Implementation Measures for Paid Annual Leave forEmployees of Enterprises
Article 1 These Measures are formulated for the purpose ofimplementing the Regulation on Paid Annual Leave for Employees(hereinafter referred to as Regulation).

Article 2 These Measures apply to the enterprises privatenon-enterprise entities and individual industrial and commercialhouseholds hiring labor (hereinafter referred to as "employer") inthe People's Republic of China and the employees having an employment relationshiptherewith.
Article 3 Employees who have worked continuously for oneyear or more are entitled to paid annual leave.
第三条 职工连续工作满12个月以上的,享受带薪年休假(以下简称年休假)。
Article 4 The days of annual leave which may be taken by anemployee shall be determined according to the employeesaccumulative working time which shall cover the employees workingtime in the same or different employers and the hours deemed asworking time by any law administrative regulation or State Councilprovisions.
Article 5 The days of annual leave which may be taken by anew employee who satisfies the requirement of Article 3 in thecurrent year shall be calculated according to the number of daysfrom the time when he is employed by this employer to the end ofthe calendar year and if the result is less than one day he shallnot enjoy annul leave this year.
The calculation formula is: the number of days from thetime when he is employed by this employer to the end of thecalendar year/365 × the days of annual leave he is entitled to ifhe works for this employer for 12 months in the currentyear.
Article 6 Home leave marriage or funeral leave andmaternity leave as given by the state as well as the period ofsuspension of work with reservation of salary due to work injuryshall be additional to paid annual leave.
Article 7 An employee who has taken winter and summervacations more than the due annual leave in a year is not entitledto the annual leave of the year. If the days of winter and summervacations taken by the employee are less than the days of paidannual leave for work reasons the employer he works for shall grantto him the untaken annual leave days.
Article 8 If an employee falls under any of thecircumstances prescribed in Article 4 (2) (3) (4) and (5) of theRegulation in the year after taking the annual paid leave of thatyear he shall not be entitled to the paid annual leave of the nextyear.
Article 9 An employer may in light of the actual productionand work situation plan the annual leave of its employees as awhole on the basis of employees own wills. Where an employer cannotgive annual leave to an employee or decides to postpone the annualleave to the next year due to work needs it shall get the consentof the employee.
Article 10 Where an employer does not give annual leave toan employee or gives him days of annual leave less than the days ofannual leave due upon the consent of the employee it shall pay theemployee 300% of his daily wage income for each day of the annualleave due and not taken in the year which includes the wage incometo be paid by the employer to the employee per day in normalworking days.
Anemployer shall give annual leave to its employees but if anyemployee gives a writing notice of not taking annual leave on hisown will the employer is allowed to pay for the employees normalworking days.
Article 11 The formula for calculating the daily wageincome of an employee which is used for calculating the payment forhis annual leave time due but not taken shall be dividing themonthly wage income of the employee into the working days(21.75days.) 第十一条计算未休年休假工资报酬的日工资收入按照职工本人的月工资除以月计薪天数(21.75天)进行折算。
The monthly wage income mentioned in the precedingparagraph refers to the average monthly wage for 12 months whichdeducted the overtime pay before the employer pay to the employeesthe wage income of the annual leave not taken
Ifthe working days of employees are less than 12 months for theiremployer the monthly wage income mentioned in the precedingparagraph refers to the average monthly wage in accordance with theactual working days.
Employees taking annual leave are entitled to the wages ofnormal working days. The daily wage of employees paid by piece bycommission or by employees performance shall be in line with theparagraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the Article.
Article 12 when employers and employees relieve orterminate the labor contract the employer have not granted theemployee the due annual leave the employer shall calculate thedaily wage of the annual leave due and pay for the not taken annualleave in accordance with the past working days the employee hasworked for the employer in the current year. The part of theuntaken annual leave due which is less than 1 day shall not bepaid.
The calculation formula of previous provision is:( thenumber of calendar days the employee has worked for the employer inthe current year /365 days)× the days of annual leave he isentitled in the current year - the days of taken annual leave inthe current year.
Ifthe days of annual leave taken by the employee are more than thedays of entitled annual leave the employer he works for shall notdeduct the days.
Article 13 The day of annual leave due and the payment forthe annual leave time due stipulated in the labor contractcollective contract or regulated in the rules and regulations ofenterprise which is higher than the standard provisions by laws theemployer shall carry it out according to the concerning agreementsor regulations.
Article 14 The employee of staffing firm who satisfies therequirement of Article 3 are entitled to take the annual leavedays.
Ifthe days of wage paid by the staffing firm to the employee withoutjob during the labor contract period is more than the days ofannual leave time due in the current year the employee shall not beentitled to the annual leave in the current year. If the days areless than the entitled days of annual leave in the year thestaffing firm or the employer shall negotiate to give thedispatched employee the untaken annual leave.
Article 15 The personnel department of peoples governmentsabove the county level shall conduct supervision and examination onthe implementation of these regulations and measures by units inaccordance with their authority.
Where a unit fails to arrange for annual leave foremployees and pay wage remuneration on annual leave in accordancewith the Regulations the labor administration department ofpeople's government above the county level shall orderrectification within a time limit. If no rectification is madewithin the time limit such unit shall be ordered payment of wageremuneration on annual leave and also make additional compensationto employees on the basis of the amount of the wage remuneration ofannual leave. Where no wage remuneration on annual leave orcompensation is made the labor administration department shallapply for compulsory implementation by a people's court.
Article 16 If the employer and its employees have disputeover annual leave due it shall be dealt with in accordance with therelevant regulations of labor dispute.
Article 17 Except as otherwise provided by laws theadministrative regulations as well as the additional regulations ofthe State Department the government organizations publicinstitutions civic organizations and the employees who havingemployment relationship with them shall comply with themeasures.
The annual leave time due of the ship crew shall complywith "the ship crew regulations of the People'sRepublic".
Article 18 The "year" in the measures refers to theGregorian calendar.
第十八条 本办法中的"年度"是指公历年度。
Article 19 These implementation measures go into effect onthe day of promulgation
第十九条 本办法自发布之日起施行。