刘兆平,博士,研究员,博士生导师,中科院百人计划。 江西兴国人,1976年4月出生。 1994-1998年,赣南师范学院化学与化工系,获理学学士学位; 1998-2001年,山东大学化学学院,获理学硕士学位; 2001-2004年,中国科学技术大学化学系,获理学博士学位; 2004-2007年,日本物质•材料研究机构(NIMS),博士后; 2007-2008年,纽约州立大学宾汉顿分校(SUNY@Binghamton)化学系,博士后; 2008年10月,加入中科院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,研究员。 主要从事动力锂离子电池材料研究开发。已在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew.Chem., Adv.Mater.等著名学术期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇,至今获他人引用2000余次;申请国家发明专利四十余项,国际专利3项;实现磷酸铁锂产业化技术和石墨烯产业化技术的转移转化。 目前承担项目:中科院重点部署项目1项,中科院院地合作项目1项、宁波市重大工业攻关项目1项,浙江省杰出青年基金项目1项,与企业联合研发项目2项。
电话/传真:0574-86685096 E-mail:liuzp@nimte.ac.cn
发表论文: 2013年 1. Xing Xin , Xufeng Zhou*, Jinghua Wu , Xiayin Yao , and ZhaopingLiu*, ‘Scalable Synthesis of TiO2/Graphene Nanostructured Compositewith High-Rate Performance for Lithium Ion Batteries’, ACS Nano2012, DOI: 10.1021/nn304725m. 2. Liang Zhou, Xufeng Zhou, Xiaodan Huang, Zhaoping Liu, DongyuanZhao*, Xiangdong Yao and Chengzhong Yu*, ‘Designed synthesis ofLiMn2O4 microspheres with adjustable hollow structures forlithium-ion battery applications’, J. Mater. Chem. A 2012, DOI:10.1039/C2TA00582D. 2012年 1. Zhihong Qin, Xufeng Zhou*, Yonggao Xia, Changlin Tang, ZhaopingLiu*, ‘Morphology controlled synthesis and modification ofhigh-performance LiMnPO4 cathode materials for Li-ion batteries’,J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 21114-21153. 2. Xing Xin, Xufeng Zhou, Feng Wang, Xiayin Yao, Xiaoxiong Xu,Yimei Zhu* and Zhaoping Liu*, ‘A 3D porous architecture ofSi/graphene nanocomposite as high-performance anode materials forLi-ion batteries’, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 7724-7730. 3. Jun Wang, Guoxia Yuan, Minghao Zhang, Bao Qiu, Yonggao Xia*,Zhaoping Liu*. ‘The structure, morphology, and electrochemicalproperties of Li1+xNi1/6Co1/6Mn4/6O2.25+x/2 (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.7) cathodematerials’, Electrochim. Acta. 2012, 66. 61-66. 4. Jun Wang, Minghao Zhang, Changlin Tang, Yonggao Xia*, ZhaopingLiu*, ‘Microwave-irradiation synthesis of Li1.3NixCoyMn1−x−yO2.4cathode materials for lithium ion batteries’, Electrochim. Acta2012, 80, 15–21. 5. Jun Wang, Bao Qiu, Hailiang Cao, Yonggao Xia*, Zhaoping Liu*‘Electrochemical properties of0.6Li[Li1/3Mn2/3]O2–0.4LiNixMnyCo1−x−yO2 cathode materials forlithium-ion batteries’ J. Power Sources 2012, 218, 128–133. 6. Xing Xin, Xiayin Yao, Yiming Zhang, Zhaoping Liu*, XiaoxiongXu*, ‘Si/C nanocomposite anode materials by freeze-drying withenhanced electrochemical performance in lithium-ion batteries’, J.Solid. State. Electrochem. 2012, 16, 2733-2738. 7. Juanjuan Liu, Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia, Xufeng Zhou, Yaletu Saixi,Zhaoping Liu*. ‘Synthesis and electrochemical performance ofLi1+xNi0.5Mn0.3Co0.2O2+δ (0 ≤ x≤0.15) cathode materials forlithium-ion batteries’. Mater. Res. Bull. 2012, 47, 807-812. 8. Minghao Zhang, Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia*, Zhaoping Liu*. ‘Microwavesynthesis of spherical spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 as cathode materialfor lithium-ion batteries’. J. Alloys. Compd. 2012, 518,68-73. 9. Xiaodan Huang, Xufeng Zhou, Kun Qian, Dongyuan Zhao, ZhaopingLiu*, Chengzhong Yu*. ‘A magnetite nanocrystal/graphene compositeas high performance anode for lithium-ion batteries’. J. Alloys.Compd. 