
Few, a few, little, alittle专项练习

( ) 1. This is a very old song, so _________young people know it.

a. few b.little c. a few d. a little

( ) 2 . There aren’t many oranges here, butyou can take _________ if you want to.

a. few b. a few c. alittle d.little

( ) 3. Shanghai Waihuan Tunnel is already opento traffic, so it will take us ___________ time to go to PudongInternational Airport.

a. afew b.fewer c. alittle d. less

( ) 4.In order to keep healthy, you should eat_______ fast food, _______ fresh vegetables and take enoughexercise

a. fewer/fewer b. less/more c. fewer/more d. less/ less

( ) 5.Can we do our work better with _________money and ______ people?

a. less/few b. less/fewer c. little/less d. few/ less

( ) 6.There is _____ ink in my pen. Would yougive me______?

a. little/ alittle b. alittle/ little c. few/ afew d. a few/ few

( ) 7.Mary has made ________ progress thisterm than last term.

a. few b.much c. fewerd. less


( ) 8.Mr Smith is quite busy today. He has_________ meetings to attend.

a.little b. alittle c. few d. a few

( ) 9.No one knows why he has _______ wordsthan before.

a. littleb. less c.fewer d. much

( ) 10.Although we have raised (募集)1000 yuan,we still find it is ______ than we need to buy a computer forlittle Jimmy.

a. tooless b. farless c. veryless d. too little.

( ) 11.This book is ____ expensive than thatone.

a.less b. alot c. evend. much

( ) 12. I’m sorry. The room is ____ small tohold so many people. Would you please wait outside?

a.so b.such c. veryd. too

( ) 13. Danny is ____ that he wants to go tothe fitness camp this summer holiday.

a. such fat b. so a fat boyc. such a fat boy d. so fat boy

( ) 14.Supermarkets are necessary. Peopleusually spend_____ time finding things they want, but they usuallyspend _____ money than they want.

a. less/less b. less/more c. fewer/less d. fewer/ more

( ) 15. How can you make a trip with so _____money?

a. few b.a few c. little . a little

( ) 16. There is _____ milk in the fridge, sowe ‘ll go to the supermarket and buy some.

a. little b. alittle c.few d. afew

( ) 17.The house has ____ many rooms that itwas hard to find a way out.

a. suchb. so c.very d. too

( ) 18.If you don’t work _____, you’ll fail inthe exam.

a. enough hard b. hardlyenough c. hard enough d. enoughhardly

( ) 19.I’m _____ make a phone call to myfriends. I have a lot of work to do.

a. too busyto b. so busythat c, so busy to d. too busythat

( ) 20. There are only _____ students in theclassroom. Where are the others.

a. a fewb. few c. alittle d. little

( ) 21. These days ___ young people likelistening to the music with their mp4

A, a few b alittle c. quite afew d. quite a little

( ) 22.Now people can learn _____ informationfrom the Internet

a. a few b. alot c. muchd. many

( ) 23. Paul has made a lot of kites, but ____can fly in the sky.

a. littleb. a little c.few d. a few

( ) 24.It was _____ that all the members ofthe club went out for an outing.

a. such fine aday b. a very fine day c. afine day d. so fine a day.

( ) 25. Could you show me how to do the wordprocessing? Sorry, I know _____ about it.

a. a fewb. a little c.few d. little


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(1)Reading is a very good hobby for all the students. You can know much about the world ①_____ the help of all kinds of books. I’m sure everyone has a favorite subject. For example, some are interested in animals,


《核舟记》专项练习姓名一、给下列加点字注音器皿( )罔不( )贻( )有奇( )黍( )箬篷( )糁( )峨冠( )髯( )髻( )衣褶( )诎( )楫( )椎髻( )壬戌( )虞山( )篆章( )矫( )二、写出下列字的意思1.有奇巧人( )2.罔不因势象形( )( )( )3.尝贻余核舟一( )( )( )4.盖大苏泛赤壁云( )5.高可二黍许


1( )1Themeetingdidn'tstart___everyonewasthere.A.because B.until C.why D.if( )2Theboy___tobed___hismothercamein.A.wentnot;untilB.didn'tgo;afterC.went;untilD.didn'tgo;until( )3Iwon'tbelieveyou___Ihaveseenitwithmyowne


现在完成时专项练习一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Every student _________________ (see) the film already.2. Kent and I __________________ (write) a song before.3. Dick _______________ (do) the work these days.4. T
