face[feIs] n.1.[C]脸,面孔:Go and wash yourface. 去洗个脸吧。/ She came in with a smile on her face. 她面带笑容走了进来。2.[C](物体的)表面,正面:the face of the earth 地球的表面3.[U]面子,威信:He was afraid of risking failure because hedidn’t want to lose face.他害怕失败,因为他不想丢面子。vt.1.面向,面对,朝:My house facessouth. 我家的房子朝南。2.面临,面对(难题):A new problem faced me.我面临了新的问题。3.正视,对付:He turned to face his attackers.他转过身来对付那些攻击者。■be faced with 面临:They are all faced with thesame problem. 他们都面临同样的问题。 face to face (with sb) 面对面:He cameface to face with death. 他面临死亡。/ lose one’s face 失面子 /make a face 扮鬼脸 / save one’s face 挽回面子 / shaveone’s face 刮脸
fact[fAkt] n.1.[C]事实,客观事实,真实事物:No decisionwill be made until we know all the facts.在没弄清全部事实前,我们不会作出决定。2.[U]真相,实情,现实,真实性:Is this story fact orfiction? 这个故事是真事还是杜撰的?■in fact 实际上,其实:I thought the lecturewould be boring but in fact it was rather interesting.我原以为这一讲座很无聊,但实际上很有趣。
factory[5fAktErI] n.[C]工厂:Their factory islocated at the foot of the mountain. 他们的工厂坐落在山脚下。/ The factory hasceased making bicycles. 工厂已停止制造自行车。
fade[feId] vi.1.(使)褪色,(颜色)消退,声音变弱:My jeansfaded when they were washed. 我的牛仔裤洗后褪色了。2.渐渐消失,变虚弱:Allmemory of her childhood had faded from her mind.她对童年的一切记忆逐渐从脑海中消逝了。
fail[feIl] v.1.失败,不及格:She failed in theexamination. 她这次考试不及格。 / They failed in their attempt to climb themountain. 他们攀登那座山的尝试没有成功。2.无法做到,不足,(农作物)歉收:Last year thecrops failed. 去年收成不好。
failure[5feIljE] n.1.[U]失败:Failure is themother of success. 失败是成功之母。2.[C]失败的人或事物:Success came aftermany failures. 经过多次失败后,终于获得成功。/ She was an utter failure as anactress. 她作为演员完全失败。3.[C,U]衰竭,减退,故障:crop failures 农作物歉收 /heart failure 心力衰竭
fair[feE] adj.1.公平的,公正的:a fair judgement公正的审判 / He is fair with his students. 他对学生一视同仁。2.合理的,正当的:afair deal 正当的交易 3.(皮肤)白皙的,(头发)浅色的:fair skin 白皙的皮肤 / a girlwith fair hair and blue eyes 金发碧眼的女孩 4.还可以的,相当好的:Herknowledge of the language is fair but not perfect.她对这门语言的掌握相当好,但并非完美无缺。5.好的,(天气)晴朗的:After rain comes fairweather. 雨过天晴,否极泰来。adv.公平地,公正地:play fair 公事公办,按规则做事n.[C]集市,商品交易会,博览会:a world fair 世界博览会 / a trade fair交易会
fairly[5feElI] adv.1.公正地,正当地:I feltthat I hadn’t been treated fairly. 我觉得对待我不公平。 2.相当(程度)地:Shespeaks French fairly well. 她法语说得不错。 / Tom is fairly clever, butPeter is rather stupid. 汤姆相当聪明,而彼得就颇笨。
【辨析】fairly, quite 与rather:参见quite。
faith[feIW] n.1.[U]信任,信赖,信念:Have you anyfaith in what he says? 你相信他的话吗?2.[U](宗教)信仰:Throughout herillness, she never lost her faith in God.她在病中始终笃信上帝。3.[C]宗教:The Jewish and Christian faiths犹太教和基督教
fall[fC:l] n.1.[C,U](美)秋季:Leaves changecolor in the fall. 秋天树叶改变颜色。 2.[C](数量、价值等)下降,下跌:a steep fallin prices 价格的暴跌3.[C]跌倒,跌落:I had a fall andbroke my arm. 我跌了一跤,把胳膊摔断了。4.(用单数)失败,陷落,垮台:the fall of theRoman Empire 罗马帝国的灭亡 vi.(fell,fallen)1.落(下),降落,掉下:She fell down the stairs andbroke her arm. 她从楼梯上跌下来,把胳膊摔断了。 2.(数量等)下降,下跌,(强度)变弱:Housingprices have fallen by 10% since last year. 从去年起房价已下跌了10%。/ Hervoice suddenly fell to a whisper.她的声音突然间变得像耳语般小。3.失败,陷落,垮台:The city fell (to the enemy).这城市沦陷了。4.进入某种状态,变成:fall asleep 入睡 / He fell into a doze.他打起瞌睡来。
false[fC:ls] adj.1.不正确的,假的:She gavea false name to the police. 她向警方供出的是假名字。 2.虚伪,捏造的:a falsefriend 无信义的朋友 / a false charge 诬告 3.假的,人造的:false hair 假发
familiar[fE5mIlIE] adj.1.(常与 to连用)熟悉的,常见的,普通的:Your name is familiar to me. 你的名字我是熟悉的。2.(常与with 连用)熟悉…的,通晓…的:Are you familiar with the rules of football?你熟悉足球规则吗?
【用法】familiar作“熟悉的”解时,要注意以下两种用法:1.表示某人熟悉某事物,此时通常只用作表语,且在其后连用 with:We arefamiliar with this type of car.我们熟悉这种型号的汽车。2.表示某事物为某人所熟悉,此时可用作表语或定语,其后通常连用 to:This type ofcar is familiar to us. 这种型号的汽车我们熟悉。
family[5fAmElI] n.1.[C]家,家庭:He is the onlychild in the family. 他是家里的独生子。 / Almost every family in thevillage owns a television. 村上几乎每家都有电视机。 2.[U](用单数)子女:It’sdifficult to bring up a family on one salary. 靠一份收入很难养家糊口。
【用法】作“家庭”解时,是集合名词。若视为整体,具有单数意义,作主语时后面的谓语动词用单数形式,若逐个考虑其个体,则有复数意义,作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式:Myfamily is very close. 我们一家人的关系都很亲密。/ His family were not at thewedding. 他的家庭没有出席婚礼。注:侧重指家庭成员的 family 有时还可以用 all, some 之类的词修饰:Allmy family enjoy skiing. 我全家都喜欢滑雪。
【辨析】family, home 与 house:参见 home。
family name[5fAmElI neIm] (= surname)n.[C]姓氏
famous[5feImEs] adj.著名的,出名的,驰名的:Herambition was to be a famous singer. 她的理想是成为著名的歌唱家。
【用法】表示“因…出名”,其后用介词 for,表示“作为…出名”,其后用介词 as:This place is famousfor its scenery. 这个地方以风景出名。/ He is rather famous as a poet.作为一位诗人,他是相当有名的。
fan[fAn] n.1.[C](电影、运动等的)迷,热心的爱好者(支持者):acrowd of football fans 一群足球迷 2.[C]电风扇,扇子:a paper fan 纸扇 / adesk-set fan 台扇 vt.扇(扇子、火):We fanned the fire to makeit burn bright. 我们把炉火扇得更旺。
fancy[5fAnsI] vt.1.喜欢,想要:Do you fancy goingto the cinema? 你想去看电影吗?2.设想,幻想:Fancy working in this heatevery day.想想看,每天要在这样的高温下工作!n.1.[C]爱好,喜欢,迷恋:She has afancy for dressing well. 她喜欢穿得漂亮。2.[U]幻想,想象力:Childrenusually have lively fancy. 儿童们往往有丰富的想象力。
far[fB:](farther, farthest; further,furthest) adj.远(方)的,遥远的:How far is it fromyour office to the bank? 你的办公室离银行有多远? / The main post office is notfar from the library.邮电总局离图书馆不远。adv.1.远离,远地:He works farfrom home. 他的工作离家很远。2.很,极,太:Don’t carry the joke too far.不要把玩笑开得太过分。■as far as (1)与…一样远,一直到:We walked as far as thetop of the hill. 我们一直走到了山顶。 (2)就…而言,从…来看,尽…所能,只要:We will help youas far as possible. 我们会尽可能帮你。 by far (1)…得多:He is clevererby far than her. 他比她聪明得多。(2)最:He is by far the tallest among us.他是我们当中最高的。 far from (1)离…远:Our school is far from therailway station. 我们学校离火车站很远。 (2)远非,不但不:He is far from a fool.他决不是笨蛋。 so far (1)到目前为止:So far the work has been easy butthings may change. 到目前为止,这工作很容易,但情况可能有变化。(2)到这种程度或范围:I can onlyhelp him so far. 我只能帮他到这种程度。
fare[feE] n. [C](乘车、船等的)费用,票(价):Train faresare going up next month. 下个月火车票要涨价了。/ You pay the fare when you geton the bus. 你乘公共汽车时要付车费。
farm[fB:m] n.[C]农场,农庄:We work on the farm.我们在农场工作。/ The students are working on the fruit farm.同学们正在果园劳动。v.耕作,种植,饲养:farm for a living 以农为生
【用法】表示“在农场”,通常接介词 on:During the summer vacation they worked onthe farm. 暑假期间他们在农场工作。注意:若在农场不是干农活,而是干其他工作或在某个农场工作,也可以接介词 at:Thecarpenters are working at the farm. 木匠们在农场工作。
farmer[5fB:mE] n.[C]经营农业者,农场主,农夫:Farmersare very busy during (the) harvest. 在收获季节里农民们非常忙碌。
【辨析】farmer 与 peasant:farmer指拥有或管理农场的人。在现代英语中主要指经营现代化农场的人,英美的农民一向称为 farmer,peasant原指自耕农、雇农,现在常指发展中国家的农民。中国农民过去一般称为 peasant,现在宜称 farmer。
fast[fB:st] adj.1.快的,迅速的,敏捷的:We wereexpected to work at a fast pace. 大家希望我们加快工作节奏。2.(指钟表)走快了:Theclock is five minutes fast. 那钟快了 5分钟。adv.1.快地,迅速地:Their population is growingfast. 他们的人口增长得很快。2.紧紧地,牢固地:She held fast to the post andrefused to move. 她紧紧抓住柱子不放。■fast asleep 酣睡 / fast andfurious (游戏等)喧闹的
【辨析】fast, quick 与 rapid:参见 quick。
fasten[5fB:sn] v.把…扎牢,把…拴住,扣紧(钮扣):befastened to a tree 被紧紧拴在树上 / You’ve fastened your buttons up thewrong way. 你把钮扣扣错了。
fat[fAt] n.1.[U]脂肪:be rich in fat 脂肪含量高2.[C,U](某些植物或种子里含的)油:She fried the meat in deep fat.她用很多油来炸肉。adj.1.肥胖的:He is getting fat.他在发胖。2.(肉)肥的,多脂肪的:Some people like fat meat, while othershate it. 有些人喜欢肥肉,相反有些人讨厌肥肉。
father[5fB:TE] n.[C]父亲,爸爸:Father’s Day 父亲节/ He is the very image of his father. 他活像他的父亲。
fault[fC:lt] n.1.[U]过错,过失:It will be yourown fault if you don’t pass your exams.要是你考试不及格,那是你自己的错。2.[C]缺点,毛病:The book’s main fault is that itis too long. 这本书的主要不足就是太长。
favour, favor[5feIvE]n.1.[U]赞同,赞许:He did all he could to win her favour.他竭力去博得她的嘉许。2.[C]恩惠,帮助:Will you do me a favor? 你能帮我个忙吗?■bein (out of) favour with sb 得到(得不到)某人的好感或赞同 / do sb afavour 帮某人的忙 / in favour of sb (sth) 赞成某人(某事物) / insb’s favour 对某人有利
favourite, favorite[5feIvErIt]adj.喜爱的,最喜欢的:Swimming is my favorite sport.游泳是我最喜爱的运动。n.[C]特别喜爱的人(或物):That sweater is mybrother’s favourite. 我哥哥最喜欢那件毛衣。
【注意】由于本身已经含有“最”的意思,所以不再用 most 来修饰。
fax[fAks] n.1.[C]传真机:fax number 传真机号码2. [C]传真文件 3. [U]传真(系统),传真通信:Send me the details byfax. 用传真把具体内容给我发过来。vt. 传真传输:We will fax our order toyou tomorrow. 明天我们会把订单传真给你。
fear[fIE] n.[C,U]害怕,恐惧:I have a great fearof snakes. 我十分怕蛇。vt.害怕,畏惧:He was feared by hiscolleagues. 他的同事们怕他。vi.担心,顾虑:They were all sodiligent that we feared for their health.他们都那样用功,我们不免为他们的健康担心。■for fear of 由于怕,以防:He left an hourearly for fear of missing the train. 他提前一小时离开,以免错过火车。/ for fear(that) 恐怕,以免:Shut the window for fear (that) it may rain.恐怕下雨把窗户关上。/ in fear of 害怕,担心:We’re in fear of more snow.我们担心会再下雪。
【用法】表示害怕做某事,其后通常接不定式,有时也接动名词:He doesn’t fear to travel byhimself. 他不怕独自一人旅行。 / Do you fear speaking in the public?你害怕当众发言吗?
feather[5feTE] n.[C]羽毛:Birds of a featherflock together. (谚)物以类聚。/ A feather floated down on the wind.一根羽毛随风飘落。
February[5febrJErI] n.[C,U]二月:He startedwork here last February. 他去年 2 月开始在这里工作。
fee[fi:] n. [C]酬金,费用:The museum charges asmall entrance fee. 博物馆收取少量入场费。
feed[fi:d] vt.(fed, fed)喂(养),饲(养),为…提供食物:The baby will soon learn to feed himself.这小宝宝不久就会自己进食了。vi.吃,以…为食物:These little bears feed onthe leaves of this tree. 这些小熊以这种树的叶子为食。
feel[fi:l] v. (felt,felt) 1. 摸,触: He felt somebody touch his arm.他觉得有人摸他的胳膊。 2. 感觉,感到,觉得:I don’t feel like going to themovies. 我不想去看电影。 3.以为,认为:I feel it my duty to do so.我认为这样做是我的责任。 4.摸上去(有某种感觉),给(人)某种感觉:Ice and snow feel cold.冰雪摸着是冷的。 5.感觉是,觉得:After running half a kilometer, I began tofeel tired. 跑了500 米之后,我开始感到累了。■feel like 想,想要,摸起来像,像是…的样子:Idon’t feel like going to the movies. 我不想去看电影。 / The material feelslike velvet. 这料子摸起来像丝绒。/ It feels like rain. 像是要下雨。
feeling[5fi:lIN] n.1.[C]感觉,知觉:a feeling ofhappiness 幸福的感觉 / He has lost all feeling in the leg.他的腿完全失去了知觉。2.[C,U]看法,感想:There seems to be a general feelingthat the election will be in June. 似乎普遍的看法是这次选举将在 6 月份进行。
feelings[5fi:lINz] n.(用复数)感情:I didn’t wantto hurt his feelings. 我不想伤害他的感情。
fellow[5felEJ] n.1.[C]同伴,伙伴:His fellowsshare his interest in computers.他的同伴和他一样对计算机感兴趣。2.[C]男人,男子,家伙:See if those fellows want somebeer. 看看那些人是否要点啤酒。
fence[fens] n.[C]栅栏,围栏,篱笆:The fencesurrounds the school. 篱笆环绕着学校。vt.用栅栏、围栏、篱笆等围着或隔开…:Thefarmer fenced his fields. 那农民用篱笆把田地围了起来。
festival[5festEvEl] n.1.[C]节日,喜庆日:theMid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 / Fireworks added to the attraction of thefestival night. 焰火使节日的夜晚更加生色。2.[C](音乐、戏剧、电影等)会演,活动节期:a jazzfestival 爵士音乐会演
【说明】1.英美国家的许多节日名称的构成不用 Festival,而用 Day(且通常不用冠词):Christmas Day 圣诞节 / Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 / Mother’s Day母亲节等。2.我国与西方相似的或通用的一些节日名称译成英语时常用Day,不用Festival:NewYear’s Day 元旦 / National Day 国庆节 / Children’s Day儿童节等。3.我国传统节日的译名通常用Festival构成,且一般要用定冠词:the Spring Festival 春节 / the Lantern Festival 元宵节等。
fetch[fetF] vt.1.(去)取(物)来,(去)带(人)来,请来:Willyou fetch some water? 你拿点儿水来好吗?/ Please fetch the children fromschool. 请到学校把孩子接回来。 2.售得,卖得(好价钱):The painting is expected tofetch $ 60,000 in the auction. 这幅画预计会在拍卖会上卖得 6 万美元。
【用法】可带双宾语,若双宾语易位时,通常用介词 for 引出间接宾语。如:Fetch me the dictionary. /Fetch the dictionary for me. 给我把那本字典拿来。
【辨析】fetch, get, carry, bring 与take:参见 bring。
fever[5fi:vE] n.1.[C,U]发烧,发热:She is running[has] a very high fever. 她正发高烧。 2.(用单数)狂热,兴奋:He waited forher arrival in a fever of impatience. 他激动不安地等待她到来。
【用法】表示“发烧”,通常连用的动词有 have, have got, catch, run:Have you got afever? 你发烧吗? / The baby is running a high fever. 这婴儿在发高烧。/ She hasa slight fever. 她有点发热。
few[fju:] pron.&n.少数,几个:Few of the children can read or write yet.其中只有少数几个孩子已会读、会写。adj.不多的,少数的:There are fewer girlsthan boys in my class. 我班女生比男生少。/ We’ve planted thousands of treesin the past few years. 过去几年里我们种了成千上万棵树。/ Few people would agreewith this. 很少人会同意这种看法。
【用法】若不受限定词修饰,表示数量很少或几乎没有,强调“少”,带有否定意味。作为形容词,其后可接可数名词复数形式,作为名词或代词并用作主语时谓语动词用复数形式:Hehas few friends here. 他这儿几乎没有朋友。/ Many are called but few arechosen. 邀请的人多,选上的人少。/ Few people like snakes. 很少有人喜欢蛇。
【辨析】few 与 a few:few 表示数量很少或几乎没有,强调“少”,带有否定意味;a few意为“几个,一些”,表示数量并不多,毕竟还有,强调“有”,含肯定意味:He has few friends here, doeshe? 他在这儿几乎没什么朋友,是吗?/ He has a few friends here, doesn’t he?他在这儿有几个朋友,是吗?
