史逸欣 史逸欣会说中文么



外文名:Vienna Teng
出生地:Saratoga, California, USA
出生日期:Oct 3rd, 1978


  1. 《Demo 1998》
  2. 《Waking Hour(2001)》
  3. 《Waking Hour》
  4. 《Warm Stranger》
  5. 《Dreaming through thenoise》
  6. 《Inland Territory》
  1. 《Demo 1998》
  2. 《Waking Hour(2001)》
  3. 《Waking Hour》
  4. 《Warm Stranger》
  5. 《Dreaming through thenoise》
  6. 《Inland Territory》



    不少美国乐迷其实只知她的艺名—维也纳·邓(ViennaTeng)。美籍华人的身份也给史逸欣一个先天的优势,她说:“我一开始还以为没关系。”她表示华人的身份令她与众不同,更令人注意,“这感觉上是个不公平的优势,但却是个不能否认的优势。”  五岁开始学习古典钢琴,并持续到17岁。最早期的作品完成於高中时期,早期作品大部分收录於第一张专辑”WakingHours”中。大学就读Stanford University,主修Computer Science。2000年毕业后,曾在CiscoSystems工作两年。2002年与Virt Records签约,辞去电脑工程师的工作,专心发展音乐事业。2003年曾在DavidLetterman Show做现场表演。  目前共有四张专辑CD,一张现场演唱DVD。  1. Inland Territory (2009) - CD  2. Dreaming Through the Noise (2006) - CD  3. Warm Strangers (2004) - CD  4. Waking Hour (2002) – CD  5. Live at World Cafe Live (2007) – DVD  一个来自美国旧金山的华裔女创作人ViennaTeng(中文名史逸欣),以她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴创作,获得美国媒体乐评如AMG网站、娱乐周刊、华盛顿邮报等的大力赞赏。2002年个人首张专辑一推出,旋即获得美国各大媒体包括CBS、NPR、NBC、CNN等争相报导,受邀演出于美国艾美奖权威电视节目主持人DavidLetterman的节目"Late Night with DavidLetterman",并曾与香岱儿、琼奥斯朋同台演出。一年365天,她有140天是在路上演出及打歌,甚至还为著名民谣歌手ShawnColvin演唱会暖场4场。  极理性聪颖与感性温柔于一身的史逸欣,放弃美国西岸高科技产业,投身音乐创作与表演,希望能以歌声温暖每一个短暂相逢的陌路人。她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴教美国乐评爱不释手。  史逸欣很早就展露她的音乐才华。五岁开始浸淫在巴哈与萧邦的古典钢琴世界里,六岁写下自己的第一首歌,十六岁高中时完成个人首张创作演奏专辑。大学时期的录音作品早在旧金山一带校园周边流传开来,口耳相传中她成为东岸地下音乐圈的学生才女。大学毕业前已完成个人首张专辑的录音制作。  在温婉与神似梁永祺的外貌下,史逸欣有她对人世独到的洞察力:“每天我们与多少陌生人擦身而过,相逢是如此短暂,常常让我们误以为对方冷漠、疏离,写歌能让周围即便是陌生人也能感觉温暖。”  这是史逸欣对“亲陌爱人” (Warm Strangers)的最好脚注。她在写自己的故事,也写着别人的故事,就好像一股暖流,流到周遭的人群中,交融在一起。电脑工程教育背景与音乐创作天赋看似冲突,在她的音乐中却早已听出灵性中兼具缜密编曲与浪漫创作的两极。“亲陌爱人”美国甫发行,便稳坐全美三大告示排行榜、并进占亚马逊网站销售榜排名第二,AMG网站四颗星评价。  史逸欣以精湛的钢琴和古典的声线出名,“亲陌爱人”在知名制作人 David Henry (REM)的助阵下,加入类似室内管弦乐的伴奏与民谣吉他,让整张专辑层次丰厚,而史逸欣就像说故事的人,唱着情爱与生死的人生百态。  对于史逸欣这样的创作人来说,歌曲应该不仅仅只是歌曲而已,而是另一种型态的人文省思,史逸欣就像是那温暖的陌生人,唱出我们心底最温馨与悲哀,但,那都是真实,都是人性。  “转业”对某些人来说是人生的转折点,而对于另一些人而言,却是迫于无奈。但“年轻”总是转业最大的本钱。今年才23岁的史逸欣,两年前从斯坦福大学计算机信息系毕业后,顺利地进入思科公司(Cisco)担任软件工程师的工作,上月底辞去高科技的工作后,决定全心以音乐为重。  对于从高科技领域踏入音乐界,史逸欣说:“19岁时就希望能以音乐为工作,但当时也对计算机感到兴趣,在不确定的情况下,把学计算机视为一项挑战。在高科技领域工作了两年之后,虽然觉得这份工作不错,也获得许多经验,但却无法想象自己要长期地投入高科技领域。”由于在大学时代就已经开始自己制作专辑的史逸欣非常热爱音乐,因此在唱片公司的发掘下,决定踏入音乐界。”  在一般人的观念里,总觉得音乐可以当成副业。但史逸欣觉得,若要将音乐做好,还是需要全心投入。“尤其在今年6、7月时,由于要筹备唱片,除工作上的会议无法参加外,原有的企划案也无法如期完成。在无法两者兼顾的情况下,最后决定离开现有的工作。”  华裔成功打入美国主流音乐的例子不多,而擅长自己作词作曲的史逸欣可说是其中的佼佼者。对于音乐,史逸欣表示,有一股无限的驱动力,让自己能透过音乐来了解世界。因此,无形中成为生命的一部份。



