We must impress of our young people. That therewill be difficulties that they faced. They must defeat them.Theymust do what they have to do...in order to do what they want todo.Education is the only way out.The way out of ignorance!The wayout of darkness into the glorious light!!!
Melvin B. Tolson: Who is the judge? The Debaters:The judge is God. Melvin B. Tolson: Why is he God? TheDebaters: Because he decides who wins or loses.Not my opponent. Melvin B.Tolson: Who is your opponent? TheDebaters: He does not exist .Melvin B. Tolson: Why does he notexist? The Debaters: Because he is a mere dissenting voice of thetruth I speak!
Debate is blood sport. It's combat. But yourweapons are words.
----- The Great Debaters《伟大辩手》
Round 1: 选拔辩手时的辩论练习
Resolved: Welfare discourages hard work. Welfaretakes away a man's strongest reason for working, which is survival,and that weakens the will of the poor. How would you rebutthat?
I would say it does not. Most of the New Deal goesto children, anyway, and to the handicapped, and to oldpeople...
-- Is that fact, or conjecture? -- It is afact.
-- 这是事实还是推断呢?-- 是事实。
-- What's your source? -- The president.
-- 这个事实援引自......?-- 总统。
-- That's your primary source? You spoke toPresident Roosevelt personally? -- Of course not. I did not speakto him personally, but I listened to his Fireside Chat.
-- 这是你的主要信息来源吗?你跟罗斯福总统亲自谈过?
-- 当然没有,我没有跟他面对面谈过。但我听过他的“炉边倾谈”。
--Any other sources? --Yes, there are othersources.
Like that look in a mother's eyes when she can'tfeed her kids. Without welfare, people would be starving.
-- 还有其他的信息渠道吗?
-- 是的,还有,例如一个母亲无法抚养自己孩子时的眼神。如果没有了福利措施,人们就会挨饿。
-- Who's starving, Miss Booke?--The unemployed are starving.
-- 谁在挨饿,布可小姐?- - 没有工作的人呀!
Mr. Burgess here---He's unemployed. Obviously, he'snot starving.
I drew you in, Miss Booke. You gave a faultypremise, so your syllogism fell apart. Your logic fell apart.
Major premise: The unemployed are starving.
Minor premise: Mr. Burgess is unemployed.
Conclusion: Mr. Burgess is starving.
Your major premise was based on a faultyassumption---Classic fallacy.
Round 2: 选拔辩手时的考题
-- All right, Mr. Lowe. I will name a subject. Youspeak a few words...a pertinent quote.from world literature."Beauty".
-- "I heard the old, old men say, all that isbeautiful drifts away, like the waters."
-- 罗先生,我指定一个题目:我给你个主题,你得援引文学名著中与之相关的句子来陈述。“美丽”。
-- 我听老人们说过,所有的美丽都会消逝,就像流水一样。
-- Very good. "History". And name the author thistime.
-- "History is a nightmare, from which I am tryingto awake." James Joyce.
-- 很好。“历史”——这次要说出作者。
-- “历史是场噩梦,而我一直想从中醒来。”——詹姆斯·乔伊斯。
-- “Self-pity”.
-- "I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself."D.H. Lawrence.
-- “自怨自艾”。
-- “我从未见过野蛮的事物会为自己难过。”——D.H.罗伦斯。
-- Mr. Farmer. Tell me the irony in the name"Bethlehem Steel Corporation."
-- Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus, Prince ofPeace,and Bethlehem Steel makes weapons
-- 法默先生,解释一下“伯利恒钢铁公司”这个名字为什么具有讽刺意味?
-- 伯利恒是基督的出生地,是和平圣地,伯利恒钢铁公司却为战争制造武器。
Round 3: 教授辩论技巧
-- Yes, sir, I do like totalk.
-- Is that a virtue or a vice?
-- Well, I have to admit I've always wanted to bethe quiet, mysterious type,only I couldn't keep my mouth shut longenough.
-- 没错,先生,我很能说。
-- 这是优点还是缺点?
-- 哦,我必须承认我本想做个沉默又神秘的人,但我却难以长时间控制住我的嘴巴不说话。
-- Would you punch yourself in a street fight, Mr.Burgess?
