2015年大选日益临近,中国对缅外交战略就越值得关注。可以评价中国对待登盛总统和敏昂来总司令的方式。在老街问题上,中央军事委员会副主席范长龙对敏昂来说,缅军高层要“严格管控约束”部队,绝不能再次发生此类事件。“否则,中国军队将采取坚决果断措施,保护中国人民生命财产安全。”范说,缅方要认识到问题的严重性,严肃认真对待此事,严惩肇事者,向死伤者家属道歉并赔偿,向中方作出交待。随后,登盛总统派遣外交部长WunnaMaung Lwin进行赔偿和道歉。缅甸刚把炸弹扔进中国境内,中国喷气式战机便被派去“跟踪、监视、警告、外逼”。这是25年来中国首次在中缅边界部署部队。中国部署部队成为缅甸打击果敢反政府军的障碍。
Analysis ofChinese possible diplomatic relations to Myanmar beyond2015
Writer: Wai Phyoe 十一媒体
There has been a noticeable change in China’s strategy ondiplomatic relations with Myanmar.
China has placed a higher priority on how toimprove diplomatic relations with Myanmar beyond2015.China previously invited Aung San Suu Kyi,pro-democracy leader and Noble Peace laureate, to pay a visit toChina. What is more, China has noticeably supported the chairpersonof the opposition National League for Democracy(NLD).
At such a time, Thura Shwe Mann who has been very friendlyin his dealings with the Myanmar opposition leader held a meetingwith Chinese President Mr Xi Jinping in Beijing, China on April 27.It appears that such meeting is an interesting story. This is whyit will reflect China’s attitude toward Myanmar. Chinese PresidentMr Xi Jinping giving a pleasant smile at Thura Shwe Mann can beseen in the news photo reported by Xinhua news agency. Televisednews and photos showed that Chinese President Mr Xi Jinping wasgiving a better deal for Thura Shwe Mann. China rolled out the redcarpet for visiting Thura Shwe Mann. No, no, that’s quiteunnecessary because Thura Shwe Mann is really a parliamentspeaker.
Mr Xi Jinping is not only a president but he is also achairman of ruling Chinese Communist Party. In the same way, ThuraShwe Mann is the speaker of the Union parliament as well as beingthe chairman of ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party. Bothof the figures pledged that closer cooperation would be fortifiedbetween the two ruling parties.
In recent days, President Thein Sein of Myanmar andChinese President Mr Xi Jinping held a separate meeting duringAsian African Summit. Both of them were the same occasion in Chinaduring June in 2014. But their meeting was different from that ofThura Shwe Mann by studying the official reports withphotos.
China seems to aim at regarding Myanmar asits strategic partner and a country of profitable natural resourcesin addition to its reliable ally in ASEAN and South-China Seaissues. China looks desirous of Myanmar to be a stable coalitiongovernment so as to escape from the influence of Western powerseven if Myanmar became a federal Union at a time when thedemocratic government came to power. For that reason, Mr Xi Jinpingmade Thura Shwe Mann look attractive by giving the red carpettreatment just like a president.
China is supposedly changing its diplomacy indealing with Myanmar upholding long-lasting friendship. This pointbecame more noticeable after Chinese political scientists haddisclosed if Myanmar’s reform process totally came to an end.According to the paper of the Social Science College of China andAsia-Pacific and International Art of War Research Office, thesewritings were stated in Contemporary World journal issued by thecentral foreign relations department of Chinese Communist Party.The ideas of this journal can be seen in the Global Times’s reviewsof Myanmar affairs. The Global Times spotlights the perspective ofthe Chinese government.
The Global Times warned that Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLDcould influence over the people. As regards, the Global Times urgedthe Chinese government to approach Aung San Suu Kyi and heropposition party as it was impossible to rule out them. The Chinesenewspaper, moreover, suggested that China ought to promote andstrength regular bilateral relations with Myanmar.
China’s diplomacy strategy toward Myanmar hasbecome more noticeable at a time when the 2015 general electionsget nearer. The ways China deal with President Thein Sein andCommander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min AungHlaing can be evaluated. In Laukkaing issue, Fan Changlong, vicechairman of the Central Military Commission told Min Aung Hlaing,the commander-in-chief of defence services that Myanmar militaryshould “seriously control” its troops and prevent any recurrence ofsuch an incident. “Otherwise Chinese military will take resolutemeasures to protect the safety of Chinese people and their assets”Fan was quoted saying by Xinhua. Fan said that Myanmar shouldunderstand the seriousness of the incident, launch a thoroughinvestigation and also provide compensation to the families ofvictims. Later, President Thein Sein assigned duties to foreignminister Wunna Maung Lwin to provide compensations and make anapology. No sooner had Myanmar’s bombs dropped in China border thanChinese fighter jets were sent to “track, monitor, warn and chaseaway”. It is the first time China deployed its troops atChina-Myanmar border within 25 years. Chinese troop deploymentbecame a barrier to Myanmar in fighting against Kokangrebels.
Such situations are Chinese government’s attitudes towardsPresident Thein Sein and Military Chief Senior General Min AungHlaing.
In addition to the government and Tatmadaw (army, navy andair forces), China has an influence on four armed ethnicgroups—United Wa State Army (UWSA), Kachin Independence Army (KIA),Karen National Union (KNU) , Restoration Council of Shan State/ShanState Army (RCSS/SSA). Myanmar army could not easily fight about2,000 Kokang troops as Chinese role is large. Wa has a force ofabout 30,000 troops and KIA, about 10,000 troops. How will Myanmarmilitary fight them?
The current clashes are showing a test for fighting skilland military skill of Myanma Tatmadaw whose possesses more than300,000 soldiers. It is also a limited battle. Based on this point,China assessed political and military affairs.
China’s diplomacy is different among regionalcountries. But China wants Myanmar to be peaceful and stable andthis point is clear. During the meeting with President Thein Seinin Indonesia, Chinese President Mr Xi Jinping focused oncooperation in building peace and stability of the border anddevelopments.
The conference of armed ethnic groups will be held inPanghsan early May. It is not easy to exactly know about ‘how willChina have the opinion on the ethnic conference’. But theconference will be held at the headquarters of the UWSA which isbacked by China.
The Chinese President met with Thura Shwe Mann at a timewhen President Thein Sein sees less support from the public, andthe clashes between Myanmar army and armed ethnic groups go on.Chinese government seems to approach the leader winning the supportof the people and the soft liners in ethnic issues, but they don’twant those preferring to use military action (hawkish).
Thura Shwe Mann was tipped for the successor to retiredSenior General Than Shwe in the transition from the previousmilitary regime to the quasi-civilian government, but Thein Seinbecame the president. Now is also the same matter. Unless TheinSein is the president in the next government, Military Chief SeniorGeneral Min Aung Hlaing is tipped as the president. The criticssaid that Thein Sein and Senior General Min Aung Hlaing is onepair, similarly, Aung San Suu Kyi and Thura Shwe Mann is one pairto govern the country. When reviewing the current diplomacy ofChina, China prefers the duo of Aung San Suu Kyi and Thura ShweMann. For that reason, the US and China will have to keep an eye onthe ethnic conference and the six-party talk.
Anyhow, it is questionable whether China will givepriority to the emergence of the peaceful and stable governmentbacked by the people beyond 2015 and whether it will interfere inMyanmar’s internal affairs just like hand in glove with Myanmarduring the previous 25 years.