








1 概念:在句中担当宾语的从句叫宾语从句,宾语从句可作谓语动词的宾语,也可做介词的宾语。eg,Hesaid he was good at drawing. (动词宾语)

  Heasks him how long Mike has been down . (动词宾语)

  MissZhang is angry at what you said. (介词宾语)



e.g, She told me (that) she would like togo with us.


  eg,I wonder if /whether u have told the new to Li Lei .



  eg,We are talking about whether we'll go on thepinic.


  eg,Please let me know what to do next.

  Couldyou tell me whether u go or not?



E.g. Could you tell me what's thematterwrong with you?

特殊情况::当do youthink后接特殊疑问句转化成宾语从句时,句式结构应为引导词+do youthink+陈述句语序。



Do you know(if/whether he has seen the film)?


I didn't know(if/whether he had seen the film.


He said(that theearth moves round the sun.

The teacher toldus(thatlight travels much faster than sound. 



“MayI use your knife?”Heasked me.

→He asked me ifhe might use my knife.

“Doyou know her telephone number?”Heasked me.

→He asked me if I know her telephonenumber.


Whowill give us a talk? I don’t know. →I don’t know who will give us atalk.

Doyou know?Wheredoes he live? →Do you know where he lives?



She agreed that she could help me with mymaths.

→She agreed tohelp me with my maths.

2.当主句的谓语动词是know, learn,forget, remember, decide等后面带特殊疑问句转化的宾语时,主从句的主语也须一致这时从句可以简化成“疑问词+不定式结构”。例如:

I don't know which sweater I should buy.→I don't know whichsweater to buy.

3.当主句的谓语动词是ask,tell,show, teach等后面带双宾语时,从句的主语和间接宾语一致,且从句是由特殊疑问句转化来时,从句可以转化成“疑问词+不定式结构”,或者在连接代词/副词引导的宾语从句中,当从句主语与主句主语或间接宾语一致时,宾语从句可简化为“连接代词/副词+不定式”结构。如:→Could you tellme how to get to the park?


She found that the wallet lay/was lying on theground.

→She found the wallet lie/lying on theground.



He says hisfather is/was/will be ateacher.他说他父亲是(过去是,将来要做)一个教师。

They willtell you that they are living/lived/will live/have lived inshanghai.他们会告诉你他们正住在上海/在上海住过/将住在上海/一直住在上海。



I thought hestudiedhard.我认为他学习努力。

He told mehis son was watchingTV.他告诉我他儿子在看电视。


He said hewould post theletter.他说他将要寄这封信。

They did notknow when they would go to the GreatWall.他们不知道什么时候去参观长城。


He said hehad posted the letter。 他说已经把信发了。

They askedme whether I had been therebefore.他们问我以前去没去过那里。


She told meher brother died in1960.她告诉我她哥哥1960年去世的。

They saidthey checked everythingyesterday.他们说昨天他们全部检查过了。


The teachertold the pupils that the earth isround.老师告诉学生们地球是圆的。

Somebodytold me you are awriter.有人告诉我你是个作家。


He saw theboy whose mother is ourteacher.他见过那个他妈妈是我们老师的男孩。

It was not so hot yesterday as it istoday.昨天没有今天这样热。



1.Have you decided ________forAustralia?

A. when will youleaveB.when do you leave

C. you will leavewhenD.when you will leave

2.Can you tell me _________?

A. where does TomliveB. where Tom lived C. Tomlives where D. where Tom lives

3.The old man asked me ________.

A. where was thecinemaB.where is the cinema

C. where the cinemawasD.where was the way to the cinema

4.I think _______ you will like him. A.thatB.ifC.whyD.how

5.I didn’t know _______ he will come ornot.A.thatB.whetherC.weatherD.how

6.I wonder _________ .

A. how much cost theseshoesB.how much do these shoes cost

C. how much these shoescostD.how much are these shoes cost

7.She asked me _________ . A. who hewasB. who washeC. who isheD. who he is

8.Ask him ___.

A. whose cup this is B. whose cup is thisC. this is whose cup D. whose is this cup

9.I don’t know _________ .

A. what time the moviestartsB.what time starts the movie

C. the time to start themovieD.the movie what time starts

10.The doctor asked me how long ________.

A. was IillB.haveI been illC.I have beenillD. I hadbeen ill

11.The weather forecast doesn’t say_________.

A. if it rainstomorrowB.if does it rain tomorrow

C. if it will raintomorrowD.if will it rain tomorrow

12.Do you know _________?

A. whose pen isthisB.whose pen this is

C. whom does the pen belongtoD. whom thepen belong to

13.Could you tell me where_________?

