rhythm of therain
listen to the rhythm ofthe ralling raintelling me just what a fool i'vebeeni wish that it would go andlet me cry in vainand let me be alone againthe only girl i care about has goneawaylooking for a brand new startbut little does she know thatwhen she left that dayalong with her she took myheartrain please tell me now does thatseem fairfor her to steal my heart awaywhen she don't carei can't love another when myheart's somewhere far awaythe only girl i care about has goneawaylooking for a brand new startbut little does she know thatwhen she left that dayalong with her she took myheartlisten to the rhythm of the rallingraintelling me just what a fool i'vebeeni wish that it would go andlet me cry in vainand let me be alone againrain won't you tell her that i loveher soplease ask the sun to set her hearta-glowrain in her heart and let thelovewe believe start to growthe only girl i care about has goneawaylooking for a brand new startbut little does she know thatwhen she left that dayalong with her she took myheartoh listen to the rhythm of thefalling rainoh telling me just what a fool i'vebeenoh i wish that it would go and letme cry in vainoh listen -listen to the rhythm ofthe falling rainMixsoul Workshop