Havingregard to the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations;Desiring to further the objectives of GATT 1994; Recognizing theimportant contribution that international standards and conformityassessment systems can make in this regard by improving efficiencyof production and facilitating the conduct of international trade;Desiring therefore to encourage the development of suchinternational standards and conformity assessment systems; Desiringhowever to ensure that technical regulations and standards,including packaging, marking and labelling requirements, andprocedures for assessment of conformity with technical regulationsand standards do not create unnecessary obstacles to internationaltrade; Recognizing that no country should be prevented from takingmeasures necessary to ensure the quality of its exports, or for theprotection of human, animal or plant life or health, of theenvironment, or for the prevention of deceptive practices, at thelevels it considers appropriate, subject to the requirement thatthey are not applied in a manner which would constitute a means ofarbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between countries wherethe same conditions prevail or a disguised restriction oninternational trade, and are otherwise in accordance with theprovisions of this Agreement; Recognizing that no country should beprevented from taking measures necessary for the protection of itsessential security interest; Recognizing the contribution whichinternational standardization can make to the transfer oftechnology from developed to developing countries; Recognizing thatdeveloping countries may encounter special difficulties in theformulation and application of technical regulations and standardsand procedures for assessment of conformity with technicalregulations and standards, and desiring to assist them in theirendeavours in this regard; Hereby agree as follows:
1.1General terms for standardization and procedures for assessment ofconformity shall normally have the meaning given to them bydefinitions adopted within the United Nations system and byinternational standardizing bodies taking into account theircontext and in the light of the object and purpose of thisAgreement.
1.2However, for the purposes of this Agreement the meaning of theterms given in Annex 1 applies.
1.3 All products,including industrial and agricultural products, shall be subject tothe provisions of this Agreement.
1.4Purchasingspecifications prepared by governmental bodies for production orconsumption requirements of governmental bodies are not subject tothe provisions of this Agreement but are addressed in the Agreementon Government Procurement, according to its coverage.
1.5 The provisions ofthis Agreement do not apply to sanitary and phytosanitary measuresas defined in Annex A of the Agreement on the Application ofSanitary and Phytosanitary Measures.
1.6 All references inthis Agreement to technical regulations, standards and conformityassessment procedures shall be construed to include any amendmentsthereto and any additions to the rules or the product coveragethereof, except amendments and additions of an insignificantnature.
Preparation, Adoption and Application of TechnicalRegulations by Central Government Bodies
Withrespect to their central government bodies:对于中央政府机构:
2.1 Members shall ensurethat in respect of technical regulations, products imported fromthe territory of any Member shall be accorded treatment no lessfavourable than that accorded to like products of national originand to like products originating in any other country.
2.2 Members shall ensurethat technical regulations are not prepared, adopted or appliedwith a view to or with the effect of creating unnecessary obstaclesto international trade. For this purpose,technical regulations shall not be more trade-restrictive thannecessary to fulfil a legitimate objective, taking account of therisks non-fulfilment would create. Such legitimateobjectives are, inter alia: national securityrequirements; the prevention ofdeceptive practices; protection of humanhealth or safety, animal or plant life or health, or theenvironment. In assessing suchrisks, relevant elements of consideration are, interalia:available scientific and technical information, related processingtechnology or intended end-uses of products.
2.3 Technical regulationsshall not be maintained if the circumstances or objectives givingrise to their adoption no longer exist or if the changedcircumstances or objectives can be addressed in a lesstrade-restrictive manner.
2.4 Where technicalregulations are required and relevant international standards existor their completion is imminent, Members shall use them, or therelevant parts of them, as a basis for their technical regulationsexcept when such international standards or relevant parts would bean ineffective or inappropriate means for the fulfilment of thelegitimate objectives pursued, for instance because of fundamentalclimatic or geographical factors or fundamental technologicalproblems.
2.5 A Member preparing,adopting or applying a technical regulation which may have asignificant effect on trade of other Members shall, upon therequest of another Member, explain the justification for thattechnical regulation in terms of the provisions of paragraphs 2 to4.Whenever a technical regulation is prepared, adopted or applied forone of the legitimate objectives explicitly mentioned in paragraph2, and is in accordance with relevant international standards, itshall be rebuttably presumed not to create an unnecessary obstacleto international trade.
2.6 With a view toharmonizing technical regulations on as wide a basis as possible,Members shall play a full part, within the limits of theirresources, in the preparation by appropriate internationalstandardizing bodies of international standards for products forwhich they either have adopted, or expect to adopt, technicalregulations.
2.7Members shall give positive consideration to accepting asequivalent technical regulations of other Members, even if theseregulations differ from their own, provided they are satisfied thatthese regulations adequately fulfil the objectives of their ownregulations.
2.8Wherever appropriate, Members shall specify technical regulationsbased on product requirements in terms of performance rather thandesign or descriptive characteristics.
2.9 Whenever a relevantinternational standard does not exist or the technical content of aproposed technical regulation is not in accordance with thetechnical content of relevant international standards, and if thetechnical regulation may have a significant effect on trade ofother Members, Members shall:
2.9.1publish a notice in a publication at an early appropriate stage, insuch a manner as to enable interested parties in other Members tobecome acquainted with it, that they propose to introduce aparticular technical regulation;
2.9.2notify other Members through the Secretariat of the products to becovered by the proposed technical regulation, together with a briefindication of its objective and rationale. Such notificationsshall take place at an early appropriate stage, when amendments canstill be introduced and comments taken into account;
2.9.3upon request, provide to other Members particulars or copies of theproposed technical regulation and, whenever possible, identify theparts which in substance deviate from relevant internationalstandards;
2.9.4without discrimination, allow reasonable time for other Members tomake comments in writing, discuss these comments upon request, andtake these written comments and the results of these discussionsinto account.
2.10Subject to the provisions in the lead-in to paragraph 9, whereurgent problems of safety, health, environmental protection ornational security arise or threaten to arise for a Member, thatMember may omit such of the steps enumerated in paragraph 9 as itfinds necessary, provided that the Member, upon adoption of atechnical regulation, shall:
2.10.1notify immediately other Members through the Secretariat of theparticular technical regulation and the products covered, with abrief indication of the objective and the rationale of thetechnical regulation, including the nature of the urgentproblems;
2.10.2upon request, provide other Members with copies of the technicalregulation;
2.10.3without discrimination, allow other Members to present theircomments in writing, discuss these comments upon request, and takethese written comments and the results of these discussions intoaccount.
2.10.3 无歧视地允许其他成员提出书面意见,应要求与他们讨论这些意见,并对书面意见和讨论结果予以考虑。
2.11Members shall ensure that all technical regulations which have beenadopted are published promptly or otherwise made available in sucha manner as to enable interested parties in other Members to becomeacquainted with them.
2.12Except in those urgent circumstances referred to in paragraph 10,Members shall allow a reasonable interval between the publicationof technical regulations and their entry into force in order toallow time for producers in exporting Members, and particularly indeveloping country Members, to adapt their products or methods ofproduction to the requirements of the importing Member.
