英语中的一致问题 高中英语主谓一致课件




  1. Theclass consists of twenty-five boys and twentygirls.这个班由25名男生和20名女生组成。
  2. Theclass are doing experiments.全班学生正在做实验。
  3. Ourfamily has lived in this house for over 100years.我们家族的人住在这屋子里已经超过100年了。
  4. Hisfamily are all well.他家的每个成员身体都很好。
  5. Theenemy is/are advancing towards thecastle.敌军正向城堡进发。
  6. Theschool's teaching staff is/areexcellent.该校的教师队伍是优秀的。

有些单数集体名词,即所谓的“群体名词”,如police, people, militia,cattle等,英式英语多用复数形式的谓语动词,而美式英语则多用单数形式的谓语动词。

  1. Thepolice are making enquiries about themurder.警方正在调查那起谋杀案。
  2. There were manypeople present at the meeting.许多人参加了这个会议。
  3. Themilitia are all out drilling for the National Dayparade.民兵们都出来操练,准备参加国庆游行。
  4. Cattle were grazingon the village common.牛在村中公地上吃草。

“more thanone+单数名词”结构上虽有复数意义,但习惯上多要求用单数形式的谓语动词。

  1. More than oneanswer is to your question.你的问题答案不只是一个。
  2. More than onequestion was asked.提出的问题不只一个。
  3. More than onestudent has failed the exam.不只一个学生考试不及格。

more+复数名词+than one”结构却多要求用复数形式的谓语动词。

  1. More members thanone have protested against theproposal.反对这项提议的会员不止一个。
  2. More persons thanone were invited.被邀请的不止一个人。


  1. Aday or two is enough.一两天就够了。
  2. Aservant or two or three was to accompanythem.将有一个或两个或三个仆人去陪他们。

“one or two+复数名词”结构则要求用复数形式的谓语动词。

  1. Oneor two reasons were suggested.提出了一两条理由。
  2. Oneor two friends are coming thisevening.今天晚上有一两个朋友要来。

“many a(n) +单数名词”结构要求用单数形式的谓语动词,这种结构多用于正式文体。

  1. Many a fine man hasdied in that battle.许多优秀士兵死于那次战役。
  2. Many a page in thisbook is missing.这本书缺了许多页。
  3. Many a famous popstar has been ruined bydrugs.很多著名的流行音乐歌星都因使用毒品而毁了自己。
  4. Many a large andbig business has been built up from smallones.很多大企业都是从小规模发展起来的。
  5. Many a bright ideahas been hit on by accident.许多好主意都是偶然想到的。


  1. English and Frenchgrammar are not very difficult tolearn.英语语法和法语语法不很难学。
  2. Thered and the white rose are bothbeautiful.红玫瑰和白玫瑰都很美。



  1. Are your kitchen scalesaccurate?你的家用天平准吗?
  2. Hisglasses are muddy.他的眼镜是模糊的。


  1. My funds are a bitlow at present.我的资金现在不多。
  2. Here are some newpairs of shoes.这里有几双新鞋。


  1. Hisworks is rather small.他的工厂非常小。
  2. Nonews is good news.没有消息就是好消息。


  1. A hundred miles isa long distance.100英里是一段很长的距离。
  2. Twenty years is along time in one's life.20年在人的一生中是很长的一段时间。
  3. 20,000 dollars isnot a small sum of money.2万美元不是一笔小数目。


  1. The agenda forMonday's meeting has not yet reachedme.我还没有收到星期一的会议议程。
  2. This data is veryinteresting.这项数据很有意思。


  1. Statistics istaught in many colleges.许多大学教统计学。
  2. Physics is his mainsubject.物理学是他的主科。
  3. Statistics provenothing in this instance.统计数字在这一事例上不说明问题。
  4. His politics arevery radical.他的政治观点很激进。


