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Gossip Girl Music Season 2
[201] Summer, Kind OfWonderful
Reverse Of Shade by The Windupdeads
Recap.Buzzin' by Shwayze
Nate & Catherine make out; Serena runs into Chuckon the beach.Fell In Love Without You (acoustic) by Motion CitySoundtrack
Serena questions Chuck about his plans; Chuck goes to welcomeBlair; repeats as Serena finds Dan on the beach; end montage.Crazy by Jem
Blair & Serena catch up on each other's summeractivities.Break It Down by Alana D
Nate & Catherine make out, part two.Google Me by Teyana Taylor
The White Party.Paparazzi by Lady Gaga
Serena helps out Nate with a kiss.Not Your Gurl by Amy Correa Bell
Serena tries to explain the kiss to Dan.
[202] Never Been Marcused
Boy In A Rock And Roll Band by The Pierces
Dan & Serena awake on the beach together.Tell Me A Lie by The Fratellis
Serena & Dan take the bus home.Spent Nights by Magic Bullets
Vanessa waits for Rufus' opinion on the gallery.Minuet From String Quartet In E Major by Boccherini
Played at Blair's party.Move On by Wes Hutchinson
Rufus asks Vanessa if she could continue running the gallery.Cat Piano by Seabear
Rufus wanders around the apartment after hearing Jenny's message.Creator by Santigold
Blair finds Nate & Catherine making out in thelibrary.New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down by LCDSoundsystem
Nate cancels on Vanessa; Catherine gives Nate an envelope ofmoney.
[203] The Dark Night
Lights Out by Santigold
'Tips To Beat The Heat' montage.It's A Lot by The 88
Blair interrupts Nate & Vanessa at the gallery.Like Knives by The Fashion
Blair's 'Back To School' party.Closer by Ne-Yo
Nate arrives at the party and confronts Blair &Catherine.I Can Feel A Hot One by Manchester Orchestra
The power returns; Marcus catches Blair kissing Chuck; repeats asSerena & Dan break-up (again); end montage.
[204] The Ex-Files
Morning Tide by The Little Ones
Lily, Serena, Eric & Chuck talk over breakfast.Good Day by Nappy Roots ft Greg Street
Try-outs for the next Blair-ites.The Observer by Chris Chavez
Catherine stops by the gallery to 'reward' Vanessa.Buildings & Mountains by The RepublicTigers
Vanessa asks Dan for advice on the Catherine situation.
Came To Party by Miss Eighty 6 &D-Major
Dan & Amanda are spotted out for dinner.Electric Feel by MGMT
The Serena-Dan-Amanda date.Hold Up by Young Mennace
Dan confronts Serena over 'lacrosse guy'.Doin' My Thing by King Juju
Chuck makes a suggestion to aid Serena.Please Remain Calm by Cloud Cult
Prank on Amanda; Queen Serena returns.Shove It by Santigold ft Spank Rock
Dan is shunned at school.
[205] The Serena Also Rises
NYC-Gone, Gone by Conor Oberst
Blair shows her mom the seating chart.Made Concrete by The Republic Tigers
Jenny apologizes to her dad.Poker Face by Lady Gaga
Blair & Serena argue over seating arrangements.This Ship Was Built To Last by The Duke Spirit
Dan questions Chuck about his life; brawl.Fille Atomique by Nous Non Plus
Serena walks the runway.Raise The Dead by Phantom Planet
Blair watches Serena leave with Poppy; end montage.
[206] New Haven Can Wait
The Rain In Spain (instrumental) from My Fair Lady
Blair's dream.The Wake Up Song by The Submarines
Blair & Serena start their days; repeats during theend montage.White Diamonds by Friendly Fires
Chuck is kidnapped.Wooden Heart by The Duke Spirit
Nate & Jordan are interrupted by Dan.Time Is Running Out by The Section Quartet
Blair confronts Serena at the Dean's dinner.Dragstrip Girl by Jamie Blake
Nate starts a brawl.
