跟单信用证统一惯例ICCUCP600中英文对照版 ucp600中英文对照下载


(ICC UCP600中英文对照版)


(个人观点 仅供参考)



Article 1 Application of UCP

第一条 统一惯例的适用范围

The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 2007Revision, ICC Publication no. 600 (“UCP”) are rules that applyto any documentary credit (“credit”) (including, to the extentto which they may be applicable, any standby letter of credit) whenthe text of the credit expressly indicates that it is subject tothese rules. They are binding on all parties thereto unlessexpressly modified or excluded by the credit.


Article 2 Definitions

第二条 定义

For the purpose of these rules:


Advising bank means the bank that advises the credit at therequest of the issuing bank.


Applicant means the party on whose request the credit isissued.


Banking day means a day on which a bank is regularly open at theplace at which an act subject to these rules is to beperformed.


Beneficiary means the party in whose favour a credit isissued.


Complying presentation means a presentation that is inaccordance with the terms and conditions of the credit, theapplicable provisions of these rules and international standardbanking practice.


Confirmation means a definite undertaking of the confirmingbank, in addition to that of the issuing bank, to honour ornegotiate a complying presentation.


Confirming bank means the bank that adds its confirmation to acredit upon the issuing bank’s authorization or request.


Credit means any arrangement, however named or described, thatis irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking ofthe issuing bank to honour a complying presentation.


Honour means:

a. to pay at sight if the credit is available by sightpayment.

b. to incur a deferred payment undertaking and pay at maturityif the credit is available by deferred payment.

c. to accept a bill of exchange (“draft”) drawn by thebeneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available byacceptance.


a. 对于即期付款信用证即期付款。



Issuing bank means the bank that issues a credit at the requestof an applicant or on its own behalf.


Negotiation means the purchase by the nominated bank of drafts(drawn on a bank other than the nominated bank) and/or documentsunder a complying presentation, by advancing or agreeing to advancefunds to the beneficiary on or before the banking day on whichreimbursement is due to(to be paid the nominated bank.


Nominated bank means the bank with which the credit is availableor any bank in the case of a credit available with any bank.


Presentation means either the delivery of documents under acredit to the issuing bank or nominated bank or the documents sodelivered.


Presenter means a beneficiary, bank or other party that makes apresentation.


Article 3 Interpretations

第三条 释义

For the purpose of these rules:


Where applicable, words in the singular include the plural andin the plural include the singular.


A credit is irrevocable even if there is no indication to thateffect.


A document may be signed by handwriting, facsimile signature,perforated signature, stamp, symbol or any other mechanical orelectronic method of authentication.


A requirement for a document to be legalized, visaed, certifiedor similar will be satisfied by any signature, mark, stamp or labelon the document which appears to satisfy that requirement.


Branches of a bank in different countries are considered to beseparate banks.


Terms such as "first class", "well known", "qualified","independent", "official", "competent" or "local" used to describethe issuer of a document allow any issuer except the beneficiary toissue that document.


Unless required to be used in a document, words such as"prompt", "immediately" or "as soon as possible" will bedisregarded.


The expression "on or about" or similar will be interpreted as astipulation that an event is to occur during a period of fivecalendar days before until five calendar days after the specifieddate, both start and end dates included.


The words "to", "until", "till", “from” and “between”when used to determine a period of shipment include the date ordates mentioned, and the words “before” and "after" exclude thedate mentioned.

词语"×月×日止"(to)、"至×月×日"(until)、"直至×月×日"(till)、"从×月×日"(from)及“在X月X日至X月X日之间”(between)用于确定装运期限时,包括所述日期。词语“X月X日之前”(before)及“X月X日之后”(after) 不包括所述日期。

The words “from” and "after" when used to determine amaturity date exclude the date mentioned.


The terms "first half" and "second half" of a month shall beconstrued respectively as the 1st to the 15th and the 16th to thelast day of the month, all dates inclusive.