  1. German measles is adangerous disease for pregnantwomen.风疹对于孕妇是一种危险的疾病。


  1. Dickens' AmericanNotes was published in1842.狄更斯著的《美国日记》出版于1842年。
  2. The Arabian Nightsis well known to us.《一千零一夜》对我们来说是非常熟悉的。


  1. Where are/is yourmanners?你怎么不讲礼貌?
  2. His whereaboutsare/is unknown.没有人知道他



  1. The poet and writerhas come.那位诗人兼作家来了。
  2. Trial and error isthe source of our knowledge.不断尝试是我们获得知识的源泉。


  1. Every hour andevery minute is important.每一小时,每一分钟,都很宝贵。
  2. Each boy and eachgirl has an apple.每个男孩和女孩都有一个苹果。
  3. Every boy and everygirl is taught to read andwrite.每个男孩和女孩都受到读书写字的教育。


  1. Mr. Jones or I amto speak at the meeting.会上由琼斯先生或我来发言。
  2. A cigar or acigarette is very enjoyable.来一支雪茄或香烟挺带劲的。
  3. A boy or two girlsare at home.一个男孩或两个女孩在家。


  1. Either Tom or hisbrothers have to shovel thesnow.不是汤姆,就是他的兄弟们必须把雪铲去。
  2. Either you or I amgoing to be in charge of thismatter.不是你就是我将负责这件事。
  3. Either your watchesor mine is wrong.不是你们的表不准,就是我的表不准。

·“not only+名词/代词+but(also)+名词/代词”结构要求谓语动词一般应与but(also)后的名词或代词一致。

  1. Not only studentsbut also their teacher is in theclassroom.不仅有学生,他们的老师也在教室里。
  2. Not only my brotherbut also I am good atpainting.不仅我的兄弟擅长绘画,我也画得很好。


  1. Neither he nor theyare mistaken.他和他们都没有错。
  2. Neither I nor he isin favour of her marriage.我和他都不赞成她的婚姻。
  3. Neither Jack nor Ihave seen this film.杰克和我都没有看过这部电影。
  4. Neither the teachernor his students know how to work out theproblem.老师和他的学生都做不出那道



  1. A woman with twochildren has come.一位妇女带着两个孩子来了。
  2. The girl with darkhair and brown eyes is hissister.那个黑发棕眼的女孩是他的妹妹。


  1. All students butTom are taking examination.除了汤姆,所有的学生正在参加考试。
  2. All of us,includingme,have been totally committed to thecause.我们大家,包括我在内,都在致力于该事业。

五、名词/代词+as wellas+名词/代词”结构与谓语动词的一致

·“名词/代词+as well as+名词/代词”结构一般要求谓语动词与第一个名词或代词一致。

  1. The students aswell as the teacher were present at themeeting.学生和他们的老师出席了会议。
  2. Tom as well as twoof his friends was invited to theparty.汤姆以及他的两个朋友被邀请参加了晚会。
  3. His parents as wellas he treat me very well.他父母和他对我都很好。
  4. The teacher as wellas the students is interested in thelecture.老师和同学对这个讲座很感兴趣。

·类似的短语还有added to,along with,as much as,combined with,in additionto,in company with,more than,no less than,rather than,togetherwith等。

  1. Mr Smith,togetherwith his wife,is to arrive on theevening.史密斯先生和夫人将于晚间抵达。


·“one of+复数名词”结构后的定语从句要求谓语动词应与复数形式的谓语动词一致。

·Singing is one of the activities which generate the greatestenthusiasm.唱歌是会激起最大热情的活动之一。
This is one of the most interesting questions that have beenasked.这是问得最有趣的问题之一。

·“a pairof+复数名词”结构多要求用单数形式的谓语动词,以与整个的pair一致;如强调其个别成员时,亦可用复数形式的谓语动词。

·A pair of homemade cotton shoes is displayed in glasscases.一双自制布鞋摆放在玻璃橱里。
A pair of trousers was found under the bed.在床下找到了一条裤子。
A pair of gloves is a nice present.一双手套是一件很好的礼物。
A pair of thieves were conspiring to rob us.有两个盗贼预谋盗窃我们的东西。
A pair of robbers were trying to kidnap hiswife.两个强盗正试图绑架他的妻子。

