Story 1Three Good Friends
One day, a monkey rides his bike near theriver. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him.He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts.The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims tothe monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comesalong. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Threefriends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, threeof them become good friends.
故事一 三个好朋友
Story 2 A GoodBoy
Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "Whatdid you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"
"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.
"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Hereare two cents more. But why are you so interested in the oldwoman?"
"She is the one who sells the candy."
故事二 好孩子
Story 3 Spring in the Green Season
Spring is coming. Spring isthe first season of the year. In China, spring comes in February.It is still cold, but it is getting warmer and warmer. The days getlonger and longer. The leaves on the trees begin to turn green.Then they come up green leaves in the spring wind on theground.Spring is also sowing time season.
Story 4 Look for aFriend
Sam is a little fish. Helives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants to have a friend. Thefriend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eightlegs. He doesn’t look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets ashark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his bigmouth. Sam runs away quickly. Sam is tired and hungry. He wants tohave a rest. Then he sees a round fish. She says to him. “Hello!Would you like to be my friend?” Sam answers: “Ofcourse! But you are round. I am flat.” The round fish days: “But weare both fishes.”
Sam thinks and says, “You are right. Let’s befriends.” They become good friends.
故事四: 找朋友
Story 5The Hippo and I
A hippo lives in the zoo. I like him very much. I often go tosee him. He often thinks of me, too. Today is Sunday. It is fineday. I go to see him again. After I leave the zoo, he follows me tomy house. I give him lettuce, cabbages, bananas, apples and otherfood. He eats them up. When I sing songs, he stays in the pool. Heis as quite as a rabbit.
In the evening, he jumps onto my bed with me.My mum tells him to go home. He has to pack his bag and go back tothe zoo. My mum lets me see him every week.
故事5 我与河马
Story 6 What Animals are the sea?
There are all kinds of animals in the sea.Look!
They are coming.
This is an octopus. The octopus is sprayingink.
This is a shark. The shark has sharpteeth.
This is a whale. The whale shoots water intothe air.
This is a sea turtle. The sea turtle has ahard shell.
These are starfishes. The starfishes havefive legs.
These are angelfishes. The angelfishes havebeautiful colors.
This is a lobster. The lobster has strongclaws.
This is a jellyfish. The jellyfish has a softbody.
They are different. But all of them live inthe sea.
故事6 海里有什么动物
Story 7 naughty Monkey
It’s very hot.. An old man is asleep on thechair. A fly comes and sits on the end of the man’s nose.
The old man has a naughty monkey. He chases the fly.
The fly comes back again and sits on the oldman’s nose again. The monkey chases it away again and again.
This happens five or six times. The monkey isvery angry. He jumps up, runs to the garden and picks up a largestone.
When the fly sits on the old man’s noseagain, the monkey hits it hard with the stone.
He kills the fly and breaks the old man’snose.
故事7 调皮的猴子
Story 8 A Beautiful Doll
Tina is a lovely girl. She has a lot ofdolls. One of these dolls is very beautiful. She has long blondhair and wears a white dress. The little girl likes her very much.She called her “Sandy”. You would forget all the sad things andbecome happy when you see her.
Tina tried to teach Sandy to speak, but shefailed. When she is free, Tina always made clothed for her. Whenshe is unhappy or met with some difficulties, Tina talked to her,because they are close friends. What a lovely girl she is!
Do you like it, too?
故事8 漂亮的洋娃娃
缇娜是一个可爱的女孩, 她有许多洋娃娃。其中有个是很没得:她有着金色的长发,穿着一件白色的连衣裙。小女孩非常喜欢它,因此,小女孩叫她“桑迪”。当你看到它的时候就会高兴,会忘记所有不开心的事。
Story 9 It’s Good toWalk
A group of penguins at a zoo in Japan take awalk to lose weight. Every day, 15 king penguins there walk 500meters twice. “Just like human, penguins don’t exercise much duringwinter. They become fat easily,” says a zookeeper.
故事9 散步有益
Story 10 The Panda in China
A panda looks like a little bear. It has blackand white fur. It lives only in China, so it is called the nationaltreasure of China and protected by the law.
We all see panda on TV or in the zoo. Theylook stupid and walk slowly, but they are lovely and everyone likesthem.
A panda is lucky animal. We Chinese like it,and people of the world like it, too. Now there are China’s pandasin many other countries, such as Japan and the USA…
A panda isn’t a common animal, it is bridgeof friendship.
