
Agreement of SpecialTechnology Service
PartyA(Employer) 甲方:雇主
Party B(Provider of Service) 乙方:技术服务提供商
Section one Service Items 第一条 服务项目
1.1 PARTY A herebyretains PARTY B to provide the services outlined in Exhibits A andB which are incorporated and made a part of this Agreement(the “Services”).
甲方在此聘请乙方向其提供附件 A 和附件 B(附件 A和附件 B构成本协议不可分割之一部分)所列明的服务项目(下文简称为服务项目)。
1.2 PARTY B herebyaccepts the obligations contained in this Agreement and subject toterms and conditions hereinafter set forth agrees to provide theServices.
1.3 PARTY B shall alsoprovide additional services specified in any future exhibit whichmay be agreed to between the parties in writing and subsequentlyincorporated into this Agreement. If PARTY A wishes to change thescope of the Services covered by this Agreement or wishes to obtainadditional services not initially covered by this Agreement and/ornot listed in an Exhibit, PARTY A shall so advise PARTY B and shallsubmit specifications to PARTY B. After receipt of thespecifications, PARTY B shall promptly provide PARTY A with a costestimate for performing the changed or additional services. Eachwork assignment shall be governed by the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement and by such supplementary written amendments of thisAgreement or Exhibits as may be , from time to time, executedbetween the parties. In the event of a conflict between the termsof this Agreement and an Exhibit, the terms of this Agreement shallgovern.
1.4 All Services andreporting on the results of the services provided by PARTY Bhereunder shall be conducted in accordance with the applicableprovisions of applicable federal, states and local laws,regulations and ordinances.
1.5 If requested byPARTY A, PARTY B shall provide PARTY A with a certificateevidencing their accreditation by the appropriate accrediting body.Such accreditation shall remain in force during the period of thisAgreement.
Section 2 - Compensation And Expenses 第二条 酬金和费用
2.1 PARTY A shall payPARTY B, and PARTY B agrees to accept for the services to beperformed under this Agreement, compensation as specified inExhibit B. PARTY A shall not be required to pay any sum in excessof $_____. This sum is the maximum amount due under this Agreementfor PARTY B work during the term of this Agreement except forreasonable travel expenses as specified in subsection 2.2, unlessagreed otherwise in writing by the parties. Travel time is notcompensable.
基于乙方在本协议项下所提供的服务项目,甲方应当向乙方支付附件B所列明数额的酬金,同时乙方同意接受该酬金。甲方所应支付的酬金总额不得超过美元。除非本协议双方当事人另有书面约定,该金额为乙方在本协议有效期间内提供服务项目的最高酬金,本协议2.2 款所列的合理差旅费用另计。对差旅所耗时间,不作另行补偿。
2.2 Upon receipt byPARTY A of copies of receipts or other appropriate evidence ofexpenditures by PARTY B, PARTY A shall reimburse PARTY B forreasonable travel expenses (coach class airfare, groundtransportation, lodging and meals) incurred by PARTY B at therequest of PARTY A in rendering services hereunder.
甲方收到乙方送交的收据复印件或其它相关开支证明后,应当立即将乙方按照 甲方 要求提供本协议项下服务项目而产生的合理差旅费(经济舱飞机票,地面交通费,住宿费,餐费)补偿给乙方。
2.3 PARTYB’s federal I.D. or social security number is asspecified in Exhibit B. It is agreed that PARTY B is responsiblefor the payment of any taxes. PARTY A will report payments made toPARTY B as required by applicable federal, state or local tax lawor regulations.