[207] Chuck In Real Life
Snowflakes by White Apple Tree
Bart returns.Psychotic Girl by The Black Keys
Vanessa takes Chuck to meet Horace.Take Back The City by Snow Patrol
Bart & Lily's house warming party.City Nights by Alain Whyte
Chuck tells Bart about the bar.NYC Streets by Alain Whyte
Serena & Eric are interviewed.Martini Lounge by Alain Whyte
Blair calls off the bet; repeats as Blair tells Vanessa about thebet.One Week Of Danger (demo version) by The Virgins
Blair tells Chuck that he won the bet.Hard Times by Mildred Anderson
Chuck tells Horace he'll save the bar.Sea Out by Guillemots
Chuck raises the stakes.
[208] Pret-A-Poor-J
Crash And Burn Girl by Robyn
Dorota interrupts Blair's fantasy.ˇPartie Traumatic by Black Kids
Jenny & Agnes switch clothes.With Light There Is Hope by Princess One Point Five
Chuck finds Blair in Serena's room.Walking In The Streets by Mad Staring Eyes
Max takes pictures of Jenny & Agnes at the bar.Robot Talk by Alain Whyte
Jenny hangs out with Agnes & Max.How Soon Is Now? by T.A.T.U.
Max photographs Agnes & Jenny dancing.Dark On Fire by Turin Brakes
Chuck & Blair agree to wait; Jenny& Nate kiss.
[209] There Might Be Blood
Sheena Is A Punk Rocker by Thurston Moore &Jemina Pearl
Jenny sews while chatting with Agnes; repeats during the guerrillafashion show.Children Of Chin by The Henry Clay People
Dan asks Vanessa for advice about Jenny.The Pre-Afterlife by Porterville
Jenny explains the guerrilla fashion show to Nate.Papel Volando by Kinky
Blair, Serena & Chuck catch up with Emma.At The Club by Alain Whyte
Serena & Blair argue over the Emma situation.The Only One by Deathray
Serena convinces Blair to help Emma.Four Seasons - Concerto No. 2 in G Minor,A0'Summer' RV 315, I.Allegro non molto by Vivaldi
Dan confronts Nate.No New Tale To Tell by Love and Rockets
Rufus discovers that Jenny's moved out; Serena &Blair check out the Yale calendar; Nate & Dan mailletters; montage.
[210] Bonfire Of The Vanity
Let You Down by Alain Whyte
Dan meets with Shapiro & James Wolf.Sex On Fire by Kings Of Leon
Aaron asks Serena to pose for him; repeats as Aaron& Serena go to Central Park.Graniteville by Doug Burr
Jenny yells at Agnes.Closer by Kings Of Leon
Serena poses for Aaron.Echo by Cyndi Lauper
Blair's birthday party.Be Somebody by Kings Of Leon
Agnes burns Jenny's dresses.
Manhattan by Alain Whyte
Serena meets Aaron's dad, Cyrus.What Is A Life by Youth Group
Bart opens Dan's letter; Serena confronts Aaron.Satellites by We Know, Plato!
Dan asks his dad to make up with Jenny.
[211] The MagnificentArchibalds
My Only Offer by Mates Of State
Gossip Girl talks about Thanksgiving.Bad Man's World by Jenny Lewis
Aaron tells Serena he plans to date her exclusively.Danger! (Ice Cream Shout Version) by The Sound OfArrows
Rufus & Dan run into Aaron while grocery shopping.I'm A Slave 4 U by Britney Spears
Dorota's ringtone.Reasons To Sing by The Crash
Thanksgiving dinner montage.