《Demo 1998》

  曲目:  1 Between  2 Say Uncle  3 Lullabye For a Stormy Night  4 Eric's Song

《Waking Hour(2001)》

  中文译名《清醒时分》  年份:2001  语言:英语  曲目:  1 Momentum  2 The Tower  3 Between  4 Daughter  5 Say Uncle  6 Gravity  7 Drought  8 Enough To Go By  9 Unwritten Letter #1  10 Eric's Song  11 Soon Love Soon  12 Lullabye For a Stormy Night  13 Decade and One

《Waking Hour》

  年份:2002  语言:英语  曲目:  1 The Tower  2 Momentum  3 Gravity  4 Daughter  5 Between  6 Say Uncle  7 Drought  8 Enough To Go By  9 Unwritten Letter #1  10 Eric's Song  11 Soon Love Soon  12 Lullabye For a Stormy Night  13 Decade and One

《Warm Stranger》

  中文译名《亲陌爱人》/《温暖的陌生人》  年份:2004  语言:英语/中文  曲目:  1 Feather Moon  2 Harbor  3 Hope On Fire  4 Shine  5 Mission Street  6 My Medea  7 Shasta (Carrie's Song)  8 Homecoming (Walter's Song)  9 Anna Rose  10 Passage  11 The Atheist Christmas Carol

《Dreaming through the noise》

  年份:2006  语言:英语  曲目:  1 Blue Caravan  2 Whatever You Want  3 Love Turns 40  4 I Don't Feel So Well  5 City Hall  6 Nothing Without You  7 Transcontinental, 1:30 a.m.  8 1br/1ba  9 Now Three  10 Pontchartrain  11 Recessional

《Inland Territory》

  年份:2009  语言:英语  曲目:  1 The Last Snowfall  2 White Light  3 Antebellum  4 Kansas  5 In Another Life  6 Grandmother Song  7 Stray Italian Greyhound  8 Augustine  9 No Gringo  10 Watershed  11 Radio  12 St. Stephen's Cross  《The tower》  The one who survives by making the lives  of others worthwhile  她总想让别人的生活变得有价值有意义  she's coming apart  right before my eyes  在我面前 她快要支撑不住崩溃了  The one who depends on the services she renders  to those who come knocking  她总给那些前来敲门求助的人提供帮助  she's seeing too clearly what she can't be  what understanding defies  她清楚知道自己不会成为让人难以理解的人  She says I need not to need  她 说我别无所求  or else a love with intuition  只想凭直觉去爱  someone who reaches out to my weakness  and won't let go  找寻那个能洞悉我脆弱的人 就不会再放开手  I need not to need  我别无所求  I've always been the tower  我一直就像那屹立的高塔  but now I feel like I'm the flower trying to bloom in snow  但现在我觉得自己像一朵想要在雪中绽放的花朵  She turns out the light anticipating night falling tenderlyaround her  夜幕降临 她关上了灯 黑夜温柔笼罩着她  and watches the dusk  the words won't come  看着黄昏 沉默不语  she carries the act so convincingly the fact is sometimes shebelieves it  她的所作所为令人信服 事实上有时候她也相信  that she can be happy with the way things are  她会对现实很满意  be happy with the things she's done  对自己所做过的事情感到很满意很愉快  I need not to need  我别无所求  or else a love with intuition  只想凭直觉去爱  someone who reaches out to my weakness  and won't let go  找寻那个能洞悉我的脆弱的人 就不会再放开手  I need not to need  我别无所求  I've always been the tower  我一直就像那屹立的高塔  but now I feel like I'm the flower trying to bloom in snow  但现在我觉得自己像一朵想要在雪中绽放的花朵  Reach out  Hold back  where is safety  伸出手又缩了回来总是犹豫不决 哪里才安全  reach out  and hold back  伸出手又缩了回来 总是犹豫不决  where is the one who can change me  那个能改变我的人身在何方啊  where is the one  那个人在哪儿啊  the one ah...  Reach out  Hold back  where is safety  伸出手又缩了回来总是犹豫不决 哪里才安全  reach out  and hold back  伸出手又缩了回来总是犹豫不决  where is the one who can save me  那个能拯救我的人身在何方啊  where is the one  那个人在哪儿啊  the one ah...  I need not to need  我别无所求  or else a love with intuition  只想凭直觉去爱  someone who reaches out to my weakness  and won't let go  找寻那个能洞悉我的脆弱的人 就不会再放开手  I need not to need  我别无所求  I've always been the tower  我一直就像那屹立的高塔  but now I feel like I'm the flower trying to bloom in snow  但现在我觉得自己像一朵想要在雪中绽放的花朵  I feel like I'm the flower trying to bloom in snow  我觉得自己像一朵想要在冬雪里盛放的花朵  The danger and the power  危险和力量同在  The friend and the foe  朋友和敌人共存