-- No, sir.
-- Then don't punch yourself in a word fight. Youdon't have to make fun of yourself.Use your humor against youropponent.
Round 4: 辩论赛之一
Resolved: Unemployment relief should be ended whenthe Depression ends.
I traveled back through history to 1536, when thefirst Poor Laws of England were mandated. In those days, the dole,or welfare as we call it, was funded by voluntary contributions.But as time passed, the English devised the Allowance System,thefirst unemployment relief, only now it was paid with involuntarycontributions,more commonly known as taxes.
The Allowance System was a disaster. The only realunemployment relief is to give a man a job. But to do that, youhave to give the economy life, not tax it to death.
When capitalism was young, the old puritanicalconcept of duty was, "He who does not work shall not eat." Thatmade sense when there was more work than men willing to do it.
But those days are gone. Now there are millions whowant to work, but find themselves standing in breadlines.Now,should they not eat because there have no jobs? People,today weneed a new concept of duty: The right of the individual to demandfrom society is just as much as he gives to society.
We clutch at anything that even looks like asolution. $ 60 million a month for public relief? Pay it out ifit'll sweep the hoboes off the streets. One seventh of thepopulation of the United States on welfare. Fine, as long as itends our misery. A nation as desperate as this is a danger toitself.
Once, a Roman general brought peace to a rebelliousprovince by killing all its citizens.Even his fellow Romans wereshocked. One of them wrote, "Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant,"which means "They create desolation and call it peace." Now, forall their facts and figures, the Paul quinn debaters would alsocreate desolation and call it peace.They would allow the unemployedto die so the economy can live.
A brilliant young woman I know was asked once tosupport her argument in favor of social welfare. She named the mostpowerful source imaginable: The look in a mother's face when shecannot feed her children. Can you look that hungry child in theeyes? See the blood on his feet from walking barefoot in the cottonfields? Or do you ask his baby sister with her belly swollen fromhunger if she cares about her daddy's work ethic?
Round 5: 辩论赛之二
Resolved: Negroes should be admitted to stateuniversities.
My partner and I will prove that blocking a Negro'sadmission to a state university is not only wrong, it isabsurd.
The Negro people are not just a color in theAmerican fabric. They are the thread that holds it all together.Consider the legal and historical record. May 13, 1865:SergeantCrocker, a Negro, is the last soldier to die in the Civil War. Thefirst U.S.Soldiers decorated for bravery in France are NegroesHenry Johnson and Needham Roberts. 1920: The New York Timesannounces that the "N" in Negro would hereafterbe capitalized.
To force upon the South what they are not ready forwould result in nothing but more racial hatred. Dr. W.E.B.DuBois...he's perhaps the most eminent Negro scholar in America. Hecomments..."It's a silly waste of money, time, and temper to tryand compel a powerful majority to do what they are determined notto do."
My opponent so conveniently chose to ignore thefact that W.E.B. DuBois is the first Negroto receive a Ph. D from awhite college called Harvard.
Dr. DuBois, he adds, "It is impossible for a Negroto receive a proper education at a white college."
The most eminent Negro scholar in America is theproduct of an Ivy League education. You see, DuBois knows all toowell the white man's resistance to change. But that's no reason tokeep a black man out of any college. If someone didn't force uponthe South something it wasn't ready for, I'd still be in chains,and Miss Booke here would be running from her old Master!
I do admit it. It is true. Far too many whites areafflicted with the disease of racial hatred. And because of racism,it would be impossible for a Negro to be happy at a southern whitecollege today. And if someone is unhappy, it is impossible to seehow they could receive a proper education. Yes, a time will comewhen Negroes and whites will walk on the same campus and we willshare the same classrooms. But sadly, that day is not today.
As long as schools are segregated, Negroes willreceive an education that is both separate and unequal. ByOklahoma's own reckoning, the state is currently spending fivetimes more for the education of a white child than it is spendingto educate a colored child. That means better textbooks for thatchild than for that child. Oh, I say that's a shame, but myopponent says today is not the day for whites and coloreds to go tothe same college, to share the same campus, to walk in the sameclassroom. Well, would you kindly tell me when is that day gonnacome? Is it gonna come tomorrow? Is it gonna come next week? In ahundred years? Never? No, the time for justice, the time forfreedom, and the time for equality, is always, is always, rightnow!