故事10 中国熊猫
Story 11 My “Cock” Clock
Hello! My name is Dongdong. Do you know Ihave a nice clock? It is a beautiful clock. It is in my bedroom. Inmfact it is an alarm clock. The big and round body is made ofplastics and the clock is set in it. There is a red comb on itshead. When you want to adjust time, you just need to press thecomb. Then “clock” will wake up on time. At that time the “clock”will say: “WO! WO! WO!” It’s time for you to get up! And its eyescan also give out light at the same time. It is a very beautifuland useful clock, so I like it very much.
故事11 我的“公鸡”闹钟
Story12 A Clever Farmer
Uncle Sam doesn’t like farmer. He thinks theyare very foolish and only know work on the farm.
One winter morning, the sun is shining. UncleSam sits on the step of his house. At that moment, a farmer with amap in his hand comes to him.
Farmer:Excuse me, Uncle. Can you tell me knowto get to the hospital, please?
Uncle Sam: Lie down in the middle of thestreet and you’ll soon be at a hospital.
Farmer Please set an example to me.
Uncle Sam: I think you come to our city atthe first time. It’s much more beautiful than the field. Is thatright?
Farmer: Yes, uncle. But it is built on thefield.
Uncle Sam’s face turns red.
故事12 聪明的农民
Story 13 Where Is the Hat?
Jack is a little goose. He has a lovely hat.He likes wearing it very much. But when he sits, his hat can’t stayon his head.
He puts his hat down and begins to play gamewith the hat. When he gets tired of the game, things are not thesame.
He can’t find his hat. Where is it? Jackthinks hard. He looks up and down, and walks here and there. Hecan’t find his hat yet.
At this time, his mother comes in. As soon asshe sees Jack, she cries, “Oh, my dear! Don’t be foolish. Your hatis on your head.”
Jack feels very foolish. He doesn’t want towear his hat on his head.
故事13 帽子在哪里?
Story 14 Two dogs
A man has two dogs: a hound and a housedog. Hetrains the hound to help him hurt and teaches the housedog to watchthe house. When he returns home after a day’s hunt, he always givesthe house-dog some meat. The hound feels very angry. He saysunhappily to the housedog, “Where I work very hard outside, youshare my food.” “Don’t blame me, my friend. You should blame themaster. He doesn’t teach me to hurt, but to share other’s food,”the housedog answers.
Don’t blame children for the mistakes of theirparent
故事14 两只狗
Story 15 The Sports Meetingin the Forest
There are many animals in the forest. Todayis a fine day. Animals are having a sport meeting.
Monkey, Fox, Panda, Rabbit and Bear arerunning. Look! Rabbit is the first. Fox and Monkey are the second.Bear is the third. The other animals are shouting, “Bear! Come on!Bear! Come on!” And look there, Duck and Pig are doing high jump.Pig is too fat, he can’t jump very high. So Duck is the champion.Here! Cat and Squirrel are climbing a tree. Cat is ill. So he isthe last, but he does his best.
This sports meeting is wonderful. The animalsare very happy!
故事 15 森林运动会
Story 16 Big Ben
Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is aname of the clock. It is in London. London is the capital city ofEngland. The big clock has four faces. So no matter where youstand, you can read the face of the clock. The hands are about fourmeter long.
If you go to London, you may want to visitthe house of the Parliament. In that place you will find Big Bensits at the top of the clock tower in the House of the Parliament.The big clock makes a very loud noise. “Ding dong. Ding dong”- theclock strikes every quarter of an hour.
故事16 大本钟
Story 17 The Bathing Boy
One day, Tom is bathing in a river. He doesn’tswim well and will be drown. He calls out loud for help. A man isjust passing by. He doesn’t help the boy, but stands by and says tohim. “How imprudent you are! It is dangerous to bath in the river.”“Oh, yes sir,” cries the boy, “ Please help me out and scold meafterward.”
Counsel without help is useless.
故事17 洗澡的男孩
有一天,汤姆在河里洗澡。他不太会游泳。眼看就要被淹死,他大声呼喊救命。有个人正好从旁边经过,他没有帮助小男孩,却是站在旁边对小孩子说道:“你怎么这么草率!在河里洗澡很危险。”“哦,先生,”小男孩喊叫:“ 请你还是先把我救起来后再责备我吧。”
Story 18 Who Pours Ink on My Chair?