除第2.10 款所述的那些紧急情况外,各成员须在技术法规的出版和生效之间留出合理的时间,以便使产品出口成员中的生产者,特别是发展中国家成员中的生产者有时间依照产品进口成员的要求调整其产品或生产方法。
Preparation, Adoption and Application of TechnicalRegulations by Local Government Bodies and Non-GovernmentalBodies
Withrespect to their local government and non-governmental bodieswithin their territories:
3.1Members shall take such reasonable measures as may be available tothem to ensure compliance by such bodies with the provisions ofArticle 2, with the exception of the obligation to notify asreferred to in paragraphs 9.2 and 10.1 of Article 2.
各成员须采取他们所能采取的适当措施确保地方政府机构和非政府机构遵守第2条的规定,但第2条中的2.9.2款和2.10.1 款中对外通报的义务不包括在内。
3.2Members shall ensure that the technical regulations of localgovernments on the level directly below that of the centralgovernment in Members are notified in accordance with theprovisions of paragraphs 9.2 and 10.1 of Article 2, noting thatnotification shall not be required for technical regulations thetechnical content of which is substantially the same as that ofpreviously notified technical regulations of central governmentbodies of the Member concerned.
各成员须确保按第2条中的第2.9.2款和2.10.1 款的规定对直属中央政府以下的地方政府的技术法规进行通报。但对实质内容与中央政府己公布的技术法规内容相同的地方技术法规不必进行通报。
3.3 Members may requirecontact with other Members, including the notifications, provisionof information, comments and discussions referred to in paragraphs9 and 10 of Article 2, to take place through the centralgovernment.
各成员可以通过中央政府要求与其他成员联系,包括第2条中第2.9款和第2.10 款提及的通报,提供信息、提出的意见和进行讨论。
3.4Members shall not take measures which require or encourage localgovernment bodies or non-governmental bodies within theirterritories to act in a manner inconsistent with the provisions ofArticle 2.
各成员不得采取措施要求或鼓励地方政府机构或非政府机构在其境内以不符合第2 条规定的方式行动。
3.5Members are fully responsible under this Agreement for theobservance of all provisions of Article 2. Members shallformulate and implement positive measures and mechanisms in supportof the observance of the provisions of Article 2 by other thancentral government bodies.
Preparation, Adoption and Application ofStandards标准的制定、采用和实施
4.1Members shall ensure that their central government standardizingbodies accept and comply with the Code of Good Practice for thePreparation, Adoption and Application of Standards in Annex 3 tothis Agreement (referred to in this Agreement as the "Code of GoodPractice"). They shall take suchreasonable measures as may be available to them to ensure thatlocal government and non-governmental standardizing bodies withintheir territories, as well as regional standardizing bodies ofwhich they or one or more bodies within their territories aremembers, accept and comply with this Code of GoodPractice.In addition, Members shall not take measures which have the effectof, directly or indirectly, requiring or encouraging suchstandardizing bodies to act in a manner inconsistent with the Codeof Good Practice. The obligations ofMembers with respect to compliance of standardizing bodies with theprovisions of the Code of Good Practice shall apply irrespective ofwhether or not a standardizing body has accepted the Code of GoodPractice.
4.2Standardizing bodies that have accepted and are complying with theCode of Good Practice shall be acknowledged by the Members ascomplying with the principles of this Agreement.
Proceduresfor Assessment of Conformity by Central GovernmentBodies
5.1Members shall ensure that, in cases where a positive assurance ofconformity with technical regulations or standards is required,their central government bodies apply the following provisions toproducts originating in the territories of otherMembers:
5.1.1conformity assessment procedures are prepared, adopted and appliedso as to grant access for suppliers of like products originating inthe territories of other Members under conditions no lessfavourable than those accorded to suppliers of like products ofnational origin or originating in any other country, in acomparable situation; access entails suppliers' right to anassessment of conformity under the rules of the procedure,including, when foreseen by this procedure, the possibility to haveconformity assessment activities undertaken at the site offacilities and to receive the mark of the system;
5.1.2conformity assessment procedures are not prepared, adopted orapplied with a view to or with the effect of creating unnecessaryobstacles to international trade. This means, interalia, that conformity assessment procedures shall not be morestrict or be applied more strictly than is necessary to give theimporting Member adequate confidence that products conform with theapplicable technical regulations or standards, taking account ofthe risks non-conformity would create.
5.2When implementing the provisions of paragraph 1, Members shallensure that:
5.2.1conformity assessment procedures are undertaken and completed asexpeditiously as possible and in a no less favourable order forproducts originating in the territories of other Members than forlike domestic products;
5.2.2the standard processing period of each conformity assessmentprocedure is published or that the anticipated processing period iscommunicated to the applicant upon request; when receiving anapplication, the competent body promptly examines the completenessof the documentation and informs the applicant in a precise andcomplete manner of all deficiencies; the competent bodytransmits as soon as possible the results of the assessment in aprecise and complete manner to the applicant so that correctiveaction may be taken if necessary; even when theapplication has deficiencies, the competent body proceeds as far aspracticable with the conformity assessment if the applicant sorequests;and that, upon request, the applicant is informed of the stage ofthe procedure, with any delay being explained;
5.2.3information requirements are limited to what is necessary to assessconformity and determine fees;
5.2.4the confidentiality of information about products originating inthe territories of other Members arising from or supplied inconnection with such conformity assessment procedures is respectedin the same way as for domestic products and in such a manner thatlegitimate commercial interests are protected;
5.2.5any fees imposed for assessing the conformity of productsoriginating in the territories of other Members are equitable inrelation to any fees chargeable for assessing the conformity oflike products of national origin or originating in any othercountry, taking into account communication, transportation andother costs arising from differences between location of facilitiesof the applicant and the conformity assessment body;
5.2.6the siting of facilities used in conformity assessment proceduresand the selection of samples are not such as to cause unnecessaryinconvenience to applicants or their agents;
5.2.7whenever specifications of a product are changed subsequent to thedetermination of its conformity to the applicable technicalregulations or standards, the conformity assessment procedure forthe modified product is limited to what is necessary to determinewhether adequate confidence exists that the product still meets thetechnical regulations or standards concerned;
5.2.8 aprocedure exists to review complaints concerning the operation of aconformity assessment procedure and to take corrective action whena complaint is justified.
5.3Nothing in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall prevent Members from carryingout reasonable spot checks within their territories.
5.4In cases where a positive assurance is required that productsconform with technical regulations or standards, and relevantguides or recommendations issued by international standardizingbodies exist or their completion is imminent, Members shall ensurethat central government bodies use them, or the relevant parts ofthem, as a basis for their conformity assessment procedures, exceptwhere, as duly explained upon request, such guides orrecommendations or relevant parts are inappropriate for the Membersconcerned, for, inter alia, such reasons as: national securityrequirements; the prevention ofdeceptive practices; protection of humanhealth or safety, animal or plant life or health, or theenvironment; fundamental climaticor other geographical factors; fundamentaltechnological or infrastructural problems.
