A moment like this 像这样的时刻 LeonaLewis
What if I told you如果我告诉你将会怎样
It was all meant to be 所有的一切都会发生
Would you believe me 你会相信我吗
Would you agree 你又会赞同我吗
It's almost that feelin' 那近乎是一种感觉
We've met before 你我相遇之前
So tell me thatyou don't think I'm crazy请告诉我你并不认为我为此而发狂
When I tell you love has come here and now 当我告诉你,爱此时此刻已经到来
A moment like this 像这样的时刻
Some people-- wait a lifetime 人们等候了一生
For a moment like this 为了这样的时刻
Some people search forever 人们永远都在寻觅
For that one special kiss 为了那特殊的一吻
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me 真不敢相信它降临在我身上
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this人们等候了一生只为了这样的一刻
Everything changes but beautyremains 一切都在改变,只有美丽幸免
Something so tender 如此温存的事
I can't explain 我无法解释
Well I may be dreaming but till i awake 我也许沉浸在美梦中直到苏醒
Can't we make this dream last forever 我们难道不能将这梦境持续永久吗
And I'll cherish all the love we share 然而我会珍藏着我们分享的所有爱
For a moment like this 为了这样的一刻
Some people wait a lifetime 人们等候了一生
For a moment like this 为了这样的一刻
Some people search forever 人们永远在寻觅
For that one special kiss 为了那特殊的一吻
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me 不敢相信它降临在了我身上
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this人们等候了一生就为了这样的一刻
Could this be the greatestlove of all 这也许就是伟大的爱吗
I wanna know that you will catch me when I fall我只想知道你会在我坠入爱河的瞬间紧紧地拥我入怀
So let me tell you this 所以让我来告诉你
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this人们等候了一生只为了这样的一刻
Some people wait a lifetime 人们等候了一生
for a moment like this 为了这样的一刻
Some people search forever人们永远在寻觅
for that one special kiss 只为了那特殊一吻
Oh I can't believe it's happening to me 不敢相信它降临在了我身上
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this人们等候了一生只为了这样的时刻
最近特迷恋,下班了,吃饭之前贴首她的歌,A moment like this,等城吃饭,喜欢这样的感觉,好久都没有过了。。。