Donny is a seven year oldboy. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. Sohe goes there on foot and comes back home on time. But today, he islate. His mother asks him, “Why do you go to the headmaster’soffice?”
“Because the teacher asks us a question inclass and nobody can answer it, but I can.” “It’s good to answerthe teacher’s question.” “But the question is ‘Who pours ink on mychair?’”
故事18 谁把墨水倒在我椅子了?
“但那个问题 ‘谁把墨水倒在我的椅子上了?’”
Story19 Smart Robot
Look, this robot carries boxes to buildblocks! The new smart robot, Sorry, is 60 centimeters high. Itweighs 7.5 kilogram. It has a camera “eye” on its head. It canrecognize colors and human faces.
故事19 聪明的机器人
Story 20 Bananas for Lunch
A fat monkey likes eating bananas very much.He had bananas for lunch. He peeled one and ate one more and then,one more one banana, two bananas, three bananas, four… He ate andate, but he wanted more, he peeled and he ate, peeled and he ate,five bananas, six bananas, seven bananas, eight … He peeled twomore and continued two more. He ate whole bunch of bananas andcan’t sleep.
Story21I Will Not Take a Bath
I will not take a bath, I won’t get in tub, Ihas bath last week. I don’t need another scrub. I would need myrubber ducky, a bucket and a boat, my toy whale, a submarine, arubber ball. No, I can not take a bath. The tub is too small. It’sall filled up with toy. There’s no room for me.
故事21 我不能愿意洗澡
Story 22Outside Games
There are many outside game like running,skating, swimming, horse-racing, hunting, flying kites,walking-races. Of course, football is an out game. Basketball,badminton and so on are also outside game. Some people like outsidegames, but others like indoor games. They like playing billiard,chess, cards, table tennis..
Outdoor games invoke more and fastermovement. Some active people like them. Indoor games are quiet andinvolve less movement.
Do you like outside games or indoor game?
故事22 户外运动
Story 23Two Little Monkeys
The monkey mother has two little monkeys. Shelikes the younger, not the other.
One day, they were playing in a forest when awolf came running at them. The monkey ran away with the youngermonkey in a hurry and left the older alone. She climbed up a treeand held the younger in her arms.
After some time, the wolf went away slowly.The monkey took the baby out of her arms. She was surprised to seethat the baby had died, for the baby was held in arms too highly.Very long time later, she remembered to look for the older baby.The older baby was hiding in a wood. So he saved himself.
故事23 两只猴子
Story 24 The King and His Stories
Once there was a king. He likes to writestories, but his stories were not good. As people were afraid ofhim, they all said his stories were good.
One day the king showed his stories to afamous writer. He waited the writer to praise these stories. Butthe writer said his stories were so bad that he should throw theminto fire. The king got very angry with him and sent him toprison.
After some time, the king set him free. Againhe showed him some of his new stories and asked what he thought ofthem.
After reading them, the writer at once turnedto the soldiers and said: “ Take me back to prison, please.”
故事24 国王和他的故事
Story25Which Skirt to Wear?
Time is 8 years old, and follows her ownideas. When her parents tell her to do something, she alwaysdoesn’t do it.
Today, she will go to a friend’s birthdayparty. She is now choosing skirt to wear. She has three skirts: ablue skirt, a white one and a yellow one.
She asks her father, “Which one is the best?”her father says, “I think the blue one is the best.” Then she asksher mother, “Which one do you think is the best?” Her motheranswers, “ The white one , of course!” Tina says, “Thank you.”
Then she puts on the yellow shirt and goesout.
故事25 穿哪条裙子?
缇娜8岁了, 她又自己的主意。当她的父母要她做事时,她总是不去做。
Story26Three Foxes
Once there were three foxes, they workedtogether. They lived a happy life. Little by little, the youngestfox became lazy, and often quarreled with the other foxes. Theeldest had to leave, and the second fox was driven off, too.Looking at the warm house with a lot of good food in it, theyoungest fox smiled. The eldest fox opened a new hill again. Thesecond eldest fox dug a pool. Two of them because rich soon. Theyoungest fox ate up the food left by the other two foxes. In theend it felt so cold and hungry that it could not stand up.
故事26 三只狐狸
Story 27 Two Holes for the Dogs
My uncle has two dogs. Oneis big and the other is small. He likes them very much.
