理解Ratherthan与insteadof的区别 prefer rather than

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理解 Rather than 与Instead of的区别



请看下面的句子, 语法完全争取,但所处的情景是不同的。

The biggest difference between instead of and ratherthan is that ‘instead of’ shows replacement while ‘rather than’shows preference.

I would like cheese pizza instead ofpepperoni.
I would like cheese pizza ratherthan pepperoni.

Instead of means you have a choice of options. Ratherthan means you prefer one option over the other

I wouldratherhaveice creamthanapple pie becauseI like ice cream better.
But if there weren't very much ice cream left, and Iwanted to save some for tomorrow, I might have applepieinstead ofice creamtonight.


1.Instead of

1.Insteadis never used alone as a preposition. We use the twowords “Insteadof”.
I will have lemonade instead ofshake.
2.Insteadofis NOT usually followed by an infinitive(-to).
TG worked all day instead of taking rest (not insteadof to take rest)
理解Ratherthan与insteadof的区别 prefer rather than
3. When instead is used as an adverb, it is used without of. Inthat case, the sentence usually starts or ends with‘instead’.
He didn’t buy shoes after all. Instead, he bought flip flops.
Don’t buy shoes. Buy flip flops instead.

2.Rather Than
1. Rather than is generally usedinparallelconstructions: with two nouns, adjectives, infinitives, adverbs or-ing forms.

I’d prefer to marry in February rather than inJune.
I’d call him a smart worker rather than a hard worker.


I live [in the mountains] rather than [in the city]correct
I live [in the mountains] instead of [in the city] Incorrect in thecity is not a noun but rather a prepositionalphrase

2.Whenthe main clause has to-infinitive, rather than is usually followedby an infinitive without to or an -ingform.
I decided to write a post rather than surf/surfingthe internet.
Rather than complain/ complaining, you should try to makechanges.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101016/321081.html


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