1 Stray birds of summer come to mywindow to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, whichhave no song, flutter and fall there with a sign. 夏日,离群的鸟儿歌唱着掠过我的窗台。 秋天,枯黄的落叶只伴着一声叹息飘落。 2 O troupe of little vagrants of theworld, leave your footprints in my words. 世间那队渺小的旅者,请留些痕迹在我的字里行间吧。 3 The world put off its mask ofvastness to its lover. It become small as one song, as one kiss ofthe eternal. 当世界为了它的爱人脱下那无边际的面具,它将小得如一首永恒的歌,一个不朽的吻。 4 It is the tears of the earth thatkeep her smiles in bloom. 是地球的泪水洗刷出她绚烂微笑。 5 The mighty desert is burning forthe love of a blade of glass who shakes her head and laughs andflies away. 宽广的沙漠热切地追求那摇首微笑着离开的小草。 6 If you shed tears when you miss thesun, you also miss the stars. 当你错过太阳时流泪了,你也将错过群星。 7 The sands in your way beg for yoursong and your movement, dancing water. Will you carry the burden oftheir lameness? 灵动的流水啊,这一路走来,沙子们乞求你的歌声和舞蹈,而你可否愿意载着跛脚的他们一路前行。 8 Her wishful face haunts my dreamslike the rain at night. 宛如夜雨一般萦绕在我梦中的,是她那殷切的面容。 9 Once we dreamt that we werestrangers. We wake up to find that we weredear to each other. 梦中我们互不相识。 醒来大家亲密无间。 10 Sorrow is hushed into peace in myheart like the evening among the silent trees. 我心中的忧伤已归于平静,正如那月色下的寂静树林。 11 Some unseen fingers, like an idlebreeze, are play upon my heart the music of the ripples. 那无迹可寻的指尖,如同悠扬的清风,拨弄着我的心弦。 12 “What language is thine, Osea?” “The language of eternalquestion.” “What language is thy answer, Osky?” “The language of eternalsilence.” “大海啊,你在述说着什么?” “是那永恒的疑问。” “天空啊,你将如何作答?” “用那无尽的沉默。” 13 Listen, my heart, to the whispersof the world with which it makes love to you. 我的心啊,快听,那是世界对你爱的呢喃。 14* The mystery of creation is like thedarkness of night——it is great. Delusions of knowledge are like thefog of the morning. 万物的神秘如暗夜般浑然天成,而学识的妄自尊大则似清晨的薄雾。 15* Do not seat your love upon aprecipice because it is high. 峭壁的高耸不可用来考验爱情。 16 I sit at my window this morningwhere the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me andgoes. 今早,我坐在窗边,世界如过客般短暂停留后便匆匆离开,留下了些许对我的赞扬。 17 There little thoughts are therustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind. 这些零碎的思想如树叶婆娑作响,也如愉悦的呢喃萦绕脑海。 18 What you are you do not see, whatyou see is your shadow. 你并不能真正看清自己,你所见的只是自身的影子。 19 My wishes are fools, they shoutacross thy song, my master. Let me but listen. 主啊,我那些愚不可及的愿望竟喧吵地穿越了您的歌声,但也请让我姑且一听吧。 20 I cannot choose the best. The bestchoose me. 我不知何为最佳,但最佳终将来临。 21 They throw their shadows beforethem who carry their lantern on their back. 当人们将提灯置于身后,他们的阴影将向前投射。 22 That I exist is a perpetualsurprise which is life. 我的存在便是一个永恒的惊喜,被称为生命。 23 “We, the rustling leaves, have avoice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent?” “I am a mere flower.” “我们这些沙沙作响的树叶也用声音来回应这风暴,但你为何如此安静?” “我只是一朵微不足道的小花。” 24 Rest belongs to the work as theeyelids to the eyes. 休息需附属于工作,正如眼皮之与眼睛。 25 Man is a born child; his power isthe power of growth. 