乙方的联邦身份证号码或社会保险号如附件 B 所示。本协议双方当事人同意:乙方应当承担各项税金。甲方应当按照适用的联邦,州和地方税法或法规,将其向乙方支付的款项进行申报。
Section 3 -Confidentiality 第三条 保密条款
3.1 With respect toany and all information acquired by PARTY B from PARTY A as aresult of this Agreement or from performance of the Services to berendered hereunder , including, but not limited to, informationmeaning, referring, relating or pertaining to the nature andexistence of the parties’ business relationship, and anyinformation developed during or arising from or in connection withsuch business collaboration (hereinafter “ConfidentialInformation”), PARTY B agrees that it will not use saidConfidential Information other than for the purposes of thisAgreement, and it will not disclose any of said ConfidentialInformation to any third party except to those of its employees andagents who need to know such Confidential Information and from whomPARTY B has secured agreement to be bound by the confidentialityobligations thereof , for a period of five (5) years; the foregoingobligation shall not apply to Confidential Information: (a) whichcan be shown to have been known to PARTY B prior to its receiptfrom PARTY A; (b) which is or lawfully becomes generally known tothe public; (c) which is lawfully acquired from third parties whohave a right to disclose such Confidential Information; (d) whichby mutual agreement is released from a confidential status; and (e)which PARTY B is required by law to release, provided that PARTY Ais given advance written notice of such requirement by PARTY B sothat PARTY A may contest or limit such release.
对于由甲方因本协议提供给乙方的所有信息资料,以及由于提供本协议项下服务项目而由乙方获取的所有信息资料,包括但不限于与本协议双方当事人业务关系有关的任何信息资料,以及任何在双方当事人业务协作期间开发的信息资料(下文统称为“保密资料”),乙方同意:在五年之内,乙方决不将前述“ 保密资料 ” 用于本协议目的之外的任何目的,决不将保密资料披露给任何第三方,乙方仅将保密资料提供给需要知道该等保密资料的雇员或代理人,并且乙方已经与获取该保密资料的雇员或代理人签订了保密协议;但是前述保密义务不适用于下列资料:(a) 有证据显示在甲方向乙方提供保密资料之前,乙方已经获得了该保密资料; (b) 公众领域内的资料或合法进入公众领域的资料; (c) 以合法的方式从有权披露该保密资料的第三方获取的保密资料; (d) 本协议双方当事人同意解除保密状态的资料; (e) 乙方应法律要求披露的保密资料,但乙方应当将该法律要求提前以书面形式通知甲方,以便甲方可以反对或限制该等披露。
3.2 The terms of thisSection 3, and the parties’obligations hereunder , shallsurvive termination orexpiration of this Agreement and the completion of PARTYB’s Services hereunder .
Section 4 - Term And Termination 第四条 协议有效期间和协议终止
4.1 This Agreementshall be effective from the date shown above and shall thereafterremain in full force andeffect until completion of the Services provided herein , orpursuant to any subsequent Exhibit hereto , whichever islater.
4.2 In the event thateither party commits a breach or default in any of the terms orconditions of this Agreement and that party fails to remedy thatdefault or breach within thirty (30) days after receipt of noticeof that breach from the other party, the party giving notice may,at its option terminate this Agreement by sending written notice oftermination to the other party. PARTY A, however, shall have theright to terminate this Agreement (for other than default or breachby PARTY B) at any time by giving appropriate written notice atthirty (30) days prior to the desired termination date. Uponreceipt of notice of termination, PARTY B shall cease performanceof the Services unless requested otherwise by PARTY A. Theobligations of PARTY B under Sections 3, 8 and 12 of this Agreementwill survive termination of this Agreement.
若本协议任何一方违反本协议任何条款,并且在收到对方当事人相关通知之日起三十( 30 )日内未对其违约行为采取补救措施,则发出该通知的一方有权自行向对方发送书面通知,终止本协议。另外,甲方有权随时终止本协议,但应当在其期望的终止日期三十(30 )日前以书面形式通知对方( 乙方违约的除外)。乙方一旦收到终止通知,应当立即停止提供服务项目,甲方另有要求的除外。乙方在本协议第三条,第八条和第十二条项下的义务在本协议终止之后仍然有效。
4.3 All data and otherinformation resulting from the Services shall be the sole propertyof PARTY A and shall be subject to PARTY A’s exclusive use, commercial or otherwise.
