有关“控告,指控;chargev.”的词汇 刑事控告书

有关“控告,指控;charge v. ”的词汇

charge [ 5tFB:dV ] v.(常用词;指对于无论大小,公私的过失或犯罪等的)控告;指控
—The man they arrested last night has been charged withmurder.
—They charged that the police had beaten three students todeath.
* charge n. 指控
—She appeared in court on a perjurycharge.她因被指控做了伪证而出庭受审。
— He was arrested by the police on a charge of housebreaking.
* to bring a charge (of sth.) against sb.[5brIN] 控告某人(罪)
—The police are going to bring a charge of murder againsthim.警方将指控他犯谋杀罪。
* to face charges [5feis]面临指控某事物
—He will face three charges relating tofirearms.他将面临三个与火器有关的指控。
* to lay a charge against sb.[5lei] (向某人提出)指控
— Your employer has laid a serious charge againstyou.你的雇主对你提出了严重指控。
1. accuse [ [5kju:z ]v. (比charge意思更强,较为正式用词;主动被动均可)指责;控告
— He was accused for stealing awatch.他因偷表而遭到指控。
— He was accused of running away when the enemy attacked.
* accusation [9AkjU:5zeiF[n]n. 控告
—She made several accusation againstme.她几次对我进行控告。
2. allege [ [5ledV ] v. 指控
— It was alleged that policemen had acceptedbribes.有人指控警察收受了贿赂。
3. arraign [ [5rein ] v. 控告
— He arraigned the doctor on a charge of wrongdiagnose.他对医生的误诊提出控告。
4. complain [5k[m5plein] v.控诉;控告
— The customer complained to the manager of the discourtesy of anassistant.
有关“控告,指控;chargev.”的词汇 刑事控告书
* complain n. 控诉;控告
— If you will let me have your compaints in writing,I will go intothe matter.
5. impeach [ Im5pI:tF ] v.(对某人犯有严重罪行,尤指危害国家的)指控
— The judge was impeached for tabig abribe.这位法官被指控受贿。
6. incriminate [In5krImIneit]v. 控告
—He incriminated the thief to thejudge.他向法官控告了那个偷窃的人。
7. indict [ In5dait ] v. (美)控告;指控(某人)
— He was indicted for fraud before a grandjury.他在大陪审团前被指控犯欺诈罪。
8. lodge [ 5lCdV ] v. (英)控告
— They lodged a complaint against the doctor fornegligence.他们控告医生疏忽。
9. sue [ 5sju: ] v. 控告;控诉
— If you do that,I'll sueyou.如果你那样做,我就控告你。
* to bring a suit against sb.[5brIN](对某人提出)控告
—He will bring a suit against hisboss.他要对老板提出控告。
这些词汇应该知道, 掌握更好:
1. to have sb. up [5hAvQp] 控告(某人)
— Last year he was had up for drunkendriving.他去年曾被指控酒后驾车。
2. to put sb. in the dock [5pUt] 指控某人
— This recent tragedy has put the manufacturers of the drugsquarely in the dock.
3. rap [ 5rAp ] n. (美;俚)指控
— He is in police custody facing a murderrap.他被警察拘留,面临谋杀指控。
4. to take sb. to court [5teik5kC:t] 控告;控诉某人
— She took them to court to get her moneyback.
5. to tax with sth. [5tAks wIT](因某事而)指控
—She was taxed withnegligence.她被指控疏忽职守。
相关词汇链接:complain v.投诉


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