One day, Mr. Smith came tovisit him. When the friend saw two holes in the door, a large holeand a small hole, he was surprised and said, “My dear friend, whyare there two holes in your door?” “Let my dogs come in and comeout, of course,” Mr. Smith asked. “But why are there two holes? Oneis enough!” “But how can the big dog go through the small hole?” myuncle said.
Sometimes a clever man maymake such mistakes.
故事27 两个狗洞
有一天,史密斯先生来看他。当这个朋友看见门口上有连个洞,一个是大洞和一个小洞时,他感到吃惊并说,“我亲爱的朋友,为什么你的门上有连个洞?”我的叔叔回答说:“当然是让我的两条狗进出了。” 史密斯先生问到:“ 为什么门上要两个洞呢?一个就足够了。” 我叔叔说:“大狗怎能走小洞呢?”
Story 28 Naughty Brother
Donny is my little brother. He is a naughtyboy.
On Sunday morning Donny went into the yardand played with a dog. Sometimes a bird would come down to stay onthe top’s of the dog’s house. Then Donny threw a stone at it.Suddenly the little boy began crying. Mother ran to Donny and askedhim what was wrong. He said, “I’ve broken sister’s plate. She hasbeaten me.” “Why?” “I threw it at a bird, and it went straight tothe plate.”
Such was my naught brother.
故事28 顽皮的弟弟
Story29 A Boy and a Monkey
Mike is a little boy. He is only five yearsold. He is too small to go to school. So he can not read andwrite.
One day he stood at my desk with a pencil inhis hand. There was a big piece of paper on the desk. He wanted todraw a picture of himself. He drew lines and cleared them out, thendrew more and cleared them out again. When I looked at the picture,he wasn’t happy. “Well,” he said at last to me, “I’ll put a tail onit and make it a monkey.”
He began to add the tail. I began tolaugh.
故事29 男孩和猴子
Story30Mike and the Pot
One day, Mike’s mother needed a pot. Sheasked Mike to borrow one from her friend. So Mike went to thefriend’s house. She gave him a big pot. On the way home Mike put itdown on the road and looked at it. It was made of clay and hadthree legs.
Then he said to the pot, “You have three legsand I have only two. You can carry me for a few minutes.” Then Mikesat down inside the pot. But the pot didn’t move.
Mike got angry and broke it then carried thebroke pot home. His mother was angry. “You are stupid.” She said.But Mike thought, “I’m not stupid. Only a stupid person carriedsomething with three legs.”
故事30 迈克和锅
Story 31 The Broom Seller and the Barber
A man who sold brooms went into a barber’sshop to get shaved. The barber brought one of his brooms. After hehad shaved him, he asked for the price of the brooms.
“Two pence,” said the man.
“No, no,” said the barber. “I will give you apenny, and if you don’t think that is enough, you may take yourbroom back!”
The man took it and asked what he had to payhis shave.
“A penny,” said the barber.
“I will give you a half penny, and if that isnot enough, you may put my beard on again.”
故事31 卖扫帚的人和理发师
“不,不。”理发师说:“ 我只出一个便士,如果你认为不狗的话,可以把扫帚拿回去。”
Story 32Sun the Ice
Once a simpleton’s wife told him to buy someice.
Two hours later, he didn’t come back. Shewanted to know why he didn’t come back and went out to have a look.She saw he was standing in the sun at the gate and watching the icemelting.
“What’s the matter?” She asked him. “Why don’tyou bring it in?”
“I saw the ice was wet and I was afraid thatyou would scold me so I’m running it dry.” The simpletonanswered.
故事32 晒冰
Story 33 Animals
There are many kinds of animals in the world.People don’t know the exact numbers. In the zoo, people can seemany kinds of animals. For example, lions, tigers, they are scary.Monkey, foxes are intelligent. People usually think pandas; koalabears are so cute and smart. Some animals live in the water, suchas dolphins. They need a lot of water for their home. And elephantswith long nose are very strange. They can sing and dance. Thegiraffes are quite tall because of their long necks. So they canreach the top of the trees.
故事 33 动物
Story 34 A Silly Man
Fred was going to school. When he passed apark, he saw a man sawing a big branch from a tree. The man was ona ladder and the ladder was against the big branch he was sawing.“Hi, it is dangerous.” Fred shouted. “After you cut off the branch,you will fall, too.” But the man didn’t believe him, and saidangrily, “Go away, you little thing. It’s none of yourbusiness.”
