Some people think globalization will make a country lose its owntradition and culture. The others think globalization will takemore advantages. In my opinion, globalization is a good thingbecause of the below two reasons.
The first advantage is based on communication. Thanks to someadvanced gadgets and systems, we can communicate with foreignersinstantly, no matter how far they are. Furthermore, we can alsoknow some international news when it happens. The above two makecommon language between us and foreigners, which will make ourcommunication more smooth and fluent, and also help us to learnmore advanced technologies.
The second benefit is multiculture. Globalization makes us knowmore things about other cultures. based on this, we can absorbmerits from immigrated cultures and get rid of demerits from ours.Ibelieve theblend will developour culture, our custom and even our whole country.

To sum up, I believe globalization will bring more advantagesthan disadvantages.