怎样写英语个人陈述PS 英语专业个人陈述

How to Write aPersonal Statement

Through a personalstatement, you introduce yourself to the university; it reflectsyour personality and intellect. It is important that you read eachquestion carefully and make every effort to understand and respondto it with well-considered responses and in a persuasive enoughmanner to hold the reader’s interest.

1. Understand andExplain Yourself
One of the main problems when writing is that applicants fail totake a thorough and analytical look at themselves and theirobjectives. Admission committee members are looking forinteresting, insightful, revealing, and non-generic essays thatsuggest you have successfully gone through a process of carefulreflection and self-examination.

2. Set YourselfApart
Committees are looking for something PERSONAL and ANALYTICAL. Thismeans sharing information you rarely share with others andassessing your life more critically than usual. This approach iskey to a successful personal statement.

Exercise:In order tobegin writing your personal statement – your story—you’ll need toanswer some basic questions to prepare yourself.


Tell aStory
Be truthful and stick to the facts; yet, think of your personalstatement in the terms of writing a story. You want to writesomething that is fresh, lively, and different, to put yourselfahead of the other applicants. A personal statement MUST beMEMORABLE. One of the worst things you can do with your personalstatement is to bore the admissions committee, yet that is exactlywhat most applicants do. Review your life very carefully (get helpfrom family or friends if necessary) for facets or experiences thatreveal an unusual dimension related to your professional goals orthat could serve as evidence of your suitability for being alawyer.

Find anAngle
If you are like most people, your life story might well lacksignificant drama, so figuring out a way to make it interestingbecomes the big challenge. Finding an angle is vital. Brainstormfor ideas that emphasize your exceptional qualities, goals, pastperformances.

Concentrate onYour Opening Paragraph
Keep in mind when composing your statement that the lead or OPENINGPARAGRAPH IS generally the MOST IMPORTANT. Here you either GRAB thereaders attention or lose it. If you are telling a story you willuse this first paragraph to introduce the elements most relevant tothat story—and the ones that will hold greatest interest for thereader.

Tell Who YouAre
The committee needs to get a sense of who you are, what makes youtick, and how you are different from other applicants. They shouldbe interested in you, eager to hear more, impressed that
what you are saying to them is not what they have read a thousandtimes before.

Sometimes a personalstatement can be perfectly well written in terms of language andgrammar, but disastrous in lacking punch or impact and in beingtotally off the mark concerning what it chooses to present aboutthe applicant. Remember, what is most important about your personalstatement is what you say and how you say it! Be selective aboutwhat you tell the admissions committee.

What you choose tosay in your statement is, again, very much a reflection of you,because it shows the committee what your priorities are, what youconsider to be important. The personal statement is often anindication, too, of your judgment, so be careful and give a greatdeal of thought to what you write. Think about yourself, yourbackground, and your experiences and abilities to develop astrategy.

Other Things ToConsider

个人陈述就是常说的PS,即personalstatement或者Statement ofIntent。在申请过程中按照学校要求来写一篇有关申请人背景,学术成就和未来研究和职业目标的文章。一篇成功的个人陈述应不但应该语言流畅,逻辑严谨,层次分明,更要充分显示申请人的才华并抓住审阅人的注意力。几乎所有学校都要求提交个人陈述。
1 申请者的学术或专业兴趣及背景
2 欲研究的方向
3 未来的职业目标

个人陈述也有不同的名称,如Personal Statement,Statement of Purpose,Statement ofIntent, Statement of Objectives,Academic Statement,Study Plan,Academic Objectives等。个人陈述应当包含以下内容:

(一)详读学校的写作说明并了解问题的重点,不赘言,不遗漏,且在要求的字数内完成。例如学校要求五百字内完成(In 500 wordsor less discuss ...),则全文最好不要超过五百字。如果学校要求以问答方式来叙述 (Responses toessay questions, Please limit your response to onpage.),即依其要求回答不长过一页。
1. "I am interested in English literature" 这句话表达不够清楚,而I wasconcentrated on MiltonandShakespeare in college" 就明白的说出了申请人的志趣及研究范围。
2."I received extensive training in physics" 这句话不够详细,"My trainingwas in the area of particle physics"就具体多了。
3. "I was very active as a student representative"最好说明曾经做什么:组织活动,主办演讲,沟通学生与校方意见等。
4."I am attracted to your department by its brilliantfaculty."应说明对於教授的认知是从何而来,如在何处读到某教授的文章而愿受教于他,或某位教授正在从事一项重要研究,与自己欲攻读的研究领域相同等。表达对所申请之系的课程、教师和特性有些了解,依学校之不同而提及某位任教於该校的教授、新课程或该校的某个学位有兴趣。
(三)不要用语意模糊的句子,如 "Your esteemed school"应代以学校的名字。"I will return toserve my country"应明确的说出所要从事的到底是什麽工作等。
Ten Do's for Personal Statement
1.Unite your essay and give it direction with a theme or thesis.The thesis is the main point you want to communicate.
2.Before you begin writing, choose what you want to discuss and theorder in which you want to discuss it.
怎样写英语个人陈述(PS) 英语专业个人陈述
3.Use concrete examples from your life experience to support yourthesis and distinguish yourself from other applicants.
4.Write about what interests you, excites you. That's whatadmissions staff wants to read.
5.Start your essay with an attention-grabbing lead -- an anecdote,quote, question, or engaging description of scene.
6.End your essay with a conclusion that refers back to lead andrestates your thesis.
7.Revise your essay at least three times.
8.In addition to your editing, ask someone else to critique yourpersonal statement for you.
9.Proofread your personal statement by reading it out loud orreading it into a tape recorder and playing back the tape.
10.Write clearly, succinctly.
Ten Don'ts for Personal Statement
1.Don't include information that doesn't support your thesis.
2.Don't start your essay with "I was born in.." or "My parents camefrom..."
3.Don't write an autobiography, itinerary, orresume in prose.
4.Don't try to be a clown (but gentle humor isok).
5.Don't be afraid to start over if the essay justisn't working ordoesn'tanswerthe essayquestion.
6.Don't try to impress your reader with yourvocabulary.
7.Don't rely exclusively on your computer tocheck your spelling.
8.Don't provide a collection of genericstatements and platitudes.
9.Don't give mealy-mouthed, weak excuses for yourGPA or test scores.
10.Don't make things up.


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