Fred could do nothing, so he left. He didn’tgo far before he heard something crashed. He rushed back and foundthe man lying on the ground.
Fred asked some men for help. They carriedthe man to the hospital.
故事34 一个愚蠢的人
There was a guy who went into a shop to buy a parrot. Therewerethree parrots in the shop. One was $5,000; another one,$10,000; and the third one, $30,000. The customer asked the owner,“How come this guy is $5,000? That’s so expensive for this kindofparrot.” The owner said, “Because I have trained him and he cantalk.” So the customer asked him, “How about this guy? What can hedo that makes him so expensive?” The owner said, “Well, apart fromtalking, he can also do some amusing actions,like dancing and soon. That’s why he’s so expensive.” Then the customer said, “Howabout the third one? What canhe do that makes him so expensive?”The owner of the shopsaid, “I don’t know. Normally, I have neverheard him talk, nor dance, nor whistle, nor sing, nothing at all!But the other two call him ‘The Boss.’”
Where is the egg?
Teacher:Can you make a sentence with the word "egg"?
Student:Yes.I ate a piece of cake yesterday.
Teacher:Then where is the “egg"?
Student:In the cake,Sir.
Tom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old. Once hegoes to a cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He buysa ticket and goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out,and buys the second ticket and goes in again. After a few minuteshe comes out again and buys the third ticket. Two or three minutesafter that he comes out and asks for another ticket. But a girlasks him,“Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do youmeet?” “No, I have no friends here, but a big woman always stops meat the door and cuts up my ticket.”
汤姆是个小孩, 他才7岁。 当他去电影院的时候。那时他第一次去。他买了张票进去了。但没过两三分钟他就出来了,然后买了第二张票又进去了。 几分钟后他又出来买了第三张票。 接着两三分钟后他又出来买票。一个女的问她,“你为什么要买那么多票啊? 你见到了几个朋友?" "没有, 我里面没朋友,但是每当我进门的时候一位大的女人老把我的票给剪了"
Child:My uncle has 1000 men under him.
Man:He is really somebody.What does do?
Child:A maintenance man in a cemetery
Teacher: Would Shakespeare be a great man if he were still alivetoday?
Student: Of course. He must be a great man, for so far nobodyhas lived to over 400 years.
Mr. Smith: Waiter, there's a dead fly in my soup.
Waiter: Yes, sir, I know---it's the heat that kills it.
Son: Dad, give me a dime.
Father: Son, don't you think you're getting too big to beforever begging for dimes?
Son: I guess you're right, Dad, Give me a dollar, will you?
A little kid fell in love with another little kid, a schoolmate.
Sometimes the kids think they fall in love when they have
a crush on someone else in the class, when they’re eight
or ten years old or something like that. So theeight-year-old
kid came back home and asked his father, “Father, is it
expensive to be married?” And the father said, “Yes, son,
it is very expensive.” So the son asked, “How much does it
cost?” And the father said, “I don’t know, son. I’m stillpaying.”
"Boy, why have you got cotton-wool in your ear? Is it infected?""No, sir, but you said yesterday that everything you told me wentin one ear and out the other , so I am trying to stop it."
“I'm sorry ,Madam ,but I shall have to charge you twenty dollarsfor pulling your boy's tooth .”
“Twenty d ollars! Why ,I understand you to say that you chargedonly four dollars for such work!”
“Yes,but this youngster yelled so terribly that he scared fourother patients out of the office .”
TWO: Teacher:We all know that beat causes an object to expand ancold cauese it to contract. Now,can anyone give me a goodexample?
John:Well ,in the summer the days are long,and in the winter thedays are short.
The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly twohours. then he started again, and said he:"Let me ask theevolutionist a question --- if we had tails like a baboon, whereare they?"
"I'll venture an answer, " said an old lady. "We have worn themoff sitting here so long.".
A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he wentalong the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of theroad. He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich manwill give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat."Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. He wenton and came to a river. The river had become very big; so he couldnot go over it. He waited for some time; then he said, "I cannot goto the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river." Hebegan to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to wantfood. He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out ofthe dust and eat them. Do not throw good things away; you may beglad to have them at some other time.
A Good Boy
Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you dowith the money I gave you yesterday?"
