什么是Remembrance Day?

At 11 am on 11 November 1918 theguns of the Western Front fell silent after more than four yearscontinuous warfare.上午11时于1918年11月11日西线的枪战沉默的下跌后连续四年多。The allied armies had driven theGerman invaders back, having inflicted heavy defeats upon them overthe preceding fourmonths.盟军部队已经带动了德国侵略者回来后,他们造成沉重的失败后,较前四个月。In November the Germans calledfor an armistice (suspension of fighting) in order to secure apeace settlement.十一月德国呼吁停战(战斗暂停),以取得和平解决。They accepted the allied termsof unconditional surrender.他们接受盟军无条件投降条件。
The 11th hour of the 11th day ofthe 11th month attained a special significance in the post-waryears.战争年代的11小时,11天的第11个月后达到了一个特殊的意义。The moment when hostilitiesceased on the Western Front became universally associated with theremembrance of those who had died in thewar.那一刻停止敌对行动前,已成为普遍对西方与战争纪念那些谁是已经逝世。This first modern world conflicthad brought about the mobilisation of over 70 million people andleft between 9 and 13 million dead, perhaps as many as one-third ofthem with no knowngrave.这第一个现代世界的冲突带来了人民的动员超过7000万和严重的左9日至13万人死亡,也许多达一三分之一它们与任何已知的。The allied nations chose thisday and time for the commemoration of their wardead.盟军的国家选择了这一天的纪念战争死难者和时间的。
On the first anniversary of thearmistice in 1919 two minutes' silence was instituted as part ofthe main commemorative ceremony at the new Cenotaph inLondon.在默哀一周年分钟的停战协定是建立在1919年伦敦的一部分,在主纪念碑纪念仪式在新。The silence was proposed byAustralian journalist Edward Honey, who was working in FleetStreet.沉默,是由澳大利亚记者爱德华亲爱的,谁是在舰队街的工作。At about the same time, a SouthAfrican statesman made a similar proposal to the British Cabinet,which endorsed it.大约在同一时间,南非政治家提出了类似建议它通过向英国内阁,其中。King George V personallyrequested all the people of the British Empire to suspend normalactivities for two minutes on the hour of the armistice "whichstayed the worldwide carnage of the four preceding years and markedthe victory of Right and Freedom". The two minutes' silence waspopularly adopted and it became a central feature of commemorationson ArmisticeDay.乔治五世国王亲自要求所有人民对英国帝国暂停两分钟,两分钟的正常活动上的小时的停战“的全球大屠杀留下的前四年,标志着胜利的权利和自由'。”沉默是普遍被采用,并成为一个停战天的中央特征的纪念活动。
On the second anniversary of thearmistice in 1920 the commemoration was given added significancewhen it became a funeral, with the return of the remains of anunknown soldier from the battlefields of the Western Front. Unknownsoldiers were interred with full military honours in WestminsterAbbey in London and at the Arc de Triumph inParis.在1920年的停战协定两周年的纪念意义,没有因为当它成为一个葬礼,在返回的士兵的遗骸从一个未知的西线战场的。埋葬无名战士的荣誉与全面的军事在西敏寺在伦敦和巴黎的凯旋门凯旋。The entombment in Londonattracted over one million people within a week to pay theirrespects at the unknown soldier'stomb.伦敦冢在吸引无名战士墓超过百万人在一周内支付他们的敬意。 Most other allied nationsadopted the tradition of entombing unknown soldiers over thefollowing decade.大多数其他有关国家通过十年的传统,下面埋葬无名战士了。
After the end of the SecondWorld War, the Australian and British governments changed the nameto Remembrance Day.战争结束后的第二届世界,澳大利亚和英国政府更名为纪念日。Armistice Day was no longer anappropriate title for a day which would commemorate all wardead.停战日不再是一个适当的标题为战殁一天将纪念所有。
In Australia on the 75thanniversary of the armistice in 1993 Remembrance Day ceremoniesagain became the focus of national attention. The remains of anunknown Australian soldier, exhumed from a First World War militarycemetery in France, were ceremonially entombed in the Memorial'sHall ofMemory.在澳大利亚当天仪式75周年停战在1993年纪念再次成为人们关注的焦点国家。在法国仍然是一个未知的澳大利亚在墓地的士兵,挖掘出从战争军事第一世界,被隆重记忆被埋在纪念大厅。Remembrance Day ceremonies wereconducted simultaneously in towns and cities all over the country,culminating at the moment of burial at 11 am and coinciding withthe traditional two minutes'silence.纪念日仪式同时进行的城镇和城市遍布全国,最终在葬礼时刻上午11时和沉默正好与传统的两分钟。This ceremony, which touched achord across the Australian nation, re-established Remembrance Dayas a significant day ofcommemoration.这个仪式,这触动,纪念重新设立纪念日作为一个重要的日子的弦澳大利亚民族跨越。
Four years later, in 1997,Governor-General Sir William Deane issued a proclamation formallydeclaring 11 November to be Remembrance Day, urging all Australiansto observe one minute's silence at 11 am on 11 November each yearto remember those who died or suffered for Australia's cause in allwars and armedconflicts.四年后,1997年,总督威廉爵士迪恩发布公告,正式宣布11月11日是纪念日,敦促所有澳大利亚人遵守的沉默,在11个一分钟,上午11月11日,每年要记住那些谁死亡或的遭遇澳大利亚导致所有的战争和武装冲突。