A. the tapewasB.was thetapeC.the tapeisD.is the tape

14.They want to know_________?

A. where is thehospitalB. how old areyou

C. when the train willleaveD. why is the boycrying

15.Tony wanted to know_________.

A. what had Father Christmas put in hisstocking

B. when Father Christmas had put in hisstocking

C.whatFather Christmas had put in his stocking

D.where FatherChristmas had put in his stocking

16.No one knows ___ the professor willcome to our school tomorrow to give us a talk ornot.


17.July didn’tknow_________.

A. where is Tim’sfatherB.when was the first watch made

C. who the old manisD.what was wrong with her watch

18.No one told us _________, so we needyour help.

A. how should wedoB. what weshould doC.what to doD.what should we do

19.We don’t know _________ with therubbish and it pollutes out land and sea.

A. how doitB.how todoC.what doitD.what to do

20.He asked me _________.

A. whether I find out the sender of themoney

B. whether did I find out the sender ofthe money

C. whether the sender of the money foundout

D. whether I found out the sender of themoney

21. Did you hear ______? A. what did IsayB. what IsaidC. I said what D. what Isay

22. Can you tell me________?

A. which class you areinB.which class are you in

C. you are in whichclassD.are you in which class

23. ---Excuse me. Could you tell me_______? --- Certainly.

A. when can I get to thestationB.I can get to which station

C. which station can I gettoD.how I can get to the station

24. Could you tell me where _______yesterday?

A. did yougoB.yougoC.you havegoneD.you went

25. Tom asked me ________.

A. whose shirt wasthisB. whose shirt thiswas

C. who shirt wasthisD. who shirt thiswas

26. Excuse me, could you tell me_______?

A. where’s the teachers’officeB.where’s the bus station

C. what’s shedoingD.where the post office is

27. I want to see Mrs. Wang , but I don’tknow _______.

A. she liveswhereB.she wherelivesC.where shelivesD.where does she live

28. --- Go and ask Mr. White for help. ---But I don’t know _______.

A. where does heliveB.where he lives

C. where is helivingD.he lives there

29. --- Can you tell me ______? --- Yes,he lives in a small town.

A. where helivesB.who issingingC.when he willleaveD. whathe said

30. Have you decided ______ forLondon?

A. when will youleaveB.when you will leave

C. when are yougoingD.when you are going

31. Excuse me. Could you tell me ______ourtickets?

A. where do weshowB. where shall we show C.where did we show D. where we shall show

32. --- What are you interested in aboutcooking food? --- We are all interested in ______.

