同义词辨析 estimate,appraise,assess,assay,evaluat pokemongo appraise

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These verbs mean to form a judgment of worth orsignificance.

Estimate usually implies a subjective and somewhat inexactjudgment:
Estimate 通常暗指主观的,多多少少有些不准确的估计:
difficult to estimate the possible results in advance;
could only estimate the size of the crowd.

Appraise stresses expert judgment:
Appraise 强调了专家的判断:
appraised the furniture and works of art before distributing themto the heirs.

Assess implies authoritative judgment in setting a monetary valueon something as a basis for taxation:
Assess 暗指对某物进行金钱上的权威的估计,并以此做纳税的基础:
assessing an apartment on the amount for which it is likely to berented.

Assay refers to careful examination, especially to chemicalanalysis of an ore to determine its quality, fineness, orpurity:
Assay 指的是细致的检测,尤指对矿石进行化学分析来测定其质量,优良度以及纯度:
cut a minute piece off the ingot to assay it. In extended sensesappraise, assess, and assay can refer to any critical analysis orappraisal:
切下一小片金属并分析它。 意思延伸后, appraise,access 和 assay 可指苛刻的分析和鉴定:
appraised his character and found him wanting ;
assessing the impact of higher taxes on lower-incomehouseholds;
has no method for assaying merit.

uate implies considered judgment in ascertaining value:
uate 指为查明事情的本质而进行的大量判断与分析:
uating a student's thesis for content and organization;
used projective tests to uate her aptitudes.

Rate involves determining the rank or grade of someone or somethingin relation to others:
Rate 指的是根据别人来判断某人的等级和军衔:
Will history rate Picasso above Renoir?


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同义词区分1、abandon,desert,forsake,quit都含有一定的"放弃"之意abandon 指完全、永远地放弃,尤指对之负有责任或义务者,放弃一个项目或计划desert 强调故意违背自己的义务、责任或誓言等(擅离职守)forsake 指遗弃以前所爱的人或事物,着

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