"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.
"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are twocents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"
"She is the one who sells the candy."
One day, a father and his little son were going home. At thisage, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was alwaysasking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word'Drunk', dad?" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there arestanding two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four thenI am drunk."
"But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!"
一天,父亲与小儿子一块儿回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思?”“唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸,”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”
Sleeping Pills
Bob was having trouble getting to sleep at night. He went to seehis doctor, who prescribed some extra-strong sleeping pills.
Sunday night Bob took the pills, slept well and was awake beforehe heard the alarm. He took his time getting to the office,strolled in and said to his boss: "I didn't have a bit of troublegetting up this morning."
"That's fine," roared the boss, "but where were you Monday andTuesday?"
Story 1 I Don’t Like Her
Bob goes to a new school.
One day he comes back, “Bob, do you like yournew teacher?” his mother asks.
“I don’t like her, Mother. Because first shesays that three and three is six, and then she says that two andfour is six, too.”
故事1 我不喜欢她
Story 2 Ten Candies
Mother asks her son, “Jim, if you have tencandies, and you eat four, then how many candles do you have?”
“Ten.” Jim says.
“Then,” Mother asks.
“Yes, Mum. Four candles are in my stomach andsix candies are out of my stomach. Four and six is ten, isn’t itright?”
故事2 十块糖
妈妈问儿子:“吉姆, 如果你有10块糖,吃了4块,那你还有几块糖?”
Story 3 Count Tomorrow Morning
It’s a right. John is looking at the sky.
Tom is John’s younger brother. He asks John“What are you doing?”
John says, “I’m countingstars.”
Tom laughs and says, “It’s really dark now.Why not count them tomorrow morning?”
故事3 明天早上数
Story 4Are Flies Yummy?
Tony and his father are eating dinner.
Suddenly Tony asks his father, “Dad, areflies yummy?”
Dad frowns and says, “No, I think it’s yucky.Why do you ask me this question? It’s a silly question.”
But Tony says, “ There was one fly in yourplate.”
故事4 苍蝇好吃吗?
Story 5 I Don’t Want to Walk Home
Tom is a very old man. After dinner, he likeswalking in the street. And he goes to bed at seven o’clock.
But tonight, a car stopped at his house. Apoliceman helps him get out. He tells Tom’s wife, “The old mancouldn’t find his way in the street. He asked me to take him in thecar.”
After the policeman leaves there, his wifeasks, “Tom, you go to the street every night. But tonight you can’tfind the way, what’s the matter?”
The old man smiles like a child and says, “Icouldn’t find my way? I didn’t want to walk home.”
故事5 我不想走回家
Story 6 It Must Be Crowded
A teacher is telling his students, “The moonis very large. Several millions people can live there.”
And a boy laughs and says, “It must getcrowded when it’s a crescent moon.”
故事6 一定很拥挤
Story 7 It’s Good to Admit a Fault
John is not a “good” student. He always sleepsin the class. Today he sleeps again.
“John!” Teacher says angrily.
“What? What’s wrong?” John is awaken.
“Why do you make a face? It’s classroom. Look!Everyone is laughing.” Teacher says.
“No one is laughing.” Teacher says.
“No, it’s not me. I was not making a face. Iwas sleeping.” John fells upset.
“Um. Not bad. You can admit your fault. You are still a goodboy.” Teacher is satisfied with it.
故事 7 认错
Story 8Adding Feet to a Snake
One day, Mr. Lion holds a party. Many animalscome and drink a lot of wine. At last there is a pot of wine. Whocan drink it? They drink out an idea and decide to have amatch-Draw a snake. If you finish first, you can get it.
Soon Mr.Wolf finishes drawing. “Yeah, I’vefinished. I’m No.1,” he says. But he draws again and says, “Oh, letme add feet and my snake.” At the time, Mr. Gorilla also finishes.He takes away the pot of wine and drinks, then he says, “That isn’ta snake. Snakes have no feet. I get the wine.”
故事8 画蛇添足
Story 9 Covering One’s EarsWhile Stealing a Bell
Mr. Wang thinks he is clever, but he alwaysdoes foolish things.
One day he sees a beautiful bell at the top ofa door. “Oh! How nice! I will take it home.” He thinks, “What can Ido?” After a while he has a “good” idea. “Aha! I have an idea now.I can plug my ears. Then I will not hear the ring when I take offthe bell.”