A. how egg isfriedB.how is eggfriedC.How eggfriesD.how does egg fry

33. Do you know _______? A. what itisB. what isitC. who isheD. whosename is it

34. Do you know _______?

A. whose book isthisB. whose book thisisC. this book iswhoseD.who’s book this is

35. I don’t know ______now.

A. where is mycatB.my cat is whereC. where my catisD.where my cat

36. Does he know ______?

A. what’s yournameB. what name isyourC. what your isnameD. what your nameis

37. Do you know ______?

A. which floor helivesB.which floor he lives on

C. he lives on whichfloorD.which floor does he lives on

38. Tell me where ____? A. is thehospitalB. the hospitalisC. ishospitalD. hospitalis

39. He hasn’t decided_______.

A. if he’ll go on a trip to WuxiB.when will he go on a trip to Wu xi

C. if he goes on a trip to WuxiD.when does he go on a trip to Wu xi

40. Can you see ________?

A. what he’sreadingB.what is he readingC. what doeshe readD. he readswhat


1. I don't know _________ he will cometomorrow. _________ he comes, I'll tellyou

A.if;WhetherB.whether;WhetherC.if;ThatD.if; If

2. I don't know _________ the day aftertomorrow.

A.when does he comeB. how will hecomeC.if he comesD. whether he'llcome

3. Could you tell me ____the nearesthospital is? A. whatB.howC.whetherD. where

4. Could you tell me _________ the radiowithout any help?

A. how did hemendB. whatdid he mendC. how hemendedD. what hemended

5. I want to know_________.

A.whom is she lookingafterB.whom she is looking

C.whom is shelookingD.whom she is looking after

6. Do you know where _________now?

A.helivesB.does heliveC.helivedD.did he live

7. Do you know what time_________?

A. the trainleaveB. doesthe train leaveC. will thetrain leaveD. the trainleaves

8. I don't know _________. Can you tellme, please?

A.how the two players areoldB.how old are the two players

C.the two players are howoldD.how old the two players are

9. The small children don't know_________.

A.what is their stockingsinB.what is in their stockings

C.where is their stockingsinD.what in their stockings

10. I can't understand _____. A. what doesChristmasmeanB. whatChristmas does mean

C.what mean ChristmasdoesD. whatChristmas means

11. I don’t know _____ he will be backhome. A. who B.what C.when D.where

12. Could you tell me___________?

A. where do youliveB.who you are waiting for

C. who were you waitingforD. where you livein

13. Do you still remember_______?

A. that hesaid B.what he said C.did he say that D.what did he say

14. I can’t understand ______the boyalone.

A. why sheleft B.why did she leave C.why she had left D. why had she left

15. She told me the sun ______ in theeast. A. rise B.rose C.rises D.had risen

16. They tried to find out ______ the newtrain ________.

A. how far/ hadgone B.how long/ has gone C. how far/went D.how far / had run

17. The manager came up to see__________.

A. what was thematter B.what the matter was C. what the matter is D. what’s thematter

18. Can you tell me___________?

A. what are youdoingB.where do you study C. what you weredoingD. whatto do it

19. He asked his father_______.

A. where ithappensB. where did ithappenC. howit happenedD.how did it happen

20.No one tellsus______,so we need your help.

A. how we shoulddoB. whatshould wedoC. how todo itD. whatto do it

21. Could you please teach me _______ thecomputer.

A. howcheckB. tocheckC. howto checkD. tohow checking

22. __--_____ he‘ll come or not isn‘timportant. A.WhyB.IfC.WhetherD.What

23. Would you like to know ____they willdo it or not.A.ifB.thatC.whetherD. why

24. ─Where do you think _____ he ____ theTV set? ─ Sorry,I’ve no idea.

A./;boughtB. has;boughtC. did;buyD.did bought

25. Our homework has changed a lot. Whocan tell _____ it would be like in _____ five years.

A. how;anotherB.what; moreC.how ; otherD.what; another

26. ─ Could you tell me ______? ─ Yes. He____ to the USA.

A. where is he/ hasbeenB.where he is/ has gone

C. where was he/ hasbeenD.where he was/ has gone

27. ─Mike wants to know if ____ a picnictomorrow.

─Yes. But if it_______,we’ll visit the museuminstead.

A. you have; willrainB.you will have; willrain

C. you will have;rainsD. willyou have; rains

28. I don’t know if he ______tomorrow. Ifhe ________,I’ll meet him.

A. will come;comesB.comes;comesC. willcome; willcomeD.comes; will come

29. I really don’t know if she _______ itwhen she ________.

A. finds;arrivesB.finds ;willarriveC. willfind; willarriveD. willfind; arrives

30. Can you makesure_______. the goldring?

A.where Alice has put B. where had Alice put

C.where Alice had put D. where has Alice put

31. --- When are the Shutes leaving forNew York?--Pardon? --- I asked_______.

A.when are the Shutes leaving for NewYork

B. when the Shutes are leaving for NewYork

C. when were the Shutes leaving for NewYork

D. when the Shutes were leaving for NewYork

32. Could you tell me ______? I havesomething interesting to tell him.

A. where is Li Hong B. where Li Hongis

C. where was Li Hong D. where Li Hong hasbeen to

33. --- Could you tell me_______?

A. how many people have been out ofhospitalB.when is Thanksgiving

C. which animal does he likebestD.what time will the dolphin show start

34. I want to know _______.

A. what is hisnameB. what’shis nameC.that his nameisD.what his name is

35. He asked me____.A. ifshe willcomeB.how many books I want to have

C.they would help us doitD.what was wrong with me

36. Do you still remember ______ at themeeting?

A. that JimsaidB. whatJim saidC.did Jim saidthatD. whatdid Jim said

37. --- Excuse me, ______ to the nearestbookshop, please?

--- Go straight and take the secondturning on the left.

A. where the wayisB. whichthe wayisC.where is the wayD. which is theway

38. --Can I help you? -- Yes. I want aticket to Suqian. Tell me ______take to get there.

A. how soon willitB. how soonit willC. howlong it willD. how long willit

39. --- I hear we’ll have a new teacherthis term. --- Really? Do you know ______?

A. what subject does heteachB.what subject will he teach

C. what subject heteachesD.what subject is he going to teach

40. He asked his teacher_______.

A. if there was a monster in LochNessB.when was Albert Einsteinborn

C. how would the scientists find out theresultD.where could he find the library

41. Do you know ______ overthere?

A. whathappensB.what was happenedC. what ishappeningD.what did happen

42. --- Do you know ______ we will arriveat your hometown? --- This afternoon.