人类如初生的孩童,成长便是其力量的源泉。 26 God expects answers for the flowershe sends us, not for the sun and the earth. 上帝希望从他赐予我们的花朵中得到回答。而不是阳光和土地。 27 The light that plays, like a nakedchild, among the green leaves happily knows not that man canlie. 阳光像个赤裸的顽童,在绿叶之间酣畅地玩耍,对人类的流言一无所知。 28 O beauty, find thyself in love, notin the flattery of thy mirror. 请在爱情中找寻美,而不是在镜子的奉承之中。 29 My heart beats her waves at theshore of the world and writes upon it her signature in tears withthe words, “I love thee.” 在世上的某个湖畔,我的心因她而律动,我泪眼朦胧地写下她的名字,并附上一句“我爱你。” 30 “Moon, for what do you want?” “To salute the sun for whom I mustmake way.” “月儿,是什么值得你如此等待?” “去迎接那即将取代我的太阳。” 31 The trees come up to my window likethe yearning voice of the dumb earth. 那些向我窗口生长的树木,让我仿佛听到了大地那热情的声音。 32 His own mornings are new surprisesto God. 连上帝也认为每个清晨都是新的惊喜。 33 Life finds its wealth by the claimsof the world, and its worth by the claims of love. 因世事无常,我们收获生命的感悟,因爱情高深,我们了解生命的价值。 34 The dry river-bed find no thanksfor its past. 干涸的河床不对它的过往心存任何感激。 35 The bird wishes it were acloud. The cloud wishes it were abird. 鸟儿羡慕着云朵, 云朵也羡慕着鸟儿。 36 The waterfall sings, “I find mysong, when I find my freedom.” 瀑布唱着:“我的歌 喉只吟唱我的自由。” 37 I cannot tell why this heartlanguishes in silence. It is for small needs it never asks, orknows or remembers. 我不知道这颗心为什么默默地承受着煎熬,也许是因为那它不愿提起,不曾了解和不想追溯的心愿。 38 Woman, when you move about in yourhousehold service your limbs sing like a bill stream among itspebbles. 女人,当你为家事操劳,你的肢体如山涧石缝中流过的溪水般欢畅。 39 The sun goes cross the western sea,leaving its last salutation to the East. 当太阳将跨跃西海时,却将他的谢意投向东方。 40 Do not blame your food because youhave no appetite. 就算你没有胃口,也不要抱怨食物。 41 The trees, like the longings of theearth, stand a tiptoe to peep at the heaven. 这些树是土地热忱的延伸,他们踮起脚试图张望天堂。 42 You smiled and talked to me ofnothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long. 为了你的笑靥如花、沉默不语,我已经等待良久。 43 The fish in the water is silent;the animal on the earth is noisy; the bird in the air is singing.But man has in him the silence of the sea; the noise of the earth,and the music of the air. 水中的鱼儿安静,陆地的走兽喧闹,天空的飞鸟歌唱,但人类同时拥有那份水中的沉默,陆地的吵嚷和天空的乐章。 44 The world rushes on over thestrings of the lingering heart making the music of sadness. 世界匆匆拨弄这缠绵的心弦,奏一曲忧伤。 45 He has made his weapons his god,when his weapons win he is defeated himself. 他把武器当作信仰,靠武器胜利之时,他已经输掉自己。 46 God finds himself by creating. 上帝通过创世找回了自己。 47 Shadow, with her veil drawn,follows Light in secret meekness, with her silent steps oflove. 阴影戴着她的面纱,悄悄地跟在光明那充满爱意的轻步之后。 48 The stars are not afraid to appearlike fireflies. 群星从不担心自己被当作萤火虫。 49 I think thee that I am none of thewheels of power but I am one with the living creatures that arecrushed by it. 我感谢上苍没有让我成为权利车轮上的一员,而是成为被其碾压的生灵之一。 50* The mind, sharp but not broad,sticks at every point but does not move. 意志该是这样的,犀利且不容他,锱铢必较且不由分说。 51 Your idol is shattered in the dustto prove that god’s dust is greater than your idol. 