·“a partof+名词”结构中,如名词为单数,一般要求用单数形式的谓语动词;如名词为复数,一般要求用复数形式的谓语动词。

·A part of his income goes on books,but he thinks it's wellspent.他的收入有一部分花在买书上,可是他认为这是值得的。
A part of the story is not true.这一则报道有一部分是不真实的。
A part of the apples are bad.有一部分苹果是坏的。
A part of the textbooks havearrived.一部分教科书已经运到了。

·“a/this groupof+复数名词”结构可用单数形式的谓语动词,亦可用复数形式的谓语动词,前者强调整体,后者强调各个组成部分。类似group的集体名词还有crowd(人群)、flock(羊群)、file(一列)等。

·This group of chemicals behave(s) in the sameway.这一组化学品起同样的作用。
A group of farmers were transplanted to the island by thegovernment.一批农民被政府迁到这个岛上居住。
A flock of birds comes over,and the huntingstarts.一群鸟飞过来,打猎开始了。
A flock of customers were waiting for the store toopen.一群顾客在等候着商店开门。

·“a number of+复数名词”结构应用复数形式的谓语动词。

·A number of well-known public characters were cleverly hit off bythe entertainer.一些著名的社会人士被这位演员模仿得惟妙惟肖。
A number of planes were circling overhead.数架飞机在上空盘旋。
A number of airmen were decorated for their distinguishedservices.许多飞行员由于功勋卓著而获得奖章。
A number of forged banknotes are incirculation.市面上有一定数量的伪钞在流通。
A large number of people have applied.已有很多人申请。
A number of new products have been successfullytrial-produced.许多新产品已试制成功。
A great number of problems have arisen.出现了许多问题。

·“the number of+复数名词”结构要求用单数形式的谓语动词。

·The number of bicycles is increasing.自行车的数量越来越多。
The number of colleges has grown after the war.战后学院的数量有所增加。
The number of students in universities hasjumped.大学生的数量已大幅度增加。
The number of tourists has increased greatly in recentyears.近年来旅游者的人数大大增加了。
The number of wild animals on the earth isdwindling.地球上野生动物的数量正日渐减少。
The number of positive numbers is infinite.正数的数目是无穷的。
The number of chairs in the room isten.屋内共有10把椅子。

·“the number of+复数名词”结构要求用单数形式的谓语动词。

·The number of bicycles is increasing.自行车的数量越来越多。
The number of colleges has grown after the war.战后学院的数量有所增加。
The number of students in universities hasjumped.大学生的数量已大幅度增加。
The number of tourists has increased greatly in recentyears.近年来旅游者的人数大大增加了。
The number of wild animals on the earth isdwindling.地球上野生动物的数量正日渐减少。
The number of positive numbers is infinite.正数的数目是无穷的。
The number of chairs in the room isten.屋内共有10把椅子。

·“an average/a total of+复数名词”结构要求用复数形式的谓语动词。

·An average of 9000 persons pass here everyday.每天平均有9000个人经过此地。
A total of twenty letters were received lastmonth.上个月共收到20封信。
A total of twenty people were killed.共有20人被杀。

·“the average/total of+复数名词”结构,要求用单数形式的谓语动词。

·The average of articles received each month is50.每月平均收到50篇文章。
The average of 4,5,and 12 is 7.4、5、12这三个数的平均数是7。
The total of letters received last month was100.上月共收到100封信。

·“a lot/mass/heap of+复数名词”结构一般要求用复数形式的谓语动词。

·A lot of ships were just outside of the harbor when the hurricanehit.飓风袭来时,不少的船还在港外。
A mass of people were working there.许多人正在那里劳动。
A heap of apples were seen inthere.在那里看到有大量的苹果。