4.4 Upon thetermination of this Agreement or the Services for any reason,promptly upon request from PARTY A, (i) PARTY B shall immediatelydeliver to PARTY A (or, at PARTY A’s direction, destroy) any and all data, documents,designs, results, work product and deliverables (whether completeor not), works-in-progress, and other information resulting from orrelated to the Services, and (ii) PARTY A shall immediately returnto PARTY B (or, at PARTY B’s direction, destroy) any data,documents and other information containing PARTY B’s ConfidentialInformation that are unrelated to the Services, the work product,deliverables, or the work performed under thisAgreement.
本协议或本协议项下之服务项目无论由于任何原因终止之后,经甲方要求, (i) 乙方应当立即将由服务项目产生的或与服务项目有关的所有数据,文件,设计,生成物,工作产品和其它应交付物品(包括最终完成的和尚未完成的),未完工作品和其它资料交还给甲方,或者按照甲方的要求销毁;(ii)甲方应当将含有乙方保密资料的,但是与本协议项下服务项目、工作产品,应交付物品或本协议项下工作无关的数据,文件和其他资料立即归还给乙方(或应乙方要求销毁)。
Section 5 - Publicity And Publication 第五条 宣传和公布
5.1 PARTY B may notdisclose that PARTY A has retained PARTY B for professionalservices unless PARTY A specifically agrees in writing that suchdisclosure may be made.
5.2 Such limitationsshall not apply to disclosures which PARTY A or PARTY B is requiredby law to make.
5.3 PARTY B shall not(a) publicize in any form, including but not limited to thedelivery of results or reports to third parties; the results, itsreport or any part thereof ; (b) use or cause to be used suchresults or report for the purpose of initiation of claims, legalproceedings, advertisements, public relations ormarketing.
乙方不得 (a)以任何方式、形式将成果或报告或其任何部分给予任何第三方; (b) 将前述成果或报告用于或者促成他人用于启动索赔、法律程序、广告、公共关系或营销活动。
Section 6 - Independent Contractor 第六条 独立承包商
6.1 PARTY B shallperform the Services under this Agreement only as an independentcontractor, and nothing contained herein shall be construed to beinconsistent with that relationship or status. PARTY B, itsemployees, and agents shall not be considered employees or agentsof PARTY A. This Agreement shall not constitute, create, or in anyway be interpreted as, a joint venture, partnership, or businessorganization of any kind.
Section 7 - Force Majeure 第七条 不可抗力
7.1 Neither PARTY A nor PARTY B shall be liablefor delays in performing or any failure to perform any ofthe terms of this Agreement caused by the effects of fire, strike,war (declared or undeclared), insurrection, government restrictionor prohibition, force majeure or other causes reasonably beyond itscontrol and without its fault, but the party failing to performshall use all reasonable efforts to resume performance of thisAgreement as soon as feasible. Any episode of force majeure whichcontinues for forty-five (45) days from the date of notification ofits existence shall give the non-affected party the right toterminate this agreement upon fifteen (15) days additional writtennotice.
若本协议任何一方当事人由于火灾,罢工,战争(无论是否经过宣战),暴动,政府管制或禁止,不可抗力或其它无法合理控制并且自身没有过错的情况,而无法履行或迟延履行本协议的任何条款,则该方对此不承担责任,但是,遭遇前述事件的一方应当采取所有合理措施在可行的情况下尽快恢复履行本协议。若前述不可抗力事件自通知存在之日起延续四十五(45 )日,则非遭遇该事件的一方有权终止本协议,但是应当提前十五( 15 )日通知对方当事人。
Section 8 - Patents, Rights In Work Product And TradeSecrets
第八条 专利权,工作成果权利和商业秘密
8.1 PARTY B herebygrants to PARTY A all right, title and interest in andto any invention, discovery, or improvement conceived or reduced topractice in connection with the Services performed hereunder byPARTY B’s officers, employees, representatives, andagents. PARTY B will keep and have its officers, employees,representatives and agents keep signed, witnessed, and datedwritten records of all such inventions, discoveries, orimprovements, and will furnish PARTY A promptly with completeinformation in respect thereof , and will do all things necessaryto protect the interest of PARTY A therein at PARTY A’s expense.With respect to patent applications filed by PARTY A, PARTY Bagrees to promptly execute and have executed assignments thereof toPARTY A and any papers that PARTY A may consider necessary orhelpful in such prosecution, or which may relate to any litigationor interference and/or controversy in connection therewith . Theentire control, prosecution, and conduct of any patent applicationfiled by PARTY A shall be outside the jurisdiction of and withoutexpense to PARTY B and its officers, employees, representatives andagents. PARTY B acknowledges that PARTY A has the exclusive rightto file patent applications in connection with the Servicesprovided herein and with any inventions, discoveries orimprovements made pursuant to the Agreement. PARTY B warrants thatneither itself nor its employees, agents and representatives willprevent PARTY A in any way from filing patent applications or fromapplying the results of the Services carried out hereunder.