你所崇拜的都将归于尘土,神前的尘埃也比你的偶像伟大。 52 Man does not reveal himself in hishistory, he struggles up through it. 人类并不在自身的历史中显露本性,而是通过历史来摆脱本性。 53 While the glass lamp rebukes theearthen for calling it cousin, the moon rise, and the glass lamp,with a bland smile, calls her “My dear, dear sister.” 当玻璃灯被陶灯称他为表亲而对其责难之时,月亮出来了,玻璃灯莞尔一笑,叫她“我那最最亲爱的姐姐。” 54 Like the meeting of the seagullsand the waves we meet and come near. The seagulls fly off, the wavesroll away and we depart. 如海鸥与浪花的巧遇,我们相识相知, 当海鸥飞离,浪花褪,我们渐行渐远。 55 My day is done, and I am like aboat drawn on the beach, listening to the dance music of the tidein the evening. 我的白昼已过,夜里,我如同一艘靠岸的小船,聆听着潮水的舞曲。 56 Life is given to us; we earn it bygiving it. 生命是相互赠送的礼物,先给予才有收获。 57 We come nearest to the great whenwe are great in humility. 当我们谦卑之时,是我们最为伟大之时。 58 The sparrow is sorry for thepeacock at the burden of its tail. 麻雀怜悯那拥有沉甸甸尾翎的孔雀。 59 Never be afraid of themoments——thus sings the voice of the everlasting. 永恒如此歌唱着——不必畏惧短暂。 60 The hurricane seeks the shortestroad by the no-road, and suddenly ends its search in thenowhere. 飓风在没有道路的地方寻找捷径,又突然在绝境前停止了找寻。 61 Take my wine in my own cup, friend.It loses its wreath of foam when poured into that of others. 朋友,请在我的杯中将酒饮下。如果酒倒在别人杯中,那酒上的泡沫圈将荡然无存。 62 The perfect decks itself in beautyfor the love of the imperfect. 为了“不完美”的爱,“完美”也得把自己装点漂亮。 63 God say to man, “I heal youtherefore I hurt, love you therefore punish.” 上帝对人类说,“为了安抚你,我才伤害你;因为爱你,我才惩罚你。” 64 Thank the flame for its light, butdo not forget the lampholder standing in the shade with constancyof patience. 当你对油灯的光亮表示感谢时,请不要忘了持灯人正坚忍地站在黑暗之中。 65 Tiny grass, your steps are small,but you possess the earth under your tread. 瘦弱的小草,虽然你步伐不大,但你至少拥有足下的土地。 66 The infant flower opens its bud andcries, “Dear world, please do not fade.” 稚嫩的花朵在绽放时哭喊着,“亲爱的世界,请不要凋谢。” 67 God grows weary of great kingdoms,but never of little flowers. 上帝对巨大的王国日渐厌烦,却不会厌恶那小小的花朵。 68 Wrong cannot afford defeat butRight can. 谬论经不起推敲,但真理可以。 69 “I give my whole water in joy.”Sings the waterfall, “thought little of it is enough for thethirsty.” 瀑布歌唱着,“我很乐意将我的所有水都献出,虽然只用一丁点就能解渴。” 70* Where is the fountain that throwsup these flowers in a ceaseless outbreak of ecstasy? 怎样的狂喜,乐得不断地将花儿抛向天空? 71 The woodcutter’s axe begged for itshandle from the tree. The tree gave it. 伐木斧曾向大树讨要斧柄。大树给予了他。 72 In my solitude of heart I feel thesigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain. 我这寂寞的心与这蒙着薄雾,飘着细雨的落寞黄昏有了共鸣,空留一声叹息。 73 Chastity is wealth that comes fromabundance of love. 深厚的爱孕育了贞洁的宝贵。 74 The mist, like love, plays upon theheart of the hill and bring out surprise of beauty. 这迷雾,宛如爱情,在山峰的心中激荡,使其焕发出眩目的美。 75 We read the world wrong and saythat it deceives us. 我们看错了这世界,反倒说他欺骗了我们。 76 The poet wind is out over the seaand the forest to seek his own voice. 充满诗意的风,掠过海洋,穿越茂林,找寻属于他的声音。 