1. 合同标的 Contract Object
2. 形成全部合同的文件 Documents that consist of this contract
3. 定义 Definition
4. 合同价格 Contractual Price
5. 交货条款 Delivery Terms
6. 包装Packing:
7. 检验、安装、试车及验收 Inspection、Installation、Trial run AndAcceptance
8 . 产品保证、担保运行 Products warranty, guaranteed operation
9. 清偿损失额 Liquidated Damages
10. 知识产权 Intellectual Property
11. 保密 Non-disclosure
12. 出口限制 Export Restriction
13. 税项 Tax
14. 安全 Safety
15. 纠纷解决和仲裁 Disputes Resolution and Arbitration
16. 其他条件 Other Conditions
17. 最后条款 Final Provisions
1. .合同标的 ContractObject
The Seller agreed to sell, the Buyer agreed to buy a line fornew-pattern ultra-thin high performance power lithium batteryseparator(contract project), within which thecontractual equipments, authorized patents and/orproprietary technology, project design, technical document(s),technical service and technical training, with details in theappendix.
Chinese must be utilized in equipments safety and operationidentification.
The Seller agreed to authorize the Buyer exclusive andunalienable right to produce and sell all patents and/or theproprietary technology of the contractual products within andbeyond People's Republic of China. The Seller must not prevent theBuyer from using said patent and/or proprietary technology afterthe termination of this contract.
2.形成全部合同的文件 Documentsthat consist of this contract
附件十 买方提供的《湿法隔膜设备设计方案》
Appendix 10 《Wet-process Separator Equipment(s) DesignScheme》
附件十一 合同设备验收条件 Appendix 11Equipment(s) Handover Conditions
3. 定义 Definition
3.1 合同设备:卖方所提供的本合同附件一和附件十一规定的用以生产合同产品的设备、材料、零部件或备件。
Contractual equipment(s): the equipments、material, parts orspare parts that are used to produce the contractual productsprovided by the Seller within Appendix 1 and Appendix 11.
Contract project:The technology and equipment(s) as well astheir auxiliary facilities to produce contractualproducts provided by the Seller stipulated withinAppendix one.
3.3 合同产品:本合同项目生产的具有本合同附件十一规定的规格、性能、技术指标的产品。 Contract products:the products with whose specifications, performance, technicaltarget(s) covered within Appendix 11.
3.4 合同价格:买方因卖方全部且适当履行合同义务而支付的本合同附件七规定的总价。 Contract price: thetotal price that the Buyer must pay to the Seller on the conditionthat the Seller implement the contractual obligation completely andproperly.
Commissioning trial operation:connection public devices of thisproject within Appendix 6, technical requirements within Appendix 1as well as trial-production for products acceptance within Appendix11.
3.6 性能测试: 检测本合同附件十一所规定的各项保证数值,包括设备的各项性能和产品的技术指标。
Performance testing: to test the guaranteed parameters withinAppendix 11, including equipments' various performances andtechnical target.
3.7 验收:如果考核结果表明,合同项目能够全部达到本合同附件所规定的各项保证指标,则视为买方所验收。
Acceptance: if testing result indicate contract project cancompletely reach the guaranteed target stipulated in the Appendix,the acceptance can be implemented.
3.8 检验机构: 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局设立在卸货港和/或工作现场的或邻近的分支机构。
Inspection body: Entry &Exit Inspection and Quarantine ofPRC located in discharging port or its branch nearby theconstruction site.
3.9 保证期:始于合同项目验收通过之日,在此期间,卖方保证合同项目的正常、稳定运行,并对出现的任何缺陷予以排除。
Warranty: initiate from the acceptance paper signed date, duringthis period, the Seller must ensure the contract project goingforward smoothly and stably and implement troubleshooting if anydefect(s) appear.
Contract effective date:this contract is effectivefrom( )by mutual consensus.
Technical document(s): refer to all of the technicaldata,specification,chart(s),drawing(s) and files in terms ofdesign,inspection,installation,trial run,commissioning testrun,performance testing,operation and maintenance that listedwithin contractual Appendix.
4. 合同价格 ContractualPrice
The Seller provide contractual equipment(s),licensed patent(s)and/or proprietary technology,design,technicaldocument(s),technical service and technical training stipulated inthe contract, with total price:Euros(uppercase: Euro.
此价格为无折扣的净价。This is the net price without discount.
此价格认定为CIF中国深圳盐田港到岸价格(按照INCOTERMS 2000)
This price shall identified as CIF Yantian Port, Shenzhen,China( as per INCOTERMS 2000)
4.2 合同的价格包含的供货内容 Supply scope of contractual price
Technical Instruction,Certificate of Conformity and WarrantyCard for the equipment accessories.
5. 交货条款 Deliv