[212] It's A Wonderful Lie
Lady Jesus by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour
Blair & Serena discuss the Snowflake Ball; repeatsas Nate confronts Jenny; Chuck & Blair search fortheir doppelgangers; Lily & Rufus talk.Sexual Riot by The Metros
Serena & Aaron talk about Lexi as Dan entertainsher.Steady by Alain Whyte
Jenny brings Vanessa a peace offering.The Sun Ain't Shining No More by The Asteroids GalaxyTour
The Snowflake Ball starts.Breakdown by Deerheart
Lily & Rufus and Dan & Serenadance.Saturday Morning (After The Funeral) by Afternoons
Vanessa arrives at the ball.Hero by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour
Chuck asks Blair to dance; Serena & Dan clear theair.
[213] O Brother, Where BartThou?
Signs by Bloc Party
Gossip Girl talks about Bart's death; repeats as Eleanor& Cyrus get married; Chuck burns the report.Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 21 In C Major, "ElviraMadigan", K. 467: II. Andante by Mozart
Blair talks about Chuck with Eleanor & Cyrus.The Mourning Son by Xu Xu Fang
Chuck ignores Blair's call & meets with Bart'sprivate investigator.Biko by Bloc Party
Dan is asked to leave the funeral; Lily tries to talk to Chuck.Everytime (acoustic) by Matthew Settle
Rufus sings as Dan arrives home.Waltz No. 10 in B Minor, Op. 69, No. 2 by Chopin
Bart's wake.Sonata For Violin & Piano No. 9 In A Major, Op. 47"Kreutzer": I. Adagio Sostenuto - Presto byBeethoven
Celia suggests Lily talk to Chuck.String Quartet No. 12 In F Major Op. 96 'American' : IV. Finale.Vivace Ma Non Troppo by Dvorak
Blair confides in Cyrus.These Days by Xu Xu Fang
Chuck makes a deal with Bart's private investigator.Signs (Acoustic) by Bloc Party
Chuck burns the report & seeks comfort from Blair;Lily & Rufus pack.Slow Show by The National
Aaron & Serena go to the airport; Rufus confrontsLily; Blair finds Chuck's note.
[214] In The Realm Of TheBasses
No One Does It Like You by Department Of Eagles
Gossip for the new year montage.Who's Cryin' Over Who by The Temporary Thing
Jenny & Eric observe how Nelly is treated byPenelope.Like A Spoke On A Wheel by The Little Ones
The Humphreys talk over breakfast.Will Scarlet by Magic Bullets
Penelope confronts Jenny over stealing their hang out.
I'm Not Cool by Sohodolls
Blair tracks Chuck down at Victrola.May Day by UNKLE ft The Duke Spirit
Dan asks Chuck about Lily's secret.Ricochet! by Shiny Toy Guns
Eric asks Chuck to 'come home'.Circles by The Sugar Migration
Dan asks to speak with Serena; Blair arrives at Victrola.Spanish Ladies (aka "Farewell AndAdieu To You")
A drunken Chuck sings on the rooftop.E.S.T. by White Lies
Blair watches Chuck & his uncle drive off; Dankeeps the secret from Serena; Lily & Rufus leave tolook for their son.
[215] Gone With The Will
Mirror Error by The Faint
Blair, Jack & Chuck meet for Bart's will reading;repeats as the adoptive parent's discuss their lie; Rufus& Lily return home.
No You Girls by Franz Ferdinand
The cilque finds out Dan's secret; Chuck cancels dinner with Blair.For He's A Jolly Good Fellow
Blair gets the brunch crowd singing.Watchman, What Is Left Of The Night? by Greycoats
Gossip Girl posts Dan's secret; Blair & two boardmembers find Chuck with two scantily clad ladies.At Least by Dan Cray Trio
Rufus & Lily meet with their son's adoptivefather.
[216] You've Got Yale
Against Privacy by Cold War Kids
Blair's welcoming committee.Der Holle Rache Kocht in Meinem Herze (from 'The Magic Flute')by Mozart
Eric explains 'The Magic Flute' to Jenny & Rufus.The Double by We Fell To Earth
Intermission; Jack attacks Lily.Mexican Dogs by Cold War Kids
Blair gets detention; war is declared.
