


基础过关 10个

1.Dr. Bethune operated _____ the woundedsoldiers _____ a cold winter night.

A on; atB on ;onC on ;inD at ;in

The house is _____ fire. Send _____ theFire Brigade.

A on; inBin; forC on;forD at ;up

3. He works _____ the farm.

A atBinConD about

4. I’d like more paper to write_____.

A/B onC inD with

5. --Would you like to join ourteam?

--How many people are there _____ yourbasketball team?

A onB inCwithD at

6.He decided to visit the family _____Friday night.

A atB onC inD over

7.Children get presents _____ Christmasand _____ their birthday.

A on; atB at ;onC in ;atD by ;on

8._____ leaving the library ,he wentstraight down to the classroom.

ABeforeBAfterC OnD At

9.Please sign your name _____ ink ratherthan in pencil.

AwithB inC byD through

10.They went to San Francisco _____gold.

A for search ofB in search of

C to searchinginD on search for


11. Don’t read ________ bed. It’s bad________ your eyes.

A. on; of B. on; to C. in; for D. at;to

12. —Do you know about FlorenceNightingale?

—Yes, she was well-known ______a nurse inEngland ________ her kindness to the sick and woundedsoldiers.

A. for; as B. as; for C.as; to D. to; for

13. We are now short ________ fresh water.Something must be done to stop people________ pollutingit.

A. for; to B. for; fromC. of; to D. of; from

14. Your school things are here and there.Will you please ________?

A. throw them about B. put themaway

C. throw about them D. put awaythem

15. This test is rather difficult, but itis not _____ the students.

AbeyondBoverCaboveD within

16.We went to the cinema _____ therain.

A instead ofB except for

C in spite ofD besides

17.“Are you going _____ bus?”

“No ,we are going _____ Tom’scar.”

A by ;byB on ;inC in ;byD by ; in

18. The assistant was working _____ thedirection ofProf.Smith.

AunderBwithC inD to

19. He lost the key _____ the door afterhe had made a hole _____ the wall to fix the lock.

A of; onB to ;inC to; onD in; at

20. Some Africans were starved_____death.

A toB byC because of Dthrough

21. The girls danced _____ the music ofPaul Mauriat’s band .

A withB toC byD of

22. She went to U.S.A. _____ way ofJapan.

A byB onC inD to

23. Please return _____ two hours. I’ll beready ____ then.

A in;tillB after;tillC in; byD after; by

24. Does John know any other foreignlanguage _____ French?

AexceptB butCbesidesD beside

25. The office room was quite O.K. _____the absence of flowers.

A exceptB except for C butD beside

26. He was famous _____ asinger.

A forB likeC atD as

27. – Let’s go home.

--OK. I’m getting tired _____shopping.

AwithB atCaboutD of

28. –Did everyone have to remain in thehouse?

--Yes, the policeman prevented_____.

A them toleaveB them from leaving

C that theyleaveD them of leaving

29. Feeling shy, she put her hands _____her face.

AaboveBoverC atD in

30. Children are often named _____ theirparents.

AafterBwithC onD for



31. In order to change attitudes _______employing women, the government is bringing in new laws. (04北京春季)

A.about B. of C. towards D. on

32. The shop doesn’t open until 11 a.m.,_______ it loses a lot of business. (04 北京春季)

A.for B. or C. but D. so

33. He got to the stationearly,____________ missing his train.(04江苏)

A. in case of B. insteadofC. for fear ofD.in search of

34.Rose was wild withjoy_____theresult of theexamination.(2001年春季高考上海卷)
A. toB. at C. byD. as

35..______production up by 60% , thecompany has had another excellent year.(00全国高考)
A.As B.For C.With D.Through

36Wethought of selling this old furniture, but we' ve decidedto________it. It might be valuable.02全国高考)

A. hold ontoB. keep up with

C. turntoD. look after

37.The home improvements have taken whatlittle there is_________my spare time.

A.from B.in C.of D.at(01全国高考)

38.Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed thecaptain _____ an inch.
A by Bat C to D from

39..No one helped me . I did it allmyself. (2005年全国高考1)


40.I have many friends,some are businessmen . (2005年全国高考1)

A.of themB.from whichC.who ofD.of whom

41.He suddenly saw Suetheroom . He pushed his waythecrowd of people to get to her .(浙江2005)

A.across , acrossB.over , throughC.over , intoD.across , through

42. Frank’s dream was to have his own shoptoproduce the workings of his own hands . (浙江2005)

A.thatB.in whichC.by whichD.how

43. We hadn’t planned to meet. We met_________ chance.(全国3)


44. Before building a house, you will haveto _________ the government’s permission. (全国3)

A.getfromB.followC.receiveD.ask for

45. The classroom is big enough,but we’ll have to move if we have more students.(福建2005)

A.for themoment B.onthemomentC.in amomentD.for a moment

46. ---- The woman biologist stayed inAfrica studying wild animals for 13 years before shereturned.(江苏2005)

---- Oh, dear! She _______ a lot ofdifficulties!