5.5With a view to harmonizing conformity assessment procedures on aswide a basis as possible, Members shall play a full part, withinthe limits of their resources, in the preparation by appropriateinternational standardizing bodies of guides and recommendationsfor conformity assessment procedures.
5.6Whenever a relevant guide or recommendation issued by aninternational standardizing body does not exist or the technicalcontent of a proposed conformity assessment procedure is not inaccordance with relevant guides and recommendations issued byinternational standardizing bodies, and if the conformityassessment procedure may have a significant effect on trade ofother Members, Members shall:
5.6.1publish a notice in a publication at an early appropriate stage, insuch a manner as to enable interested parties in other Members tobecome acquainted with it, that they propose to introduce aparticular conformity assessment procedure;
5.6.1 在早期适当阶段,在出版物上刊登他们准备制定此合格评定程序的通知,以便使其他各成员中有利益关系的各方面掌握其信息;
5.6.2notify other Members through the Secretariat of the products to becovered by the proposed conformity assessment procedure, togetherwith a brief indication of its objective and rationale. Such notificationsshall take place at an early appropriate stage, when amendments canstill be introduced and comments taken into account;
5.6.2 通过秘书处将此合格评定程序覆盖的产品清单通报各成员,并简要说明其目的和理由。这样的通报应在早期适当阶段进行,以便对收到的意见进行考虑和对此程序仍可作出修改;
5.6.3upon request, provide to other Members particulars or copies of theproposed procedure and, whenever possible, identify the parts whichin substance deviate from relevant guides or recommendations issuedby international standardizing bodies;
5.6.3 如有要求,应向其他成员提供建议中的程序的细节或副本,并在可能时标明与国际标准化机构制定的指南或建议的基本不同之处;
5.6.4without discrimination, allow reasonable time for other Members tomake comments in writing, discuss these comments upon request, andtake these written comments and the results of these discussionsinto account.
5.6.4 应无歧视地给予各成员提出书面意见的合理时间,如有要求,应与他们讨论这些意见,并对这些书面意见和讨论结果予以考虑。
5.7Subject to the provisions in the lead-in to paragraph 6, whereurgent problems of safety, health, environmental protection ornational security arise or threaten to arise for a Member, thatMember may omit such of the steps enumerated in paragraph 6 as itfinds necessary, provided that the Member, upon adoption of theprocedure, shall:
5.7在5.6 款引导部分规定的情况下,如果成员中出现了涉及安全、健康、环境保护或国家安全等紧急问题或产生了出现上述紧急问题的威胁时,该成员如果认为有必要可以略去第5.6款中规定的步骤,但是该成员在批准此程序时须:
5.7.1notifyimmediately other Members through the Secretariat of the particularprocedure and the products covered, with a brief indication of theobjective and the rationale of the procedure, including the natureof the urgent problems;
5.7.2upon request, provide other Members with copies of the rules of theprocedure;
5.7.2 如有要求,应向其他成员提供此程序有关规则的副本;
5.7.3without discrimination, allow other Members to present theircomments in writing, discuss these comments upon request, and takethese written comments and the results of these discussions intoaccount.
5.7.3 无歧视地允许其他成员提出书面意见,应要求与他们讨论这些意见,并对书面意见和讨论结果予以考虑。
5.8Members shall ensure that all conformity assessment procedureswhich have been adopted are published promptly or otherwise madeavailable in such a manner as to enable interested parties in otherMembers to become acquainted with them.
5.9Except in those urgent circumstances referred to in paragraph 7,Members shall allow a reasonable interval between the publicationof requirements concerning conformity assessment procedures andtheir entry into force in order to allow time for producers inexporting Members, and particularly in developing country Members,to adapt their products or methods of production to therequirements of the importing Member.
Recognition of Conformity Assessment by Central GovernmentBodies
Withrespect to their central government bodies:对于中央政府机构:
6.1Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4, Membersshall ensure, whenever possible, that results of conformityassessment procedures in other Members are accepted, e ven whenthose procedures differ from their own, provided they are satisfiedthat those procedures offer an assurance of conformity withapplicable technical regulations or standards equivalent to theirown procedures. It is recognized thatprior consultations may be necessary in order to arrive at amutually satisfactory understanding regarding, inparticular:
6.1与6.3 款和6.4款的规定一致,各成员须保证凡有可能,接受在其他成员中进行的合格评定程序的结果,即使那些程序和他们自己的程序不同,只要他们认为那些程序与本国程序一样可以保证产品符合有关的技术法规或标准。应认识到有必要进行事先磋商,以便特别就下达内容达成相互满意的谅解:
6.1.1adequate and enduring technical competence of the relevantconformity assessment bodies in the exporting Member, so thatconfidence in the continued reliability of their conformityassessment results can exist; in this regard,verified compliance, for instance through accreditation, withrelevant guides or recommendations issued by internationalstandardizing bodies shall be taken into account as an indicationof adequate technical competence;
6.1.2limitation of the acceptance of conformity assessment results tothose produced by designated bodies in the exportingMember.
6.2Members shall ensure that their conformity assessment procedurespermit, as far as practicable, the implementation of the provisionsin paragraph 1.
6.3Members are encouraged, at the request of other Members, to bewilling to enter into negotiations for the conclusion of agreementsfor the mutual recognition of results of each other's conformityassessment procedures. Members may requirethat such agreements fulfil the criteria of paragraph 1 and givemutual satisfaction regarding their potential for facilitatingtrade in the products concerned.
6.3鼓励各成员应其他成员要求参加签订相互认可合格评定结果协定的谈判。成员们可以要求这类协定应符合6.1 款的准则并在便利有关产品贸易方面使彼此感到满意。
6.4Members are encouraged to permit participation of conformityassessment bodies located in the territories of other Members intheir conformity assessment procedures under conditions no lessfavourable than those accorded to bodies located within theirterritory or the territory of any other country.
Article 7第7条
Procedures forAssessment of Conformity by Local Government Bodies
Withrespect to their local government bodies within theirterritories:
7.1Members shall take such reasonable measures as may be available tothem to ensure compliance by such bodies with the provisions ofArticles 5 and 6, with the exception of the obligation to notify asreferred to in paragraphs 6.2 and 7.1 of Article 5.
7.2Members shall ensure that the conformity assessment procedures oflocal governments on the level directly below that of the centralgovernment in Members are notified in accordance with theprovisions of paragraphs 6.2 and 7.1 of Article 5, noting thatnotifications shall not be required for conformity assessmentprocedures the technical content of which is substantially the sameas that of previously notified conformity assessment procedures ofcentral government bodies of the Members concerned.
7.3Members may require contact with other Members, including thenotifications, provision of information, comments and discussionsreferred to in paragraphs 6 and 7 of Article 5, to take placethrough the central government.
7.3各成员可以通过中央政府就包括第5.6 款和第5.7款所述的通报、提供的信息、提出的意见和讨论,要求与其他成员接触。
7.4Members shall not take measures which require or encourage localgovernment bodies within their territories to act in a mannerinconsistent with the provisions of Articles 5 and 6.