2012, 514, 76-80. 10. Juanjuan Liu, Xuyang Wang, Xiayin Yao, Jun Wang, Zhaoping Liu*,‘Homogeneous precipitation of α-phase Co-Ni hydroxides hexagonalplatelets’, Particuology 2012, 10, 24-28. 11. Xiayin Yao, Xing Xin, Yiming Zhang, Jun Wang, Zhaoping Liu*,Xiaoxiong Xu*, ‘Co3O4 nanowires as high capacity anode materialsfor lithium ion batteries’. J. Alloys. Compd. 2012, 521,95-100. 12. Qinghong Liu, Xufeng Zhou, Xinyu Fan, Chunyang Zhu, Xiayin Yao,Zhaoping Liu*, ‘Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Epoxy ResinNanocomposites Reinforced with Graphene Oxide’, Polymer-PlasticsTech. & Eng. 2012, 51(3), 251-256. 13. YF Lin, SC Chiu, ST Wang, SK Fu, CH Chen, WJ Xie, SH Yang, CSHsu, JF Chen, XF Zhou, ZP Liu, J Fang, WB Jian*. ‘Dielectrophoreticplacement of quasi-zero-, one-, and two-dimensional nanomaterialsinto nanogap for electrical characterizations’, Electrophoresis2012, 33(16), 2475-2481.
2011年 1. Xufeng Zhou, Feng Wang, Yimei Zhu and Zhaoping Liu*. "Graphenemodified LiFePO4 cathode materials for high power lithium ionbatteries". J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 3353-3358. 2. Xiayin Yao, Changlin Tang, Guoxia Yuan, Ping Cui, Xiaoxiong Xu*,Zhaoping Liu*, "Porous hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) nanorods as an anodematerial with enhanced rate capability in lithium-ion batteries".Electrochem. Commun. 2011, 13, 1439-1442. 3. Yongqiang Wang*, Zhaoping Liu*, Shaomin Zhou. "An effectivemethod for preparing uniform carbon coated nano-sized LiFePO4particles". Electrochim. Acta. 2011, 58, 359-363 4. Xuyang Wang, Xufeng Zhou, Ke Yao, Jiangang Zhang, and ZhaopingLiu*, ‘A SnO2/graphene compositeas a high stability electrode forlithium ion batteries’, Carbon 2011, 49(1): 133-139. 5. Jun Wang, Xiayin Yao, Xufeng Zhou, and Zhaoping Liu*, ‘Synthesisand Electrochemical Properties of Layered Lithium Transition MetalOxides’, J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21(8): 2544-2549. 6. Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia*, Xiayin Yao, Minghao Zhang, Yiming Zhang,and Zhaoping Liu*, "Synthesis and Electrochemical Feature of aMultiple-phases Li-Rich Nickel Manganese Oxides Cathode Material",Inter. J. Electrochem. Sci. 2011, 6, 6670-6681. 7. Fei Zhuge, Benlin Hu, Congli He, Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu,Run-Wei Li*. "Mechanism of nonvolatile resistive switching ingraphene oxide thin films". Carbon, 2011, 49, 3796-3802. 8. Mitsuko Onoda, Zhaoping Liu, Yasuo Ebina, Kazunori Takada, andTakayoshi Sasaki*. "X-ray Diffraction Study on RestackedFlocculates from Binary Colloidal Nanosheet Systems Ti0.91O2-MnO2,Ca2Nb3O10-Ti0.91O2, and Ca2Nb3O10-MnO2". J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011,115, 8555-8566. 9. Xiaodan Huang, Xufeng Zhou, L. A. Zhou, K., Y. H. Wang. KunQian, Zhaoping Liu*, Chengzhong Yu*. "A Facile One-StepSolvothermal Synthesis of SnO2/Graphene Nanocomposite and ItsApplication as an Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries.ChemPhysChem 2011, 12, 278-281. 2010年 1. Zhaoping Liu, Xufeng Zhou, Yitai Qian*, ‘Synthetic Methodologiesfor Carbon Nanomaterials’, Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(17),1963-1966. 