美丽!
Why don't you take some flowers to your grandmother?何不给你奶奶带一些花儿呢?
Little Red-Cap: Good idea! 好主意!

Narrator: Little Red-Cap picked some flowers for her grandmother.小红帽给奶奶摘了一些花。
The wolf ran to the grandmother's house. 狼跑到了奶奶家。
He knocked at the door. 他敲门。

Grandmother: Who is there? 是谁呀?
Wolf: Little Red-Cap. 小红帽。
It's me, grandmother. 是我,奶奶。
I have some cake for you. 我给你带了一些蛋糕。
Open the door, please. 请开门。
Grandmother: I'm in bed. Come in. 我在床上。进来吧。
Narrator: The wolf went into the house. 狼进了房子。
Wolf: Good morning, Grandmother. 早上好,奶奶。
Grandmother: What a strange voice you have, Little Red-Cap.小红帽,你的声音好奇怪。
Wolf: I have a cold. 我感冒了。
My throat is sore. 我的嗓子疼。
Grandmother: I'm sorry. 抱歉。

Narrator: The wolf jumped onto the bed and ate the grandmother.狼跳到床上,吃了奶奶。
He got into the grandmother's bed. 他钻到了奶奶的床上。
Little Red-Cap came to the house. 小红帽来到房子。
She went into the house. 她走进房子。
Little Red-Cap: Good morning, Grandmother. 早上好,奶奶。
Wolf: Good morning, my dear. 早上好,亲爱的。
Little Red-Cap: What a strange voice you have, Grandmother!奶奶,你的声音好奇怪。
Wolf: I have a cold. 我感冒了。
My throat is sore. 我的嗓子疼。
Narrator: Little Red-Cap went to the bed. 小红帽来到床边。
She saw the wolf. 她看到了狼。
She was surprised. 她很吃惊。
Little Red-Cap: What big eyes you have, Grandmother!奶奶,你的眼睛好大!
Wolf: They help me see you better. 这样我能更好地看见你。
Little Red-Cap: What big ears you have, Grandmother!奶奶,你的耳朵真大!
Wolf: They help me hear you better. 这样我能更好地听见你。
Little Red-Cap: What large hands you have, Grandmother!奶奶,你的手好大!
Wolf: They help me hug you better. 这样我能更好地抱你。
Little Red-Cap: What big teeth you have, Grandmother!奶奶,你的牙齿好大!
Wolf: They help me eat you better. 这样我能更好地吃你。

Narrator: The wolf jumped out of the bed. 狼从床上跳出来。
He ate Little Red-Cap. 他吃掉了小红帽。
Then he went to sleep. 然后他睡着了。
A hunter came to the grandmother's house. 一个猎人来到奶奶的房子。
Hunter: How does the old woman feel now? 老太太现在感觉怎样了?
Is she better? 她好点了吗?
I must go and see her. 我必须去看看她。
Narrator: He went to the grandmother's bed, 他来到奶奶的床前,
but he didn't see her. 但是他看不到她。
He saw the wolf. 他看到了狼。
He killed the wolf. 他杀了狼。
Grandmother and Little Red-Cap jumped out of the wolf's stomach.奶奶和小红帽从狼的胃里跳出来。
Little Red-Cap: Thank you, Mr Hunter. 谢谢你,猎人先生。
I will never go into the woods again by myself! 我再也不一个人进树林了。
Grandmother: Thank you for helping us! 谢谢你救了我们!


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毫米的认识》 毫米的认识课件

《毫米的认识》说课材料(2010-04-13 20:40:06)转载标签:教育分类: 教育教学今天,我说课的内容是人教版《小学数学义务教育课程标准实验教科书》三年级上册第一单元“测量”的第一课时,“毫米的认识”。下面我将从教材分析、教法学

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