The terms "beginning", "middle" and "end" of a month shall beconstrued respectively as the 1st to the 10th, the 11th to the 20thand the 21st to the last day of the month, all dates inclusive.


Article 4 Credits v. Contracts

第四条 信用证与合同

a. A credit by its nature is a separate transaction from thesale or other contract on which it may be based. Banks are in noway concerned with or bound by such contract, even if any referencewhatsoever to it is included in the credit. Consequently, theundertaking of a bank to honour, to negotiate or to fulfil anyother obligation under the credit is not subject to claims ordefences by the applicant resulting from its relationships with theissuing bank or the beneficiary.

A beneficiary can in no case avail itself of the contractualrelationships existing between banks or between the applicant andthe issuing bank.



b. An issuing bank should discourage any attempt by theapplicant to include, as an integral part of the credit, copies ofthe underlying contract, proforma invoice and the like.


Article 5 Documents v. Goods, Services or Performance

第五条 单据与货物/服务/行为  

Banks deal with documents and not with goods, services orperformance to which the documents may relate .


Article 6 Availability, Expiry Date and Place forPresentation

第六条 有效性、有效期限及提示地点

a. A credit must state the bank with which it is available orwhether it is available with any bank. A credit available with anominated bank is also available with the issuing bank.


b. A credit must state whether it is available by sight payment,deferred payment, acceptance or negotiation.


c. A credit must not be issued available by a draft drawn on theapplicant.


d. i. A credit must state an expiry date for presentation. Anexpiry date stated for honour or negotiation will be deemed to bean expiry date for presentation.

d. i信用证必须规定提示单据的有效期限。规定的用于兑付或者议付的有效期限将被认为是提示单据的有效期限。

ii. The place of the bank with which the credit is available isthe place for presentation. The place for presentation under acredit available with any bank is that of any bank. A place forpresentation other than that of the issuing bank is in addition tothe place of the issuing bank.


e. Except as provided in sub-article 29 (a), a presentation byor on behalf of the beneficiary must be made on or before theexpiry date.


Article 7 Issuing Bank Undertaking

第七条 开证行的承诺

a. Provided that the stipulated documents are presented to thenominated bank or to the issuing bank and that they constitute acomplying presentation, the issuing bank must honour if the creditis available by:


i. sight payment, deferred payment or acceptance with theissuing bank;

i. 由开证行即期付款、延期付款或者承兑;

ii. sight payment with a nominated bank and that nominated bankdoes not pay;


iii. deferred payment with a nominated bank and that nominatedbank does not incur its deferred payment undertaking or, havingincurred its deferred payment undertaking, does not pay atmaturity;


iv. acceptance with a nominated bank and that nominated bankdoes not accept a draft drawn on it or, having accepted a draftdrawn on it, does not pay at maturity;


v. negotiation with a nominated bank and that nominated bankdoes not negotiate.


b. An issuing bank is irrevocably bound to honour as of the timeit issues the credit.


c. An issuing bank undertakes to reimburse a nominated bank thathas honoured or negotiated a complying presentation and forwardedthe documents to the issuing bank. Reimbursement for the amount ofa complying presentation under a credit available by acceptance ordeferred payment is due at maturity, whether or not the nominatedbank prepaid or purchased before maturity. An issuing bank'sundertaking to reimburse a nominated bank is independent of theissuing bank’s undertaking to the beneficiary.


Article 8 Confirming Bank Undertaking

第八条 保兑行的承诺

a. Provided that the stipulated documents are presented to theconfirming bank or to any other nominated bank and that theyconstitute a complying presentation, the confirming bank must:


i. honour, if the credit is available by:

i. 兑付,如果信用证适用于:

a. sight payment, deferred payment or acceptance with theconfirming bank;

a. 由保兑行即期付款、延期付款或者承兑;

b. sight payment with another nominated bank and that nominatedbank does not pay;


c. deferred payment with another nominated bank and thatnominated bank does not incur its deferred payment undertaking or,having incurred its deferred payment undertaking, does not pay atmaturity;


d. acceptance with another nominated bank and that nominatedbank does not accept a draft drawn on it or, having accepted adraft drawn on it, does not pay at maturity;


e. negotiation with another nominated bank and that nominatedbank does not negotiate.


