I loved the smoke effects. 我喜欢这烟雾效果Didn't you,Spindle?不是吗?斯宾得
….rock. Curse upon your children.石头,诅咒你的子孙
I don't think rocks have children, honey.我不认为石头会有子孙,亲爱的
They won't now.现在不回了 Okay. What's the matter?好啦,发生了什么事?
Hova, the potion is supposed to change color.霍娃,这药水应该要变色的
It's not changing color.但是他没有变啊 It's not changing color.没有变啊
I call upon the elements: 我要呼大自然的元素Wind, rain, etcetera.风啊雨啊等等的
Transform my potion and clacktiel.请转换我的药水啊,克雷克提尔
Clacktiel, clacktiel….
Maybe you're pronouncing it wrong.是不是你念错了? How could I pronounce itwrong?那怎么可能?
I made it up.是我编的咒语 Take a break.休息一下吧
Hova, perhaps you didn't notice….霍娃,也许你没有注意到
….but we were almost squished today,但是今天我们差点儿被踩扁了 and the colony isin shambles.蚁窝也成了废墟
I am this close to finding a solution to the humanproblem….我就差这么一点儿就能解决人类的问题了
….and you tell me I need to…. Hova, what are youdoing?你居然叫我…霍娃,你在干什么?
Nothing, I'm not doing anything. 没啊,没在干嘛No. Wait.不 等等
No. I'm simply walking towards you.我不过是走向你罢了
There's no reason to panic.没理由要惊慌的 Wait. Now, Hova….等等 霍娃
I'm just coming towards you. 我只是在走向你Wait.等等 No. Hova.No.不,霍娃,不
Does it tickle?会痒吗?What about when I do this?如果是这样呢?
Why are you laughing?你笑什么I see you laughing.我看见你笑了
Don't make me clacktiel you.别让我对你念咒语喔
Well, I'm glad you two have something to laughabout.哦,真高兴看见你们这么开心
Head of council.议长 Hi.
How nice of you to….真荣幸您亲自… It was unexpected.太意外了
Forgive me.对不起 I was working on an experiment.我正在做个实验
Oh, yes, I see.喔是啊,我都看到了
Well, we were….我们刚… How may I be of service?有什么需要效劳的吗?
Zoc, attacks from the Destroyer grow morefrequent.查克=佐克,毁灭者的攻击越来越频繁了
Our food supplies are now desperately low.食物也越来越短缺
The council was hoping perhaps you might have asolution.议会期望你有解决的办法
Fight back. 公家We must stop the Destroyer.我们一定要阻止毁灭者=破坏者
But thousands of ants would needlessly die.但是成千上万的蚂蚁会毫无意义的牺牲
Perhaps if we could communicate, you know, just talk with thehuman.如果可以沟通 跟人类好好谈谈
Oh, what a great idea. Let's have a nice chat.真是个好主意,让我们好好聊聊吧
Well, hello, Destroyer. Gee, you look kind oftired.你好啊,毁灭者,你看起来很累的样子
Why don't you just rest your feet on mygirlfriend.何不把你的脚放在我女友身上,休息一下吧
Okay, oka….
Sometimes you're a real stinkbug, 好啦好啦,有时你真的很讨厌,you knowthat?你知道吗
Zoc, a war with the human is…. It'simpossible.查克,跟人类宣战,那是不可能的
A wizard knows no such word.法师的字典里没有这个字
Adios!再见Whatever.随你便 Bye, Tiff. Bye, Lucas.再见蒂芙尼卢卡斯
I love you.我爱你们
You kids mind your grandma.好好照顾你们的祖母
Okay, goodbye.好啦再见 Have fun.好好玩儿
Don't worry,别担心 everything's under control.一切都没事儿的
A little help, please.帮下忙好吗
I think it's your turn.我想这次轮到你了
Teeth in the grass.草里有假牙
Mommo, here's your…. what are you doing?祖母,拿去…你在干什么
Preventing alien abduction, 预防外星人来绑架我that's what I'mdoing.那就是我要做的
Thank you.谢谢
Dang crabgrass.真臭的草
See these?看见了吗? Airflow.气流 Aliens hate airflow.外星人最怕气流了
Drives them nuts.能气疯他们 And if they try to cut the power in themiddle of the night….如果他们想要半夜搞断电源的话
….these babies will wake me up.这宝贝会叫醒我
We gotta be prepared.我们要做好万全准备 Tell your friends.告诉你的朋友们啊 I don'thave any friends.我没有朋友
Well, who's gonna look out for you when you getold….那等你老了谁来照顾你?
….and your teeth are falling out,还有假牙掉了 and them aliens are afteryou?外星人来追你的时候呢?
Lucas. 卢卡斯I'll look after myself.我自己会照顾自己的
Good night, Mommo.晚安 嬷嬷=祖母 Good night. Sleep tight.晚安,好好睡啊
Don't let the bedbugs bite….别让虫子咬了
….or creep into your ear and lay eggs in yourbrain.或者爬进你的耳朵里,在你脑子里下蛋啊
Dance, Pukas. 跳舞啊普卡斯Dance, monkey boy, dance!跳舞啊 猴子
Think fast.反应快点儿
Zoc, please, not in front of Spindle.查克 请别在斯宾得面前说脏话
God, there must be something I missed.我一定是忽略了什么
Wait. A crack.等等 一个裂缝
That's it.没错 Imperfections in the crystals.水晶有缺陷
Perhaps coating it in a viscous compound.也许应该用个什么黏黏的化合物粘上
Spindle. Resin.斯宾得 树脂
Oh, that's it. It worked!哇成功了 The potion iscomplete!我的药水终于完成了
Praise the Mother!感谢圣母 Yes! Yes! Yes!太棒了
Zoc. Hova, hang on.查克 霍娃=荷花 撑住
Spindle, get the potion. Quickly.斯宾得快拿好药水
Yep, I was about your age when I flooded my firstcolony.我第一次灌水进蚁窝的时候跟你差不多大
Brother, those were good times. Good times!那真是好玩儿的日子啊 哥们
Who are you?Stan Beals is the name.你是谁?我叫史丹贝尔
Beals-A-Bug Pest control.贝尔虫害防治中心
Exterminator, eradicator, solver of problems.虫害专家 问题的解决者
Hey, you must be the Nickle boy, right?你一定是尼克家的孩子吧?
Now, your dad ordered my services….你爸爸跟我约好了工作
….but he forgot to sign the contract before he left.却忘了在走前签合约
Busy man. Lot on his mind.大忙人呢 常忘记事情 It happens.
So he just told me to talk to you….所以他要我跟你说 你…
Lucas.卢卡斯 Yeah, Lucas.是的卢卡斯
He said, "You have my son, Lucas, sign the contract forme….他说万一要是我在离开前忘了签,让我儿子卢卡斯代签就成了
….if I happen to forget to before I leave. He's a grown mannow."他是大人了
His exact words.一字不差哦=说的没错呢
I don't know. Do you have any references?我不知道 你有什么履历推荐吗?
There's one.这就是啦
I don't think I should.我觉得这样不太好