43. Could you tell me ______ to MountPutuo tomorrow?

A. how you willgoB. how will yougoC. how youhave goneD. how have yougone

44. Could you tell me______?

A. which room helivesB.which room he lived

C. which room did he liveinD.which room he lives in

45. --- Do you know ______ he is? --- Hesays “1.75 meters”, but I’m not sure.

A. howmanyB.howoldC.howfarD.how tall

46. She said she _______ me five lettersin one month.

A. haswrittenB.willwriteC.hadwrittenD.wrote

47. Can you tell me ______ she is waitingfor?A.whyB.whoseC.whomD.which

48. I don’t know ______ he still liveshere.A.whereB.whatC.whenD.whether

49. --- Be careful! Don’t break thebottles. Do you hear ______ I said, David? --- Yes,mum.


50. I’d like to know______.

A. when will he give back thetapeB.whether has he received higher education

C. that he has beenbusyD.whether she will join in our English evening

51. Could you tell me_______?

A. when shall westartB.who are you waiting for

C. where the bus stationisD. why were youlate

52. --- Do you know _______? I’m going tosee him. --- Sorry, I don’t know.

A. where does TomliveB. where did TomliveC. where TomlivesD. where Tomlived

53. He asked me ______.

A. who did kick the first goal in theWorld CupB.when was the APEC meeting held

C. when China became a member of theWTOD. wherewill the 2008 Olympics be held

54. She wanted to know _____ her motherliked the present.


55. Could you tell me_______?

A. who issheB.where’s the nearest fast restaurant

C. if he will cometomorrowD.which way is to the underground station

56. Do you know if ______ back next week?If he ______ back, please let me know.

A. he comes, willcomeB.will he come, comes

C. he will come,comesD.will he come, will come

57. --- Can you tell me why ______? ---Because I want to help the people there.

A. do you go toTibetB.did you go to Tibet

C. are you going toTibetD. you are going toTibet

58. --- Where does he come from? ---Pardon? --- I asked where ______.

A. did he comefromB. he camefromC. he comesfromD.does he come from

59. You must remember_______.

A. what your teachersaidB.what did your teacher say

C. your teacher saidwhatD.what has your teacher said

60. Lily likes _____.

A. what her twin sisterlikeB.what her twin sister does

C. what is her twin sisterlikeD.what does her twin sister do

61. --- Excuse me. Could you tell me______ get to the plane?

--- Certainly. Go straight alonghere.

A. how canweB.how we canC.when canweD.when we can

62. Do you know what time_______?

A. does the trainleaveB.leaves the trainC. the trainleaveD.the train leaves

63. --- I don’t know _____ Mr. Green willcome to see us?

--- He will help us with ourEnglish.



1. Some of my friends are interesting inscience, but none of them cantell_______..

A.when UFOs will appear nexttimeB.why do horses know the way

C.where was this kind of plantfoundD.how do elephants communicate

2. ---What time will Mr. Brown be back toChina?

----Sorry. I don’tknow_______..

A.when did he goabroadB.why he is goingabroad

C. how soon will he bebackD.how long he will stay abroad

3. ---May I come in ? I’m sorry I amlate.

----Come in, please.But could you please tellme_______.?

A.why you are lateagainB.what were you doingthen

C.who you talkedwithD.how do you come to school

4. ---Could you please tell me _______.?

----BusNo.32 will take you right there.

A.where is HenanMuseumB.what Henan Museum islike

C. howcan I get to HenanMuseumD.which bus I shall take to Henan Museum

5. Peter says that the Whites are onholiday, but no one knows_______..

A.where they havebeenB.where are they

C. where are theyfromD.where they have gone

6. ---Do youknow_______. the CapitalMuseum?---NextFriday.

A.when will theyvisitB.when they will visit

C.when did theyvisitD.when they visited

7. He wanted to know _______.the Englishparty.

A.when will we haveB. when wewill have

C.when would we have D. when we would have

8. I want to know _______..

A.when we should arrive at theairportB.when should we arrive at the airport

C.when the airport we should arriveatD.when the airport should we arrive at

9.---David, look at the man in white overthere. Can you tell me_______.?

----Heis a doctor.

A. whois heB. whoheisC.what isheD.what he is

10. ---Could you tellme_______. ? He is wanted bythe head teacher.

---Sorry,I’ve no idea. But he _______ here just now.

A.where Tim;wasB. whereis Tim; wasC.where Tim is;wasD. whereTim is; is

11. ---Did Mrs. King leave amessage?

---Yes.She wanted to know_______ thisSunday.

A.who you would goshoppingB.if you would go shopping with her

C.that you will goshoppingD.when will you go shopping with her

12.---I’m a teenager’s mother. Sometimes Idon’tknow.