Then he does so. But as soon as he takes offthe bell, the owner opens the door. “What ate you doing?” the ownersays angrily.
故事9 掩耳盗铃
Story 10Adding Eyes to a Dragon
Mr. Li is a good painter. One day he draws a beautiful dragonwithout eyes.
Mr. Zhou looks at the picture and says, “Thedragon has no eyes. It isn’t a good picture.”
But Mr. Li smiles and says, “If I add eyes tothe dragon, it will fly away.”
Mr. Zhou shakes head and says, “You areboasting. I don’t believe you.”
Mr. Li isn’t angry. He holds the paintbrushand adds eyes to the dragon. Woe! The dragon really flies.
故事 10 画龙点睛
Story 11 Lord Ye’s Love ofthe Dragon
There is a young man, LordYe. He likes dragons vey much. He draws many dragons in his house.The house becomes a world of dragon.
A red dragon hears of Lord Ye, and is deeplymoved. He wants to visit Lord Ye and makes a friend with him.
“Hi, Mr.Ye! Nice to meet you,” the real dragon comes to visit Mr. Ye runsaway as fast he can. “Oh, my God! Help! Help!” he runs andshouts.”
故事11 叶公好龙
Story 12 IMade Granny Glad
A teacher is telling her students theimportance of making others glad. “Now, children,” she says“Did youmake someone else glad?”
“Please, teacher,” says a small boy, “I made someone gladyesterday.”
“Well done. Who was that?” The teacher says.
“My granny.” The boy says.
“Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grandmother glad.” Theteacher says.
“I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her for threehours. Then I said to her, ‘Granny, I’m going home.’ And she said,“well. I’m glad!”
故事12 我让奶奶高兴了
Story 13 Look at the Sky from the Bottom of aWell
There is a frog. He lives in a well and henever goes out of the well. He thinks the sky is as big as themouth of the well.
One day a crow comes to the well. He sees the frog and says,“Frog, let’s have a talk.” Then the frog asks, “Where are youfrom?” “I fly from the sky,” the crow says. The frog feelssurprised and says, “The sky is only as big as the mouth of thewell. How do you fly from the sky?”
The crow says, “The sky is very big. Youalways stay in the well, so you don’t know the world is big.”
The frog says, “I don’t believe.” But thecrow says, “You can come out and have a look by yourself.”
So the frog comes out from the well. He isvery surprised. How big the world is!
故事13 坐井观天
Story 14 I can’t Cook It
It’s sunny day in spring. Miss Cat isfishing. Suddenly the fishing rod moves. “Great! Oh, it’s soheavy!” Miss Cat says happily.
The fish is plucked out of the river. “Oh, abig fish! How big the fish is!” She cheers. But she puts the fishinto the river and goes on fishing.
At the time Mr. House goes by and sees it.“What do you set it free?” He asks. “Because my pot is too small. Ican’t cook it,” Miss Cat says.
故事14 我没法煮它
Story 15 That Is Not MyDog!
A woman walks into a pet shop and sees a cutelittle dog. She asks the shopkeeper, “Does your dog bite?”
The shopkeeper says, “No, my dog does notbit.”
The woman tries to pet the dog and the dogbites her.
“Ouch!” She says, “I thought you said your dogdoes not bite!”
The shopkeeper replies, “That is not my dog!”
故事15 那不是我的狗
Mark’s favorite cup is broken, and he feelsunhappy. Susan sees and asks him, “ You look sad. What’s thematter?”
Mark says, “There is something wrong with mycup.”
Susan says, “Don’t worry. I can repairit.”
Mark feels surprised and asks, “Repair? Youcan repair it? You?”
“Yes. Believe me! Where is it?” Susananswers.
“Here. My cup is broken. Are you sure you canrepair it?” Mark takes out his cuo.
故事16 误会
“cup? 你以为是cap.”苏珊说道。说完他俩都笑了。
Story17My “Clever” Dog
Bobby is my dog. I love him. He can roll onthe floor. He can play balls with me. He can look after my housewhen I am out. Bobby is very clever. But sometimes he isn’t.
One day Bobby runs away. He is out for threedays. After he comes back, I tie him to a tree and give him somefood. Bobby begins to eat. But then he stops. He sees a fox. Thefox is looking at his food. Bobby barks and barks. He wants tocatch the fox. But he can’t. The fox runs round the tree. Bobbyruns after the fox. So the rope goes ground the tree. Of courseBobby can’t run. The doc can eat the food. Quickly she eats up thefood and runs away.