[217] Carnal Knowledge
It's A New Day by will.i.am
Blair complains to Serena about her detention.Black Magic Marker by Light FM
Serena sees Dan having coffee with Ms. Carr.Mission Control by Dandy Warhols
A new cellphone policy is announced at school.Change Her by Needers and Givers
Rufus confronts Dan about the rumor.Kiss Me Again by Jessica Lea Mayfield
Dan consoles Ms. Carr.Bet You Never Thought by Brighton, MA
Dan asks his dad about the meeting.With A Heavy Heart (I Regret To Inform You) by Does It OffendYou, Yeah?
Ms. Carr kisses Dan.
[218] The Age Of Dissonance
Hong Kong Garden by Siouxsie and The Banshees
Blair & Serena talk backstage.North London Trash by Razorlight
Chuck runs into Carter Baizen & Elle.Kiss Me At The Gate by The New Monarchs
Jenny passes notes between Ms. Carr & Dan; repeatsas Dan & Ms. Carr kiss in the costume closet.Overture From Don Giovanni by Mozart
Blair starts her scene.Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 21 In C Major, "ElviraMadigan", K. 467: II. Andante by Mozart
Blair & Dan bicker during their scene.La Fleur Que Tu M'avais Jetee (from 'Carmen') byBizet
Serena apologizes to Blair; Dan reads Ms. Carr's note; Chuck waitsfor Blair as Carter buys her a drink.
[219] The Grandfather
Be Alright by Vienne
Lily confronts Rufus about Bex.Slip Away by The Shore
Blair shoplifts; Serena phones Chuck for help.Kids by MGMT
Vanderbilt family touch football game; Vanessa &Maureen chat.Band-aid For A Fracture by One Silver Astronaut
Nate & Vanessa's dinner is interrupted by Tripp'sphone call.I Can Make You Feel It by Home Video
Blair asks Nate to stay; Chuck realizes that Blair is notalone.
[220] Remains Of The J
Baby Boombox ————by The Handcuffs
Serena & Blair talk on the phone before school.Look Like A Fool by Sorta
Rufus & Lily discuss financial issues.Money Honey by Lady Gaga
Sererna & Poppy help Jenny shop for a dress.Sure Can Start by Two Hours Traffic
Nate & Vanessa meet for dinner.Dance Till Dawn by Heartsrevolution
Dan & Jenny arrive at the party; repeats as Vanessa& Chuck arrive at the party.Hit From The Morning Sun by Mongrel
Party problems; Nate confronts Vanessa.We Got It Boy by 5 Alarm Music
Chuck & Vanessa watch Blair leave alone.Break It Down by Alana D
Poppy suggests Serena accompany her to Spain.Lights Off by The Dears
Serena leaves her mom a mesage; Nate & Blair kiss;Chuck & Vanessa kiss.
[221] Seder Anything
Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 6, Anitra's Dance byGrieg
Blair's dream.Graffiti Eyes by Stellastarr*
Jenny offers Dan help with his job hunt.Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby? (Rae & ChristianRemix) by Dinah Washington
Blair tries to talk to Nate.Hatikvoh
Lily & Rufus arrive for Eleanor &Cyrus' Seder.Whatever Lola Wants (Gotan Project Remix) by SarahVaughan
Blair asks Tripp what he said to Nate.Right Round by Flo Rida ft Ke$ha
Eleanor invites Gabriel to Seder; Nate's grandfather tells Blair tofix things.Inside Outside by Miss Eighty 6
Blair tells Nate he was right.Runaway by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Chuck apologizes to Jenny; Blair asks for Cyrus' forgiveness; Blair& Nate kiss; Serena leaves Gabriel a message.