7.5Members are fully responsible under this Agreement for theobservance of all provisions of Articles 5 and 6. Members shallformulate and implement positive measures and mechanisms in supportof the observance of the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 by otherthan central government bodies.
Proceduresfor Assessment of Conformity by Non-Governmental Bodies
8.1Members shall take such reasonable measures as may be available tothem to ensure that non-governmental bodies within theirterritories which operate conformity assessment procedures complywith the provisions of Articles 5 and 6, with the exception of theobligation to notify proposed conformity assessmentprocedures. In addition, Membersshall not take measures which have the effect of, directly orindirectly, requiring or encouraging such bodies to act in a mannerinconsistent with the provisions of Articles 5 and 6.
8.2Members shall ensure that their central government bodies rely onconformity assessment procedures operated by non-governmentalbodies only if these latter bodies comply with the provisions ofArticles 5 and 6, with the exception of the obligation to notifyproposed conformity assessment procedures.
International and Regional Systems国际性和区域性体系
9.1Where a positive assurance of conformity with a technicalregulation or standard is required, Members shall, whereverpracticable, formulate and adopt international systems forconformity assessment and become members thereof or participatetherein.
9.2Members shall take such reasonable measures as may be available tothem to ensure that international and regional systems forconformity assessment in which relevant bodies within theirterritories are members or participants comply with the provisionsof Articles 5 and 6. In addition, Membersshall not take any measures which have the effect of, directly orindirectly, requiring or encouraging such systems to act in amanner inconsistent with any of the provisions of Articles 5 and6.
9.3Members shall ensure that their central government bodies rely oninternational or regional conformity assessment systems only to theextent that these systems comply with the provisions of Articles 5and 6, as applicable.
Information About Technical Regulations, Standards andConformity Assessment Procedures
10.1Each Member shall ensure that an enquiry point exists which is ableto answer all reasonable enquiries from other Members andinterested parties in other Members as well as to provide therelevant documents regarding:
10.1 每个成员须保证设立一个咨询处,能回答其他成员和其他成员境内有关团体的所有合理询问,并提供下述有关文件:
10.1.1any technical regulations adopted or proposed within its territoryby central or local government bodies, by non-governmental bodieswhich have legal power to enforce a technical regulation, or byregional standardizing bodies of which such bodies are members orparticipants;
10.1.2any standards adopted or proposed within its territory by centralor local government bodies, or by regional standardizing bodies ofwhich such bodies are members or participants;
10.1.2 中央或地方政府机构、或上述机构是成员或参与者的区域性标准化机构在其境内批准或建议的任何标准;
10.1.3any conformity assessment procedures, or proposed conformityassessment procedures, which are operated within its territory bycentral or local government bodies, or by non-governmental bodieswhich have legal power to enforce a technical regulation, or byregional bodies of which such bodies are members orparticipants;
10.1.4the membership and participation of the Member, or of relevantcentral or local government bodies within its territory, ininternational and regional standardizing bodies and conformityassessment systems, as well as in bilateral and multilateralarrangements within the scope of this Agreement; it shall also beable to provide reasonable information on the provisions of suchsystems and arrangements;
10.1.4 成员或其境内中央或地方政府机构参加国际性和区域性标准化机构、合格评定体系的成员身份情况和参加活动情况、以及涉及本协议范围的双边和多边协议情况,还须能提供这些体系和协议的有关条款的信息;
10.1.5the location of notices published pursuant to this Agreement, orthe provision of information as to where such information can beobtained;and
10.1.6the location of the enquiry points mentioned in paragraph3.
10.1.6 第10.3款涉及的咨询处的地址。
10.2If, however, for legal or administrative reasons more than oneenquiry point is established by a Member, that Member shall provideto the other Members complete and unambiguous information on thescope of responsibility of each of these enquirypoints. Inaddition, that Member shall ensure that any enquiries addressed toan incorrect enquiry point shall promptly be conveyed to thecorrect enquiry point.
10.2 如果成员因法律或行政原因设立多于一个的咨询处时,该成员须向其他成员提供每一个咨询处工作范围的完整和不能含混不清的信息。此外,该成员须保证送给非对口咨询处的询问件被立即转给对口咨询处。
10.3Each Member shall take such reasonable measures as may be availableto it to ensure that one or more enquiry points exist which areable to answer all reasonable enquiries from other Members andinterested parties in other Members as well as to provide therelevant documents or information as to where they can be obtainedregarding:
10.3 各成员均须尽他们所能采取适当措施,保证建立一个或多个咨询处以便口答其他成员和其他成员境内有关团体的所有合理询问,并且提供下述文件或信息,或告知从何处可以得到:
10.3.1 any standards adoptedor proposed within its territory by non-governmental standardizingbodies, or by regional standardizing bodies of which such bodiesare members or participants; and
非政府标准化机构或这类机构是成员或参加的区域性标准化机构在其境内批准或提议的 任何标准;
10.3.2any conformity assessment procedures, or proposed conformityassessment procedures, which are operated within its territory bynon-governmental bodies, or by regional bodies of which such bodiesare members or participants;
10.3.2 非政府机构或这类机构是成员或参与的区域性机构,在其境内运作的或提议的任何合格评定程序;
10.3.3the membership and participation of relevant non-governmentalbodies within its territory in international and regionalstandardizing bodies and conformity assessment systems, as well asin bilateral and multilateral arrangements within the scope of thisAgreement; they shall also be able to provide reasonableinformation on the provisions of such systems andarrangements.
10.3.3 其境内非政府机构参加国际性和区域性标准化机构和合格评定体系的身份和情况,以及在本协议范围内的双边和多边协议的情况,他们还须能提供这些体系和协议的有关条款的信息。
10.4Membersshall take such reasonable measures as may be available to them toensure that where copies of documents are requested by otherMembers or by interested parties in other Members, in accordancewith the provisions of this Agreement, they are supplied at anequitable price (if any) which shall, apart from the real cost ofdelivery, be the same for the nationals[1] of the Member concernedor of any other Member.
10.4 各成员须尽他们所能采取适当措施,保证当其他成员或其他成员中有关方面根据本协议条款索取文件副本时,除实际运费外,提供的价格(如有定价)须与提供给本国或任何其他成员的价格相同。
10.5Developed country Members shall, if requested by other Members,provide, in English, French or Spanish, translations of thedocuments covered by a specific notification or, in case ofvoluminous documents, of summaries of such documents.
10.5 应各成员的要求,对于某项通报的文件,发达国家成员须提供该文件的英、法或西班牙文译本,或如果是成卷的文件,文件篇幅较长,则提供文件摘要的译文。
10.6The Secretariat shall, when it receives notifications in accordancewith the provisions of this Agreement, circulate copies of thenotifications to all Members and interested internationalstandardizing and conformity assessment bodies, and draw theattention of developing country Members to any notificationsrelating to products of particular interest to them.
