比克战车DeathLove(《死了都要爱》英文版)歌词 死了都要爱英文版


比克战车Death Love(《死了都要爱》英文版) 歌词

Death Love
Billy Klippert
作词:Billy Klippert
作曲:You Hae Joon

Killing time
been here so long it feels like home
once I believed
but this war has took so much from me
the things I’ve seen
the blood shed and the broken dreams
they follow me relentlessly
I survive on foolish pride
thinking i can save the world
from Sodom and their crimes
but I’m alone and the war just rages on again
there’s something waiting out there waiting forus
and it ain’t no man

so open your eyes
don’t let them make you sacrifice
all you fight for
live to dream of
such a shame to hide
behind all their lies
the truth won’t feed you to the fire
比克战车DeathLove(《死了都要爱》英文版)歌词 死了都要爱英文版
with guns and roses left behind

all I have is this faded picture in my hand
sad though it seems
but this is who we used to be
to see your face is the only thing that keeps mesane
and carries me through the shame

I survive on foolish pride
thinking I can save the world from Sodom and theircrimes
but I’m alone
and the war just rages on again
there’s something out there waiting for us
and it ain’t no man
so open your eyes don’t let them make yousacrifice
all you fightfor live to dream of such a shame to hide
behind all their lies
the truth won’t feed you to the fire
with guns and roses left behind

you gotta try to understand
I’m never coming home again
the earth is shaking
lives are taken
yet the sun still shines
behind all their lies
the truth won’t feed you to the fire
with guns and roses left behind
with guns and roses left


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101016/322179.html


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