Story 18 Snow White
Snow White is born on acold winter day. She is as white as snow. Her eyes are very big,her hair very long and her voice is sweet. She is very kind andbeautiful. Everyone loves her. Her mummy, the Queen loves her, too.But she died.
A new Queen comes. She is beautiful, but bad.She doesn’t like Snow White, because Snow White is the mostbeautiful girl in the world.
“I will kill Snow White.” So she orders ahunter to kill Snow White. The hunter is an honest man. “You are agood girl; I don’t want to kill you.” So he lets Snow White go.
Snow White goes into a forest. She finds ahouse, and goes into the house. Seven dwarfs live there. They likeSnow White, and ask Snow White to live with them.
No sooner, the new Queen dies. Because sheisn’t the most beautiful woman in the world.
故事 18 白雪公主
Story 19The Clever King Solomon
Long, long ago, there was aking. Solomon was his name. He was very clever.
In his country, there weretwo women. They lived in the same house and each had a child.
One night, one of the babies died. The deadbaby’s mother took the other woman’s baby, and put it in her ownbed.
The next morning , they had a quarrel.
“No, this is my baby!” The dead isyours!”
Each one wanted the living baby. So they went to see KingSolomon.
“Bring me a knife, cut the child into two and five each womanone half.” said the King.
“Oh. Your Majesty! Give her my baby. Please don’t kill mybaby!”
Then King Solomon pointed to the woman in teas and said, “Givethe baby to her. She is the mother.”
故事19 聪明的国王所罗门
Story 20 Catching aThief
Witty Hare can run veryfast. One day when he gets home. He sees a rat. The rat is jumpingdown his window. “Oh. A thief!” Witty Hare shouted and catches therat, “You can’t run faster then me.” Soon Witty Hare catches upwith the rat, and the rat is left behind, “I must run away,’ therat says and laughs, “He is so silly.”
Witty Hare goes on running. A sheep sees himand asks him, “What a re you doing?” “I’m catching the thief.”Witty Hare says. “ Thief? Where’s the thief?” the sheep fellssurprised. “He’s behind me ,”Witty Hare says proudly.
机灵的肚子跑得很快。一天,她回到家的时候看见一只老鼠。这只老师正从它家的窗户跳下去。“啊!贼!”机灵肚子喊着追过去。 “你跑不过我的!”不一会它追上了老鼠,还把老鼠丢在后面。“我得赶紧逃。”老鼠窃笑着说:“这家伙真笨。”
Story 21 A Clever Panda
A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wantsto take it home. But the pumpkin is too big. The panda can’t takeit home.
Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike towardher. She watches the bike. “I know! I have a good idea.” she jumpsand shouts happily, “I can roll a pumpkin. It’s like a wheel.”
So she rolls the pumpkin to her home. When hermother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised, “Oh, my God! How canyou carry it home?” the little panda answers proudly, “I can’t liftit, but I can roll it.” Her mother smiled and says,“What a clevergirl! Use you heard to do something,”
故事21 聪明的熊猫
Story 22 The Ox and theDog
An ox and a dog serve for the samefarmer.
One day the dog arrogantly says: “How grand Iam! In the daytime, I watch out for the cattle in the meadows; atnight, I guard the house. But you…”
“Me? How about me ?” the ox says
“You can only plough or draw a cart,” the dog slightly says.
“Yes. It’s true,” the ox says. “But if I don’t plough, what doyou guard?”
故事22 牛和狗
“我?我怎么啦?“ 牛反问。
Story 23 Go to the Cinema
A lorry driver, David is driving 200 penguinsto London Zoo. But his lorry breaks down on the motorway, whenanother lorry driver, Robert stops in the front of him, David asksfor help, and explains that he is taking the penguins to the zoo.Robert says, “Ok. I can help you.”
Some hours later, Robert drivers back andpasses David. David is still on the lorry, and look happy.
“I thought I told you to take those penguinsto the zoo.” David says.
Robert replies, “I did, but I had some moneyleft, so I’m going to the cinema now.”
Story 24 Wolf Is Coming
There is a naughty boy in a village. He likestelling lies. One day he wants to make fun of the farmers. So heshouts, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” The kind farmers are workin