field[fi:ld] n.1.[C]田地,牧场:a rice field 稻田 /a field of cows 养牛场2.[C]场地,运动场:abasketball field 篮球场 3.[C](研究、活动的)领域,范围:He is an expert inthe field of biochemistry. 他是生物化学领域的专家。
fifteen[7fIf5ti:n] num.十五:Candidates arerequired to present themselves fifteen minutes before theexamination begins. 考生应于考试前15分钟到达考场。
fifth[fIfW] num.第五:the fifth in line 第 5 行/ May is the fifth month. 五月是一年的第五个月。 / He is the fifth person toask me the question. 他是第五个问我这个问题的人了。
fifty[5fIftI] num.五十:I should suppose himto be about fifty. 我想他大约五十岁左右。
fight[faIt] n.1.[C]打仗,战斗,打架:Two friends hada fight over money. 为了钱的事,两个朋友吵起来了。 2.[U]战斗力,斗志:They haveplenty of fight in them. 他们斗志旺盛。v. (fought,fought) 1. (常与 against, with 连用)打仗,战斗:Millions ofyoung men fought in World War I.数百万的年轻人参加了第一次世界大战。2.(与…)打架,(与…)搏斗:He thinks that fighting iswrong. 他认为打架是不对的。
fighter[5faItE] n.1.[C]战士,斗士:a fiercefighter 勇猛的战士 2.[C]战斗机:a fighter pilot 战斗机驾驶员
figure[5fI^E] n.1.[C]数字,数目,数字的位,位数:He hasan income of six figures. 他有六位数字的收入。 2.[C]图解,图形:A triangleis a plain figure. 三角形是平面图形。3.[C](人的)身型,身材,体态:I am dietingto keep my figure. 我正在节食以保持身材不变(不发胖)。4.[C]人物,要人:Lincoln wasa major figure in American politics. 林肯是美国政治中的一位重要人物。5.[C](绘画、雕刻的)人物像:a group of figures on the left of the picture图画左边的一群人
file[faIl] n.1.[C]公文柜,文件箱,文件夹:Put thesepapers in the file. 把这些文件放进公文柜。2.[C]档案,卷宗,资料:Hand me thatfile, please. 请把那宗案卷递给我。3.[C](计算机用语)文档,文件:files on disk 磁盘文件vt.把…归档:file away letters in adrawer 把信件归档放入抽屉中 2.提出,提交:file an application with theauthorities 向当局提出申请书
fill[fIl] v.1.(常与 with 连用)注满,装满:He filledmy glass with beer. 他给我的杯子斟满了啤酒。/ The cinema soon filled withpeople. 电影院里很快就挤满了人。 2.填空,补缺,任职:They still haven’t foundanyone to fill the vacancy. 他们还没有找到人填补这一空缺。
film[fIlm] n.1.[C]电影,影片:acolor film 彩色电影 / a silent film 无声电影 / Would you like to see afilm? 你想去看电影吗?2.[C,U]胶卷,胶片:Did you put a film into yourcamera? 你把胶卷装进照相机了吗?3.[U](用单数)薄膜,薄层:a filmof oil on water 水面上的一层薄薄的油 vt.拍摄,把…拍成电影:They arefilming a new comedy. 他们正在拍摄一部新的喜剧片。
final[5faInl] adj.1.最后的,最终的:The finalexamination will be brought forward to June instead of July. 期终考试将由7 月提前到 6 月举行。2.决定了的,不能变的:I won’t go, and that’s final!我不去,就这么定了! n.1.[C]决赛:the European Cup Final 欧洲杯决赛 /The finals will be shown on TV.决赛将在电视上转播。2.(用复数)(大学的)期末考试:take the finals 进行期末考试
finally[5faInElI] adv.最后,终于:They haveaccepted our terms finally. 他们最后接受了我们的条件。/ Finally she got elected.最后她被选上了。/ The forest fire was finally brought under control.森林大火终于被控制住了。
find[faInd](found, found)vt.1.找到:Can you find anything like this elsewhere?你能在别处找到像这样的东西吗? 2.发现,发觉:I find all the characters in his newplay very real. 我发觉他那出新戏中所有的人物都很真实。/ I found my cat asleep in mybed. 我发现我的猫睡在我的床上。■find out 找出,查出:Please find outwhen the train starts. 请查一下火车什么时候开。
【用法】1.是及物动词,其后可以接名词、代词、复合宾语、从句或双宾语:I find her (to be) avery agreeable woman.我发现她是个和蔼可亲的女人。2.是非持续性动词,一般不与表示一段时间的状语连用。
【辨析】1.find 与 find out:find主要指偶然发现或通过寻找而找到某人或某物等,find out 则主要表示通过调查或观察、询问等查明情况或弄清事实真相等。find有时也可指发现某一事实或某一情况等,但它仍与 find out不同:后者往往暗示通过调查或观察、询问等方式去查明情况或弄清事实等,而前者则没有此意味:I found my bedcomfortable. 我发现我的床很舒适。2.find 与 discover:参见discover。
fine[faIn] adj.1.美好的,华丽的:a very fineperformance 非常精彩的演出2.细的,纤细的,精细的:fine rain毛毛细雨 / fine sugar 精糖 3.晴朗的:fine weather 好天气4.健康的,舒适的:“How are you?” “Fine, thank you.”“你好吗?”“很好。”n.& v.罚款:The court finedhim $500. 法庭罚他 500 美元。
finger[5fIN^E] n.[C]手指:The diamond ringglittered on her finger. 钻戒在她的手指上闪闪发光。
【联想】little finger小指 / ring finger 无名指 / middle finger 中指 /forefinger [index finger] 食指 / thumb 拇指
finish[5fInIF] v.1.结束,完成:When does hefinish his college course? 他何时大学毕业??2.(常与 up, off连用)用完,吃完,喝光:The cat will finish up the fish. 猫会把鱼吃完的。
【用法】后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不能用不定式:He hasn’t finished writing his book.他那本书还没写完。
【辨析】finish 与 complete:参见complete。
fire[5faIE] n.1.[U]火,火焰,燃烧:Paper catchesfire easily. 纸很容易着火。 2.[C]炉火:make [build] a fire 生火3.[C,U]火灾,失火:a risk of fire 失火的危险v.1.开火,开(枪、炮等),射击,发射:The officer ordered his men tofire (at the enemy). 将军命令士兵(向敌人)射击。2.放火:fire a haystack点燃干草堆 3. 解雇:Get out! You’re fired! 滚出去!你被开除了!■catch[take] fire 着火,开始燃烧:Cotton catches fire easily. 棉花容易着火。 onfire 着火:The house is on fire. 房子着火了。 set fire to sth / setsth on fire 使燃烧,放火烧:He set fire to the house.=He set the houseon fire. 他放火烧了房子。
firefighter[5faIEfaItE] (=fireman)n.[C]消防人员:The firefighter went into the burningbuilding to save the child. 这名消防员进入着火的房子去救孩子。
fireplace[5faIEpleIs] n. [C]壁炉:A fire wasgoing in the fireplace. 壁炉中火势熊熊。
firewood[5faIEwJd] n.[U]木柴,柴火:One day theoldest son had to go into the forest to cut firewood.有一天大儿子到森林中去砍柴。
firm[f:m] n.[C]公司,企业:the home office of aninternational firm 国际公司的国内办事处 / The firm markets many types ofgoods. 商行经销多种商品。adj.1.坚固的,牢固的:Despite beinghit by the car, the post was still firm.尽管被车撞了,柱子仍然很坚固。2.稳定的,坚定的:a firm faith 坚定的信仰
firmly[5f:mlI] adv.牢牢地,坚定地:The little boyheld his mother’s hand firmly when crossing the street.那男孩过马路时紧紧抓着他母亲的手。
first[f:st] adj.第一,首次,最初:Is Sunday thefirst day of the week? 星期日是每周的第一天吗?/ This is my first visit toLondon. 这是我首次参观伦敦。 adv.第一,首次,最初:Can’t I just finishreading this article first? 我能先把这篇文章读一遍吗?n.&pron.1.[C]第一个(批)人(或物):He was the first to arrive.他是第一个到的人。■at first 开始,起初:I found English very difficult atfirst. 我开始发现英语很难。/ first of all 首先,第一步:First of all I shouldcheck your homework. 首先我应该检查你的作业。
fish[fIF] n.1.[C]鱼:catch (raise) alot of fishes 捕到(养殖)许多种鱼 2.[U]鱼肉:We had fish for lunch.我们中餐吃了鱼。vi.钓鱼,捕鱼:We fished all day, but didn’t catcha thing. 我们钓了一天鱼,但是一条鱼也没钓到。■fish and chips炸鱼加薯条
【用法】用作名词,作“鱼”解时是可数名词,复数形式通常用 fish:I caught seven fish in theriver. 我在河里捉到 7 条鱼。当强调鱼的不同种类时可用复数形式 fishes:many kinds of fishes许多种鱼。作“鱼肉”解时是不可数名词。
fisherman[5fIFEmEn] n.(pl.fishermen)[C]渔民,钓鱼者:Peter became a manager but Mike remaineda fisherman. 彼得当了经理,但迈克仍然是个渔民。
fist[fIst] n.[C]拳(头):She clenched herfists. 她紧握双拳。
fit[fIt] adj.1.(与 for 连用)合适的,适宜的:I think itan occupation fit for a gentleman.我认为这是一个适合于有教养的人的职业。2.健康的,结实的:Running keeps me fit.跑步能让我保持身体健康。v.1.(使)适合,合身:These shoes fit me.这些鞋很合适我穿。2.安装:We are having new locks fitted on all thedoors. 我们正在请人在所有的门上安上新锁。n.[C]合适,合身:The coat is a poorfit. 这衣服很不合身。
【辨析】fit 与 suit:参见 suit。
five[faIv] num.五:We work five days a week.我们每周工作五天。/ You are five minutes late. 你晚了5分钟。
fix[fIks] vt.1.修理,安装:We are going to havethe TV set fixed. 我们要请人把电视机修好。/ I fixed a new handle on the door.我在门上安了个新把手。2.使固定,钉牢:He fixed the picture to the wall with anail. 他用钉子把画钉在墙上。3.确定,决定:The delivery date has not yet beenfixed. 递送日期尚未确定。4.准备,安排:fix the room for the guests为客人们准备好房间 / fix lunch for the kids 为孩子们准备午饭
【辨析】fix, mend 与repair:参见mend。
flame[fleIm] n.[C,U]火焰,火舌,光辉:The whole citywas in flames. 整个城市成了一片火海。 vi.1.使成火红色:Her face flamedwith excitement. 她激动得脸绯红。2.(突然)爆发:His anger flamed out.他勃然大怒。
flash[flAF] n.1.[C]闪,闪光:After a few flashesit went out. 闪了几次之后它就熄了。 2.[C,U]闪光术,闪光灯:Did you use flashwhen you took these photos? 你拍这些照片时用闪光灯了吗?3.[C]突发的感受,灵感,顿悟:With a flash of inspiration I saw what theanswer must be.我灵机一动,想出个答案来。v.1.闪光,闪烁2.闪现,闪过:Theheadlines flashed across the screen. 标题在屏幕上一一闪现。3.掠过,飞驰:Theexpress train Beijing-Dalian flashed past. 北京到大连的特快列车闪电般地掠过。
flashlight[5flAFlaIt] n.[C]闪光灯,手电筒:Shineyour flashlight over here. 把你的手电筒往这里照。
flat[flAt] adj.1.平的,平坦的:A table has a flattop. 桌子有一个平滑的桌面。 2.扁平的:a flat board 一块扁板子3.乏味的,沉闷的:The celebrations seemed rather flat.庆祝活动看起来太平淡无趣了。n.[C]单元房,公寓(常用复数):They’re building ablock of flats. 他们正在建造一幢公寓房子。
flee[fli:] v.(fled, fled)逃走,逃跑:They all fled (from) the burning house. 他们全从着火的房子逃出。
flight[flaIt] n.1.[C,U]飞行,飞翔:The flight ofbirds seems very easy. 鸟类的飞行看起来似乎非常容易。 2.[C]班机,航班,航空旅行:Didyou have a good flight? 你这趟飞行还好吗?3.[C](一段)阶梯,楼梯:The toiletsare two flights up. 洗手间上两段楼梯就到。4.[C]一群飞鸟,(空军的)飞行小队:a largeflight of wild geese 一大群飞雁
float[flEJt] v. 1.漂浮,浮动:The branchesfloated on the river. 树枝在河上漂。 2.提请考虑,建议:The idea was firstfloated before the war. 这个设想最早是在战前提出的。3.(汇率)浮动:allow thedollar to float 让美元浮动
flood[flQd] n.1.[C]洪水,大水:The heavy rain wasthe cause of the flood. 大雨是导致洪水产生的原因。2.[C]大量,大批:She burstinto a flood of tears. 她顿时泪如泉涌。v.淹没,使泛滥:The river hasflooded a number of villages. 洪水淹没了一些村庄。
floor[flC:] n.1.[C]地面,(房内的)地板:The house haspolished wooden floors. 房子里铺着抛光的木制地板。2.[C](楼房的)楼层:He liveson the second floor. 他住在二楼。 3.(用单数)海底,洋底,山洞底部:a map of theocean floor 海底地图
flour[5flaJE] n.[U]面粉,粉:Flour, eggs, fatand sugar form the main contents of a cake. 面粉、蛋、脂肪和糖是做糕饼的主要原料。
flow[flEJ] vi.1.流,流动,流过:Rivers flow intothe sea. 江河流入海。 2.(衣服、头发)飘拂:Her hair flowed over hershoulders. 她长发披肩。n.(用单数)流动,流淌,涨潮:stop the flow ofblood 止血 / the flow of traffic 川流不息的交通 / The tide is on the flow.正在涨潮。
flower[5flaJE] n.1.[C]花,花卉:In spring, theflowers come out. 春天,花儿开了。 2. (用单数)精华,精英:the flower of thenation’s youth 这个国家青年中的精英
flu[flu:] n.[U]流行性感冒:She’s in bed with flu.她患流行性感冒,卧床休息了。
fly [flaI] v.(flew,flown)1.(鸟、飞机等)飞:Birds can fly.鸟会飞。2.(人乘飞机)飞行:Sometimes it’s cheaper to fly.有时坐飞机旅行更便宜。3.(旗子等)飘动,飞扬:The national flag was flying fromits pole. 国旗在旗杆上飘扬。4.驾驶(飞机、飞行器):He was the first pilot tofly the plane round the world.他是第一个驾驶飞机作环球飞行的飞行员。5.放(风筝、飞机模型等):fly a kite 放风筝n.[C]苍蝇:There were flies buzzing round the dead cow.一群苍蝇绕着那头牛的尸体嗡嗡地转。
fog[fCg] n.1.[U]雾:I had to drive veryslowly because of the fog. 因为有雾,我只得把车开得很慢。 2.[C]雾天,雾期,一场雾:athick fog 一场浓雾 / We often have bad fogs on the south coast duringwinter. 冬季我们南岸常有大雾。v.被雾笼罩,变得模糊:All the windows hadfogged up. 所有的窗户上都蒙了一层水雾。
foggy[5fCgI] adj.1.有雾的,多雾的:a foggy morning雾蒙蒙的早晨 2.朦胧的,不清楚的:I have only a foggy idea of the matter.我对那件事情只有一个模糊的概念。
folk[fEJk] adj.民间的,民俗的:folk music 民间音乐 /Robin Hood is an English folk hero.罗宾汉是英格兰的民间英雄。n.(用复数 folks) 1. (泛指)人,人们:Folkswill believe anything they are told.人们会相信他们所听到的一切。2.平民,百姓:They are just simple country folks.他们只不过是普通的村民。3.家人,亲属,父母:My folks are always forgetting myallowance. 我的父母经常忘记我的零用钱。
follow[5fClEJ] v.1.跟随,跟踪:She followed meinto the kitchen. 她跟着我进了厨房。2.沿…前进,顺…前进:Follow this roaduntil you get to the university.沿这条路直走,你就会到达那所大学。3.在…之后发生:Spring follows winter.冬去春来。4.明白,懂:I didn’t quite follow you; could you explain itagain? 我没听太明白,你能再解释一下吗?5.听从,服从:follow the directions听从[遵循]指导 ■as follows 如下:His words are as follows. 他的话如下。/The rules are as follows. [The following are the rules.] 规则如下。
following[5fClEJIN]adj.接着的,以下的,下述的:Complete the following sentences.完成下面的句子。 / Please put down the following facts. 请把下面的事实记下来。n.1.(用单数)一批支持者或拥护者:The politician has quite a largefollowing in this district.那个政治人物在这个地区有一大群的拥护者。2.(连用the)下列,如下:The following is of thegreatest importance. 下面一点最为重要。
fond[fCnd] adj.1.特别喜爱的,爱好的:I’m fond ofmusic. 我喜欢音乐。 2.溺爱的:A fond mother may spoil her child.溺爱孩子的母亲可能会宠坏孩子。
【用法】1.表示“喜欢的”时,一般只作表语,不作定语,表示“喜欢某人或某物”用 be fond of sb[sth]:I am very fond of flowers. 我很喜欢花。表示“喜欢做某事”,要用 be fond ofdoing sth,不能用 be fond to do sth:He is very fond of playingfootball. 他很喜欢踢足球。2.可用 very 修饰,一般不用 much, very much 修饰。
food[fu:d] n.1.[U]食物,(与饮料相对的)食品:food anddrink 饮食 / We went on a hike but forgot to bring the food.我们去远足,但是忘了带食物。2.[C](特定种类的)食品:baby foods 婴儿食品 / health foods保健食品
