交互设计专业InteractionDesign 交互设计专业

今天来个学生咨询交互设计专业Interaction Design专业,把珍藏的资源拿出来给大家分享~

交互设计专业InteractionDesign 交互设计专业
Schools offering interaction design


•Aarhus University, Denmark – BA (Information Studies + DigitalDesign)

•Academy of Art University – BFA (Web Design & NewMedia)

•California College of the Arts – BFA (Interaction Design)

•Designskolen Kolding – BA (Interaction Design)

•Faber-Ludens Institute (Interaction Design)

•Linnaeus University

•Malmö University

•Maryville University, St. Louis – BFA (Interactive Design)

•Savannah College of Art and Design – BA (Interactive Design andGame Development)

•Simon Fraser University, BSc, BA (Interactive Arts& Technology)

•Stockholm University – BSc (Interaction Design)

•Syracuse University

•The University of Queensland – BFA (Interaction Design)

•Tsinghua University – BA (Information Design)

•Université du Québec à Montréal

•University of Dundee – BSc (Digital Interaction Design)

•University of Southern Denmark – BE (Interaction Design)


•Aarhus University, Denmark – MA (Information Studies + DigitalDesign)

•Arizona State University – MSD (Interaction Design) ([1])

•Art Center College of Design – MFA (Graduate Media DesignProgram)

•Academy of Art University – MFA (Web Design & NewMedia)

•Austin Center for Design

•California College of the Arts – MFA (Design)

•Carnegie Mellon University – MDes (Interaction Design)

•Chalmers University of Technology – MSc. (Interaction Design)

•Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design

•Delft University of Technology – MSc. (Design for Interaction)

•Designskolen Kolding – MA (Interaction Design)

•Domus Academy – MA (Interaction Design)

•Eindhoven University of Technology – MSc. (Human-TechnologyInteraction)

•Georgia Institute of Technology – MID (Interaction track)

•Haute Ecole d'Art et Design — Genève – MA (Media Design)

•Indiana University (Bloomington) – MS (Human Computer InteractionDesign)

•Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay, India – MDes

•Kent State University – MS (Information Architecture and KnowledgeManagement – User Experience Design) ([2])

•Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

•L'École de design Nantes Atlantique &nda sh; Master (TangibleInterface)

•National Institute of Design, Gandhinagar, India – PG diploma inNew Media Design

•National Institute of Design, Bangalore, India – PG diploma inDesign for Digital Experience & PG diploma inInformation and Interface Design

•New York University: Tisch School of the Arts – MPS InteractiveTelecommunications Programme

•Parsons The New School for Design – MFA (Design and Technology)

•Royal College of Art – MA (Design Interactions)

•School of Visual Arts – MFA (Interaction Design)

•Simon Fraser University, MA, MSc, PHD (Interactive Arts& Technology)

•Stan Ackermans Institute – PDEng (User-System Interaction)

•The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – MDes (InteractionDesign)

•Umeå Institute of Design

•University Iuav of Venice

•University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland –MAS (Interaction Design)

•University of Baltimore, School of Information Arts andTechnology

•University of California, Berkeley School of Information

•University of Kansas

•University of Southern Denmark – MSc (IT Product Design)

•University of Washington

•The University of Queensland – MIDes

•University of the Arts Bremen – MA (Digital Media)

•Universidad Iberoamericana – Lic. (Diseño Interactivo)

•Norwegian School of Information Technology


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101016/308525.html


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专业解析 英国服装设计专业 英国服装设计专业

又到了一年一度的学生报名和申请的季节。本次为想去英国学习服装设计的学生,推荐一些学校和专业。希望能够给童鞋们提供一些帮助:1、巴斯斯帕大学(Bath SpaUniversity)巴斯斯帕大学学院建立于1898年,规模中等。该院的艺术设计学院设有

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