10.7Whenever a Member has reached an agreement with any other countryor countries on issues related to technical regulations, standardsor conformity assessment procedures which may have a significanteffect on trade, at least one Member party to the agreement shallnotify other Members through the Secretariat of the products to becovered by the agreement and include a brief description of theagreement.Members concerned are encouraged to enter, upon request, intoconsultations with other Members for the purposes of concludingsimilar agreements or of arranging for their participation in suchagreements.
10.7 凡是一个成员与任何一个或多个其他国家在技术法规、标准或合格评定程序上达成可能对贸易有重大影响的协议时,至少协议中某一方应通过WT0秘书处通知其他成员此协议所覆盖的产品清单,包括该协议的简要说明。如有要求,应鼓励成员为签订类似的协议或加入此协议而同其他成员进行磋商。
10.8Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed asrequiring:
10.8 本协议的任何内容不得解释为要求:
10.8.1the publication of texts other than in the language of theMember;
10.8.1 以非成员语言出版文本;
10.8.2the provision of particulars or copies of drafts other than in thelanguage of the Member except as stated in paragraph 5;or
10.8.3Members to furnish any information, the disclosure of which theyconsider contrary to their essential security interests.
10.9Notifications to the Secretariat shall be in English, French orSpanish.
10.9 发往WT0秘书处的通报必须使用英、法或西班牙文。
10.10Members shall designate a single central government authority thatis responsible for the implementation on the national level of theprovisions concerning notification procedures under this Agreementexcept those included in Annex 3.
10.10 各成员须指定一个中央政府机构在国家一级负责执行本协议关于通报程序的条款,不包括附件3部分。
10.11If, however, for legal or administrative reasons the responsibilityfor notification procedures is divided among two or more centralgovernment authorities, the Member concerned shall provide to theother Members complete and unambiguous information on the scope ofresponsibility of each of these authorities.
TechnicalAssistance to Other Members对其他成员的技术援助
11.1Members shall, if requested, advise other Members, especially thedeveloping country Members, on the preparation of technicalregulations.
11.1 如被要求,成员须就技术法规的制定向其他成员,特别是向发展中国家成员提供咨询。
11.2Members shall, if requested, advise other Members, especially thedeveloping country Members, and shall grant them technicalassistance on mutually agreed terms and conditions regarding theestablishment of national standardizing bodies, and participationin the international standardizing bodies, and shall encouragetheir national standardizing bodies to do likewise.
11.2 如被要求,成员须就建立国家标准化机构和参加国际标准化机构问题向其他成员,特别是发展中国家成员提供咨询,并在相互同意的条款和条件下,向他们提供技术援助。成员还须鼓励本国标准化机构也照此办理。
11.3Members shall, if requested, take such reasonable measures as maybe available to them to arrange for the regulatory bodies withintheir territories to advise other Members, especially thedeveloping country Members, and shall grant them technicalassistance on mutually agreed terms and conditionsregarding:
11.3 如被要求,成员须尽他们所能采取的适当措施,安排其境内的管理机构就下述问题向其他成员,特别是发展中国家成员提供咨询,并在相互同意的条款和条件下,就以下问题向他们提供技术援助:
11.3.1the establishment of regulatory bodies, or bodies for theassessment of conformity with technical regulations; and
11.3.1 管理机构或按技术法规开展合格评定的机构的建立;
11.3.2the methods by which their technical regulations can best bemet.
11.3.2 能够最好地符合技术法规的方法。
11.4Members shall, if requested, take such reasonable measures as maybe available to them to arrange for advice to be given to otherMembers, especially the developing country Members, and shall grantthem technical assistance on mutually agreed terms and conditionsregarding the establishment of bodies for the assessment ofconformity with standards adopted within the territory of therequesting Member.
11.4 如被要求,成员须采取所能采取的适当措施,就根据己批准的标准在提出要求的成员境内建立合格评定机构问题,为其他成员特别是发展中国家成员提供咨询,并在相互同意的条款和条件下向他们提供技术援助。
11.5Members shall, if requested, advise other Members, especially thedeveloping country Members, and shall grant them technicalassistance on mutually agreed terms and conditions regarding thesteps that should be taken by their producers if they wish to haveaccess to systems for conformity assessment operated bygovernmental or non-governmental bodies within the territory of theMember receiving the request.
11.5 如被要求,成员须采取他们所能采取的适当措施,就其他成员的生产厂为进入该成员境内政府或非政府机构的合格评定体系的步骤,向其他成员,特别是发展中国家成员提供咨询,并在相互同意的条款和条件下,向他们提供技术援助。
11.6Members which are members or participants of international orregional systems for conformity assessment shall, if requested,advise other Members, especially the developing country Members,and shall grant them technical assistance on mutually agreed termsand conditions regarding the establishment of the institutions andlegal framework which would enable them to fulfil the obligationsof membership or participation in such systems.
11.6 如被要求,参加或参与国际或区域性合格评定体系的成员须就其他成员为参加或参与这些体系并履行其义务需要建立的机构和合法体制问题,向其他成员,特别是发展中国家成员提供咨询,并在相互同意的条款和条件下,向他们提供技术援助。
11.7Members shall, if so requested, encourage bodies within theirterritories which are members or participants of international orregional systems for conformity assessment to advise other Members,especially the developing country Members, and should considerrequests for technical assistance from them regarding theestablishment of the institutions which would enable the relevantbodies within their territories to fulfil the obligations ofmembership or participation.
11.7 如被这样要求,成员须鼓励其境内的参加或参与国际或区域性合格评定体系的机构向其他成员,特别是发展中国家成员提供咨询,并在建立机构从而使其境内的有关机构履行成员或参与者义务方面,考虑向他们提供所需的技术援助。
11.8In providing advice and technical assistance to other Members interms of paragraphs 1 to 7, Members shall give priority to theneeds of the least-developed country Members.
11.8 根据第11.1款至第11.7款的规定向其他成员提供咨询和技术援助时,成员须优先考虑最不发达国家的需求。
Specialand Differential Treatment of Developing Country Members
12.1Members shall provide differential and more favourable treatment todeveloping country Members to this Agreement, through the followingprovisions as well as through the relevant provisions of otherArticles of this Agreement.
12.1 各成员须按下述条款以及本协议的其他条款对发展中国家成员给予有区别的和更优惠的待遇。
12.2Members shall give particular attention to the provisions of thisAgreement concerning developing country Members' rights andobligations and shall take into account the special development,financial and trade needs of developing country Members in theimplementation of this Agreement, both nationally and in theoperation of this Agreement's institutionalarrangements.