----Love andunderstanding.

A. what my son needsmostB.what does my son want toget

C. why my son gets annoyed veryoftenD.why does my son get annoyed very often.

13. ---I wonder _______. withoutwater----Abouta week.

A. how long man canliveB.how long can man live

C. when man canliveD.when can man live






5.参考答案B有or not所以用whether.











16.参考答案B有or not就用whether.






22.参考答案A宾语从句用陈述语序,哪一个班,所以用which class.












34.参考答案B你知道这是谁的书吗?宾语从句用陈述语序,谁的书用所有格whose ,后加名词book..



37.参考答案B你知道他住哪层楼吗?哪层楼用which floor, live是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,只能加一个介词之后,在跟宾语,在哪一层楼,on thefloor,所以介词用on.


39.参考答案A他还没有决定他是否将去无锡旅行。因为有hasn’t decided得知,还没有决定,所以不可能是打算去,宾语从句用陈述语序。





3.参考答案D. where表示地点,最近的医院在哪里。









12.参考答案B. B是陈述语序,D可以用where you live或which you live in.




16.参考答案D.距离多远一般用how far,go是个瞬间动词,所以应该用可以表示持续动作的动词。


18.参考答案D. what作动词不定式的真正宾语。








26.参考答案B.宾语从句用陈述语序,has gone to表示已经去了,现在还在那里,has been to表示曾经去过,现在不在那里。


28.参考答案A. tomorrow时间状语表明宾语从句用一般将来时,后一个句子是if引导的条件状语从句,所以用主将从现。

29.参考答案D. when引导时间状语从句,表示将来的动作,用主从现。




33.参考答案Ahow manypeople在从句中作主语,宾语从句用陈述语序。

34.参考答案D我想知道他的名字是什么。His name作主语,what在从句中作宾语。宾语从句用陈述语序。

35.参考答案D他问我,我怎么了。What在从句中作主语,with me作伴随状语,宾语从句用陈述语序。


37.参考答案D用where就不用the way了,所以排除A、C。which作从句的主语,宾语从句用陈述语序。

38.参考答案C用多久时间一般都用how long提问,it在从句中作形式主语,真正的主语是to get there.宾语从句用陈述语序.






44.参考答案D宾语从句用陈述语序,他住在哪里是表示状态的,所以用一般现在时态,又因live是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,必须加个介词才可以,in theroom,所以后用介词in.

45.参考答案D由1.75meters得知,是问他有多高,所以用how tall.


47.参考答案C宾语从句中缺少waiting for的宾语,所以应该用宾格whom..









56.参考答案C因为有next week,所以应用一般将来时,宾语从句用陈述语序,后面有if条件状语从句表将来,所以用主将从现。













5.参考答案D.彼得说怀特一家正在度假,但没有人知道他们去了哪里。宾语从句应该用陈述语序。They have been to他们去过某个地方,现在已经回来了;they have gone to他们去了某个地方,现在还没有回来。




9.参考答案D. David,看那边那个穿白衣服的人,你能告诉我他是干什么的吗?他是医生。询问职业用what;宾语从句应该用陈述语序。

10.参考答案C.你能告诉我蒂姆在哪里吗?班主任在找他。对不起,我不知道。但是他刚才在这里。动词tell后接的宾从应用陈述语序,just now提示应该用was.


12.参考答案A.我是一个青少年的妈妈。有时我不知道我的儿子最需要什么。爱和理解。宾语从句应该用陈述语序。Love and understanding.故用what.

13.参考答案A.我想知道,没有水人能活多久。大约一周。About a week知询问应用how long,宾语从句应该用陈述语序。


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语法讲解我的自白书——“一般现在时”用法再回首  Hello!大家好!还记得我吗?我是“一般现在时”啊!相信你们都还记得我,也许你会说,我不就是表示动作是经常性、习惯性的一种时态吗?是的,咱们也都知道,句中的时间状语可确定动词所用的时

初中英语语法口诀深圳中考信息网 初中英语中考语法考点

初中英语语法口诀一、冠词基本用法【速记口诀】名词是秃子,常要戴帽子,可数名词单,须用a或an,辅音前用a, an在元音前,若为特指时,则须用定冠,复数不可数,泛指the不见,碰到代词时,冠词均不现。【妙语诠释】 冠词是中考必考的语法知识之一,也是中


1( )1Themeetingdidn'tstart___everyonewasthere.A.because B.until C.why D.if( )2Theboy___tobed___hismothercamein.A.wentnot;untilB.didn'tgo;afterC.went;untilD.didn'tgo;until( )3Iwon'tbelieveyou___Ihaveseenitwithmyowne