ii. negotiate, without recourse无追索权, if the credit isavailable by negotiation with the confirming bank.


b. A confirming bank is irrevocably bound to honour or negotiateas of the time it adds its confirmation to the credit.


c. A confirming bank undertakes to reimburse another nominatedbank that has honoured or negotiated a complying presentation andforwarded the documents to the confirming bank. Reimbursement forthe amount of a complying presentation under a credit available byacceptance or deferred payment is due at maturity, whether or notanother nominated bank prepaid or purchased before maturity. Aconfirming bank's undertaking to reimburse another nominated bankis independent of the confirming bank’s undertaking to thebeneficiary.


d. If a bank is authorized or requested by the issuing bank toconfirm a credit but is not prepared to do so, it must inform theissuing bank without delay and may advise the credit withoutconfirmation.


Article 9 Advising of Credits and Amendments

第九条 信用证及修改的通知

a. A credit and any amendment may be advised to a beneficiarythrough an advising bank. An advising bank that is not a confirmingbank advises the credit and any amendment without any undertakingto honour or negotiate. a.信用证及其修改可以通过通知行通知受益人。除非已对信用证加具保兑,通知行通知信用证不构成兑付或议付的承诺。

b. By advising the credit or amendment, the advising banksignifies that it has satisfied itself as to the apparentauthenticity of the credit or amendment and that the adviceaccurately reflects the terms and conditions of the credit oramendment received.


c. An advising bank may utilize the services of another bank(“second advising bank”) to advise the credit and any amendmentto the beneficiary. By advising the credit or amendment, the secondadvising bank signifies that it has satisfied itself as to theapparent authenticity of the advice it has received and that theadvice accurately reflects the terms and conditions of the creditor amendment received.


d. A bank utilizing the services of an advising bank or secondadvising bank to advise a credit must use the same bank to adviseany amendment thereto.


e. If a bank is requested to advise a credit or amendment butelects not to do so, it must so inform, without delay, the bankfrom which the credit, amendment or advice has been received.


f. If a bank is requested to advise a credit or amendment butcannot satisfy itself as to the apparent authenticity of thecredit, the amendment or the advice, it must so inform, withoutdelay, the bank from which the instructions appear to have beenreceived. If the advising bank or second advising bank electsnonetheless to advise the credit or amendment, it must inform thebeneficiary or second advising bank that it has not been able tosatisfy itself as to the apparent authenticity of the credit, theamendment or the advice.


Article 10 Amendments

第十条 修改

a. Except as otherwise provided by article 38, a credit canneither be amended nor cancelled without the agreement of theissuing bank, the confirming bank, if any, and the beneficiary.


b. An issuing bank is irrevocably bound by an amendment as ofthe time it issues the amendment. A confirming bank may extend itsconfirmation t o an amendment and will be irrevocably bound as ofthe time it advises the amendment. A confirming bank may, however,choose to advise an amendment without extending its confirmationand, if so, it must inform the issuing bank without delay andinform the beneficiary in its advice.


c. The terms and conditions of the original credit (or a creditincorporating previously accepted amendments) will remain in forcefor the beneficiary until the beneficiary communicates itsacceptance of the amendment to the bank that advised suchamendment. The beneficiary should give notification of acceptanceor rejection of an amendment. If the beneficiary fails to give suchnotification, a presentation that complies with the credit and toany not yet accepted amendment will be deemed to be notification ofacceptance by the beneficiary of such amendment. As of that momentthe credit will be amended.


d. A bank that advises an amendment should inform the bank fromwhich it received the amendment of any notification of acceptanceor rejection.


e. Partial acceptance of an amendment is not allowed and will bedeemed to be notification of rejection of the amendment.


f. A provision in an amendment to the effect that the amendmentshall enter into force unless rejected by the beneficiary within acertain time shall be disregarded.



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