·“this/the kind/sortof+名词”结构一般要求用单数形式的谓语动词;如用复数名词,则亦可用复数形式的谓语动词,以强调名词的复数概念。

·This kind of newspaper is alternative press.这种报纸是非正统性报刊。
She's the sort of woman who always says the rightthings.她是一个说话总能恰到好处的女人。
The kind of apples you mean are large andsour.你说的那种苹果又大又酸。

·“these/those kinds of+名词”结构一般要求用复数形式的谓语动词。

·These kinds of trees are nice if you like them.要是你喜欢,这几种树就很好。
Those kinds of car(s) were produced ten yearsago.那些种类的汽车是10年前生产的。

·“what kinds of+单数名词”结构要求用复数形式的谓语动词。

·What kinds of oranges are sour?哪些种类的橙子是酸的?

·“the rest/remainderof+名词”结构要求何种谓语动词形式应依据名词的数而定。名词是单数,一般要求用单数形式的谓语动词;如名词是复数,一般要求用复数形式的谓语动词。

·The rest of the story needs no telling.故事的其余部分就不必讲下去了。
The rest of the old man was happy.这位老人的晚年很幸福。
Some agree with Jim,but the rest of us agree withSam.我们这些人中有些人赞成吉姆,但其余的人都赞成萨姆。
He stayed at home and the rest of the boys were out atplay.他留在家里,其余的男孩都在外面玩。


·Thirty percent of the liquor is alcohol.这酒含30%的酒精。
More than 70 percent of my time has been spent inteaching.我的时间70%以上用在了教学上。
Only 60 percent of the work was done yesterday.昨天只干了60%的活。
About 20 percent of the students are absenttoday.今天有大约20%的学生缺席。


·About three-fourths of the surface of the earth issea.地球表面的大约四分之三是海水。
About one third of the books are worthreading.这些书中大约有三分之一值得一读。
Only about one-third of the class is going to make it nextyear.班里明年会升级的人大约只有三分之一。


·Most of his time is spent travelling.他大部分时间都在旅行。
Most of the foreign embassies are clustered in thisarea.大多数的外国使馆都集中在这个地区。
Most of us are members of the committee.我们大多数人是委员会的成员。
Plenty of space is needed.需要大量的空间。
Plenty of people have come.来了很多人。
Plenty of chairs are needed.需要许多把椅子。

·“most of+集体名词”要求谓语动词应依据该名词指整体或指成员而定。

·Most of the population there was young.那里的居民大都很年轻。
Most of my family are musicians,it is in theblood.我家里的人大都是音乐家,是世传的。
Most of the audience were collegestudents.观众大都是大学生。


·The worth of this painting is estimated at a half milliondollars.这幅画估计值50万美元。
The worth of men like Galileo is not always understood while theyare alive.像伽利略这样的人在世时并不总是被人理解。
Thousands of pounds' worth of damage have been done to the applecrop.苹果收成的损失以千镑计。
Nearly a thousand pounds worth of cigarette werestolen.大约价值1000英镑的香烟被盗。



·The true is to be distinguished from the false.真实应与虚假相区别。
The dispossessed are demanding theirrights.被剥夺者在要求归还他们的权利。


·The Christians are believers in Christ.基督教徒就是基督的信徒。
The newlyweds are now spending their honeymoonabroad.新婚夫妇正在国外度蜜月。



·No news is good news.没有消息就是好的消息。
In the evening is best for me.对我最适合的是晚上。


·What he has said leaves much for us to think about.他说的话发人深省。
Because they are dead languages is no reason why they should beignored in academiccircles.不应因它们是死的语言而就在学术界忽视它们。


·“How do you do?” is not a question but agreeting.“你好。”不是一个问题,而是一个问候语。



·On the mother's side comes teachers also oneactor.母系亲属中出了许多教师,也出了一位演员。
Her face wore a puzzled,troubled,nervous look,in which was mingledfear,sorrow,depression,distrust,a trace of resentment and a traceofdespair.她的神色显得不解、苦恼、不安,其中还交织着恐惧、忧伤、沮丧、不信任、一丝愤懑和一丝绝望。