乙方在此将乙方管理人员、雇员、代表和代理人按照本协议所履行的服务项目有关的发明,发现或改进中包含的所有权利,所有权和利益全部授予甲方。乙方将保存所有经过签署的、亲历的、标注日期的关于前述发明,发现,改进的记录,并且将确保其管理人员、雇员、代表和代理人保存前述记录;乙方将迅速向甲方提供与该等记录相关的完整资料,并采取一切必要措施保护甲方在其中的利益,但是由此所产生的费用应当由甲方承担。对于由甲方提出的专利申请,乙方同意将及时签署或促成他人签署相应的转让文件以及甲方 认为对该申请必需的或有帮助的其他文件,或者与该专利申请相关的任何诉讼,干涉和(或)纠纷有关的任何文件,并将前述的文件递交与甲方。乙方及其管理人员、雇员、代表和代理人一律无权涉及甲方 提交的任何专利申请的整体控制和过程,也一律无须承担由此产生的任何费用。乙方承认:就本协议项下之服务项目以及按照本协议所产生的发明,发现和改进,甲方拥有独家权利提出专利申请。乙方保证乙方本身及其管理人员、雇员、代表和代理人不得以任何方式阻甲方提出专利申请或使用本协议项下服务项目的成果。
8.2 All drawings,reports, designs, data, protocols, results of analysis, technicalinformation, original works of authorship and all other informationemanating from the performance of the Services rendered hereunderor any additional services subsequently agreed upon are works forhire and shall be reported to PARTY A and become its soleproperty.
8.3 It is mutuallyagreed and understood that PARTY B has the right to enter into thisAgreement and will not disclose to nor use for the benefit of PARTYA any trade secrets of another party in the performance of theServices under this Agreement.
8.4 PARTYB’s agreements with its officers, employees,representatives and agents will contain appropriate terms toeffectuate the provisions of this Section 8, and Section 3, of thisAgreement.
8.5 Notwithstandingthe foregoing, PARTY B shall retain ownership rights in and to allcalculation methods, software programs, methods of analysis andinvestigation used by PARTY B to provide the Services.
8.6 In case ofpublication by PARTY A of all or part of the results of analysiscarried out by PARTY B, PARTY A shall not use PARTYB’s name, logo or trademarks, without its priorwritten consent.
Section 9 – Liability, Warranty and Indemnification 第九条 责任、保证和补偿条款
9.1 PARTY B shall beliable for the reimbursement of actual, proven and direct expensesincurred by PARTY A solely as a result of PARTYB’s negligence or willful misconduct in theperformance of the Services hereunder , provided, however, thatPARTY A demonstrates such actual and direct expenses by competentproof. In no event shall PARTY B be liable for special orconsequential damages.
若在履行本协议项下的服务项目过程中,乙方有疏忽或有意的不当行为,导致甲方遭受任何实际的、能够证实的和直接费用,则乙方应当就此对甲方 进行全额补偿;然而甲方应当提供充分的证据证明该等费用。乙方决不承担任何特殊的或者间接的损失。
9.2 PARTY B shall useits best efforts when selecting a subcontractor and PARTY A shallhave the right to approve any subcontractor. In the event PARTY Ais not satisfied with any subcontractor used by PARTY B at anytime, it shall have the right to a replacement.
9.3 PARTY Brepresents, warrants and covenants that: (i) the Services to beprovided hereunder shall be performed in accordance withprofessional standards, shall meet the descriptions provided inExhibit “A