2. Xufeng Zhou, Zhaoping Liu*, ‘A Scalable, Solution-phaseProcessing Route to Ultralarge Graphene Sheets’, Chem. Commun.2010, 46(15), 2511-22613. 3. Shiliu Yang, Xufeng Zhou, Jiangang Zhang, Zhaoping Liu*,‘Morphology-Controlled Solvothermal Synthesis of LiFePO4 as aCathode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries’, J. Mater. Chem. 2010,20(37), 8086-8091. 4. Dan Xu, Stoyan Bliznakov, Zhaoping Liu, Jiye Fang* and NikolayDimitrov, ‘Composition-Dependent Electrocatalytic Activity of Pt-Cunanocube Catalysts towards Formic Acid Oxidation,’ Angew. Chem.Int. Ed. 2010, 49(7), 1282-1285. 5. Yen-Fu Lin, Tzu-Han Chen, Chia-Hung Chang, Yu-Wei Chang,Yi-Cheng Chiu, Hsiang-Chih Hung, Ji-Jung Kai, Zhaoping Liu, JiyeFang, and Wen-Bin Jian*,‘Electron Transpot in High-ResistanceSemiconductor Nanowires Through Two-Probe Measurements’, Phys.Chem. Chem. Phy, 2010, 12(36):10928-10932. 2003-2009年,10篇代表性论文: 1. Zhaoping Liu, Kai Sun, Wen-Bin Jian, Dan Xu, Yen-Fu Lin, andJiye Fang, ‘Soluble InP and GaP Nanowires: Self-Seeded,Solution-Liquid-Solid Synthesis and Electrical Properties’, Chem.Eur. J. 2009, 15(18), 4546-4552. (Highlighted with afrontispiece) 2. Dan Xu#, Zhaoping Liu#, Hongzhou Yang, Qingsheng Liu, Jun Zhang,Jiye Fang, Shouzhong Zou, and Kai Sun, “Solution-Based Evolution ofMonodisperse PtCu Nanocubes and Their Enhanced Methanol OxidationActivity” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48(23), 4217-4221. (#Co-firstauthors; 入选Very Important Paper, VIP) 3. Zhaoping Liu, Amar Kumbhar, Dan Xu, Jun Zhang, Zhaoyong Sun andJiye Fang,* ‘Co-reduction Colloidal Synthesis of III-VNanocrystals: The Case of InP’, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47,3540-3542 (Very Important Paper, VIP). 4. Zhaoping Liu, Renzhi Ma, Tathuo Shibata, Yasuo Ebina, KazunoriTakada, Takayoshi Sasaki,* ‘Synthesis and Delamination of LayeredManganese Oxide Nanobelts’, Chem. Mater. 2007, 19, 6504-6512. 5. Zhaoping Liu, Renzhi Ma, Minoru Osada, Nobuo Iyi, Yasuo Ebina,Kazunori Takada, Takayoshi Sasaki,* ‘Synthesis, Anion Exchange, andDelamination of Co-Al Layered Double Hydroxide: Assembly of theExfoliated Nanosheet/Polyanion Composite Films and Magneto-opticalStudies’, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006,128,4872-4880. 6. Zhaoping Liu, Renzhi Ma, Minoru Osada, Kazunori Takada,Takayoshi Sasaki,* ‘Selective and Controlled Synthesis of CobaltHydroxides in Highly Developed Hexagonal Platelets’, J. Am. Chem.Soc. 2005. 127, 13869-13874. 7. Zhaoping Liu, Jianbo Liang, Dan Xu, Yitai Qian,* ‘A FacileChemical Route to Semiconductor Metal Sulfide NanocrystalSuperlattices’, Chem. Commun. 2004, 2724-2725. 8. Zhaoping Liu, Shu Li, You Yang,Sheng Peng, Zhaokang Hu, YitaiQian,* ‘Complex-Surfactant-Assisted Hydrothermal Route toFerromagnetic Nickel Nanobelts’, Adv. Mater. 2003, 15,1946-1948. 9. Zhaoping Liu, Sheng Peng, Qin Xie, Zhaokang Hu, You Yang,Shuyuan Zhang, Yitai Qian,* ‘Large-Scale Synthesis of Ultra-longBi2S3 Nanoribbons via a Solvothermal Process’, Adv. Mater. 2003,15, 936-940. 10. Zhaoping Liu, Zhaokang Hu, Qin Xie, Baojun Yang, Ji Wu, YitaiQian,* ‘Surfactant-assisted Growth of Uniform Nanorods ofCrystalline Tellurium’, J. Mater. Chem. 2003, 13, 159-162. |