fool[fu:l] n.[C]傻子,蠢人:I’m a fool, I left mycoat on the train. 我真笨,把外套丢在火车上了。v.1.愚弄,欺骗:Don’t be fooled by his appearance.不要被他的外表所欺骗。2.干蠢事:Stop fooling about with that knife orsomeone will get hurt. 不要摆弄那把刀,会伤人的。
foolish[5fu:lIF] adj.愚蠢的,傻的:You werefoolish to believe what he said. 你相信他的话太傻了。 / I couldn’t answer theteacher’s question, and this made me feel foolish.老师的问题我不会回答,这使我感到很窘。
【辨析】foolish, stupid,silly。foolish指无头脑,缺乏常识或判断力,相当汉语的“愚蠢”;stupid指智力、理解力或学习能力很差,相当汉语的“笨”;silly指头脑简单,傻头傻脑或令人发笑,相当于汉语的“傻”:Sheis a silly woman, but not a stupid one. 她是个头脑简单的女人,但不能算笨。
foot[fJt] n.(pl.feet)1.[C]足,脚:I apologized to her for stepping on herfoot. 我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉。2.[C]英尺(等于 12 英寸,合0.305米,复数用 feet 和 foot 均可):He is six feet [foot] tall. 他身高 6英尺。3.(连用the)底部,下端,足部:the foot of a mountain 山脚 / the foot ofa page 页的底部■on foot 步行
【说明】1 英尺 = 12 英寸 = 1/ 3 码 = 30. 5 厘米。
football[5fJtbC:l]n.1.[U](英式)足球(运动),(美式)橄榄球(运动):Football is a teamgame. 足球(橄榄球)是一项集体运动。2.[C](打球用的)足球,橄榄球
【用法】1.把“足球”等球类看做一种具体的东西时,是可数名词,可与限定词连用:The PE teacherbought five footballs yesterday. 体育老师昨天买了 5个足球。2.若把“足球”等球类看成一种体育活动,则为不可数名词,且一般不与限定词连用:They all like toplay football. 他们都喜欢踢足球。
for[fC:, fE] prep.1.为,给:Have you room forme there? 你那边能给我腾出点地方吗? 2.以…为目的地,开往,前往:The children left forschool. 孩子们上学去了。/ The train is for Wuhan.这辆火车开往武汉。3.代替,代表:He used an empty can for an ashtray.他用空罐子代替烟灰缸。4.对于,关于:That will be bad for your health.那将对你的健康有害。5.因为,由于:for the following reasons 由于以下原因 / Istopped smoking for the sake of my health.为了我的健康起见我戒烟了。6.以…的价格,付出,值:a pen for 60 pence 60 便士一支钢笔7.拥护,有利于:Are you for it or against it?你是赞成它还是反对它?conj.因为,由于:We listened eagerly, for hebrought news of our families. 因为他给我们带来了家里的消息,我们都迫不及待地听着。
force[fC:s] vt.强迫,迫使:They forced him togive them the money. 他们强迫他给他们钱。 n.1.[U]力,力量:Hedidn’t use much force. 他没有用什么力气。2.[C]一群人,队伍,军队:the air force空军 / a skilled work force 技术熟练的劳动大军3.[C,U]影响,支配力,有影响的人或物:the force of public opinion 舆论的影响力
forecast[5fC:kB:st] n.[C]预测,预报:a weatherforecast 天气预报 vt.(forecast, forecast; forecasted,forecasted) 预告,预测,预报:The weather forecast said that it wouldsnow today. 天气预报说今天要下雪。
forehead[5fCrId, 5fC:hed] n.[C]前额:I knew hewas having a high fever by the feel of his forehead.一摸他的前额,我就知道他在发高烧。
foreign[5fCrEn] adj.1.外国的,外来的:foreignlanguages 外语 / He likes collecting foreign stamps. 他喜欢收集外国邮票。2.对外的,外交的:foreign affairs 外交事务 / foreign trade对外贸易
foreigner[5fCrEnE] n.[C]外国人:Many foreignershave become citizens of the United States. 许多外国人都已成为美国公民。
foresee[fC:5si:] vt. (foresaw,foreseen) 预见,预知:He foresaw the storm. 他预见到这场风暴。 / All thiscould not have been foreseen. 所有这些都是无法预见的。
forest[5fCrIst] n.[C,U]森林,林区:We lost ourway in the forest. 我们在森林里迷路了。 / At last we were out of the forest.我们终于走出了森林。
forever[fE5revE] (=for ever)adv.1.永远,永恒地:No one can live forever.无人能永生。2.不断地,总是:He is forever asking silly questions.他总是在问傻问题。
forget[fE5^et] v.(forgot,forgotten)1.忘记,忘掉:I forget his telephone number.我忘记了他的电话号码。/ I forgot to bring my music-book.我忘记带乐谱了。2.忘记做(某事),忽视:Don’t forget to feed the dog.别忘了喂狗。3.不放在心上,不去想:I’ll never forget him for as long as Ilive. 只要我活着我就永远不会忘了他。■forget it 不必在意,别提它了 forgetabout 忘记,不把…放在心上:He forgot about the meeting. 他忘了去开会。
【用法】forget 可作及物动词和不及物动词。作及物动词时,其后接动词不定式和动词的 -ing 形式有区别:forget todo sth 表示“忘记要去做某事(不定式表示动作尚未发生)”,forget doing sth表示“忘记已经做过或发生过的事情(动词的 -ing 形式表示动作已经发生)”:I forgot to lock the door.我忘记锁门了。(没锁门) / I forgot locking the door. 我忘记锁了门。(锁了门)
【辨析】forget 与 leave:表示“遗忘某物”时,forget一般不与具体地点连用,如果有地点状语就用 leave:When my father got to the airport herealized he’d forgotten his passport. 爸爸到了机场才想起他忘了带护照。/ He left hisbag in the classroom. 他把书包忘在教室了。
forgetful[fE5^etfJl] adj.健忘的,不留心的:As mymother grows older she becomes increasingly forgetful.随着年龄的增长,我妈妈变得越来越健忘了。
forgive[fE5^Iv] vt.(forgave,forgiven)1.原谅,宽恕:I’ll never forgive you for what yousaid to me last night.我永远不会原谅你昨晚对我说的话。2.(礼貌用语,用以缓和语气并表示歉意):Please forgive me for(my) interrupting. 对不起,打扰了。
【注意】“原谅某人做某事”不可直接翻译为 forgive sb to do sth,而应用 forgive sb fordoing sth。比较同义表达:They forgave his being rude.=They forgave (him)his rudeness.=They forgave him for being rude. 他们原谅了他的鲁莽。
fork[fC:k] n.[C]叉,餐叉:The Chinese usechopsticks instead of knives and forks. 中国人不用刀叉,用筷子。
form[fC:m] n.1.[C]表格:to fill in anapplication form 填申请表格 2.[C,U](物体的)形状,(人的)外貌,形体:The tallgraceful form of a woman appeared at the top of the stairs.一名妇女高大优雅的身影出现在楼梯的顶部。3.[C,U]种类,类型,存在形式,形态:forms and contents形式与内容 / Ice, snow and steam are forms of water.冰、雪和蒸汽是水的不同形态。v.组成,形成,构成:Clouds are forming on thetop of the hill. 山顶上形成了云。 / Coal was formed a long time ago.煤是很久以前形成的。
【注意】它与介词 from 的书写区别,不要混淆。
former[5fC:mE] adj.1.以前的,从前的:formerpresident Bill Clinton 前任总统比尔·克林顿 2.(两者之中的)前者:He attendedwith his wife and daughter, the former wearing a black dress.他携妻子和女儿出席,妻子穿一件黑色晚礼服。
fortunate[5fC:tFEnEt] adj.幸运的,侥幸的:She’sfortunate to have a good job. 她很幸运,有一份好工作。/ It was fortunate thatno one was killed in the accident. 很幸运,没有人在这次事故中死亡。
fortunately[5fC:tFEnEtlI]adv.幸运地:Fortunately, no one was hurt. 幸亏没有人受伤。 /Fortunately, he found the money that he’d lost. 幸好他丢失的钱找到了。
fortune[5fC:tFEn] n.1.[C,U]财产,一大笔钱:I alwaysspend a fortune on presents at Christmas.我每年都花一大笔钱买圣诞礼物。2.[U]运气,幸运:What good fortune she wasenjoying! 她多么走运啊!
forty[5fC:tI] num. 四十:He got married in hisforties. 他四十多岁才结婚。
forward(s)[5fC:wEd(z)]adv.1.向将来,以后:They never met again from that dayforward. 从那天以后,他们就没见过面。 2.向前,前进:The car started to rollforward. 汽车向前开动了。3.提前地:We’ll bring the date of the meetingforward from Tuesday to Monday.我们将把会议的日期由星期二提前到星期一。adj.1.靠近前面的,在(向)前面的,前面的:quickenone’s forward pace 加快前进的步伐 / forward planning 预先计划2.早熟的,早的:The spring flowers are rather forward this year.今年的春花开得颇早。3.先进的,进步的:a forward concept 先进的观念 / Children whoread before they are five are considered very forward. 不到 5岁就会阅读的小孩子说得上是智力发达。■look forward to 盼望:The children arelooking forward to your visit. 孩子们都盼望着你的到来。
found[faJnd] vt.1.成立,建立(组织、机构):They foundeda college. 他们创办了一所大学。 2.以…为根据,建基于:The novel was founded onreal life. 这本小说以真人真事为题材。
【注意】不要与动词 find(发现)的过去式及过去分词 found 混淆。
fountain[5faJntIn] n.[C](人造)喷泉,喷水池:Thefountain plays only at weekends. 这个人工喷泉仅在周末喷水。
four[fC:] num.四:The Olympics are held everyfour years. 奥林匹克运动会每四年办一次。
fourteen[7fC:5ti:n] num.十四:He worksfourteen hours a day. 他每天工作14个小时。
fourth[fC:W] num.第四,四分之一:the fourth year第四年 / three fourths 四分之三
fox[fCks] n.1.[C]狐狸:A fox is oftendescribed as sly or cunning. 人类一般认为狐狸狡猾成性。2.[C]狡猾的人:Youcan’t trust him; he’s a sly old fox. 你可不能相信他,他像老狐狸一样狡猾。
franc[frANk] n.[C,U](法国、比利时、瑞士等国的货币单位)法郎:Itcost only a few francs. 它只花了几法郎。
France[frB:ns] n.法国:Paris is the capital ofFrance. 巴黎是法国的首都。/ I came across an old friend in France last week.我上周在法国碰见一位老朋友。
free[fri:] adj.1.有空的,有时间的,空闲的:I am busy atthe moment, but I’ll be free this afternoon.我现在很忙,但今天下午有空。2.独立的,自由的:free competition 自由竞争 / Am I free togo now? 我现在可以走了吗?3.免费的:Admission to the concert is free.音乐会是免费入场的。 adv.免费地:Babies are allowed to travel freeon buses. 婴儿可以免费乘坐公共汽车。vt.1.释放,使自由:Theorganization works to free political prisoners.该组织致力于为政治犯争取自由。2.免除,解除:free the world from hunger anddisease 使世界摆脱饥饿和疾病 ■be free of [from] 不受…的影响,摆脱:a villagefree of noise 远离吵闹的村庄 / free of charge 免费:The town gardensmust be open to the public free of charge. 城里的花园应该对公众免费开放。
freedom[5fri:dEm] n.1.[U]自由,自主:I felt sucha sense of freedom, up in the hill alone.我独自一人站在山上,有一种完全自由的感觉。2.[C,U]自由权:You may have completefreedom of action in dealing with this matter.在处理这件事情时,你可以有完全的自主权。
freeway[5fri:weI] (= motorway / expressway)n. [C,U]高速公路
【注意】highway 虽“高(high)”,但不是“高速公路”,而是“公路”“交通要道”。
freeze[fri:z] v.(froze,frozen)1. (使)结冰,冻结:The ground was frozen solid formost of the winter. 冬天的大部分时间里,大地都冻硬了。2.(使)感觉很冷,冻僵:You’llfreeze if you go out in that thin coat. 只穿那件薄外套出去,你会很冷的。
freezing[5fri:zIN] adj.冻结的,极冷的:The freezingweather chilled me to the bone. 寒冷的天气使我感到冰冷刺骨。
【用法】在be freezing cold(冰冻一样地冷)这一表达中,freezing具有副词性质。
French[frentF] n.1.[U]法语:He went to Franceto learn French. 他去法国学习法语。 / It is easier to read French than tospeak it. 法语读比说容易。 2.(连用the)法国人,法国人民adj.法国的,法国人的,法语的:French wine 法国葡萄酒
Frenchman[5frentFmEn] n.(pl.Frenchmen)[C]法国人,法国男人
frequent[5fri:kwEnt] adj.经常的,频繁的:There is afrequent bus service from the city center to the airport.来往市中心和机场之间的公共汽车班次频繁。
frequently[5fri:kwEntlI]adv.时常,经常:Earthquakes occur frequently in this area.这一地区经常发生地震。 / The ten most frequently asked questions are listedbelow. 下面列出了最常被问及的10个问题。
fresh[freF] adj.1.新的,新鲜的:It’s healthy tospend time in the fresh air. 在清新空气中活动对健康有好处。2.淡的,无盐的,可喝的:Rivers are usually fresh water.河水通常是淡水。3.未加工的,新做的,新煮的:fresh cake 新鲜蛋糕 4.干净的:She puton fresh clothes. 她穿上干净衣服。5.(指油漆)刚上的,未干的:Fresh paint—pleasedo not touch. 油漆未干——请勿触摸。
Friday[5fraIdI] n.[C,U]星期五:He’ll arrive onFriday. 他星期五到。 / Let’s go swimming on Friday. 我们星期五去游泳吧。
fridge[frIdV] (= refrigerator)n.[C]冰箱:Don’t forget to put the milk back in thefridge. 别忘了把牛奶放回冰箱里去。
fried[fraId] adj.油煎的:fried chicken 炸鸡肉 / Ihate fried food. 我厌恶煎炸食品。
friend[frend] n.[C]朋友:The foreign friendswere given a warm welcome. 外宾受到热烈欢迎。 / A friend in need is a friendindeed. (谚)患难见真情;患难中的朋友才是真朋友。■be [make] friends (with sb)跟(某人)做朋友:He makes friends easily. 他善于结交朋友。 / We made friends withthem during the trip. 我们在旅途中和他们结为朋友。
friendly[5frendlI] adj.1.(态度)友好的,友善的:Hespoke in a friendly way. 他说话的态度很友好。2.关系好的,要好的:She gets freetickets to the theatre because she’s friendly with the manager.她可得到剧院的赠票,因为她跟经理很要好。
【注意】虽以 -ly 结尾,却是形容词(可用作定语或表语),不是副词(不用作状语)。
friendship[5frendFIp] n.1.[U]友谊,友情:Itreasure your friendship. 我珍惜你的友谊。2.[C]朋友的关系,友谊的范例:Thefriendships that you make at school often last for life.求学阶段建立的友谊常常是一生一世的。
frighten[5fraItn] vt.1.使惊恐,使受惊:The childhas always been frightened of the dark. 这孩子始终害怕黑暗。2.吓唬,威胁:Hefrightened the old lady into signing the paper. 他恐吓那位老太太签了字据。
【辨析】frightening 与frightened:前者指“令人害怕的”,后者指“感到害怕的”:I was frightened whenever Iheard a frightening story. 每当听到恐怖的故事我就感到害怕。
frog[frCg] n.[C]青蛙:the croaking of frogs青蛙的呱呱叫声
from[frCm] prep.1.(表示位置)从:Water wasdripping from the tap. 水龙头在滴水。2.(表示时间)从…起:She will beworking here from tomorrow. 她从明天开始在这里工作。3.(表示距离)距,离:10 milesfrom the coast 距海岸 10 英里 4.来自:Where are you from?你是哪里人?5.用…,由…(做成):juice made from oranges 橙汁■from…on从…时候开始:from now on 从现在开始 / from then on 从那时起
front[frQnt] adj.前面的,在前部的:On the front wallthere is a map of China. 在前墙上有张中国地图。n.1.(用单数)前面,前部:She was standing right at the front.她正好就站在前面。2.(用单数)正面,正前方:the front of the envelope 信封的正面3.(连用the)前线,前方:He lost his life at the front. 他在前线牺牲了。
【辨析】in front of 与 in the frontof:前者意为“在…的前面”,后者意为“在…的前部”:There is a car parking in front ofthe house. 有一辆汽车停在房子前面。(在房子之外) / The teacher’s desk is in the frontof the classroom. 老师的讲桌在教室的前部。(在教室之内)
frost[frCst] n.[U]霜,严寒:We will have frosttomorrow. 明天大概会有霜降。/ Young plants are often killed by frost.植物的幼苗常因严寒而冻死。
fruit[fru:t] n.1.[C,U]水果,果类:Half of thefruit is bad. 那水果有一半是坏的。 2.[C]果实:The orange trees were heavywith fruit. 橘树上果实累累。3.[C](用复数)结果,产物,成果:This book is thefruits of 10 years’ research. 这本书是 10 年研究的成果。
fry[fraI] vt. 用油煎,用油炸:Shall I fry the fishfor dinner? 我要不要炸条鱼晚饭吃?