77 Every child comes with the messagethat God is not yet discouraged of man. 每个新生儿的降临都带来了神的希望。 78 The grass seeks her crowd in theearth. The tree seeks his solitude of thesky. 每株青草都立在地上寻求拥抱, 每棵大树都探向天空渴望孤独。 79 Man barricades against himself. 人类须常提防自己。 80 Your voice, my friend, wanders inmy heart, like the muffled sound of the sea among these listeningpines. 我的朋友,你的话语萦绕在我心底,宛如大海那飘忽的声音回荡在倾听的松林间。 81 What is this unseen flame ofdarkness whose sparks are the stars? 是什么在黑暗中燃烧,火花化作群星? 82 Let life be beautiful like summerflowers and death like autumn leave. 生命应如夏花绽放,秋叶凋零。 83 He who wants to do good knocks atthe gate; he who loves find the gate open. 刻意行善未入门,心怀仁爱已上道。 84* In death the many become one; inlife the one become many. 死亡虽殊途同归,生命却无限可能。 85 Religion will be one when God isdead. 当上帝死亡时,宗教也将归一。 86 The artist is the lover of Nature;therefore he is her slave and her master. 艺术家是自然的爱人,当他被自然奴役时,也凌驾于自然。 87 “How far are you from me, Ofruit?” “I am hidden in your heart, Oflower.” “果实啊,你在哪里?” “花儿啊,我躲在你心里。” 88 This longing is for the one who isfelt in the dark, but not seen in the sky. 我所热切思念的人在夜晚伸手可及,但在白天不见踪影。 89 “You are the big drop of dew underthe lotus leaf, I am the smaller one on its upper side.”said thedewdrop to the lake. “你是莲叶下那粒大粒的露珠,而我是叶沿上小滴的露水。”露珠这样对湖说到。 90 The scabborrd is content to be dullwhen it protects the keenness of the sword. 当剑鞘保护剑刃的锋利之时,却满足于自身的驽钝。 91* In darkness the one appears asuniform; in the light the one appears as manifold. 夜晚的人类千篇一律,白天的我们却曼妙绮丽。 92 The great earth makes herselfhospitable with the help of the grass. 在绿草的协助下,大地让自己显得如此好客。 93 The birth and death of the leavesare the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider circles move slowlyamong stars. 叶片的蒙阴与飘落,是一个转瞬即逝的轮回,而群星的闪灭不过是更漫长点罢了。 94 Power said to the world, “you aremine.” The world kept it prisoner on herthrone. Love said to the world, “I amthine.” The world gave it the freedom ofher house. 权利向世界吼道,“你是我的。” 世界便将其囚禁在王座上。 爱情对世界说:“我属于你。” 世界便给于他在世间的自由。 95 The mist is like earth’s desire.Ithides the sun for whom she cries. 雾气仿佛如土地的欲望,是它把自己渴求的太阳遮蔽起来的。 96 Be still, my heart, these greattrees are prayers. 平静下来,我的心啊,这些擎天巨树正在祷告。 97 The noise of the moment scaffs atthe music of the Eternal. 短暂的喧哗在嘲笑永恒的乐章。 98* I think of other ages that floatedupon the stream of life and love nd death and are forgotten, and Ifeel the freedom of passing away. 我意识到起那些在生命,爱情,死亡中沉浮的年代已慢慢远去,我感到了如释重负的自由。 99 The sadness of my soul is herbride’s veil, it waits to be lifted in the night. 我骨子里的悲伤,如同新娘的面纱一般。待夜幕降临,慢慢取下。 100 Death’s stamp gives value to thecoin of life, make it possible to buy with life what is turlyprecious. 死亡这枚印章赋予生命的硬币真正的价值,让其如此货真价实。 101 The cloud stood humbly in a cornerof the sky. The morning crowned it with splendour. 云朵谦卑地伫立在天空一角,清晨壮丽地为它批上霞光。 102 The dust receives insult and inreturn offers her flower. 尘土虽饱经踩踏,却长以鲜花报答。 