afterall的用法 before after的用法

afterall的用法 before after的用法
Typical mistake:
*We had a nice party with drinks and dancing;then, after all, we went home.

After all does not meanfinally.
after all不是finally的意思。

...then, finally, we went home. (Or:... when everything was over,we wenthome.)然后,最终我们就回家了。(或者:......大家都不在了,我们就回家了。)
After all has twomeanings:
after all有两个意思:

1 'In spiteof what was said before' or 'contrary to what was expected'.
I'm sorry. I can't come after all.(对不起。我到头没能来得了。)
I thoug ht I was going to fail the exam, but I passed afterall.(我以为我通过不了考试,可是到头来我过了。)

With this meaning, after all usually comes at the end of aclause.
有这种意思,after all通常放在句尾。

2 'Wemustn't forget that...' This is used to introduce animportant argument, or agood reason, which the person who is listening seems to haveforgotten.

I think we should let Sylvia go camping with herboy-friend.(我认为我们应该让Sylvia和她男友一起去宿营。)
After all, she's a big girl now. 毕竟,她现在是大姑娘了。
It's not surprising you're tired. After all, you were up untilthree lastnight!(你累了不稀奇。毕竟,你昨晚三点才睡觉。)

Used like this, afterall usually goes at the beginning of a clause.
这样使用,after all通常放在句首。


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