fuel[fjJEl] n.1.[U]燃料:What sort of fueldoes this machine need? 这台机器需要哪种燃料?2.[C]特定种类的燃料:Gas, oil andcoal are the most common heating fuels. 煤气、石油、煤炭是最常见的暖气燃料。
full[fJl] adj.1.(与 of 连用)满的,充满的,装满的:Thebucket is full of water. 水桶装满了水。2.吃饱的,过饱的:No more for me,thanks; I’m full. 我不要了,谢谢,我吃饱了。3.完全的,最高度的:The train isrunning at full speed. 列车在飞速前进。■in full 完全地,完整地:Please writeyour name in full. 请您把姓名写全。
【用法】1.表示“充满…”“装满…”用 be full of 结构:The bus was full ofpassengers. 公共汽车载满了乘客。2.有时 be full of 可与 be filled with互换,但前者侧重状态,后者侧重动作:The hall was full of [filled with] people.大厅里挤满了人。
fun[fQn] n.1.[U]有趣的事,娱乐,乐趣:We had lots offun at the fair today. 我们今天在游乐场上玩得很开心。2.[U]玩笑,幽默:I’m sorry Ihid your car keys; I only did it in fun.对不起,我把你的汽车钥匙藏起来了,我只是闹着玩的。■for [in] fun 闹着玩儿:I did itjust for [in] fun. 我做那件事只是为了好玩而已。 make fun of 取笑:We make funof her because she wears such strange hats.我们取笑她,因为她经常戴那么些奇怪的帽子。
funny[5fQnI] adj.有趣的,滑稽可笑的:It was so funny,I nearly died laughing. 太好玩了,我差点笑死了。
【辨析】funny 与 interesting:funny意为“有趣的,滑稽的”,主要指一种滑稽可笑的“有趣”,interesting指“有趣的”,指的是一种理性的兴趣。比如一个博学多才的教授,讲课风趣幽默,深深吸引着学生,这样的课应该是interesting,而不是 funny,一个小丑,动作笨拙,这样的人物也很“有趣”,但这是 funny。
furniture[5f:nItFE] n.[U](总称)家具:a piece offurniture 一件家具 / This rug tones in well with the wallpaper andfurniture. 地毯和壁纸、家具配合得非常协调。
【用法】属表总称的集合名词(有的书称之为物质名词),没有复数形式,也不能与不定冠词连用,含义上永远是单数。若要表示“量”,可用much, some, little, a little 等,要表示“数”可用 a piece of (article, item)of 等:A desk is a piece of furniture. 书桌是一件家具。 / They haven’t muchfurniture. 他们没有多少家具。 / I’ve just bought some new furniture.我刚买了一些新家具。
future[5fju:tFE] n. [C,U]将来,未来:It’s a goodidea to save some money for the future. 储蓄些钱以备将来之用,是个好主意。/ Thefuture is always unknown to us. 未来对我们来说总是不可知的。/ Our dream will cometrue in the future. 我们的梦想将来会实现的。■in future (警告语)今后:Infuture, make sure you get here on time. 今后,要保证准时到这儿。/ in thefuture 将来:I don’t want this to happen in the future.我希望将来不发生这种事情。/ for the future 今后:For the future, try to bemore careful. 今后你应该更细心些。
gain[^eIn] v.1.赢得,挣得,获得:He has gained therespect of his friends. 他赢得了朋友的尊敬。 2.(经努力)到达,达到:Afterbattling against the blizzard, we finally gained our destination.在同暴风雪搏斗之后,我们终于到达了目的地。3.获益,增加:gain weight 增加重量 / You can gainby watching how she works. 看她怎样工作就可获益。4.(钟、表)走快:This clockgains a minute a day. 这个钟每天快 1分钟。n.1.[C,U]赢利,获利,收益:No pains, no gains.(谚)不劳则无获。2.[C]增加,增进:The baby had a gain of half a pound (inweight) last week. 这婴儿上周体重增加了半磅。
game[^eIm] n.1.[C]游戏,运动,比赛:Let’s play agame of cards. 我们打牌吧。 / Football is an exciting game.足球是一项激动人心的运动项目。2. [C]游戏器具,体育器材3.[C](网球或桥牌的)一局,一场,一盘:We won the first game of the set.我们赢得这一盘的第一局。4.[C](常作单数)策略,计谋:What’s your game?你有什么策略吗?5.(用复数)(学校的)体育活动:Mary seldom played games at school.玛丽在学校很少参加体育活动。6.(用复数)(国际)体育比赛,运动会:the Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会
garage[5^ArB:V] n. [C]汽车间(房、库):The garageis at the back of the house. 车库在房屋后面。
garbage[5^B:bIdV] n.1.[U]垃圾:a garbage truck垃圾车 2.[U]垃圾场,垃圾箱 3.[U]废话,无聊的话:The speech was sheergarbage. 那篇演说纯粹是废话。
garden[5^B:dn] n.[C,U]花园,果园,菜园:He has abeautiful garden. 他有一个美丽的花园。vi.栽培花木,从事园艺:Mygrandfather is outdoors gardening every afternoon.我爷爷每天下午都在户外搞园艺。
gardening[5^B:dnIN] n.[U]园艺:gardeninggloves (tools) 园艺用手套(工具) / Will you continue gardening afterdinner? 饭后你继续干花园的活,好吗?
gas[^As] n.1.[C,U]气体:There are severalkinds of gas in the air. 空气中有好几种气体。2.[U]煤气,天然气,气体燃料:a gascooker [stove] 煤气炉3. [U](美)汽油:half a tankof gas 半油箱汽油
gate[^eIt] n.1.[C]大门,门口:I’ll wait for youat the gate. 我在大门口等你。 2.[C](机场的)登机口或门:The flight to HongKong is now boarding at Gate 8. 飞往香港的旅客现在在 8 号门登机。
【辨析】gate 与 door:参见 door。
gather[5^ATE] v.1.聚集,使聚集:A crowd gatheredoutside the hotel. 一群人聚集在酒店外面。2.采集,收拾,收获:gather crops 收庄稼3.收集,搜集:He is gathering information. 他在搜集资料。
【辨析】gather 与collect:1.表示“收集”“聚集”时,两者有时可以互换:The teacher willcollect [gather] the examination papers at the end of the hour.老师将于一小时之后收考卷。2.两者的主要区别是:gather 通常只表示把分散的人或物集拢在一起,collect往往指有计划、有条理地收集,且收集的东西是分散的,或者能一次处理一件的。下面句子中的 collect 就不宜用 gather代替:She collects coins. 她收集硬币。
general[5dVenErEl] adj.1.普遍的,普通的:Thegeneral feeling is that it’s wrong.多数人认为这是错误的。2.总的,概括的,大体的:In general, your plan isgood. 你们的方案总的来说是好的。3.(用于官职)首席的,总的:the Secretary General ofthe United Nations 联合国秘书长 / a general manager 总经理n.[C]将军,上将:a five-star general 五星上将■in general总的说来,大体上:I don’t eat much meat in general. 我一般很少吃肉。
gentleman[5dVentlmEn] n.(pl.gentlemen)1.[C]绅士,有身份、有教养的人:a clean-shaven younggentleman 面孔刮得光光的年轻绅士 / In a gentleman bad manners are rare.有教养的人很少有不礼貌的行为。2.[C]先生,男士:Good evening, ladies andgentlemen. 晚上好,女士们,先生们。
geography[dVI5CgrEfI] n.[U]地理,地理学:Geographyis my favorite subject at school. 地理是我在学校里最喜爱的课程。
German[5dV:mEn] adj.德国的,德国人的,德语的n. 1.[C]德国人:He is a German. 他是德国人。2.[U]德语:Canyou speak German or Italian? 你会讲德语或意大利语吗?
【注意】German 的复数形式是 Germans,而不是Germen。
Germany[5dV:mEnI] n.德国:Most Germany haswarm summers and cool winters. 德国大部分地区夏天暖和,冬天凉爽。
get[^et] v.(got,got)1.变得,变成:It’s getting dark. 天色渐渐昏暗。/ The weatheris getting colder. 天气渐冷。2.去,到达:When we got to the station,the bus was waiting. 当我们到达车站时,汽车还在等着。3.收到,得到:I got a letteron Monday. 我星期一收到了一封信。4.取(带)回来:Will you get me a glass ofwater? 你能给我拿一杯水来吗?5.听见,听懂:I’m sorry. I didn’t get it. Couldyou repeat it? 对不起,我听不明白,可以再说一遍吗?■get to 到达:The airplane gotto London at 4:30 pm. 飞机下午四点半抵达伦敦。/ get on (off) 上(下)车:Geton the bus quickly! 赶快上车!/ Never get off while the car is moving.车在行驶时切勿下车。/ get over 克服:She can’t get over her shyness.她克服不掉羞怯感。/ get up 起床:It’s time to get up, dear! 亲爱的该起床了!/get down 下来,落下:Get down from the tree. It is very dangerous!快从树上下来,很危险!/ In autumn leaves began to get down from trees.秋天树叶开始下落。/ get back 回来,取回:When did you get back? 你什么时候回来的?/He got back the book he lost. 他丢的书找回来了。/ get through withsth 完成(工作,任务等):As soon as I get through with my work I’ll joinyou. 我工作一做完就加入你们。/ get on well with 与……相处融洽:The two brothersget on very well together. 这两兄弟相处得很好。/ get together 相聚:Whencan we get together? 我们何时相聚?
【辨析】1.get, carry, bring, fetch 与take:参见 bring。2.get, arrive与reach:参见 arrive。
get-together[5^ettE7^eTE] n.[C,U]聚会:We’re having a little get-together to celebrate Helen’spromotion. 我们为海伦的晋升开一个小型庆祝会。
gift[^Ift] n.1.[C]赠品,礼物:He bought Christmasgifts for everyone. 他给每个人都买了圣诞礼物。2.[C](与 for 连用)天赋,天资,天才:Shehas a gift for music. 她有音乐天赋。
gifted[5^IftId] adj.有天赋的,有才华的:a giftedpianist 有才华的钢琴家 / a school for gifted children 天才儿童学校

girl[^:l] n.1.[C]女孩:There are more girlsthan boys in this class. 这个班上女生比男生多。2.[C]女儿:They have twoboys and a girl. 他们有两个儿子,一个女儿。
give[^Iv] vt.(gave, given)1.赠送:Can you give me some paper?你能给我些纸吗?2.给,递给,拿给:Could you give me that pen?你能把那支钢笔给我吗?3.产生(结果或效果):She gives the impression of beingvery well organized. 她给人十分有条理的印象。4.发布,传递(消息):give outinformation 发布消息 5. 做(某个动作):The cowboy gave out a yell.这牛仔大叫一声。6.给予,规定,限定(时间),估计(数量、时间、价值等):I’ll give you 24 hoursto finish the job. 我要你 24 小时内做完此事。■give back 归还:Give me backthe days of my youth. 还我青春。 give in 交上,让步:Names ofcontestants shall be given in before the end of the month.参赛者的名单必须在月底以前报上来。/ They would rather die than give in. 他们宁死不屈。give off 散发出:The boy’s dirty shirt gave off an unpleasantsmell. 这男孩的脏衬衫散发出难闻的气味。 give up 放弃:I won’t give up. I willtry my best. 我不会放弃,我会竭尽全力的。
glad[^lAd] adj.1.高兴的,开心的:She felt glad atwhat he had said. 听到他的话她很高兴。 / I’m glad to hear he’s feelingbetter. 听说他精神好多了,我很高兴。2.乐意的:I’d be glad to watch the kidsfor you this afternoon. 我很乐意今天下午帮你照管孩子们。
【注意】I’ll be glad to 可用于回答请求或邀请,表示同意或乐意接受,意为“我很乐意…”,其中的 to不能省略:“Could you give me a hand with this desk?” “I’ll be glad to.”“请帮我搬动一下这张桌子,好吗?”“好的(我很乐意)。”
glare[^leE] vi.瞪眼,怒目而视:He glared at me.他对我怒目而视。n.[C]怒眼,瞪视:We wanted to offer help, but thefierce glare on his face stopped us.我们想帮助他,但是他脸上那种凶狠瞪视的目光使我们望而却步。
【辨析】glare 与stare:1.两者都表示睁大眼睛“看”,都是不及物动词,都可与介词 at 连用。2.两者的区别是:glare 指怒目而视,强调愤怒、敌意、恐怖等,stare通常含有好奇、惊讶、沉思、害怕等意,往往指“盯着瞧”“凝视”等。
glass[^lB:s] n.1.[C]玻璃杯,一杯之量:a glassof water 一杯水 2.[U]玻璃:a sheet of glass 一块玻璃 / He cut himselfon broken glass. 他被玻璃碎片割伤了。
glasses[5^lB:sIz] n.(用复数)眼镜:He wearsglasses for reading. 他看书要戴上眼镜。
glove[glQv] n.[C]手套:White gloves get dirtyeasily. 白手套很容易脏。 / Where is the mate to this glove?这副手套的另一只在哪儿?
go[^EJ] vi. (went, gone)1.去:Where did she go? 她去了哪里?2.走,离开:I’d like to haveyou go along with me. 我要你陪我一道离开。3.去做(某事),离开去做(某事):Shall wego swimming this afternoon? 今天下午我们去游泳好吗?4.定期去(某个地方):go toschool 上学 5.通向,通到,到达:Where does the road go? 这条路通到哪里?6.发生,进行,进展:The party went well.那次晚会开得很好。7.变得,变为(通常更糟):Fish soon goes bad in hot weather.热天鱼容易坏。8.处于某种状态:Thousands of people are being allowed to gohungry. 任由成千上万的人忍饥挨饿。9.运行,运转:The car won’t go.汽车开不动了。n.1.[C]尝试(做某事):He had several goes atthe examination before he passed. 他经过几次尝试,考试才及格。2.(常用单)轮到某人(做某事):Come on, it’s your go! 来吧,轮到你了。
■go over 复习;仔细检查:He went over the article againthis evening. 今天晚上他把文章从头至尾又读了一遍。 go through 仔细检查:Please gothrough your paper before the exam is over. 在考试结束前请检查你自己的试卷。
【用法】1.用作连系动词,表示变化,通常指不好的变化:Something has gone wrongwith the radio. 这台收音机什么地方出毛病了。2. be going to既可表示主观上的意图(打算),也可表示根据迹象进行预测(即将):How long is he going to stay here?他打算在这里呆多久? / Look at these black clouds; there’s going to be astorm. 看这些乌云,要下暴雨了。
【辨析】1.have gone to 与 have beento:前者表示“到某地去了”(强调现在不在这里),通常不与次数连用,后者表示“去过某地”,可以与次数连用:I havebeen to New York twice. 我去过纽约两次。/ “Where is Mom?” “She has gone tothe supermarket.” “妈妈在哪里?”“她去超市了。” 2.go on doing sth, go on withsth 与 go on to do sth:go on doing sth表示继续(不停地)做一直在做的事情,而go on with sth则表示把停止了的事再继续做下去,但两者有时可换用,go on to do sth 表示做完某事后,接着做另一件事:Go on toread the other paragraphs after you have finished this one.看完这个段落后,请接着看其他的段落。/ Mother went on cooking; I went on with myhomework. 妈妈继续做饭,我继续做功课。3.go on 与 continue:参见continue
goal[^EJl] n.1.[C](足球等的)球门:Who’s in goalfor Real Madrid? 谁是皇家马德里队的守门员?2.[C]进球,射门得分:The fans couldnot forbear crying out at the wonderful goal.一记精彩的进球使球迷们禁不住叫喊起来。3.[C]目标:His goal is to win a medal at theOlympics. 他的目标是在奥运会上获得一块奖牌。
goat[^EJt] n.[C]山羊:The goat leaped surelyfrom rock to rock. 山羊稳稳当当地从一块石头跳到另一块石头上。
gold[^EJld] n.1.[U]黄金,金币,金子:People used topay in gold. 以前人们用金子来支付。2.[C,U]金色,金黄色:hair of shining gold光亮的金发 adj.1.金制的:a gold bar 金条2.金黄色的:gold lace 金色花边
golden[5^EJldEn] adj.1. 金质的:a golden crown金皇冠 / a golden ring 金戒指 2.金(黄)色的:golden hair 金黄色的头发 / goldensand 金黄色的沙子 3.珍贵的,贵重如黄金的,幸运的:a golden opportunity千载难逢的机会
【辨析】gold 与golden:1.在现代英语中,无论表示“金质的”还是“金色的”,通常都用 gold:a gold car一辆金色的汽车 / He bought a gold watch for his wife. 他为他妻子买了块金表。有时也可用golden 表示“金质的”或“金色的”,但这在现代英语中已不多见,通常只限于少数表达中:bright golden hair金黄色的头发 / a golden earring 金耳环 / golden apple 金苹果(出自希腊神话) / goldenegg 金蛋(出自《伊索寓言》)等。2.golden 在现代英语中主要用于比喻义,表示“宝贵的”“黄金般的”等(这样用的golden 主要用作定语):a golden chance [opportunity] 千载难逢的机会 / golden age黄金时代,全盛时期 / golden wedding 金婚(结婚50 周年纪念)
goldfish[5^EJldfIF] n.(pl.goldfish / goldfishes)[C]金鱼:That’s like putting the cat nearthe goldfish bowl. 这等于把猫放在金鱼缸旁;这是引狼入室。
good[gud] adj. (better, best)1.好的:These books are all in good condition. 这些书都完好无损。2.美好的,令人愉快的:Did you have a good time at the party?你在聚会上玩得愉快吗?3.有益的,有效的:Swimming is good for health.游泳对健康有益。4.友好的,好心的,善良的:It is good of you to help me.你帮助我真是太好了。/ She’s always been very good to me. 她一向对我很好。5.大大的,充分的,十足的:We’ve waited a good while by now.到现在我们已经等了相当长的一段时间了。6.熟练的,精通的:She’s good at languages.她通晓多种语言。 7.新鲜的:Pork doesn’t keep good in summer. 夏天猪肉容易变坏。n.1.[U]利益,好处:I am saying this for your good.我说这句话就是为你好。 2.[U]好事,善事:He is willing to do good for thecollective. 他乐意为集体做好事。 ■as good as 几乎一样,实际等于:I’m not as goodas he is. 我不如他。(3) / He as good as said I was a liar. 他无异于说我撒谎。be good at 擅长:She is good at telling stories. 她擅于讲故事。goodand 很,非常:He was good and angry. 他非常生气。/ I pushed him good andhard. 我使劲地推他。
【辨析】good 与 well:1.good 只用作形容词,不用作副词,其副词形式用well:She speaks good English. / She speaks English well.她的英语说得好。2.well既可用作副词,也可用作形容词。用作形容词时,其用法很有限,只表示“健康的”“恰当的”或“令人满意的”等:She is verywell. 她身体很好。注:一般说来,well 用作形容词时,只用作表语而不用作定语(如上例),但在美国英语中,well表示“身体健康”时有时也可用作定语:a wellman(健康人)。3.注意下面两组短语,含义相近,但搭配不同:(1) be good at意为“擅长”:He is good at playing basketball. 他擅长打篮球。/ He is good atmaths. 他擅长数学。(2) do well in 意为“在…方面做得好”或“擅长”:She does wellin history. 她的历史学得不错。
goodbye[7^Jd5baI] interj. &n. 再见,再会:say “goodbye” to sb 向某人说“再见”/ I have to saygoodbye now. 现在我该告辞了。
goods[^Jdz] n.(用复数)商品,货物:There’s a largevariety of goods in the shops. 商店内有品种繁多的商品。
【用法】只有复数形式,用作主语时,谓语要用复数:The goods are of poorquality. 这些货质量不好。注意,虽为复数,但不能与数词连用。
government[5^QvEnmEnt] n.1.[U]统治,政治,政府:Thecountry has always had fair government. 这个国家的治理方式一向公正。/ Thegovernment strongly wish [wishes] the bill passed.政府强烈希望该议案能通过。
【用法】用作主语时,句子的谓语动词可用单数形式(侧重指整体),也可用复数形式(侧重个体或其成员):The governmentis [are] discussing the proposal. 政府(内阁官员)正在讨论该议案。
gown[^aJn] n.1.[C]女礼服,女裙服:a wedding gown新娘的结婚礼服 / an evening gown 晚礼服 2.[C]长外衣,长袍:a BA gown 学士服
grade[^reId] n. 1.[C,U]等级,级别:The eggs aresold in grades. 鸡蛋分等级出售。2.[C](中小学的)学年,年级:She’s in the sixthgrade. 她是 6 年级学生。3.[C]成绩,分数:He always got high grades inschool. 他在学校里总是得高分。vt.1.分类,分级:The apples arewashed and then graded by size.苹果洗好后按照大小分类。2.给(书面作业)评分,给(学生)分数:The term papers have beengraded. 期末考卷已评完分数了。
gradually[5^rAdjJElI] adv.逐渐地:Thingsgradually improved. 情况正逐渐改善。
graduate[5^rAdjJeIt] vi.毕业:Tom graduatedfrom Oxford. 汤姆毕业于牛津大学。/ He graduated in medicine.他医科毕业。vt.授予某人学位、毕业文凭,使(学生)毕业:Our university graduated500 students last year. 我们大学去年的毕业生有 500 名。
grain[^reIn] n.1.[U]谷物,谷类,粮食:We havebrought in a good grain harvest for three years on end. 我们已经连续 3年获得了粮食丰收。2.[C]谷粒:grains of wheat 麦粒 3.[C]细粒:a grainof sand 一粒沙子
grammar[5^rAmE] n.1.[U]语法,语法规则:He has madea mistake in grammar. 他在文法上犯了个错误。 2.[C]语法书:I want to buy amodern English grammar. 我想买一本现代英语语法书。
grandchild[5^rAnd7tFaIld] n.(pl.grandchildren)[C](外)孙,(外)孙女,孙辈
granddaughter[5^rAn7dC:tE] n.[C](外)孙女
grandma[5^rAndmB:], grandmother[5^rAnd7mQTE]n.[C](外)祖母:My grandmother is a mine of informationabout our family’s history. 我的祖母是我们家史的资料库。
grandpa[5^rAndpB:], grandfather[5^rAnd7fB:TE]n.[C]爷爷,外公:Come and sit on Grandpa’s lap!来,坐在爷爷的腿上!