12.2 各成员须特别注意本协议中有关发展中国家成员的权利和义务的条款,并须考虑到发展中国家成员无论在国内还是在运作本协议的机构安排方面在执行本协议时的特殊发展、资金和贸易上的需要。
12.3Members shall, in the preparation and application of technicalregulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures, takeaccount of the special development, financial and trade needs ofdeveloping country Members, with a view to ensuring that suchtechnical regulations, standards and conformity assessmentprocedures do not create unnecessary obstacles to exports fromdeveloping country Members.
l2.3 各成员在制定和实施技术法规、标准和合格评定程序时,须考虑到各发展中国家成员的特殊发展、资金和贸易上的需要,以保证这些技术法规、标准和合格评定程序不对发展中国家成员的出口造成不必要的障碍。
12.4Members recognize that, although international standards, guides orrecommendations may exist, in their particular technological andsocio-economic conditions, developing country Members adopt certaintechnical regulations, standards or conformity assessmentprocedures aimed at preserving indigenous technology and productionmethods and processes compatible with their developmentneeds.Members therefore recognize that developing country Members shouldnot be expected to use international standards as a basis for theirtechnical regulations or standards, including test methods, whichare not appropriate to their development, financial and tradeneeds.
12.4 各成员认识到:即使己有国际标准、指南和建议,在其特殊的技术和社会经济条件下发展中国家成员仍可采用某些技术法规、标准或合格评定程序以保持与其发展需要相适应的当地技术、生产方法和加工工艺。因此,各成员认识到不应期望发展中国家成员采用不适合其发展、资金和贸易需要的国际标准作为其技术法规或标准、包括试验方法的基础。
12.5Members shall take such reasonable measures as may be available tothem to ensure that international standardizing bodies andinternational systems for conformity assessment are organized andoperated in a way which facilitates active and representativeparticipation of relevant bodies in all Members, taking intoaccount the special problems of developing countryMembers.
l2.5 考虑到发展中国家成员的特殊问题,各成员须采取他们所能采取的适当措施,保证国际标准化机构和国际合格评定体系以一种有助于所有成员的有关机构积极和有代表性地参加的方式组织和运作。
12.6Members shall take such reasonable measures as may be available tothem to ensure that international standardizing bodies, uponrequest of developing country Members, examine the possibility of,and, if practicable, prepare international standards concerningproducts of special interest to developing countryMembers.
12.6 各成员须采取他们所能采取的措施,保证国际标准化机构,应各发展中国家成员的要求,审查制定对发展中国家成员有特殊利益的产品的国际标准的可能性。
12.7Members shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 11,provide technical assistance to developing country Members toensure that the preparation and application of technicalregulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures do notcreate unnecessary obstacles to the expansion and diversificationof exports from developing country Members. In determining theterms and conditions of the technical assistance, account shall betaken of the stage of development of the requesting Members and inparticular of the least-developed country Members.
12.7 根据第11条的规定,各成员须向各发展中国家成员提供技术援助,以保证技术法规、标准和合格评定程序的制定和实施不会对各发展中国家成员的出口的扩大和多样化造成不必要的障碍。在确定技术援助的内容和条件时,须考虑到请求成员,特别是最不发达国家成员所处的发展阶段。
12.8It is recognized that developing country Members may face specialproblems, including institutional and infrastructural problems, inthe field of preparation and application of technical regulations,standards and conformity assessment procedures. It is furtherrecognized that the special development and trade needs ofdeveloping country Members, as well as their stage of technologicaldevelopment, may hinder their ability to discharge fully theirobligations under this Agreement. Members, therefore,shall take this fact fully into account. Accordingly, with aview to ensuring that developing country Members are able to complywith this Agreement, the Committee on Technical Barriers to Tradeprovided for in Article 13 (referred to in this Agreement as the"Committee") is enabled to grant, upon request, specified,time-limited exceptions in whole or in part from obligations underthis Agreement. When considering suchrequests the Committee shall take into account the specialproblems, in the field of preparation and application of technicalregulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures, andthe special development and trade needs of the developing countryMember, as well as its stage of technological development, whichmay hinder its ability to discharge fully its obligations underthis Agreement. The Committee shall,in particular, take into account the special problems of theleast-developed country Members.
12.8 认识到发展中国家成员在技术法规、标准和合格评定程序的制定和实施,包括组织机构和基础设施方面可能面临的特殊问题。认识到各发展中国家的成员的特殊发展和贸易需要以及他们的技术发展阶段可能妨碍他们充分履行本协议的义务,因此各成员须充分考虑到上述事实。为此,为了保证各发展中国家成员能够遵守本协议,应要求,根据本协议第13条设立的贸易技术壁垒委员会(本协议中称“委员会”)被授权允许在规定的一段时间内,全部或部分地免除他们对协定应负的义务。当考虑这种要求时,委员会须考虑到该发展中国家成员在技术法规、标准及合格评定程序的制定和实施方面的特殊问题,及特殊发展和贸易需要。以及其技术发展阶段,因为这些都可能妨碍他们充分履行本协议,委员会须特别考虑各最不发达国家成员的特殊问题。
12.9During consultations, developed country Members shall bear in mindthe special difficulties experienced by developing country Membersin formulating and implementing standards and technical regulationsand conformity assessment procedures, and in their desire to assistdeveloping country Members with their efforts in this direction,developed country Members shall take account of the special needsof the former in regard to financing, trade anddevelopment.
l2.9 在咨询时,各发达国家成员须考虑到发展中国家成员在制定和实施标准、技术法规和合格评定程序时的特殊困难,在考虑帮助各发展中国家成员时,发达国家要考虑发展中国家在经费、贸易和发展方面的特殊需要。
12.10The Committee shall examine periodically the special anddifferential treatment, as laid down in this Agreement, granted todeveloping country Members on national and internationallevels.
12.10 委员会应从国家和国际角度定期检查本协议所规定的给予各发展中国家成员的特殊和区别待遇的问题。
TheCommittee on Technical Barriers to Trade贸易技术壁垒委员会
13.1A Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade is hereby established,and shall be composed of representatives from each of theMembers.The Committee shall elect its own Chairman and shall meet asnecessary, but no less than once a year, for the purpose ofaffording Members the opportunity of consulting on any mattersrelating to the operation of this Agreement or the furtherance ofits objectives, and shall carry out such responsibilities asassigned to it under this Agreement or by the Members.
13.1 成立一个由各成员代表组成的贸易技术壁垒委员会。委员会须选出自己的主席并在必要时召开会议,为了使各成员有机会就执行协定或促进本协议目的的有关事宜进行磋商,会议至少每年召开一次。委员会应执行本协议或成员所赋予的职责。
13.2The Committee shall establish working parties or other bodies asmay be appropriate, which shall carry out such responsibilities asmay be assigned to them by the Committee in accordance with therelevant provisions of this Agreement.
13.2 委员会须成立工作组或其他适当机构。这些工作组或机构须执行委员会根据本协议相应条款赋予它们的职责。
13.3It is understood that unnecessary duplication should be avoidedbetween the work under this Agreement and that of governments inother technical bodies. The Committee shallexamine this problem with a view to minimizing suchduplication.