·在“there is/was”的结构中,也常可接复数名词,因为人们常常是先说出thereis/was后才想及后面的名词的,但多用在口语中。

·There's hundreds of people on the waiting list.等候登记的有数百人。
As for risks,there's risks in pretty near everything you do in thisworld.至于风险,在这个世界上,不论你做什么事,几乎都有风险。



·All is wrong.都错了。
All was silent.万籁俱寂。
All were young.都很年轻。
All were silent.大家都不吭声。
All were present at the meeting.全都到会了。


·Some of this seems to be rather good.这个东西的某些部分似乎相当好。
Some of the mountains in South America have not yet been mappedout.南美洲的一些山脉尚未在地图上标出来。
Some of the older workers were retiredearly.有些老工人提前退休。


·I don't think any is left.我想没有剩下的了。
I don't think any of them have seenme.我想他们之中没有人看见我。

·each of后接复数名词或代词时一般用单数形式的谓语动词,但有时也可用复数形式的谓语动词。

·Each of us has a company car.我们每人都有一辆公司的车。
Each of you have to work together with one heart.你们大家要齐心合力。
Each of the jobs were planned by him.每一项工作都是他安排的。


·Either is correct.这两者任何一个都对。
I don't think either of them havearrived.我想他们两个都没到。


·Every possibility has been exploited to establish a number ofschools.利用一切可能性建立了许多学校。
Every 100 households have 90 television sets in thiscity.在这个城市里,每一百户就有90台电视机。
Everyone knows it.大家都知道这件事。/Everyone is not present.并非每个人都来了。
Everyone were questioned.大家都受审了。
Everyone who had been in the neighborhood of the robbed orchardwere questioned.被抢果园邻近居住的每一个人都被盘问了。
Everyone in her family frowns on themarriage.她家里的每个人都对这桩婚事不满。
Everyone in the house were in theirbeds.这一家人都在睡觉。

·many之后一般须要求用复数形式的谓语动词,但在many's/was thetime/thing,etc.(that)...这一固定结构中则要求用单数形式的谓语动词。

·Many's the time I've thought of leaving.好多次我都想离去。
Many was the time I ate at thatrestaurant.我在那个饭馆里吃过许多次。


·Most of our food comes from plants.我们大多数食品都来源于植物。
Most of the apples are bad.大多数苹果都烂了。


·Neither of my parents is a teacher.我父母都不是教师。
I have two hats but neither fits me properly.我有两顶帽子,但对我都不合适。
Neither of them are welcome. 他们两人都不受欢迎。


·None of them has got a handbook to tourists.他们谁也没搞到旅游指南。
None of us has ever seen such a design.我们谁也没见过这样的设计。
None of us is infallible.我们之中没有人是绝对不会错的。
None of us has bought a bike.我们当中没有一个人买自行车。
None of their promises have been kept.他们的诺言一个也没有信守。
None of us are cadres.我们之中没有一个是骨干分子。
None of us like the divorce of word anddeed.我们没人喜欢言行不一。


·What's on the table?桌子上是什么东西?
What's in the sky?天上是什么?



·Seven and eight are fifteen.7加8等于15。
英语中的一致问题 高中英语主谓一致课件
Three times one is three.3乘1等于3。


·Two and two is four.2加2等于4。
One half of the world's population areAsians.世界人口有一半是亚洲人。



·The foreign guest is a stranger in this city.这个外国朋友对这个城市不熟悉。
Students are good friends.学生们都是好朋友。


·Paul is friends with Bill.保尔和比尔友好。
The room seemed to be all nooks and corners.这房间好像尽是角落似的。
Hills are the opposite of valleys.山是谷的反面。
These stairs are a part of thebridge.这些台阶都是桥的一部分。