grandparent[5^rAnd7peErEnt] n.[C](外)祖父,(外)祖母
grandson[5^rAndsQn] n. [C](外)孙子
granny[5^rAnI] n. [C]老奶奶,祖母,外祖母:Granny,please sit here. 奶奶,请坐这儿。
grape[greIp] n. [C]葡萄:Wine is made fromgrapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿的。
grass[^rB:s] n.1.[U]草,牧草,青草:The sheep werecropping on the grass. 羊群在吃青草。2.[U]草地,草原,牧场:They sat on thegrass to have their picnic. 他们坐在草地上野餐。
grateful[5^reItfJl] adj.感激的,表示感谢的:I’mreally grateful to you for all your help. 我真的很感谢你给予的一切帮助。
gray, grey[^reI] adj.灰色的,灰白的:He hada few grey hairs. 他有几根灰白色的头发。
great[^reIt] adj.1.伟大的,杰出的:Einstein was agreat scientist. 爱因斯坦是位伟大的科学家。 2.重要的:the great issue of ourtime 我们时代的一个重大问题 3.巨大的,非常的,高度的:a great friend of sb某人非常要好的朋友 / It was a great loss to us all.那对我们全体而言是极大的损失。4.极好的,十足的:What a great idea! 多么了不起的主意!
【辨析】great, big 与 large:参见 big。
greatly[5^reItlI] adv.非常,大大地,极:I admiredhim greatly. 我非常佩服他。 / Your help was greatly appreciated.非常感谢你的帮助。
green[^ri:n] adj.1.绿色的,绿的:The country isvery green in the spring. 春天的乡村一片青绿。2.未熟的,生的,嫩的:apples toogreen to eat 生得不能吃的苹果 3.无经验的,幼稚的,易受骗的:I’m not so green as tobelieve that. 我不至于那么幼稚,而去相信那件事。4.有关环境保护的:a green activist(campaigner) 环境保护积极分子(活动人士) n.1.[C,U]绿色:The room wasdecorated in bright greens and blues. 这房间是用明亮的绿色和蓝色装潢布置的。2.[U]绿色的衣服:She was dressed in green. 她穿着绿色衣服。
greengrocer[5^ri:n^rEJsE]n.1.[C](英)蔬菜水果商2. (thegreengrocer’s) 蔬菜水果店
greet[^ri:t] vt.问候,向…致敬,欢迎:He greeted mewith a smile when he saw me. 他见到我时向我微笑致意。/ He greeted me warmly.他热情地和我打招呼。
greeting[5^ri:tIN] n.1.[C]问候,致意:Send mybest greetings to all your family.请代我问候你的家人。2.[C]祝贺,祝词:Christmas greetings 圣诞节祝贺词
ground[^raJnd] n.1.[U]地面,地上:He sat down onthe ground. 他坐在地上。2.[C]场地,运动场:fishing grounds 渔场
group[^ru:p] n.[C]组,群,团体:A group ofchildren gathered on the grass.一群孩子聚集在草地上。v.组合,集合,把…分组,把…归类:The children groupedround the piano. 孩子们集合在钢琴周围。/ Group the children together accordingto height. 按孩子们的身高分组。
【用法】用作主语时,谓语可用单数(侧重整体)或复数(侧重个体):A group of reporters was [were]gathering at the airport. 一群记者聚集在机场。/ Our discussion group is [are]meeting this week. 我们的讨论小组本星期将碰头。
grow[grEJ] v.(grew,grown) 1.生长,发育,成长:Plants grow out of the earth.植物从地上长出来。 2.种植:We grow potatoes and carrots in our garden.我们在园子里种了些土豆和胡萝卜。 3.变成,变得:It’s growing dark; we must go homesoon. 天就黑了,我们必须赶快回家。 4.增大,增多,增长:The population is growingtoo fast. 人口增长过速。■grow into 成为,变成:He has grown into a fineyoung man. 他已长成一个英俊的小伙子。grow up 长大成人:What are you going tobe when you grow up? 你长大了打算做什么?grow out of因长大而穿不下(衣服、鞋子等):My daughter has grown out of all her old clothes.我的女儿长大了,所有的旧衣服都穿不下了。
guard[^B:d] n.1.[C]警卫,守卫,卫兵:There was anarmed guard on duty outside his door. 在他门外有一个武装警卫在值勤。2.[U]防守,警戒:The police are keeping guard over the house.警察看守着这座房子。vt.(与 against, from 连用)防卫,警戒,看守,提防:closelyguard the prisoners 严密看守囚犯 / Guard against mispronunciation whenyou learn a foreign language. 学外语时要提防发音错误。■on guard站岗,值班
guess[^es] v.1.猜想,推测:Just guess what is inthe parcel. 猜猜看包裹里是什么? 2.猜对,猜中:He guessed the weight of thecake exactly. 他猜对了这个蛋糕的重量。3.想,认为:I guess you’re right.我想你是对的。
guest[^est] n.[C]客人,宾客:We’ve got guestsstaying this weekend. 这个周末我们有客人留宿家里。/ She made a guestappearance on his TV show. 她在他的电视节目里出场客串。
guidance[5^aIdEns] n.[U]引导,指导:under sb’sguidance 在某人指导下 / I need some guidance with my studies.我学习上需要一些指导。
guide[^aId] n.1.[C]向导,导游:A guide will showyou round the city. 导游会陪你们参观这个城市。 2.[C]指南,手册:a guide toFrench wines 法国葡萄酒指南 vt.指导,为…引路:He guided us throughthe busy streets to our hotel. 他领着我们穿过繁忙的街道回到旅馆。
gum[^Qm] n.1.[U]树胶,树脂2.[U]黏胶,胶状物:There is gum on the back of a stamp.邮票的背面有胶水。3.[U]口香糖:chewing gum 口香糖4.[C](常用复数)牙龈,牙床:Massage your gums after cleaning yourteeth. 刷牙以后按摩一下牙床。
gun[^Qn] n.[C]枪,炮:an air gun 气枪 / a machinegun 机枪 / He aimed the gun carefully. 他用枪仔细瞄准。
gym[dVIm], gymnasium[dVIm5neIzIEm]n.1.[C]体育馆,健身房 2.[U]室内健身操
habit[5hAbIt] n.[C,U]习惯,习性:He has the habitof getting up late. 他有晚起的习惯。/ Don’t let yourself get into badhabits. 别让你自己染上坏习惯。■ be in [have] the [a] habit of 有…习惯 /fall [get] into the [a] habit of 养成…习惯 / get rid of[break off ] the habit of 改掉…的习惯 / out of [from] habit出于习惯
【用法】表示做某事的习惯,其后接“of + 动名词”(不接不定式)作定语:He has a habit of bitinghis lips when he is puzzled. 他感到困惑时有咬嘴唇的习惯。
【辨析】habit 与 custom:参见 custom。
hair[heE] n.1.[U]头发,毛发:His blackhair is going grey. 他的黑发正在变白。2.[C](一根)头发:a few grey hairs几根灰白的头发
【用法】表示“头发”的总称时,是集合名词(不可数);表示一根根的头发,是可数名词。如:His hair has turnedgrey. 他的头发已经变得灰白。/ There are hairs on your jacket. 你的夹克上有几根头发。/It’s one-twentieth the thickness of a human hair.它相当于人头发丝的二十分之一那样细。
half[hB:f] pron.& n.[C]一半,半个:Half of us wanted to leave early. 我们当中有一半人都想早些走。adj.一半的,半…:half an hour 半个小时 / They stood in a halfcircle. 他们站成半圆形。adv.一半地,部分地:Well begun is half done.(谚)好的开端等于成功的一半。■ by half 一半,极大地 / by halves半途而废地,不完全地 / not half (口语)很,非常,一点也不
【用法】“half of + 名词或代词” 结构作主语时,其后的谓语动词的数要与该结构中名词或代词的数保持一致:Half(of) the oranges are bad. 这些橘子当中有一半是坏的。/ Half (of) the orange isbad. 这个橘子有半边是坏的。/ Half of our money goes on food. 我们有一半的钱花在食物上。
hall[hC:l] n.1.[C]会堂,礼堂:The end-of-yearparty will be held in the school hall.学年年终的舞会定在学校礼堂里举行。2.[C]门厅,过道:Hang your coat up in the hall.把你的外套挂在门厅里。
ham[hAm] n.[C,U]火腿:two whole hams 两只完整的火腿 /a slice of ham 一片火腿
hamburger[5hAmb:^E] n.[C]汉堡包:Many peoplebuy their hamburgers and eat them in their cars. 许多人买了汉堡包在汽车里吃。
hammer[5hAmE] n.[C]锤子,榔头:The only tool inthe house is a hammer. 家里的工具只有一把锤子。
hand[hAnd] n.1.[C]手:He was holding a cup ofcoffee in his left hand. 他左手端着一杯咖啡。2.[C](钟表的)指针:The minutehand is longer than the hour hand. 分针比时针长。 3.(用单数)帮助:Can yougave me a hand with the bags?你能帮我拿一下袋子吗?vt.传递,交出,给:Could you hand round thebiscuits, please? 你可以把饼干传给大伙吃吗?■hand in 交上来:All the exercisebooks must be handed in today. 全部练习本今天务必交上来。/ hand up举手:Please hand up if you think it is right. 如果你认为这是对的,请举手。/ handon 传递给另一个人:When you’ve read this, kindly hand it on to yourfriends. 你读完后,请将它传给你的朋友。/ hand out 散发,发给:Will you help me tohand out the leaflets at the meeting? 请你在会上帮我把这些传单发给大家好吗?
handbag[5hAndbA^] n.[C]女用皮包,手提包:The handbagwon’t fasten properly. 这手提包的口关不紧。
handkerchief[5hANkEtFIf]n.(pl. handkerchiefs /handkerchieves) [C]手帕,手绢:a paper handkerchief 纸巾
handle[5hAndl] n.[C]柄,把手:It has a freehandle. 它有个活动把柄。 / The handle is broken off. 柄断了。
handsome[5hAnsEm] adj.1.英俊的:He is nothandsome but is very famous. 他并不英俊,但很出名。
handwriting[5hAnd7raItIN] n.[U]笔迹,书法:veryclear handwriting 非常端正的字迹
hang[hAN] v.1.(hanged, hanged)处(人)绞刑,吊死:He was hanged for murder. 他因谋杀被处以绞刑。2.(hung, hung) 悬挂,吊着,把…吊起:He didn’t need the overcoat, so hehung it back in the wardrobe. 他不需要那件大衣,所以他把它挂回到衣橱里去。■hang on稍等,别挂断(电话):Hang on a minute—I’m nearly ready. 稍等片刻,我这就完。 hangup 挂断电话:I was so angry that I hung up on her. 我一气之下挂断了她的电话。
【用法】由于可用作及物和不及物动词,所以下面一例用现在分词和过去分词意思差不多:He saw aphoto hanging [hung] on the wall.他看见墙上挂着一张照片。另外,注意它表示“绞死”时,是规则动词,过去式和过去分词均为hanged;表示“悬挂”时,为不规则动词,过去式和过去分词均为 hung。
happen[5hApEn] vi.1.(偶然)发生:I remembered thewhole thing as if it happened yesterday.整个事情我都记得,就像是昨天发生的一样。2.恰好,碰巧,偶然:We happened to be in theneighbourhood. 我们恰好是邻居。
【用法】1.是不及物动词,所以不能用于被动语态。2.下面两句同义:Ihappened to have no money with me. =It (so) happened that I had nomoney with me. 碰巧我没带钱。3.Do you happen to…是一种委婉的表达:Do you happen toknow his new telephone number? 你可知道他的新电话号码?
【辨析】happen 与 take place(发生):偶然发生的事件通常用happen,经过安排的事件的发生通常用 take place:When did the explosion happen?爆炸是什么时候发生的?/ When will the wedding take place? 婚礼将在什么时候举行?
happily[5hApIlI] adv.1.幸福地,快乐地:My son hassettled happily in America. 我儿子已在美国幸福地定居了。2.幸运地,幸亏:Happily,the accident was not serious. 幸好这一事故不严重。
happiness[5hApInIs] n.[U]幸福,愉快:Yourhappiness is all that matters to me. 你的幸福对我至关重要。
happy[5hApI] adj.1.幸福的,快乐的,高兴的:I am veryhappy at the news of her return. 听到她回来的消息我感到很高兴。2.乐意的,愿意的:Iam happy to be of service. 我很愿意提供帮助。3.满意的,满足的:She is nothappy with her present position as (a) typist.她对于现在的打字员职位并不满意。4.(祝…)快乐:Happy New Year. 新年快乐。/ HappyBirthday. 生日快乐。
hard[hB:d] adv.1.努力地,使劲地:Push hard. 用力推。/He worked hard all day. 他一整天都在努力地工作。2.猛烈地,重重地:It’s beenraining hard all day. 一整天都在下大雨。adj.1.坚硬的:Thisground is too hard to dig. 这块地硬得挖不动。2.困难的,费力的:a hardlanguage 一门难学的语言 / It’s hard to understand this book.这本书很难理解。3.辛苦的,艰难的:Times are hard.世道艰难(不景气)。4.严厉的,冷酷无情的:a hard teacher 严厉的老师■be hard on对…严格(苛刻):Don't be too hard on the boy; he didn't mean to do it.对这个小男孩不要太严厉了,他不是故意这么做的。
hardly[5hB:dlI] adv.几乎不,几乎没有:I can hardlywait to hear the news. 我迫不及待地想体听到这个消息。■hardly ever 很少:Hehardly ever goes to bed before midnight. 他很少在午夜以前就寝。hardly…when… 一…就…:She had hardly arrived when it began tosnow. 她刚到就下起雪来了。
hard-working[7hB:d5w:kIN]adj.努力工作的,勤勉的:a hard-working professor 一个工作努力的教授
harm[hB:m] n.[U]伤害,损害:I meant no harm toyou. 我对你并无恶意。/ There is no harm in calling her.打电话给她并没有什么害处。vt.伤害,损害:Getting up early won’t harmyou. 早起对你没有坏处。/ I harmed my eyes by reading in dim light.我在昏暗的光线下读书伤害了眼睛。
【辨析】harm, injure, hurt 与 wound:参见injure。
harmful[5hB:mfJl] adj.有害的,致伤的:Smoking canbe harmful to your health. 吸烟对身体有害。
harmless[5hB:mlIs] adj.无害的,不致伤的:The dogseems fierce, but it’s harmless. 那狗看起来挺凶恶,但它并不伤人。
harvest[5hB:vIst] n.1.[C]收割,收获:The appleharvest starts in September. 苹果从 9 月开始采收。2.[C]收获量,收成:a good[fair, an abundant] harvest 丰收 3. [C,U]收获季节,收获期:Farmers arevery busy during the harvest. 在收获季节里农民非常忙碌。
hat[hAt] n.[C]帽子,礼帽:Hang your hat on thehook. 把帽子挂在衣钩上。
【辨析】hat 与 cap:都是“帽子”,hat 通常指有檐的帽子或礼帽,cap一般指无檐的便帽。
hate[heIt] vt.憎恨,厌恶:I hate the smell ofcigarettes. 我讨厌烟味。n.1.[U]憎恨,讨厌:feel hate forsb 对某人感到厌恶 2.[C]所恨的人或事物:Plastic flowers are a particularhate of mine. 塑料花是我特别厌恶的东西。
【用法】表示“讨厌”“不喜欢”等时,其后可接不定式或动名词,含义大致相同:I hate asking [to ask] anyfavors of her. 我很不喜欢求助于她。根据情况其后不定式或动名词可以带逻辑主语:I hate women smoking[to smoke]. 我讨厌女人抽烟。若与 would, should 连用,其后通常要接不定式:I would hate tospend the Mid-Autumn Festival alone. 我不喜欢一个人过中秋节。
have[hAv] v.aux.(had,had)(与动词的过去分词连用,构成完成时态)已经,曾经:He has lived here since 1990.1990年以来他一直住在这里。 vt.1.有,拥有:He has already had acar. 他已经有一辆车了。2.患(病):My sense of taste isn’t very good; Ihave a cold. 我的味觉不是很好,我感冒了。3.吃,喝:I usually have a sandwichfor lunch. 我午饭时通常吃块三明治。4.进行,从事,做某动作:have an argument 进行争论 /have a try 试一试 5.开(会议等):have a meeting开会6.生,生育:My wife’s having a baby.我妻子怀孕了。7.使,让,令:I had my hair cut yesterday.我昨天去理了发。9.(have to)(表义务、责任、建议等)必须,不得不:Do we have to finishit today? 我们今天必须得完成吗?