[222] Southern Gentlemen PreferBlondes

Some How by Downsyde
Nate offers to give Blair tips on living in The Village; repeats asNate & Chuck shoot hoops.Waters Of March by Anya Marina
Serena tells Blair about the Gabriel-Poppy situation.Is This Sound Okay? by Coconut Records
Vanessa & Dan play 'I never'.Drinks On The House by Daniel May / MasterSource
Serena & Gabriel pitch his project to Lily& Rufus; Blair & Chuck confrontSerena about Gabriel; repeats as Rufus offers to invest inGabriel's project; Blair asks Nate to trust her.Your Way by Xu Xu Fang
Dan & Vanessa discuss Yale, money &Rufus.Down By The Riverside by Carlin Music
Chuck goes to visit Georgina.Clam Man by Hot Seconds
Serena questions Gabriel about their first meeting.U.R.A. Fever by The Kills
Chuck & Georgina head back to the city.
[223] The Wrath Of Con
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh by Say Hi (aka Say Hi To YourMom)
Serena phones Chuck to tell him about Gabriel's scam.Praise To The Lord
Georgina's ringtone.Heart's A Mess by Gotye
Georgina follows Poppy; Rufus asks his kids to return the ring; mugshots are taken of Serena.
[224] Valley Girls
Destination Unknown by Missing Persons
Flashback of Lily driving to L.A.I Want A New Drug by Huey Lewis And The News
Flashback of Lily meeting her dad for dinner.Mirror In The Bathroom by English Beat
Flashback of Lily asking about her sister, Carol, at a diner.I Melt With You by Modern English
Flashback of Owen asking Lily if she wants his helping findingCarol.Dancing With Myself by Billy Idol and Generation X
Dan asks Jenny for a prom dress; Flashback of Lily getting readyfor her date with Owen.Stand And Deliver by No Doubt
Flashback of Snowed Out performing as Owen & Lilyarrive at the club.Stand And Deliver (jazz version)
A0 Performed as Nate & Blair arrive at the prom;Chuck overhears Penelope's plan.52 Girls by The B-52's
Flashback of Lily commenting on Carol's life &Carol advising Lily not to reveal their background.Blue Monday by New Order
Flashback of Lily, Carol, Shep & Owen breaking inmusic video producer Keith's house.The Safety Dance by Men WithoutHats
Flashback of Lily & Owen drinking at Keith's party.Just Can't Get Enough by Depeche Mode
Flashback of Carol confronting Keith as Lily & Owendance; Blair confronts Chuck.I Hate The Rich by The Dils
Flashback of the fight at Keith's party.Prom Theme by Fountains Of Wayne
Blair & Nate dance.Doot Doot by Freur
Serena thanks Blair for being 'her sister'; Flashback of Lily& Carol leaving the police station; Lily sendsSerena a text apology.
[225] The Goodbye Gossip Girl
The Future Is Where We Belong by Hotpipes
Graduation montage; Serena & Blair discuss GossipGirl & Chuck.The Stars Just Blink For Us by Say Hi (aka Say Hi To YourMom)
Nate tells Vanessa about his plans.Season Of Love by Shiny Toy Guns
The graduation ceremony; repeats as Chuck declares his love toBlair.I Just Wanna' Be Free, Man by The Handcuffs
Nate's After-Grad party starts.Zero by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Blair asks Chuck how he feels about her; the Gossip Girl bomb.Bet You Never Thought by Brighton, MA
Rufus & Lily reminisce.New York Haunting by Quitzow
Blair advises Jenny to 'keep her eye on the prize'.November Was White, December Was Grey by Say Hi (aka Say Hi ToYour Mom)
Dan asks Serena what is really behind her Gossip Girl vendetta;gathering at The Oak Room.The Summer by Coconut Records
Nate asks Vanessa if he can accompany her on her Europeanbackpacking trip; repeats as Scott phones his mom; Dan gets a callfrom Georgina.Are You Just A Dream? by Daniel May / MasterSource
Blair crowns Jenny.
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Lie To Me 中的配乐 (更新至第二季第10集)LIE TO ME 第二季终于回归了,可惜第一集没有什么配乐,等到这周才听到这首Kingdoms ofRain,不错,依然是我喜欢的风格。O(∩_∩)O。第二季第二集片尾曲:Mark Lanegan - Kingdomsof Rain出自Mark