13.3 应避免本协议中的工作与政府在其他技术机构的工作发生不必要的重复。为了减少这类重复,委员会须检查是否有这类问题。
Consultation and Dispute Settlement磋商和争端解决
14.1Consultations and the settlement of disputes with respect to anymatter affecting the operation of this Agreement shall take placeunder the auspices of the Dispute Settlement Body and shall follow,mutatis mutandis, the provisions of Articles XXII and XXIII of GATT1994, as elaborated and applied by the Dispute SettlementUnderstanding.
14.1 就影响本协议执行的任何事项进行磋商和争端的解决,均须在争端解决机构的主持下进行,并须按照争端解决协定阐述和实施的1994年GATT第XXII条和第XXIII条的规定执行。
14.2At the request of a party to a dispute, or at its own initiative, apanel may establish a technical expert group to assist in questionsof a technical nature, requiring detailed consideration byexperts.
14.2 应发生争端的一方提出的要求,或应争端解决机构提议,小组委员会可以建立一个技术专家组,协助解诀需由专家详细研究的技术性问题。
14.3Technical expert groups shall be governed by the procedures ofAnnex 2.
14.3 技术专家组应按附件2的程序管理。
14.4The dispute settlement provisions set out above can be invoked incases where a Member considers that another Member has not achievedsatisfactory results under Articles 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 and its tradeinterests are significantly affected. In this respect, suchresults shall be equivalent to those as if the body in questionwere a Member.
14.4 当某成员认为另一成员在第3条、第4条、第7条、第8条和第9条规定下没能达到令人满意的结果,并且使其贸易利益受到重大影响时,可以引用上述争端解决条款。在这方面,将把成员境内的团体视为成员等同对待。
15.1Reservations may not be entered in respect of any of the provisionsof this Agreement without the consent of the otherMembers.
15.1 没有得到其他成员的允许,不能对本协议中的任何条款提出任何保留。
15.2Each Member shall, promptly after the date on which the WTOAgreement enters into force for it, inform the Committee ofmeasures in existence or taken to ensure the implementation andadministration of this Agreement. Any changes of suchmeasures thereafter shall also be notified to theCommittee.
15.2 在世界贸易组织(WTO)协定生效后,各成员须立即把现行的或将采取的实施和管理本协议的措施通报给委员会。此后,对这些措施的任何变动也应向委员会通报。
15.3 TheCommittee shall review annually the implementation and operation ofthis Agreement taking into account the objectivesthereof.
15.3 委员会须参照本协议的宗旨,每年对本协议的实施和运作进行复审。
15.4Not later than the end of the third year from the date of entryinto force of the WTO Agreement and at the end of each three-yearperiod thereafter, the Committee shall review the operation andimplementation of this Agreement, including the provisions relatingto transparency, with a view to recommending an adjustment of therights and obligations of this Agreement where necessary to ensuremutual economic advantage and balance of rights and obligations,without prejudice to the provisions of Article 12. Having regard, interalia, to the experience gained in the implementation of theAgreement, the Committee shall, where appropriate, submit proposalsfor amendments to the text of this Agreement to the Council forTrade in Goods.
15.4 自世界贸易组织(WTO)协定生效之日起,第3年年底之前,以及以后每3年结束之前,委员会须对本协议的实施和运作包括与透明度有关的条款进行复审。在不损害第12条规定的前提下,为保证成员间的相互经济利益以及权利和义务的平衡,委员会可以根据需要提出对权利和义务的调整建议。根据实施本协议所取得的经验,若适宜,委员会可以向货物贸易理事会提出对本协议进行修改的提案。
15.5The annexes to this Agreement constitute an integral partthereof.
15.5 本协议的附件是本协议整体的一部分。
The termspresented in the sixth edition of the ISO/IEC Guide 2: 1991, General Termsand Their Definitions Concerning Standardization and RelatedActivities, shall, when used in this Agreement, have the samemeaning as given in the definitions in the said Guide taking intoaccount that services are excluded from the coverage of thisAgreement.
For thepurpose of this Agreement, however, the following definitions shallapply:
1.Technical regulation1. 技术法规
Documentwhich lays down product characteristics or their related processesand production methods, including the applicable administrativeprovisions, with which compliance is mandatory. It may also includeor deal exclusively with terminology, symbols, packaging, markingor labelling requirements as they apply to a product, process orproduction method.
Explanatory note注释
Thedefinition in ISO/IEC Guide 2 is not self-contained, but based onthe so-called "building block" system.
Documentapproved by a recognized body, that provides, for common andrepeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for products orrelated processes and production methods, with which compliance isnot mandatory. It may also includeor deal exclusively with terminology, symbols, packaging, markingor labelling requirements as they apply to a product, process orproduction method.
Explanatory note注释
The termsas defined in ISO/IEC Guide 2 cover products, processes andservices.This Agreement deals only with technical regulations, standards andconformity assessment procedures related to products or processesand production methods. Standards as definedby ISO/IEC Guide 2 may be mandatory or voluntary. For the purpose ofthis Agreement standards are defined as voluntary and technicalregulations as mandatory documents. Standards prepared bythe international standardization community are based on consensus.This Agreement covers also documents that are not based onconsensus.
ISO/IEC指南2规定的术语包括产品、加工和服务。本协议只涉及产品或相关加工和生产方法的技术法规、标准和合格评定程序。 ISO/IEC指南2定义的标准可以是强制性的也可以是自愿性的。本协议中标准定义为自愿性文件,技术法规定义为强制性文件。国际标准化团体制定的标准是建立在协商一致基础上的。本协议还包括建立在非协商一致基础上的文件。
3.Conformity assessment procedures
Anyprocedure used, directly or indirectly, to determine that relevantrequirements in technical regulations or standards arefulfilled.
Explanatory note注释
Conformityassessment procedures include, inter alia, procedures for sampling,testing and inspection; evaluation,verification and assurance of conformity; registration,accreditation and approval as well as theircombinations.
4.International body or system国际机构或体系
Body orsystem whose membership is open to the relevant bodies of at leastall Members.
5.Regional body or system区域机构或体系
Body orsystem whose membership is open to the relevant bodies of only someof the Members.
6.Central government body中央政府机构
Centralgovernment, its ministries and departments or any body subject tothe control of the central government in respect of the activity inquestion.
Explanatory note:注释:
In thecase of the European Communities the provisions governing centralgovernment bodies apply. However, regionalbodies or conformity assessment systems may be established withinthe European Communities, and in such cases would be subject to theprovisions of this Agreement on regional bodies or conformityassessment systems.
7.Local government body地方政府机构
Governmentother than a central government (e.g. states, provinces, Länder,cantons, municipalities, etc.), its ministries or departments orany body subject to the control of such a government in respect ofthe activity in question.
8.Non-governmental body非政府机构
Body otherthan a central government body or a local government body,including a non-governmental body which has legal power to enforcea technical regulation.
Thefollowing procedures shall apply to technical expert groupsestablished in accordance with the provisions of Article14.
1.Technical expert groups are under the panel'sauthority.Their terms of reference and detailed working procedures shall bedecided by the panel, and they shall report to thepanel.
2.Participation in technical expert groups shall be restricted topersons of professional standing and experience in the field inquestion.
