I’m reading a very interestingbook.我在读一本很有趣的书。
He likes to drink cold boiled water.他喜欢喝凉开水。
China is a developing socialist country belongingto the Thirdworld.中国是一个发展中的社会主义国家,属于第三世界。
(= which belongs to the Third World)
The man sitting it the corner is mybrother.坐在角落里的那个人是我的兄弟。(= who issitting in the comer)
Most of the people invited to the party did notcome.被邀请参加晚会的人多数没有来。(= who wereinvited to the party.)
The opera is very moving andinstructive.这个歌剧很动人,且有教育意义。
The cups are broken.这些杯子是破的。
He is married.他已经结婚了。
Lei Feng’s spirit is inspiring the people allover the country.雷锋的精神鼓舞着全国人民。(现在进行时)
His report is inspiring.他的报告令人鼓舞。(现在分词作表语)
The road was completed by the PLAmen.这条路是解放军战士修成的。(被动语态)
The road iscompleted.这条路已经筑成。(过去分词作表语)
Looking out of the window,I saw groups ofchildren passing by thehouse.我从窗口望出去,看见成群的孩子们从房子前面走过。(=When I locked out of the window)
Heated,the metalexpands.这种金属加热后即膨胀。(= When it is healed)
Opening the drawer he took out adictionary.他打开抽屉,拿出一本词典。(= He opened thedrawer and took...这两个动作是一个接着一个)
While working in the factory (= While I was workingin the factory),I learnt a lot from theworkers.我在工厂工作期间,从工人那里学到了很多东西。
When heated,the metalexpands.这种金属加热后即膨胀。
Feeling tired, I telephoned and said I couldn’tcome to a hospital of Chinese medicine.我感到
累,打电话说我不能去。(= Since I felttired)
Thinking that Chinese medicine might help,he wentto a hospital of Chinesemedicine.他想中医也许有效,于是到一家中医医院去治病。(=As he thought that...)
Inspired by the excellent situation they workedevenharder.在太好形势的鼓舞下,他们更加努力工作。(=Since they are inspired by...)
He came running back to tell us thenews.他跑着回来告诉我们这个消息。(方式)
She stood there waiting for thebus.她站在那儿等公共汽车。(伴随情况或方式)
The child fell,striking head against the door andcuttingit.小孩摔了一跤,头在门上碰破了。(结果)
He went out slamming thedoor.他走出去砰地一声把门关上。(伴随情况)
The lichens came borne bystorms.这些地衣是由暴风雨带来的。(方式)

Not knowing what to do,she went to the teacherfor help.她不知道该怎么办,就去请老师帮助。
I left at noon,not staying forlunch.我是中午走的,没有留下来吃午饭。
The boy was left uncaredfor.那孩子无人照管。
We saw them walking across theroad.我们看见他们穿过那条马路。
We heard the children singing “I Love Beijing’sTian AnMen”我们听见孩子们唱《我爱北京天安门》。
I found my hometown almost completelyrebuilt.我发现故乡几乎全部改建过了。
We must get the television setrepaired.我们必须把电视机修好。(请别人修)
I had my watch mended intown.我在城里修的表。(叫别人修的)
If we have shortcomings,we are not afraid to havethem pointed out andcriticized.我们如果有缺点,就不怕别人批评指出。(请别人指出)
He had his armbroken.他把手臂折断了。(不是别人给弄折的,而是自己弄折的)
They were seen walking across the road.
The children were heard singing“I Love BeijingTian An Men”。
I saw him goupstairs.我看见他上楼去了。(看见他上楼整个过程,只说明他上楼这件事)
I saw him goingupstairs.我看见他走上楼的。(只看见他上楼这个动作的一部分,说明他上楼的情景)
I was working in the room all morning· I heardsomebody All knock at the nextdoor.我整个上午在房间工作,听见有人敲隔壁房间的门。(听见敲门整个过程)
When I went back to the room,I heard herpracticing singing in the nextroom.我回房间时听见她在隔壁房间练歌。(只听见一部分,回房间前她已开始唱了)