103 Do not linger to gather flower tokeep them, byt walk on, for flowers will keep themselves bloomingall your ways. 何必为脚下的鲜花踌躇,他们将沿着你的征程盛开。 104 Roots are the branches down in theearth. Branches are roots in the air. 根是土里的枝,枝是空中的根。 105 The music of the far-away sunmmerflutters around the autumn seeking its former nest. 翅膀早已远去,它在夏日所拍打的旋律,萦绕在秋天,寻找着从前的归宿。 106 Do not insult your friend bylending him merits from your own pocket. 把你自己的荣誉借给你的朋友,这是在污辱他们。 107 The touch of the nameless daysclings to my heart like mosses round the old tree. 无从追忆的往日紧攥着我的心,那感觉如贴附在古树上的青苔。 108 The echo mocks her origin to proveshe is the original. 回声嘲笑着她的原声,妄图证实自己才是原声。 109 God is ashamed when the prosperousboasts of his special favour. 当成功人士吹嘘自己受到神的特别恩宠之时,神也觉得羞愧。 110 I cast my own shadow upon my path,because I have a lamp that has not been lighted. 油灯未亮,自己的阴影便将投向前路。 111 Man goes into the noisy crowed todrawn his own clamour of silence. 人们融入喧闹的人群,只是为了淹没沉默下的纷扰。 112 That which ends in exhaoustion isdeath, but the perfect ending is in the endless. 枯竭是结局的一种,形同死亡; 无尽也是一种结局,却更显完美。 113 The sun has his simple rode oflight. The clouds are decked with gorgeousness. 太阳以朴实的光为坐骑,云彩拿绚丽的霞为挂饰。 114 The hills are like shouts ofchildren who raise their arms, trying to catch stars. 山峰如喧闹的孩子们,用力伸手去够着星星。 115 The road is lonely in its crowd forit is not loved. 拥挤的道路却依然会孤独,只因它并未被眷恋。 116 The power that boast of itsmischiefs is laughed at by the yellow leaves that fall, and cloudsthat pass by. 当力量为他的小伎俩洋洋得意之时,却招来那已落下的黄叶及已飘过的云彩的嘲笑。 117 The earth hums to me today in thesun, like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the ancient timein a forgotten tongue. 阳光下的土地在对我哼唱着什么,如同正在纺织的妇女。那是一些用已失传的语言吟唱的古老歌谣。 118 The grass-blade is worthy of thegreat world where it is grow. 小草长于一个伟大的世界,而它也无愧于此。 119 Dream is a wife who must talk,sleep is a husband who silently suffers. 梦如唠叨的妻子,睡是坚忍的丈夫。 120 The night kisses the fading day.Whispering to his ear,”I am death, your mother. I am to give yourfresh brith. 夜幕亲吻着将逝去的一天,在他耳旁轻声说道,“我是死亡,也是你的母亲。我将给予你新生。” 121 I feel the beauty, dark night, likethat of the loved woman when she has put out the lamp. 我能感受这暗夜的美,那如同你所爱恋的女人在灯灭之后的美。 122 I carry in my world that flourishesthe worlds that have failed. 我把那些曾经盛行于世的思想,带入了自己的世界。 123 Dear friend, I feel the silence ofyour great thoughts of many a deepeming evenlide on this beach whenI listen to these waves. 亲爱的朋友,当我听着这涛声时,我能体会到你那伟大思想的沉默,宛如海边渐渐暗下的夜幕。 124 The brid thinks it is an ace ofkindness to give the fish a life in the air. 鸟儿认为,把鱼儿带到空中,是对鱼儿的仁慈。 125 “In the moon thou sendest thy loveletters to me,”said the night to the sun, “I leave my answer intears upon the grass.” 黑夜对太阳说:“你在月下将情书捎给我,我把泪水留在草地上给你。” 126 The Great is a born child; when hedies he give his great childhood to the world. “伟大”是个初生的孩子,在他逝去时,他把伟大的萌芽留给了世界。 127 Not hammer-strokes, but dance ofthe water sings the pebbles into perfection. 并不是如锤打般的冲击,却是水流的舞蹈,使得卵石如此光滑圆润。 