3.Citizens of parties to the dispute shall not serve on a technicalexpert group without the joint agreement of the parties to thedispute, except in exceptional circumstances when the panelconsiders that the need for specialized scientific expertise cannotbe fulfilled otherwise. Government officials of parties to thedispute shall not serve on a technical expert group. Members of technicalexpert groups shall serve in their individual capacities and not asgovernment representatives, nor as representatives of anyorganization. Governments ororganizations shall therefore not give them instructions withregard to matters before a technical expert group.
4.Technical expert groups may consult and seek information andtechnical advice from any source they deem appropriate. Before a technicalexpert group seeks such information or advice from a source withinthe jurisdiction of a Member, it shall inform the government ofthat Member. Any Member shallrespond promptly and fully to any request by a technical expertgroup for such information as the technical expert group considersnecessary and appropriate.
5. Theparties to a dispute shall have access to all relevant informationprovided to a technical expert group, unless it is of aconfidential nature. Confidentialinformation provided to the technical expert group shall not bereleased without formal authorization from the government,organization or person providing the information. Where suchinformation is requested from the technical expert group butrelease of such information by the technical expert group is notauthorized, a non-confidential summary of the information will beprovided by the government, organization or person supplying theinformation.
6.The technical expert group shall submit a draft report to theMembers concerned with a view to obtaining their comments, andtaking them into account, as appropriate, in the final report,which shall also be circulated to the Members concerned when it issubmitted to the panel.
A.For the purposes of this Code the definitions in Annex 1 of thisAgreement shall apply.
B.This Code is open to acceptance by any standardizing body withinthe territory of a Member of the WTO, whether a central governmentbody, a local government body, or a non-governmental body; to anygovernmental regional standardizing body one or more members ofwhich are Members of the WTO; and to any non-governmental regionalstandardizing body one or more members of which are situated withinthe territory of a Member of the WTO (referred to in this Codecollectively as "standardizing bodies" and individually as "thestandardizing body").
C.Standardizing bodies that have accepted or withdrawn from this Codeshall notify this fact to the ISO/IEC Information Centre in Geneva.The notification shall include the name and address of the bodyconcerned and the scope of its current and expected standardizationactivities. The notification maybe sent either directly to the ISO/IEC Information Centre, orthrough the national member body of ISO/IEC or, preferably, throughthe relevant national member or international affiliate of ISONET,as appropriate.
D. Inrespect of standards, the standardizing body shall accord treatmentto products originating in the territory of any other Member of theWTO no less favourable than that accorded to like products ofnational origin and to like products originating in any othercountry.
E.The standardizing body shall ensure that standards are notprepared, adopted or applied with a view to, or with the effect of,creating unnecessary obstacles to international trade.
F.Where international standards exist or their completion isimminent, the standardizing body shall use them, or the relevantparts of them, as a basis for the standards it develops, exceptwhere such international standards or relevant parts would beineffective or inappropriate, for instance, because of aninsufficient level of protection or fundamental climatic orgeographical factors or fundamental technologicalproblems.
G.With a view to harmonizing standards on as wide a basis aspossible, the standardizing body shall, in an appropriate way, playa full part, within the limits of its resources, in the preparationby relevant international standardizing bodies of internationalstandards regarding subject matter for which it either has adopted,or expects to adopt, standards. For standardizingbodies within the territory of a Member, participation in aparticular international standardization activity shall, wheneverpossible, take place through one delegation representing allstandardizing bodies in the territory that have adopted, or expectto adopt, standards for the subject matter to which theinternational standardization activity relates.
H.The standardizing body within the territory of a Member shall makeevery effort to avoid duplication of, or overlap with, the work ofother standardizing bodies in the national territory or with thework of relevant international or regional standardizingbodies.They shall also make every effort to achieve a national consensuson the standards they develop. Likewise the regionalstandardizing body shall make every effort to avoid duplication of,or overlap with, the work of relevant international standardizingbodies.
I.Wherever appropriate, the standardizing body shall specifystandards based on product requirements in terms of performancerather than design or descriptive characteristics.
J.At least once every six months, the standardizing body shallpublish a work programme containing its name and address, thestandards it is currently preparing and the standards which it hasadopted in the preceding period. A standard is underpreparation from the moment a decision has been taken to develop astandard until that standard has been adopted. The titles ofspecific draft standards shall, upon request, be provided inEnglish, French or Spanish. A notice of theexistence of the work programme shall be published in a nationalor, as the case may be, regional publication of standardizationactivities.
The workprogramme shall for each standard indicate, in accordance with anyISONET rules, the classification relevant to the subject matter,the stage attained in the standard's development, and thereferences of any international standards taken as abasis. Nolater than at the time of publication of its work programme, thestandardizing body shall notify the existence thereof to theISO/IEC Information Centre in Geneva.
Thenotification shall contain the name and address of thestandardizing body, the name and issue of the publication in whichthe work programme is published, the period to which the workprogramme applies, its price (if any), and how and where it can beobtained.The notification may be sent directly to the ISO/IEC InformationCentre, or, preferably, through the relevant national member orinternational affiliate of ISONET, as appropriate.
K.The national member of ISO/IEC shall make every effort to become amember of ISONET or to appoint another body to become a member aswell as to acquire the most advanced membership type possible forthe ISONET member. Other standardizing bodies shall make everyeffort to associate themselves with the ISONET member.
L.Before adopting a standard, the standardizing body shall allow aperiod of at least 60 days for the submission of comments on thedraft standard by interested parties within the territory of aMember of the WTO. This period may,however, be shortened in cases where urgent problems of safety,health or environment arise or threaten to arise. No later than at thestart of the comment period, the standardizing body shall publish anotice announcing the period for commenting in the publicationreferred to in paragraph J. Such notificationshall include, as far as practicable, whether the draft standarddeviates from relevant international standards.
M.On the request of any interested party within the territory of aMember of the WTO, the standardizing body shall promptly provide,or arrange to provide, a copy of a draft standard which it hassubmitted for comments. Any fees charged forthis service shall, apart from the real cost of delivery, be thesame for foreign and domestic parties.
N.The standardizing body shall take into account, in the furtherprocessing of the standard, the comments received during the periodfor commenting. Comments receivedthrough standardizing bodies that have accepted this Code of GoodPractice shall, if so requested, be replied to as promptly aspossible.The reply shall include an explanation why a deviation fromrelevant international standards is necessary.
O.Once the standard has been adopted, it shall be promptlypublished.
P.On the request of any interested party within the territory of aMember of the WTO, the standardizing body shall promptly provide,or arrange to provide, a copy of its most recent work programme orof a standard which it produced. Any fees charged forthis service shall, apart from the real cost of delivery, be thesame for foreign and domestic parties.
Q. Thestandardizing body shall afford sympathetic consideration to, andadequate opportunity for, consultation regarding representationswith respect to the operation of this Code presented bystandardizing bodies that have accepted this Code of GoodPractice.It shall make an objective effort to solve anycomplaints.