All you people up there in City Hall,
You're fuckin' it up for the people that's in the streets.
This is a song for the people in the streets,
Not the people City Hall.
All you motherfuckers in the streets it's time to rise up, up upup
Come along children and fuckin' rise!
Lots of times when me and KG are watchin'
All the fuckin' shit that goes down at City Hall,
We get the feeling we should fuck shit up,
Yeah we should fuckin' start a riot.
A Riot!
We have 'em screaming in the streets,
we have 'em tippin' over shit and breakin' fuckin' windows of smallbusinesses,
and settin' fuckin' fires!
and settin' fuckin' fires!
and settin' fuckin' fires!
And then after the smoke is cleared,
and the rubble has been swept away,
me and KG will peek out our heads.
We've been watching the riots on a monitor twenty floors below sealevel,
from a bunker.
We did it Rage-Kage, we beat the bastards of City Hall!
But now what will we do?
We must rebuild. But who will lead us in the rebuildingprocess?
Man, it's got to be someone with the know-how
and the elbow grease to lead us to a new land.
No, not me and KG, we don't have the cognitive capacity tolead...
Alright, we'll do it!
We'll lead as Two Kings,
We'll lead as Two Kings.
Ahhhaaa (Two Kings, we'll lead as Two Kings)
Ah-ha ah-how,
We'll lead as Two Kings.
The first decree is to legalize marijuana.
The tyranny and the bullshit's gone on too long.
史逸欣 史逸欣会说中文么
You old fuckin' critics who blocked it's legalization,
you're banished from the land!
We'll lead as Two Kings,
We'll lead as Two Kings.
Ahhhaaa (Two Kings, we'll lead as Two Kings)
Ah-ha ah-how,
Lead as Two Kings.
The second decree: no more pollution, no more car exhaust,
or ocean dumpage. From now on, we will travel in tubes!
We'll lead as Two Kings, oh, yeah,
We'll fuckin' lead as Two Kings.
Get the scientists working on the tube technology,immediately.
(Tube technology.) Chop, chop, let's go.
Third decree: no more... rich people: and poor people.
From now on, we will all be the same... ummm, I dunno,
I gotta think about that...
We'll lead as Two Kings
Ah yeah, ah yeahhhahahaha.
Ha-ha-ho-hee, ha-ha-ho-hee-ha-ha-ho-ho-ho-ho.
Oh my God.
Ahh... What?
Dude, the red phone is flashing.
Oh, yeah.
Let me scoop that up. Hello? Two Kings.
Who is it?
What?! No! No fucking way!
Rage, there's a potato famine in Idaho, you gotta go downthere!
Oh my God... what?
Dude, I gotta stay here!
Why do I have to go?
Please! Please!
Oh, God, okay.
Awesome... is he gone? Alright, emergency meeting ofParliament.
All right Parliament, I know this is fucked up,
but Rage, he can't be King anymore.
Dudes, he's encroaching on my decrees!
Seriously, let's make him "Duke," a kick ass "Duke."
Or "leader formerly known as King," but-- uh-oh he's comin'back...
We'll lead as Two Kings, oh yes
we'll really lead as Two Kings.
Uh, dude?
I went all over Idaho...
Uh, plenty of potatoes everywhere.
What? There was no famine?
Yeah, there was no famine, no.
I don't know what's uh...
A toast...
A toast...
Long live the "D."
Long live the "D."
Long live me. I'm sorry, I poisoned your wine.
For the good of the land.
You p-- I poisoned yours... huh heh, as well.
City, city, city, city, city, city, shitty.
Shitty, city, shitty, shitty, city, city, shitty.
Hall, hall, hall, hall, hall, hall, hall, hall.
People inside me are askin' me to smoke up City Hall,
'Cause no one here is talkin'.
People inside me are askin' me to blow up City Hall,
'Cause no one here is rockin'.
People inside me are askin' me to blow up City Hall,
'Cause everyone is Rock-'em Sock-'em Robots.
Everyone is Rock-'em Sock-'em Robots.
Everyone is Rock-'em Sock-'em GO! OH!
Don't, cut that part out.
We've got it.
Um, do you believe in God?
I believe, I believe.
You do?
I believe in God. I believe in God.
I believe in God.
Do you?
I believe in God.
Malibu Nights
Yeah, but you didn't fuckin' come out with this (one)--!
I got some lyrics.
Malibu nights, tangerine dreams,
Malibu neighs, Malibu dreams,
Malibu, makin' a poo.
Stinky poo, lookin'd view.
Because it's time for my breakfast,
It's time for some cheese.
It's time for the stink,
time for the breeze,
time for the... hah-or-eeee!


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101016/310224.html


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