hawk[hC:k] n.[C]鹰:as hungry as a hawk饿极了
hay[heI] n.[U]作饲料用的干草:make hay 制干草 / Makehay while the sun shines. (谚)晒草要趁太阳好,行事要趁机会好。
he[hi:] pron.(第三人称单数,主格)他:He runs fast.他跑得快。
head[hed] n.1.[C]头,头部:My head aches. 我头疼。2.[C]头脑,才智,智力:I don’t have much of a head for figures.我不太有数学头脑。3.[C]首脑,领袖:heads of the government 政府首脑 / the headof a firm 公司总裁 4.[C](单复数同形)(牲畜的)头数:five head of cattle 5头牛■from head to foot 从头到脚
headache[5hedeIk] n.[C]头痛:She says she’sgot a headache and a cough. 她说她头痛、咳嗽。/ I am tired and have aheadache. 我累了,而且头痛。
headline[5hedlaIn] n.1.[C](报刊的)大字标题:Theheadlines were full of news of the bank robbery.报纸标题全是那件抢劫银行的新闻。2.(theheadlines)(电视或无线电广播中的)新闻提要
headmaster[hed5mB:stE] n.[C](英)(中小学)校长:OurEnglish teacher has been promoted to headmaster.我们的英语老师已被提升为校长了。
headteacher[hed5ti:tFE] n.[C](英)(中小学)校长
health[helW] n.[U]健康,健康状态:He is in good(poor) health. 他身体健康(不好)。/ Health is better than wealth.健康胜过财富。
healthy[5helWI] adj.1.健康的,健壮的:Fresh air andexercise develop healthy bodies.新鲜空气和运动能使身体健康。2.有益于健康的,有益于身心的:a healthy way of living(有益于)健康的生活方式 / That book is not healthy reading for a child.那本书很不健康,不适宜孩子阅读。3.运转良好的,兴旺发达的:The country’s economy isfairly healthy. 该国的经济相当繁荣。
hear[hIE] v.(heard,heard)1.听,听见,听到:I can hear someone knocking. 我听到有人敲门。2.听说,得知:I heard that his son had gone to New York.我听说他儿子到纽约去了。3.听取,审理:Which judge will hear the case?哪位法官将审理这个案件? ■hear about 听说,得知:I’ve never heard about this.我从未听人说起过这件事。 hear from 收到…的来信(电话、信息等):Have you heard fromyour friend? 你收到你朋友的来信吗?/ hear of 听说:I’ve never heard ofsuch a thing. 我从来没听过这样的事。 hear sb out 听某人把话说完:Please hear meout. 请听我把话说完。
【辨析】1.hear 与 listen:hear通常用作及物动词,表示听的结果,意为“听见,听到”,多指无意识地听,listen 是不及物动词(其后常接介词to),侧重听的过程,表示有意识地“听”或“注意听”(但不一定能听见):I heard the thunder last night.我昨晚听到雷声了。/ I listened carefully but I couldn’t hear what he wassaying. 我仔细去听,但听不见他在说什么。注:hear 有时也用作不及物动词:He doesn’t [can’t] hearvery well. 他听觉不灵。2.hear sb doing sth 与 hear sb dosth:前者表示听见某个动作正在进行,后者指听见某个动作的全过程(完整的动作):I heard him singing.我听见他正在唱歌。/ I heard him sing a song. 我听见他唱了一首歌。注:在被动语态中,不定式要带 to:Hewas heard to sing a song. 有人听见他唱了一首歌。
hearing[5hIErIN] n.1.[U]听力,听觉:His hearingisn’t very good so you need to speak louder.他的听力不大好,你说话要大声点。2.[U]听得见的距离或范围:be beyond one’s hearing在…听不到的距离外 / The child was told to play within hearing of the house.孩子被要求在能听得见家里喊的地方玩。
heart[hB:t] n.1.[C]心(脏):The heart beats.心脏跳动。2.[C]心情,感情,心境,心地,心肠:Don’t let your heart rule yourhead. 别让感情支配你的理智。/ She has a very kind heart.她心地非常善良。3.[C]心形物:a valentine card with a heart on it一张上面印有心形图案的情人节卡片 4.[C]纸牌中的红桃,一张红桃(纸牌):the five of hearts红桃五■by heart 默记地,记下:I have learned this poem by heart.这首诗我记熟了。 heart and soul 全心全意地,全部心思地,完全地:He devoted himselfheart and soul to his work. 他全心全意地致力于工作。 lose heart 灰心:Sodon’t lose heart whatever you do. 不管你做什么你都不要灰心。 lose one’s heartto 倾心于,爱上:She lost her heart to her teacher. 她爱上了自己的老师。/ MrSmith lost his heart to the South Sea. 史密斯先生爱上了南海。
heat[hi:t] n.1.[U]热:He could feelthe heat of the sun on his back.他能感觉到灼热的阳光烤着他的脊背。2.[U]激烈,热烈:In the heat of the argument Ilost my self-control. 在辩论最激烈的时刻,我没控制住自己。v.(把…)加热,(使)变热:Would you go into the kitchen and heat up some coffee?你到厨房去热点咖啡好吗?
heavily[5hevIlI] adv.1.沉重地,费力地:He sufferedheavily. 他受到沉重的打击。/ She grabbed the chair and pulled herself upheavily. 她抓住椅子,费力地站了起来。2.大量地,猛烈地,厉害地:It rained heavilytoday. 今天雨下得很大。/ My father used to smoke heavily. 我父亲以前抽烟抽得很凶。
heavy[5hevI] adj.1.重的,沉的:The box is tooheavy for me. 我觉得这盒子太重了。 2.大量的,许多的:heavy expenses 花销很大 / aheavy shower 一场暴雨 3.费力的,繁重的,繁忙的:Traffic on the roads is theheaviest at weekends. 周末的交通最为繁忙。4.沉闷的,严肃的,艰苦的:I found thebook very heavy reading. 我发现这本书读起来很沉闷。5.缓慢的,迟钝的,笨拙的:His headis heavy. 他头脑迟钝。
heel[hi:l] n.1.[C]脚后跟:The shoes have rubbedmy heels. 这双鞋把我的脚后跟磨破了。2.[C]鞋跟:high heels 高跟鞋
height[haIt] n.1.[C,U]身高,高度:He is twometres in height. 他身高两米。
helicopter[5helIkCptE] n.[C]直升飞机:ahelicopter pilot 直升机驾驶员
hello[hE5lEJ]interj.(用于打招呼、问候或唤起注意)喂,嗨,你好:Hello, how are things?嗨,最近好吗?/ Hello, this is Mike.喂,我是迈克。n.[C](表示问候、惊奇或唤起注意时的用语)喂,你好
help[help] n.1.[U]帮助,帮忙:We need your help.我们需要你的帮助。2.(用单数)帮忙者,帮手,有助益的事物:He became a great help to hisparents. 他成了父母得力的帮手。v.1.帮助,援助:I helped herfind the book. 我帮她找到了那本书。2.促进,助长:This latest developmentdoesn’t exactly help (matters).这一最新情况对事情并没有真正好处。3.为自己取食品(饮料等):Help yourself to the cookies.请随便吃些点心吧。■help…with 帮助(某人)做(某事):Their teacher helps theirstudents with their work. 老师帮助学生做功课。 can’t help 情不自禁,禁不住:Itwas so funny that I couldn’t help laughing. 这么有趣,我不由得笑了起来。 helpyourself to 自取,随便吃:Michael got up and helped himself to morebrandy. 迈克尔站起身来,又倒了一些白兰地。
【用法】1.表示“在…的帮助下”,通常用介词 with(不用 under):I can readthe English book with the help of a dictionary.我可以借助字典阅读这本英语书。2.用作动词,表示“帮助”时,其后可接不定式或不定式的复合结构作宾语,其中的不定式带不带to 都可以,但要注意不能接动名词或动名词的复合结构:He helped (to) wash the car. 他帮忙洗车。
helpful[5helpfJl] adj.1.有帮助的,有益的:He hasgiven me a helpful suggestion. 他给我提了一条有益的建议。2.乐于助人的,愿意帮忙的:The staff here are very helpful.这里的工作人员非常乐于助人。
helpless[5helplIs] adj.1.无依无靠的,无助的:He wasalmost helpless without his glasses.不戴眼镜,他几乎寸步难行。2.不能自立的,需要他人照顾的:a helpless child 要人照顾的小孩
hen[hen] n.[C]母鸡,雌禽:A hen hovers herchicks. 一只母鸡在孵小鸡。
her[h:] pron.1.她(宾格),(指雌性动物时用)它:They gaveher a round of applause. 他们给她一阵掌声。2. 她的:That is her mirror.那是她的镜子。
here[hIE] adv.1.在(向)这里:We’ve lived here forover 20 years. 我们已经在这里住了20多年了。2.(用于句首以介绍事物或引起注意)呃,哦:Here weare. 我们到了。/ Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了。3.在这一点上,这时,事情发展的特定时间(阶段):Here I must disagree.这一点我必须反对。■here and there 在各处,到处
hero[5hIErEJ] n.(pl.heroes)1.[C]英雄,勇士:The story about a hero excited thelittle boys very much. 一个英雄的故事使小男孩们兴奋不已。2.[C]男主角:Who is thehero of this play? 这出剧的男主角是谁?
hers[h:z] pron.(名词性物主代词,she的所有格)她的(所有物):This is my coat and hers is over there.这是我的外衣,她的(外衣)在那边。
herself[h:5self] pron.1.(she 的反身代词)她自己:Shebought herself a new car. 她为自己买了一辆新车。2. (用以强调)她亲自,她本人:Sheherself told me the news. 这消息是她亲自告诉我的。■(all) by herself她单独地,她独自地 / be [feel, seem] herself (情绪或身体状况)正常的:Alicewasn’t quite herself that evening. 艾丽斯那天晚上不太舒服。
hey[heI] interj.(表示惊讶、兴趣、 引起他人注意)嘿,喂:Hey,what are you doing here? 喂,你在这里做什么?
hi[haI] interj.(表示打招呼、问候或唤起注意)喂,你好:Hi, Tom,how are you? 嗨,汤姆,你好吗?
hide[haId](hid, hidden)v.1.把…藏起来,隐藏:A fox cannot hide its tail.狐狸尾巴是藏不住的。2.掩饰,隐瞒:He could not hide his disappointment.他掩饰不住内心的失望。3.遮蔽,覆盖:Clouds hid the sun. 云层遮住了太阳。
high[haI] adj.1.高的:The city has many highbuildings. 这城市有很多高楼大厦。/ He studied hard and got high marks.他学习努力,因此得了高分。 2.(某物)有…高的:The Athletic Club building is ninestories high. 运动员俱乐部大楼高9层。3.数量大的,(气温)高的:the high cost offood 昂贵的食品价格 / a high salary 高薪 4.优等的,最佳的,高级的:She held highoffice in the last government.她在上届政府中担任高级职位。adv.高地,在(向)高处:The eagle flies high.鹰飞得很高。■high jump 跳高 / high school 中学
【辨析】1.high 与 tall:均表示“高的”,但high与 low 相对,tall 与 short 相对。在测量东西或者是指“某物离地面较高”时,多用 high,而在测量人和船时用tall,tall 也用于描绘一些高而窄的物体,尤其是考虑到这个物体从顶部到底部的全距离时。描绘建筑物的“高”时,两者均可用:ahigh mountain 高山 / She is a tall girl. 她是个高个子女孩。/ It’s a very high[tall] building. 那是一栋很高的楼。2.high 与highly:(1)high 用作副词时,通常表示具体的高,主要修饰动词:He climbed high.他爬得很高。/ The plane flew high above. 飞机在上空高高地飞行。注:有时用于比喻义:She nevergot very high in that company.她在那个公司里所担任的职务从来就不是很高。(2)highly 主要表示很高的程度,除修饰动词(如 speak,praise, think of 等)外,还通常用于修饰分词或形容词(尤其是那些由动词派生而来的形容词, 有时相当于 very 或much):They speaks very highly of you. 他们十分赞赏你。/ It’s highlyinteresting. 这有趣极了。
hill[hIl] n.1.[C]小山,山丘:They climbed up thehill to get a better view. 他们爬上小山以便看得更清楚。2.[C]土堆,小堆:an anthill 蚂蚁堆
【辨析】hill 与 mountain:hill 指小山或丘陵,而 mountain则指高大的山岳、山脉,且 mountain 的坡要比 hill 陡,mountain 的山顶多由岩石构成。
hillside[5hIlsaId] n.[C](小山)山腰,山坡:aterraced hillside 筑成梯田的山坡 / on a hillside 在山腰上
hilly[5hIlI] adj.丘陵的,多小山的:hilly countryside丘陵地带
him[hIm] pron.他(宾格),它(用以指雄性动物):She gave hima kiss. 她亲吻了他一下。
himself[hIm5self] pron.1.(he 的反身代词)他自己:Johnalways cuts himself when he’s shaving.约翰刮胡子的时候总是刮伤自己。2.(用以强调)他亲自,他本人:He told me the news himself.他亲自告诉我这个消息。
hire[5haIE] v.1.租用(某物),雇用(某人) Let me hire ataxi for you! 让我去帮你租一辆出租汽车吧!2.出租(某物):The company hired outcars. 该公司出租小汽车。n.[U]租用,雇用,出租:This suit is on hire.这套衣服是供租用的。
his[hIz] pron.1.(he的形容词性物主代词)他的,它的(用于雄性动物):Peter sat down in his chair.彼得坐在他的椅子上。2.(he 的名词性物主代词)他的(所有物),(雄性动物)它的(所有物):That book ishis, not mine. 那本书是他的,不是我的。
history[5hIstErI] n.1.[U]历史(课程),历史学:Historyis my brother’s favourite subject at school.历史是我哥哥在学校中最喜爱的学科。2.[C,U]历史:Does history repeatitself? 历史会重演吗?3.[C]来历,经历:This sword has a history.这把剑有来历。
hit[hIt] vt. (hit, hit)1.击中,(用球拍等)击(球):She hit him on the head with a book.她用书打他的头。2.撞,使碰撞:The ball hit the window.球打到了窗户上。3.打击,产生不良影响:The economy has been hit by highunemployment. 高失业率使经济遭到打击。4.找到,达到:We have already hit theyear’s target.我们已经达到了年度指标。n.1.[C]轰动一时的事物,极受欢迎的人(或物):Hernovel was a great hit. 她的小说很畅销。2.[C]击打,碰撞:He made a hit atthe man’s face, but missed.他朝那人的脸部打去,可是没有击中。3.[C](计算机网络用语)点击
【辨析】hit, beat 与 strike:hit 和 strike都可表示有意或无意地打或撞等,往往含有重重一击或用力敲打等之意,此时两者常可换用。如:He hit [struck] her hardin the face. 他重重地打了她一个耳光。beat则强调连续或反复地“打”,因此,像心脏跳动、打鼓、打拍子等具有连续性或反复性的动作,一般要用beat。如:My heart beats fast. 我的心跳得很快。
hobby[5hCbI] n.[C]业余爱好,嗜好:My hobby iscollecting stamps. 我爱好集邮。
hold[hEuld] v.(held,held) 1.拿,抱,握:The mother held the child tightly in hergrasp. 母亲把孩子紧紧抱住。 2.举行,进行:We will hold a sports meeting nextweek. 我们下周将举行一场运动会。 3.容纳:This room can hold 20 people.这个房间可以容纳20人。 4.持续,耐久:How long will this good weather hold?这好天气将持续多久?n. (用单数) 拿,抓,握,抱,掌握:Never leave hold of it.千万别松手。■hold back 阻止…前进,抑制:The police held back the crowd.警察把人群拦住了。 hold on 继续,等一等,别挂断(电话):If you hold on for amoment, I’ll get him for you. 请别挂断,我去找他。 hold up 阻滞,耽搁:I washeld up in the rush hour for nearly an hour. 交通高峰时我因堵车而耽搁了将近一个小时。take [get, catch] hold of 抓住,握住:Take [Get, Catch] hold ofthe rope, and we will pull you up. 抓住绳子,我们把你拉上来。
hole[hEJl] n.[C]洞,坑:dig a hole 挖洞 / Thereis a hole in my sock. 我的袜子上有个破洞。
holiday[5hClEdI] n.1.[C]假日,节日:Last Tuesdaywas a holiday. 上周星期二放假了。 2.(常用复数)假期:The school holidaysstart on Wednesday. 学校假期从星期三开始。■summerholidays 暑假 / winter holidays 寒假 / on holiday在度假
【辨析】holiday 与 vacation:holiday 主要用于英国英语中,vacation主要用于美国英语中。但是,无论在英国英语中还是美国英语中,表示因宗教节日或国家喜庆日而设立的法定“假日”都用 holiday。
home[hEJm] n.1.[C,U]家,房子,住所:We go to aschool close to our home. 我们去一个离家很近的学校上学。2.[C,U]家乡,故乡,老家:These students are far from home.这些学生们远离家乡。adv.在(到、向)家,在(到、向)家乡:Is she home yet?她到家了吗?/ I met an old friend on my way home.我在回家的路上碰到一位老朋友。adj.1. 家的,家庭的:have a happy homelife 过着幸福的家庭生活 2.本地的,本国的,国内的:the home market 国内市场 / homenews 国内新闻■at home 在家的,可在家会客的,在(向)国内 /be [feel] at home 舒适自在,无拘束,驾轻就熟,运用自如:He is at home inEnglish. 他英语学到家了。/ make oneself at home 随便,不拘礼节:Foreignersare more at home with knives and forks. 外国人使用刀叉感到比较习惯。
【辨析】home, house 与 family:home侧重指人们共同生活的地方,即“家”,house 侧重指居住的“房子”,family 侧重指家庭的“成员”。
homeland[5hEJmlAnd] n.[C]祖国:He was forcedto leave his homeland for political reasons. 由于政治原因,他被迫离开了祖国。
hometown[7hEJm5taJn] n.[C]故乡:Pleaseaccompany me on the trip to my hometown. 请陪我去故乡走一走。
homework[5hEJmw:k] n.[U]家庭作业:I do myhomework in the evening. 我晚上做作业。 / I’ll have to finish my homeworkfirst. 我得先把作业做完。
honest[5CnIst] adj.1.诚实的,忠实的:An honest mandoes not tell lies. 诚实的人不说谎。 2.坦白的,真诚的,直率的:I want you togive me an honest answer. 我想要你给我一个坦白的回答。■to be honest说实话,坦白地说:To be honest, I don’t think we’ve a chance of winning.说实话,我认为我们没有取胜的可能。
honey[5hQnI] n.1.[U]蜂蜜:Would you like honeyon your bread? 面包上要不要抹些蜂蜜?2.[C](美)(称呼语)爱人,恋人,宝贝,亲爱的:Gee,honey, that’s a swell dress you’ve got on! 哎呀,亲爱的,你穿的衣服真漂亮!