A. may gothroughB. might go through

C. ought to have gonethroughD. must havegone through

47. The place _______ the bridge issupposed to be built should be________the cross-river traffic isthe heaviest.

A. which;whereB.at which; which

C. at which;whereD. which; in which

48. Unlike watching TV, reading is ahighly active process (过程)________ it requires attention as well asmemory and imagination.(江苏2005)

A.untilB.butC.unlessD. for

49. ________ and no way to reduce her painand suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought herdoctor’s help to end her life.(江西2005)

A.Having given up hope ofcureB.With no hope for cure

C.There being hope forcureD.In the hope of cure

50. All these gifts must be mailedimmediately _______ in time for Christmas.(辽宁2005)

A.in order to havereceivedB.in order to receive

C.so as to bereceivedD.so as to be receiving

51. It’s the present situation in poorareas thatmuchhigher spending on education and training.(北京2005)

A.answersforB.providesforC.callsforD.plans for

52. —Why does she always ask you forhelp?

—There is no one else,is there?(北京2005)

A.who to turntoB.she can turntoC.for whom to turn D.for her to turn

53. His idea of having weekly family mealstogether , which seemed difficult at first ,has____manygood changes in their lives . (重庆2005)

A.got throughB.resulted fr omC.turned intoD.brought about

54. —You know , Bob is a little slowunderstanding, so….

—So I have to be patienthim.(重庆2005

A.in; withB.on ; withC.in; toD.at ; for

55. Mark was a student at this universityfrom 1999to 2003,hestudied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students’ Union .(重庆2005)

A.during which timeB.for which time

C.during whose time D.by that time


1.答案:B 解析:“为某人做手术”为operate on sb. morning, afternoon ,evening和night等词前有修饰词时,介词使用on。

2.答案:C解析:“着火”为on fire.“请、叫”为send for。


4.答案:B解析:不定式作定语时与它所修饰的名词之间有动宾关系,此处为write on the paper.

5.答案:A解析:“在某个队”为on a team。


7.答案:B解析:“在圣诞节”为at Christmas或 on ChristmasDay。与day连用的介词一般使用on。


9.答案:B解析:in ink 为固定词组,但要说with a pen。

10.答案:B解析:寻找为固定短语in search of

11.答案:C解析:“躺在床上”通常用in bed;“对……有害”为固定短语be bad for,故本题答案为C。


13.答案:D解析:“我们缺乏淡水,必须采取措施阻止人们污染淡水。”“短缺;缺少”用be short of...;“阻止……做某事”用stop ... from doing sth.,故本题答案为D。

14.答案:B解析:“把……放好”,词组为put ... away,首先排除A、C两项; putaway为“动词+副词”型短语,宾语如果是代词,要放在put和away之间,故B为正确答案。

15.答案:D 解析:本题考查put构成的几个短语动词的区别:putoff意为“推迟”;put down意为“放下”;put on意为“穿上”;putup意为“举起”。根据前句意思“如果你还有什么别的问题”,后面句子应该是“请举手”,故选择D。

16. C in spite of表尽管。





21.B dance to the music表示随着音乐……。

22.A by way of…表示取道……。



25.B exceptfor表示除了……,排除不同类。

26.A be famousfor是固定词组。

27.D be tired of是固定词组,表示厌烦…..。

28.B prevent sb fromdong something是固定词组。

29.B put one’s handsover one’s face 是用手盖住脸的含义。

30.A nameafter是按…命名的意思。



33.C for fearof有“为了避免……”、“害怕”的含义。

34.B at表听见、看见。

35.C with表随着。

36.A hold onto表示坚持。

37.C 此句应为what little ofmy spare time。

38. Aby此处表示尺寸、距离。

39.Bby oneself为固定词组,表示自己、独自。

40.D此句为介词加关系代词。后面的句子为some of whom are businessman。



43.Dby chance是固定词组,表示偶然。

44.Dask for permission含义是“征求允许”。〕

45.Afor the moment表示目前; In a moment表示过一会儿;for amoment表示某事情或动作持续一会儿。

46.D此题实际是考查学生对情态动词表推测的考查。Go through表示经历。



49.B with表是随着、由于……。

50.C so asto含义是为了。

51.C callfor含义是需要。

52.B turnto表示求助于……。

53.D bringabout表示带来、引起。

54.A 第一空用in,词组是be slowin…。be patient with…是词组,表示对……耐心。



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