Round 6: 辩论赛之三
Resolved: "Civil disobedience is a moral weapon inthe fight for justice."
How can disobedience ever be moral? Well, I guessthat depends on
one's definition of the word.
In 1919, in India, 10,000 people gathered inAmritsar to protest the tyranny of British rule. General ReginaldDyer trapped them in a courtyard and ordered his troops to fireinto the crowd for ten minutes. 379 died...men,women,children...Shot down in cold blood. Dyer said he had taughtthem a moral lesson.Gandhi and his followers responded not withviolence but with an organized campaign of non-cooperation.Government buildings were occupied.Streets were blocked with peoplewho refused to rise even when beaten by police.
Gandhi was arrested, but the British were soonforced to release him. He called it a moral victory. The definitionof moral: Dyer's lesson or Gandhi's victory?You choose.
From 1914 to 1918, for every single minute theworld was at war, four men laid down their lives. Just think of it.240 brave young men were hurled into eternity every hour of everyday, of every night, for four long years. 35,000 hours. 8,281,000casualties.240. 240. 240. Here was a slaughter immeasurably greaterthan what happened at Amritsar. Can there be anything moral aboutit? Nothing...except that it stopped Germany from enslaving all ofEurope.
Civil disobedience isn't moral because it'snon-violent. Fighting for your country with violence can be deeplymoral, demanding the greatest sacrifice of all: Life itself.Non-violence is the mask civil disobedience wears to conceal itstrue face---anarchy.
Gandhi believes one must always act with love andrespect for one's opponents,even if they are Harvard debaters.
Gandhi also believes that lawbreakers must acceptthe legal consequences for their actions. Does that sound likeanarchy? Civil disobedience is not something for us to fear. It is,after all, an American concept. You see, Gandhi draws hisinspiration not from a Hindu scripture, but from Henry DavidThoreau, who I believe graduated from Harvard and lived by a pondnot too far from here.
My opponent is right about one thing. Thoreau was aHarvard grad, and, like many of us, a bit self-righteous. He oncesaid, "Any man more right than his neighbors constitutes a majorityof one." Thoreau the idealist could never know that Adolf Hitlerwould agree with his words.
The beauty and the burden of democracy is this: Noidea prevails without the support of the majority. The peopledecide the moral issues of the day, not a majority of one.
Majorities do not decide what is right or wrong.Your conscience does.So why should a citizen surrender his or herconscience to a legislator? No, we must never, ever kneel downbefore the tyranny of a majority.
We can't decide which laws to obey and which toignore. If we could,I'd never stop for a red light. My father isone of those men that stands between us and chaos: a policeofficer. I remember the day his partner, his best friend, wasgunned down in the line of duty. Most vividly of all,I remember theexpression on my dad's face. Nothing that erodes the rule of lawcan be moral, no matter what name we give it.
In Texas, they lynch Negroes. My teammates and Isaw a man strung up by his neck and set on fire. We drove through alynch mob, pressed our faces against the floorboard. I looked at myteammates. I saw the fear in their eyes, and worse, the shame. Whatwas this Negro's crime that he should be hung, without trial, in adark forest filled with fog? Was he a thief? Was he a killer? Orjust a Negro? Was he a sharecropper? A preacher? Were his childrenwaiting up for him? And who are we to just lie there and donothing? No matter what he did, the mob was the criminal. But thelaw did nothing, just left us wondering why.
My opponent says nothing that erodes the rule oflaw can be moral. But there is no rule of law in the Jim CrowSouth, not when Negroes are denied housing, turned away fromschools, hospitals, and not when we are lynched.
St. Augustine said, "An unjust law is no law atall," which means I have a right, even a duty, to resist. Withviolence or civil disobedience? You should pray I choose thelatter.
圣奥古斯丁说,“不公正的法律根本不能称之为法律,”也就是说我有权利,甚至有责任去反抗。是用暴力反抗,还是非暴力地行使公民的不服从?—— 你们应该庆幸我选择了后者。
整场辩论乃至 整部影片都以这段总结陈词结束。这段辩词确有千钧之力。