Hong Kong[5hCN 5kCN] n.香港:He went toHong Kong on business. 他到香港出差去了。
honour, honor[5CnE]n.1.[U]荣誉,光荣,名誉:He often leaves honour to others.他常把荣誉让给别人。 2.[U]尊敬,敬重:My mother has cooked a special meal inhonor of our visitors.我妈妈做了特别的饭菜向我们的来访者表示敬意。3.[C](用单数)被引以为荣的人或事物:It’s a greathonor to be here with you tonight.很荣幸今晚能和你在一起。vt.尊敬,赏光,给予…以荣誉:They gave a state banquetto honour his visit to China. 他们举行国宴欢迎他来华访问。■do honour (to) [dosb honour] 使某人增光,向…表示敬意:We attended his birthday party to dohim honor.=We attended his birthday party to do honor to him.我们参加了他的生日晚会以表示对他的敬意。 do sb the honour of doing sth(客套话)做某事而使某人增光:You did me the honour of attending the opening of myexhibition. 你光临我展览会的开幕式,我不胜荣幸。in honour of为了向…表示敬意,为纪念,为祝贺…,为了欢迎… have the honour of doing sth [have thehonour to do sth] 有幸做某事,幸运地做某事:I have the honor to present themayor. 我很荣幸能介绍我们的市长。
hook[hJk] n.1.[C]挂钩,吊钩,钓钩:a fish hook 鱼钩 /Hang your coat on the hook. 把你的外衣挂在钩上。2.[C]钩拳:a right hook右钩拳 v.1.用(钩)钓鱼:hook a fish 钓鱼 2.用(钩)挂,吊:Mydress hooks at the back. 我的衣服是从后面挂在钩上的。■by hook or by crook千方百计地,不择手段地 / off the hook 没有挂好(因此电话打不进来),摆脱困境 / be [get]hooked (on sth) 迷上某事物:My brother is hooked on computer games.我弟弟迷上了电脑游戏。
hooray[hJ5reI] (=hurray)interj.(欢呼声)好哇,哈哈:We’ve won! Hooray for us!我们赢了,好哇!
hope[hEJp] n.[C,U]希望,期望:He is the hope ofhis school. 他是学校的希望。(H6) v.希望,期望:I hope that he willsucceed. 我期望他会成功。■in the hope of doing sth / in hopes of doingsth 希望做某事:He came in the hope of seeing her.=He came in hopesof seeing her. 他来是希望能见到她。
【用法】1.后接从句时,从句谓语可用一般现在时代替一般将来时:I hope that you (will)enjoy your stay with us.希望你和我们在一起能过得很愉快。2.后接否定的宾语从句时,其否定通常不能转移到主句上:I hope you didn’tsay that. 我希望你没有那样说。3.用于简略否定回答时,要用 I hope not,一般不说 I don’thope so。4.用作不及物动词,其后通常接介词 for:I hope for a car. = I hope tohave a car. 我希望有辆车。
【辨析】hope 与 wish:两者之后均可接动词不定式和 that 从句,当接从句时,hope后的从句常表示可以实现的愿望,而 wish 后的从句常指难以实现的愿望:I hope (that) she likes theflowers. 我希望她喜欢这些花。/ I wish I were a bird. 我要是只鸟就好了。wish后可接动词不定式的复合结构,即可说 wish sb to do sth(希望某人做某事),但不能说 hope sb to dosth。
hopeful[5hEJpfJl] adj.1.充满希望的,怀着希望的:I’mhopeful that he’ll arrive early. 我满怀希望他会早到。2.有前途的,有希望的:He’squite a hopeful pupil. 他是一个大有希望的学生。
hopeless[5hEJplIs] adj.1.没有希望的,绝望的:Theysearched for survivors, but it was hopeless.他们搜寻着幸存者,但没什么希望。2.无能的,不可救药的:She is hopeless at maths.她的数学糟透了。
horrible[5hCrEbl] adj.1.令人恐惧的,恐怖的:There wasa horrible accident here several days ago.几天前在这里发生了一起可怕的事故。2.令人讨厌的,令人极不愉快的:It tastes horrible.这味道很不好。
horse[hC:s] n. [C]马:He loves to ride on ahorse. 他喜欢骑马。/ In the city we seldom saw horses in the street.在城市的街道上我们很少看到马。
hospital[5hCspItl] n.[C,U]医院:I’ll ring thehospital at once. 我马上给医院打电话。/ After the accident, Lucy was taken tothe hospital. 在发生事故之后,露茜被送进了医院。
【用法】1.表示“住院”“进医院”“出院”等与住院治病有关的概念,在英国英语中不用冠词,而在美国英语中可用冠词:Heis still in (the) hospital.他还在住医院。2.若不是表示与“住院”有关的概念,则无论是在美国英语还是在英国英语中都通常要用冠词:I went tothe hospital to see my brother. 我去医院看望我兄弟。
host[hEJst] n.1.[C]主人:The Greens are suchgood hosts. 格林一家非常热情好客。2.[C](电视节目等的)节目主持人:Your host ontonight’s show is Max Astor. 今晚节目的主持人是马克斯·阿斯特。3.[C]东道主,主办国:China will play host to the Olympics in2008. 中国是 2008 年奥运会的主办国。
hostess[5hEJstIs] n.1.[C]女主人:She will behostess to a party of seven this evening.今晚她将做7人聚会的女主人。2.[C](广播、电视节目等的)女节目主持人3.[C]女招待,舞女4.[C]航空小姐
hot[hCt] adj.1.热的,烫的,炎热的:The weather hasbeen very hot. 天气一直很热。 2.(食物)辣的:I don’t like hot food.我不喜欢吃辛辣的食物。 3.热门的,走红的:a hot topic 热门话题 / Hollywood’s hottestnew actress 好莱坞最当红的新星女演员
hot dog[7hCt 5dCg]n.[C]热狗(红肠面包):There is a hot dog shop around here.这附近有一家卖热狗的商店。
hotel[hEJ5tel] n.[C]旅馆,旅社,宾馆:I havereserved a room for you at the hotel. 我已在旅馆为你预订了一个房间。
hour[5aJE] n.1.[C]小时:There are twenty-fourhours in a day. 一天有 24 个小时。 2.[C]钟点,点钟:The clock strikes thehours but not the half-hours.这个钟是正点打点,而不是半小时打点。3.(用复数)(活动、营业等的)固定时间:school hours 上课时间 /office hours 办公时间 / business hours 营业时间 / Their opening hours arefrom 8 am to 6 pm. 他们的开放时间是从上午 8 点到下午 6 点。■hour after hour连续地:He is telling me stories hour after hour. 他连续不断地给我讲故事。
house[haJs] n.1.[C]房子,住宅:He bought a housein the suburbs. 他在郊外买了一栋房子。2.[C]有特定用途的建筑物或场所,(动物的)棚,舍:a henhouse 鸡棚 / the House of Representatives (美国国会的)众议院
【辨析】house, home 与 family:参见 home。
housewife[5haJswaIf] n.(pl.housewives)[C]家庭主妇:She is a practical housewife.她是个讲究实际的家庭妇女。
housework[5haJsw:k] n.[U]家务劳动:She does allthe housework herself. 她亲自做一切家务。
how[haJ] adv.1.怎样,如何:Tell me how you getthe book. 告诉我你怎么得到这本书的。 2.(表示程度、数量)多少,多么:How big is thehouse? 这房子有多大?3.健康状况怎么样,情况如何:How are you?你好吗?4.(用于感叹句)多么:How kind of you! 你真好! ■How about…?(用以提出建议)…好吗?
however[haJ5evE] adv.1.无论如何,不论到什么程度:Howeverhe did it, it was very clever. 不管他是怎么做的,他做得很聪明。2.不过,然而:Thecomposition is all right; there is room for improvement, however.这篇作文还不错,不过还可以改进。conj. 不论以何种方式,不管怎样:However I cookeggs, she still refuses to eat them. 不管我用什么方法做鸡蛋,她还是不吃。
【用法】1.用作副词且位于两个句子之间表示“可是”时,其前通常用句号或分号,其后通常用逗号;若位于句中,则前后均用逗号:Hehasn’t arrived. He may, however, come later. 他还未到,不过,他可能过一会儿来。2.表示“无论多么”时,其词序通常是“however+形容词或副词+主语+谓语”。
huge[hju:dV] adj.巨大的,庞大的:a huge elephant巨大的象 / The house is shadowed by a huge tree. 那房子被一棵巨大的树所遮蔽。
human[5hju:mEn] adj.人的,人类的:This is anewspaper story with lots of human interest.这是一篇富有人情味的新闻故事。n.[C]人,人类(= human being):We are allhuman beings. 我们都是人。
humorous[5hju:mErEs] adj.富于幽默的,风趣的,幽默的:ahumorous writer (remark) 幽默的作家(话语) / a humorous book 幽默风趣的书
humour, humor[5hju:mE] n.[U]幽默,诙谐:astory full of humor 非常幽默的故事 2.[U]幽默感:He has a good sense ofhumor. 他很有幽默感。
hundred[5hQndrEd] num.百:The child can countfrom one to one hundred. 这孩子能从 1 数到 100。/ Hundreds of peopleattended the meeting. 有几百人参加了会议。
【用法】1.当 hundred, thousand等与具体数字连用时,通常不加复数词尾-s,也不后接介词 of:Three hundredstudents went there. 有 300 学生去了那儿。2.当 hundred, thousand等不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要加复数词尾 -s, 而且要后接介词 of, 然后才能接名词:Thousandsof students entered the contest. 数千名学生参加了这次比赛。
hunger[5hQN^E] n.1.[U]饿,饥饿:I haven’t eatensince breakfast and I’m in hunger.早饭以后我一直没有吃过东西,现在很饿了。2.(用单数)渴望,渴求:He has a hunger forsuccess. 他渴望成功。
hungry[5hQN^rI] adj.1.(饥)饿的,感到饿的:hungrychildren 饥饿的儿童 2.热切的,渴望的:She was hungry for a familyreunion. 她渴望与家人团聚。■go hungry 挨饿 / feel hungry感到饥饿
hunt[hQnt] v.1.寻找,搜索:He went through thewhole house hunting for his books. 他在房子里四处寻找他的书。2.狩猎,猎取:gohunting 去打猎 n.(用单数)搜寻,寻找:I had a good hunt for thatkey. 那把钥匙我找了好一阵子。
hunter[5hQntE] n.1.[C]猎人,狩猎者:The huntertook aim at a wolf. 猎手瞄准了一只狼。2.[C]搜索者,热切的追寻者:a fortunehunter 追求财富的人,淘金者 / a job hunter 找工作的人
hurry[5hQrI] vi.赶快,急忙:Don’t hurry, there isplenty of time. 别着急,还有不少时间呢。vt.使(某人)迅速地做(某事),催(某人):They hurried him intohospital. 他们催他上医院。n.[U]匆忙,急忙:There’s no hurry, so doit slowly and carefully. 不必赶时间,要慢慢细心地做。■in a hurry匆忙地,仓促地:You will make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.如果你做事匆忙,就会出错。/ hurry up 赶快:Hurry up, or we’ll be late.快点,否则我们就要迟到了。
hurt[h:t] v.(hurt,hurt)1.伤害,受伤:He has hurt himself.他受伤了。2.伤感情,使痛心:I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.我本没想要伤害你的感情。 3.感到或引起疼痛:My shoulders hurt. 我的两肩有点痛。
【辨析】hurt, harm, injure 与 wound:参见injure。
husband[5hQzbEnd] n.[C]丈夫:Is your incomehigher than your husband’s?你的收入比你丈夫的要高吗?■husband and wife 夫妻:Theylived together as husband and wife for years. 他们结为夫妇共同生活了很多年。
hydrogen[5haIdrEdVn] n.[U]氢,氢气:Water iscomposed of hydrogen and oxygen. 水是由氢和氧组成的。
I[aI] pron.(主格)我:I am a university student.我是个大学生。/ I come from Beijing. 我来自北京。
ice[aIs] n.1.[U]冰:Don’t step on the ice; itisn’t thick enough. 不要踏在冰上,冰还不够厚。 2.[C]一份冰淇淋:Two ices,please. 请来两份冰淇淋。
ice-cream[7aIs5kri:m]n.[C,U]冰激凌:chocolate ice-cream 巧克力冰激凌
Iceland[5aIslEnd] n.冰岛:The capital ofIceland is Reykjavik. 冰岛的首都是雷克雅未克。
icy[5aIsI] a.1.冰冷的,极冷的:My hands are icy.我两手冰冷。2.态度冷淡的:He gave me an icy look. 他冷冷地看了我一眼。3.冰封的,结冰的:Driving on icy roads can be very dangerous.在结冰的道路上开车会很危险。
ID[7aI5di:] n.[C,U]身份证:a fake ID 假身份证 / avalid ID 有效身份证
idea[aI5dIE] n.1.[C]计划,打算:I have an ideafor a new book. 我打算写一本新书。2.[C]构想,思想,主意:He’s full of goodideas. 他足智多谋。3.[C]意见,观点,信念:My husband and I have verydifferent ideas about school discipline. 我丈夫和我在对学校纪律的看法上有很大分歧。
【用法】表示做某事的想法或想做某事,其后接 of doing sth:I am excited atthe idea of going abroad. 我对出国这个想法感到很激动。
idiom[5IdIEm] n.[C]习语,成语,惯用语:Pay attentionto these idioms. 注意这些习语。
if[If] conj.1.如果,假使:If I were to go, Iwould be late. 倘若我去,就要迟到。/ If I were a bird, I could fly to you.如果我是只鸟,我就会飞到你身旁。2.是否,是不是:Ask if he is at home. 问一问他在不在家。/They asked if we would like to go too. 他们问我们是不是也想去。■ even if即使,纵使:He will not reveal the secret even if he knows it.即使他知道这个秘密,他也不肯说出来。 as if 好像,似乎:She looks as if she has beenon holiday. 看她那样子,好像刚度过假似的。 if only 但愿,要是…就好了,只要:If only itwould stop raining. 真希望雨能停。
【辨析】if 与 whether:都可表示“是否”,引导宾语从句时,两者常可互换:Do youknow if [whether] she’s coming? 你知道她是否会来?但在以下情况,通常要用 whether 而不用if:引导主语从句且放在句首时,引导表语从句时,引导宾语从句且放在句首时,引导让步状语从句时,与 or连用分别引导两个从句时,用于不定式之前时,用于介词之后时,直接与 or not 连用时:Whether she will comeis still a question. 她是否会来还是个问题。/ The question is whether we shouldgo on with the work. 问题是我们是否应该继续进行这项工作。/ Whether she is single Idon’t know. 她是否单身,我不知道。/ We shall play on Sunday whether it rainsor not. 星期天下不下雨,我们都会比赛。/ I can’t make up my mind whether to go ornot. 我无法决定去还是不去。
illegal[I5li:^l] adj.不合法的,非法的:It is illegalto steal things. 偷东西是违法的。
ill[Il] adj. (worse, worst)有病的,不健康的:Kate can’t go to school because she is ill.凯特不能上学了,因为她病了。
【辨析】ill 与 sick(生病的):ill 在英国英语中比较常用,一般只用作表语,不用作定语;而sick 在美国英语中比较常用,可用作表语和定语。
illness[5IlnIs] n.[C,U]疾病,不健康:Cancer is aserious illness. 癌症是重病。
imagine[I5mAdVIn] vt.1.想象:Imagine thatyou’re lying on a beach. 想象一下你躺在海滩上。2.幻想,虚构:She imaginesherself to be a true artist. 她幻想自己成了一个真正的艺术家。3.料想,认为,以为:Iimagine they’ve left already. 我料想他们已经离开了。
【用法】表示“想象”,其后可接动名词(可以有逻辑主语),但不能接不定式:It’s hard to imagine livingin a place where there are no cars. 生活在一个没有汽车的地方是不可思议的。注:imagine后不接不定式或不定式的复合结构,但有时可接带不定式 to be 的复合结构(to be 有时可省略或换成 as):I wassurprised when I saw the house. I had imagined it to be muchbigger. 我看到那座房子时很吃惊,我原以为它会大得多。/ I had imagined him (to be / as) anold man. 我原认为他是位老人。
immediate[I5mi:dIEt] adj.1.立即的,即刻的:I can’twait so you must give me an immediate answer. 我不能等,所以你立即给我答复。2.最接近的,直接的:They won’t make any changes in the immediatefuture. 他们在短时间内不会作出任何改变。
immediately[I5mi:dIEtlI] adv.立即,马上:Sheanswered almost immediately. 她几乎当下就答应了。conj.一…就…:They phoned immediately they reached home.他们到家后马上打了电话。
import[Im5pC:t] vt.进口,输入(尤指货物):They importmost of their coal from other countries. 他们大部分的煤都从其他国家进口。[5ImpC:t]n.1.[C](常用复数)进口商品,输入物:What are your country’s majorimports? 你们国家主要进口些什么?2.[U]进口(业),输入:the import of food fromabroad 从国外进口粮食
importance[Im5pC:tEns] n.[U]重要,重要性:Oil isof great importance to industry. 石油对工业是极为重要的。
important[Im5pC:tEnt] adj.1.重要的,重大的:animportant meeting 重要的会议 / It’s important to learn to read.学习阅读是重要的。2.有影响力的,有权势的:A prime minister is a very importantman. 首相是一个很显要的人物。
【用法】表示“对…重要”,可接介词 to, for:The book is important to [for] me.这本书对我很重要。
impossible[Im5pCsEbl] adj.不可能的:Withouthealth, happiness is impossible. 没有健康就不可能有幸福。
impress[Im5pres] vt.留下极深的印象:The sights ofthe city never fail to impress foreign tourists.外国游客无一不对该市留有深刻印象。
impression[Im5preFEn] n.[C,U]印象,感觉:Whatwere your first impressions of Beijing? 你对北京的第一印象如何?