128 Bees sip honey from flowers and humtheir thanks when leave. The butterfly is sure that theflowers owe thanks to him. 蜜蜂在花丛中小口抿蜜,在离开时还嗡嗡作谢。 花哨的蝴蝶却坚信应是花儿向他致谢。 129 To be outspoken is easy when you donot wait to speak the complete turth. 不和盘托出而夸夸其谈是很容易地。 130 Asks the Possible to theImpossible, “where is your divelling place?” “In the dreams of theimpotent.”comes the answer. “可能”这样问道:“哪里是你滋生的温床?” “在那些无能的人的梦里。”“不可能”如是答。 131 If you shut your door to allerrors, truth will be shut out. 如果你所有的错误拒之门外,真理也将被关在外边。 132 I hear some rustle of things behindmy sadness of heart-I cannot see them. 在我感伤的心里,某物在轻轻作响,但我看不到他们。 133 Leisure in its activity iswork. The stillness of the sea stirs inwaves. 工作便是活力十足的休闲。 波涛也是平静海水的涌动。 134 The leaf becomes flower when itloves. The flower becomes fruit when itworships. 深情催使叶生花。 热忱促成花结果。 135 The roots below the earth claim norewards for making the branches fruitful. 枝桠上的硕果累累是因为土地下根茎的不求回报。 136 This rainy evening the wind isrestless. I look at the swaying branches and ponder over thegreatness of all things. 落雨的黄昏,风一直在吹,我凝视着那摇曳的树枝,沉思着这一切的伟大。 137 Storm of midnight, like a giantchild awakened in the untimely dark, has begun to play andshout. 午夜风暴,正如不合时宜而醒的大孩子,在黑暗中喧哗吵叫。 138 Thou raisest thy wave vainly tofollow the lover, O sea, thou lovely bride of thy storm. 海啊,风暴这孤独的新娘,你扬起波浪去追赶你的爱人,却是如此徒劳。 139 “I am ashamed of my emptiness,”said the Word to the Work. “I know how poor I am when I seeyou,” said the Work to the Word. “我为我的空洞感到羞愧。”“言语”对“行动”说。 “在你面前我是如此简陋。”“行动”答“语言”道。 140 Time is the wealth of change, butthe clock in its parody makes it mere change and no wealth. 时间是可变的财富,时钟却按部就班地只会改变。 141 Truth in her dress finds facts tootight. In fiction she moves with tase. 真理在现实中被包裹的严丝合缝,却在想象中畅行自如。 142 When I travelled to here and tothere, I was tried of thee, O road, but now when thou leadest me toeverywhere, I am wedded to thee in love.. 路啊,当我游走于各地,我对你感到厌倦。 但现在,无论你带我走向何地,我都将怀着愉悦紧随你。 143 Let me think that there is oneamong those stars that guides my life through the dark unknow. 就让我认为,在那群星之中总有那么一颗,将指引我的余生穿越那未知的黑暗。 144* Woman, with the grace of yourfingers you touched my things and order came out like music. 女人,当你善意的手指触碰我的器物,次序便如乐曲般倾泻出来。 145 One sad voice has its nest amongthe ruins of the years. It sings to me in the night, “Ilove you.” 那些逝去的年华中飘出个幽幽的哀声。 在夜深时对我唱着,“我曾如此爱你。” 146 The flaming fire warns me off byits own glow. Save me from the dying embershidden under ashes. 熊熊火焰以自己的方式警告着我远离, 将我从灰烬下的余燃中拯救出来吧。 147 I have my stars in the sky. But,oh, for my little lamp unlit in my house. 属于我的星星还挂在天上,但我屋里那小小的油灯却依旧未明。 148 The dust of the dead words clingsto thee. Wash thy soul with silence. 那未流传的文字仍附在你的身上, 在潜移默化中洗涤着你的灵魂。 149 Gaps are left in life though whichcomes the sad music of death. 生命中充满缺陷,从中传来关于死亡的哀乐。 150 The world has opened its heart oflight in the morning. Come out, my heart, with thy loveto meet it. 整个世界都对着晨光敞开光明的怀抱。 我的心儿,也出来吧,怀着仁爱,面着晨光。 |