·a bus stop 公共汽车站
apple trees 苹果树


·a glasses frame 眼镜框
sports equipment 运动器材


·a boy friend 男友
girl students 女学生
men doctors 男医生
women teachers 女教师



·The government had discussed the matter for a long time but theyhad shown no sign of reachingagreement.政府对此事已讨论很久,但仍无取得一致意见的迹象。
I slapped them on the back.我拍了拍他们的背。


·All things are relative.一切事物都是相比较而存在的。
All things are interrelated and interact on eachother.一切事物都是互相联系又互相作用的。
Craft of all types took part in the race.各种各样的船只都参加了比赛。
Trucks and cars flowed along the highway allday.卡车和轿车整天在公路上川流不息。
All cats have nine lives. 猫有九命。(all cats在此 = eachcat)


·The workers began to build another railway lastmonth.上个月工人们开始铺筑另一条铁路。
He killed another man in a fight.在打斗中他把另一个人杀死了。
Where shall we be in another tenyears?再过10年我们会在哪里?


·The manager spoke at some length.经理讲话讲了好一会儿。
There is a table and some chairs in the room.屋里有一张桌子和几把椅子。
Some people like to lie on the beach,but I prefer to gosightseeing.有些人喜欢在海滩上躺着,但我喜欢去游览。


·Treading on any part of this floor activates the alarmsystem.踩着地板的任何一部分都会触发警报系统。
If I make any mistakes,please point them out.如果我出了错,请指出。
Have you any animals?你养动物吗?


·There are shops on both sides of the street.这条街的两侧都是商店。
Both parties agreed on the terms of thecontract.双方同意了合同中的条件。


·Every morning he had exercises in the open air.他每天早晨在户外进行锻炼。
Every week we get together and compare ideas.我们每个星期碰头交换看法。
There are buses to the station every tenminutes.这个车站每10分钟有一趟公共汽车。


·Many things have happened since they camehere.自从他们来这里以后,发生了许多事情。
Doctors have been fighting the disease for manyyears.大夫们多年来一直在和这种疾病做斗争。
Many a page in this book is missing.这本书缺了许多页。


·There's no building over there.那里没有任何建筑物。
A satisfied customer is one who has nocomplaints.感到满意的顾客通常是没有怨言的。
We have no classes on Sunday.星期日我们没有课。
No human beings could do that sort of thing.没有人能做那样的事。


·This book begins with a tale of country life.这本书以一个农村生活的故事开始。
I don't believe that man.我不相信那个人。
this woods 这个树林
this two weeks 这两个星期
This is bad manners. 这是不礼貌的行为。
That's two promises. 这已是两次保证了。


·these books 这些书
those days 那些日子
these gentry 这些绅士们


·What difference does it make?这有什么不同?
I don't know by what train Michael will go.我不知道麦克尔将坐什么火车去。
What books have you read?你读过什么书?


·a family who quarrel among themselves 一个常吵架的家庭
a family which dates back to the NormanConquest一个可追溯至诺曼征服英国时代的家庭



·a five-second pause 一次5秒钟的停顿
a ten-minute break 一次10分钟的休息
a two-hour exam 一次2小时的考试
a three minutes drive 一段3分钟的路程
a three weeks training 3周的训练
ten years service 10年的工龄


·a five-year-old boy 一个5岁的男孩
my eighteen-month-old son 我的18个月大的儿子
a four-months-long winter 一个长达4个月的冬天


·a twelve-inch ruler一把12英寸的尺子
a sixty-acre farm 一个占地60英亩的农场


·a ten-story building 一座10层高的楼
She's five feet eight inches tall.她身高5英尺8英寸。
She's only five foot four.她身高只有5英尺4英寸。


·a three-ton weight 重3吨之物
a 15 tons ship 一艘15吨的船


·a ten-pound note 一张10英镑的钞票
a five-dollar bill 一张5美元的钞票


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