kongfupanda 功夫熊猫衣服牌子

Kongfu Pand a is one of the most papular filmsthis year. It's astonished that this filmis

published by Dreamwork which is a famouscompany in the world.

Kongfu Panda's topic isabout a fat panda whose name is Abao making his dream of Kongfucome true. And he becomes a master at last. He must be againstTailang when people living in this town are exposed to Tailang.Abaotakes the blame and manages to do it afterhardworking.

You will find much Chinese tranditional culture in this film. Suchas the actions of Chinese Kongfu, the sentences which are based onConfucianism and so on. That's why a lot of people criticize thisfilm.

Let me think of it. Whydoes Kongfu Panda be a papularity? And why does teh office boxhigher than any other films ? Many people think that it is anaggression for China.

But in my opinion, this is a good chance forChina to improve our technology of films,especially cartoons. Doyou remember the film whose name is Huamulan. It was directed byDisney company. It was a very successful film in these ten years.Now, the Kongfu Panda also make a maracle in theworld.

As we all know. thedirectorof the Kongfu Pandaisaddicted to Chineseculture.He is amusedat ChineseKongfu . He is good at Chinese tranditionalculture.So he directs this filminorderto try to win favourfrom Chinese people in 2008.

Idon'tthink we conflictthis kindoffilm,, although it's a big impact for ourChinesefilms. I still think that thesefilmsprovideus a good chance to understand ourselves.Also it's a good chance toknow more about theimportance that China has. We should usethischance to do better in the future, not onlyin films butalso in many otherrealms.

So Kongfu Panda brings useither pleasure or thinking .We should understandthe meaning of it.

kongfupanda 功夫熊猫衣服牌子

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101016/312806.html




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功夫熊猫经典台词 功夫熊猫3台词经典台词

  端午节过去了,呵呵,在假期里是不是也看过《功夫熊猫2》呢?话说迷你型Paul真cute,今天咱们也延续一下熊猫热吧?学习一下《功夫熊猫2》里面的经典台词。1、 夸奖“太棒了”初级:That's cool。中级:Awesome。高级:That was pretty hardcore

功夫熊猫 之经典台词图 功夫熊猫里的经典台词


《功夫熊猫2》中英台词 功夫熊猫台词中英文版

功夫熊猫 2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)很久以前,在古代中国, Long ago, in ancientChina,孔雀家族统治着宫门城。 The Peacocks ruled overthe Gongmen city.他们给这座城带来了快乐与繁荣。 They brought great joy and prosperity to t

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