improve[Im5pru:v] v.改进,更新,改善:You canimprove your English by reading more. 多看书可以提高你的英语水平。 ■improve on[upon] 对…改进,比…更好:I’m unable to improve on his suggestion.我提不出比他更好的建议了。
【注意】表示“改善”“改进”,相当于 make better 或 get better,习惯上不再与better 连用,以免造成用词重复。
in[In] prep.1.在…里面(内),在…之中:There’s a bookin the box. 盒里有一本书。 / We walked in the rain. 我们冒雨行走。2.在…期间:We have English lessons in the morning, not in theafternoon. 我们上午有英语课而不是下午。 3.在一段时间之后:It’s two o’clock. I’llcome in three hours. 现在是两点,我 3 个小时后到。4.以…,用(某种方法、风格或语言):inthis way 以这种方式 / Go on, say something in French.快点,用法语说几句。5.处于(某种状态、情况或关系)中:in order 整齐 / in a mess 乱七八糟 /My grandmother is in good shape. 我祖母的身体状况良好。6.穿着,戴着:the manin the hat 戴着帽子的男子 / the girl in white 穿着白色衣服的女孩adv.1.在家,在屋里:Nobody was in when I called.我打过电话,可是屋里没有人。2.在内,在里边;向内:Come in, please! 请进来!/ Open thebag and put the money in. 打开包,把钱放进去。
【辨析】in 与 after:参见 after。
inch[IntF] n.[C]英寸(相当于 2.54 厘米,一英尺相当于 12英寸):There are twelve inches in one foot. 1英尺等于12英寸。 / He’s 5 foot10 inches tall. 他的高度是 5 英尺 10 英寸。
incident[5InsIdEnt]n.1.[C]发生的事,(尤指不平常的)事件:They completed the journeywithout further incident.他们顺利地完成了那次旅行,没有发生不寻常事件。2.[C]事变,事件:In an incident, four bombsexploded. 在一次事件中,4枚炸弹爆炸了。
include[In5klu:d] vt.1.包含,包括:The priceincludes postage charges. 价格包括邮费在内。2.算入,归入,(使)成为其中一部分:He wasincluded as a team member. 他被列为球队的一员。
including[In5klu:dIN] prep.包含,包括:I have toprepare food for five people including me.我得准备包括我在内5 个人的食品。
income[5In7kQm] n.[C,U]收入,所得,收益:She has afive-figure income. 她有 5 位数的收入。/ They always live within theirincome. 他们总是量入为出。
【说明】形容 income 的多少,通常用 large, high, small, low等,习惯上不用 much, little:Her father earns a large (small) income.她父亲收入高(低)。
incorrect[7InkE5rekt]adj.不正确的,错误的:Incorrect answers should be marked witha cross. 不对的答案应该打叉。
increase[In5kri:s] v.增加,增大,增多:They haveincreased the price of oil again. 他们又把油价提高了。 [5Inkri:s]n.[C,U]增加,增大,增多,增强:give an increase of salary加薪■on the increase 正在增加,不断增长:Trafficaccidents are on the increase. 交通事故不断增长。
indeed[In5di:d] adj.1.确实,实在:It’s importantthat you come at once. Indeed, it’s essential.你得马上来,这确实十分重要。2.(表示同意或强调)真正,当然
India[5IndIE]n.印度(南亚国家,首都新德里New Delhi)
industry[5IndEstrI] n.1.[U]工业,产业:Tradehelps the development of industry.贸易促进工业的发展。2.[U]勤劳,勤奋:Success comes with industry.成功来自勤奋。
influence[5InflJEns]n.1.[C,U]影响(力),作用:Television has a strong influenceon people. 电视对人有很大的影响。 2.[C]有影响力的人或物:Dick is a big influenceon his young brother. 迪克对他弟弟有很大的影响。 vt.影响:The weatherinfluences crops. 天气影响农作物。
information[7InfE5meIFEn] n.[U]信息,情报:aninteresting piece of information 一则有趣的消息 / We received theinformation that they had arrived. 我们得到他们到达的情报。■informationdesk 问讯处,服务台
injure[5IndVE] vt.1.(使)受伤,(使)伤害:He injuredhis left hand in a fire. 他在火灾中伤了左手。 2.损害(名誉等),伤害(感情):Hispride was injured by your words. 你的话伤了他的自尊心。
【辨析】injure, harm, hurt 与wound:四个词均可表示“受伤”或“伤害”,其区别为:1.injure 与 hurt 的含义较为接近,但injure 更正式,侧重表示由于事故而使身体某部分受到伤害,可引申为伤害感情、损害利益等;harm侧重表示造成肉体或精神上的痛苦或损害,可引申为危害身心健康等;而 hurt属普通用词,语气较弱,指身体上的受伤,可轻可重,常带有较强的疼痛感。另外它还经常用于比喻义,表示精神或感情上的伤害。
ink[INk] n.[C,U]墨水,油墨:Write your homeworkin ink, not in pencil. 用钢笔写家庭作业,不要用铅笔。
inn[In] n.[C]小旅店,小饭店:an old country inn一家古老的乡村客栈
insect[5Insekt] n.[C]昆虫:Ants, flies,beetles and mosquitoes are all insects. 蚂蚁、苍蝇、甲虫、蚊子都是昆虫。
insert[In5s:t] vt.插入,放进:Insert the cardinto the machine. 把卡插入机器。 [5Ins:t]n.[C](报纸内的)插入广告,插入物
inside[In5saId] n.(the)内部,里面,内侧:We paintedthe inside of the house.我们给房屋内部涂油漆。prep.在…的里面,在…的内部:The two men went insidethe house to talk. 这两个人走进屋里去谈话了。 adv.在里面,往里面:Thebookcase has all my books inside. 书柜里装有我的全部书籍。
insist[In5sIst] vi.坚持:I insisted on mycorrectness. 我坚持认为我是正确的。 vt.1.坚决认为(主张),坚持说:Hestill insists he wasn’t there at that time.他仍然坚持说他当时不在那个地方。2.坚持要,一定要:My parents insist that I (should)come home by taxi. 爸妈千叮万嘱一定要我搭出租汽车回家。
【用法】1.表示坚持做某事,其后既不接不定式也不接动名词,遇此情况要用 insist on [upon]doing sth。 2.可做及物动词或不及物动词,但做及物动词时通常只接 that从句作宾语,而不接一般的名词或代词作宾语。 3.汉语可说“坚持要某人做某事”,但译成英语不能是 insist sb todo sth,遇此情况可改用从句的形式。 4.后接 that从句时,有时用陈述语气,有时用虚拟语气,其区别是:若表示“坚持要”“一定要”,从句所指内容为尚未成为事实的想法,此时从句谓语通常要用虚拟语气(即用should+动词原形);若表示“坚持说”“坚持认为”,从句所指内容为既成事实或完全能成为事实的决心等,此时从句谓语要用陈述语气:Thedoctor insisted that he (should) take the medicine, but he insistedthat he was not ill. 医生坚持要他服此药,但他坚持说他没有病。
instant[5InstEnt]adj.1.瞬间的,立即的,即时的:The novel was an instant success.这本小说一炮而红。2.即食的,方便的:instant coffee 速溶咖啡■the instant一…就:The instant he opened the door he saw the thief.他一开门就看见了这个贼。
instead[In5sted] adv.1.代替,顶替:Come anotherday instead. 改日再来吧。 2.相反:He never studies. Instead, hewatches TV all day. 他从不学习,相反,整天看电视。■instead of 代替,而不是:Let’splay cards instead of watching TV. 咱们玩纸牌吧,别看电视了。
instruction[In5strQkFEn] n.1.[C]命令,指示:Thedoctor’s instructions must be fulfilled exactly.医生的指示必须严格遵行。2.[U]教授,教导:He’s not yet trained; he’s stillreceiving instruction. 他还没有训练好,他还在受教育。3.(常用复数)用法说明,操作指南:Readthe instructions on the bottle before you take the medicine.先看瓶子上的说明再吃药。
instrument[5InstrJmEnt] n.1.[C]乐器:Do youplay an instrument? 你会演奏乐器吗?2.[C]仪器,仪表,器具:an opticalinstrument 光学仪器
insurance[In5FJErEns] n.1.[U]保险:lifeinsurance 人寿保险 / car insurance 汽车保险 2.[U]保险费,保险赔偿金额
intend[In5tend] vt.想要,打算,计划供…使用:Thisdictionary is intended for elementary learners of English.本词典是为初学英语的人编写的。
【用法】1.表示打算做某事,其后可接不定式或动名词:I intend to sell[selling] it. 我打算把它卖了。 2.表示打算要某人做某事,可后接不定式的复合结构或从句:Heintended her to go there.=He intended that she should go there.他打算让她去那儿。
interest[5IntrEst] n.1.[C,U]兴趣,好奇心:Singingis one of my interests. 唱歌是我的兴趣之一。 2.[U]趣味,吸引力:The city hasa lot of museums and places of interest.这座城市有许多博物馆和旅游景点。3.[C]令人感兴趣的事物,爱好:She has two great interestsin life: music and painting. 她生活中有两大爱好:音乐和绘画。4.[U]利息:annualinterest 年利息 / the rate of interest 利率vt.使感兴趣,吸引:Football doesn’t interest me at all.足球引不起我的兴趣。
interested[5IntrEstId] adj.感兴趣的,关注的:I’m notmuch interested in music. 我对音乐不太感兴趣。/ I wasn’t interested in going.我没有兴趣去。/ If she is interested, I’ll phone her. 如果她有兴趣,我可以给她打电话。
【辨析】be interested in doing sth 与beinterested to do sth:前者表示对做某事感兴趣,后者表示很想做某事:They are interestedin playing football. 他们对踢足球感兴趣。/ I’d be interested to hear youropinion about this. 我很想听听你对这事的意见。
interesting[5IntrEstIN]adj.有趣的,令人感兴趣的:That’s an interesting idea! 这个主意真有意思!/Tell us something interesting. 给我们讲点有趣的事。
international[7IntE5nAFEnEl]adj.国际的,国际间进行的:an international flight 国际航班 /international affairs 国际事务
Internet[5IntEnet] n.(the)(计算机用语)互联网,因特网:on the Internet 在互联网上 / Do you have access to theInternet? 你能上英特网吗?
interrupt[7IntE5rQpt] v.1.(暂时)中断,中止,阻断:Weinterrupt this programme to bring you a news flash.我们中断节目,报告新闻快讯。2.打扰,打断(某人)讲话,打岔:It is impolite to interrupt.打断别人的话是不礼貌的。
interview[5IntEvju:] n.1.[C]采访:a TVinterview 电视采访 2.[C]面试,面谈:Your interview for the job istomorrow. 你求职的面试定在明天。 v.1.采访,访问:interview thePrime Minister about government policy 就政府政策采访首相2.对(某人)进行面试,面谈:How many applicants did you interview for theposition? 你对多少位申请这个职位的人进行了面试?
into[5IntJ] prep.1.进入,到…里:She got into hercar and drove away. 她钻进车里,开车走了。2.朝,向:Please speak into themicrophone. 请用话筒说话。 3.变成,成为:She developed into a beautifulwoman. 她长成了一位美女。■ be into sth 对某事物很有兴趣,非常喜欢
introduce[7IntrE5dju:s] vt.1.介绍,引荐:Icouldn’t remember what her name is, or I’d have introduced you.我记不得她的名字,不然我就介绍你了。 2.引进,采用,推行:Potatoes were introduced intoEurope from South America. 马铃薯是由南美洲引进欧洲的。
introduction[7IntrE5dQkFn]n.1.[C,U]介绍,引见:It is time to make introductions allround. 是大家互相介绍的时候了。2.[U](首次)采用,推行:The word is a recentintroduction. 这个词是新传来的词。3.[C]引言,序言:a brief introduction简短的序言 / a general introduction 绪论
invent[In5vent] vt.1.发明,创造:Who invented thesteam engine? 谁发明了蒸汽机?2.捏造,虚构:She invented an excuse toleave. 她为了离开编造了一个借口。
【辨析】invent 与 discover:invent主要表示“发明”原来不存在的东西,discover 主要表示“发现”原来已经存在的东西:Franklin discoveredelectricity, but Edison invented the electric light bulb.富兰克林发现了电,而爱迪生发明了电灯泡。
invention[In5venFn] n.1.[U]发明,创造,虚构,捏造:theinvention of the telephone 电话的发明 / a story of one’s own invention自己杜撰的故事 2.[C]发明物:The computer is one of the most importantinventions in the 20th century. 计算机是 20 世纪最重要的发明之一。
inventor[In5ventE] n.[C]发明家,创造者:Marconi isthe inventor of radio. 马可尼是无线电的发明者。
invitation[7InvI5teIFn] n.1.[C,U]邀请:awedding invitation 婚礼邀请 2.[C]请帖:admission by invitation only凭请柬入场 / The invitations are out. 请帖已发出。
invite[In5vaIt] vt.1.(朋友般的或正式的)邀请,约请:Heinvited us to his party. 他邀请我们参加他的聚会。2.请求,征求:Questions areinvited. 欢迎提问。
Ireland[5aIElEnd] n.爱尔兰
iron[5aIEn] n.1.[U]铁:Strike while the ironis hot. 趁热打铁。2.[C]熨斗v.(用熨斗)熨,烫:Would youlike me to iron your shirt for you? 要我帮你烫一烫衬衣吗?
irrigate[5IrI^eIt] vt.灌溉:The Yellow Riverirrigates vast stretches of farmland along its course.黄河灌溉着两岸的大片农田。
irrigation[7IrI5^eIFn] n.[U]灌溉:The set ofopinion was toward building a new irrigation canal.大家的意见倾向于修建一条新灌溉渠。
island[5aIlEnd] n.[C]岛,岛屿:Australia is anisland. 澳大利亚是一个岛。
it[It] pron.1.它:How much did it cost?它花了多少钱? 2.(指时间、距离、天气时作句子主语):It’s half past seven. 现在是 7 点 30分。/ It’s two miles to the post office.离邮局有两英里远。3.(指前文已提到或指明的事物):He says he has written the reportin one day, but I can’t believe it. 他说他在一天之内写完的这篇报告,但我不相信。4.(笼统地谈论某情况):What’s it like in the school these days?学校里最近情况怎么样?5.(指性别或身份不明确的人):Look at the poor baby; it hasbeen crying for half an hour.瞧那个可怜的娃娃,他(她)已经哭了半个小时啦。6.(用作形式主语):It’s unlikely that he’llarrive on time. 他不大可能准时到达。7.(用作形式宾语):I find it strange thatshe doesn’t want to travel. 她竟然不想旅游,我觉得很奇怪。8.(用于强调句型):It wasyesterday that he told me. 他是昨天告诉我的。
【辨析】1.it’s 与 its:it’s 是 it is 或 it has 的缩写形式,its 是it 的所有格,其意为“它的”。2.it 与 one:一般说来,it表示特指,用于指代前面已提到的事物,此时 it 相当于“the [this, that] + 单数可数名词或不可数名词”。one表泛指,所指代的与前面已提到的事物为同一类事物,此时 one 相当于 “a + 单数可数名词”。
Italian[I5tAlIEn]adj.意大利(人)的,意大利语的n.1.[C]意大利人 2.[U]意大利语
Italy[5ItElI] n.意大利:The capital of Italy isRome. 意大利的首都是罗马。
its[Its] pron.它的:Have you got any idea ofits value? 你知道这东西的价值吗?
itself[It5self] (it 的反身代词) pron.1.它自己:Thebottle didn’t break itself; somebody must have broken it.杯子不会自己碎的,一定是有人把它打破的。2.(表示强调)它本身,它亲自:The thing itself is notimportant. 这事情本身并不重要