为他写字 硬笔书法

Writing forSomebody

by PangZhonghua

为他写字 硬笔书法

PublicationDate: 2015

RetailPrice: 299 Yuan

Content inBriefs:

This book is the firstcreative related teaching copybook of networks video teaching ofcalligraphy course in China, including three color-printed bookswith thread stitching, two cards of cases of words of microlecture, twenty-four homework cards of comments with cloudtechnology, fifteen notepaper(within the book), two stamps(sellwith the book) and a reference.

Writing for Somebodytakes full advantage of mobile internet technology folding theteaching videos into APP and makes the learning process aplugged-in action (production). People can show their writingachievements and share experience after scanning the QR code andrealizes the fragmentation of study, exercise and evaluation. Theaccompanying program Writing for Somebody will be launched onInternet at the same time in order to evoke people’s need forwriting by heart and carry forward Chinese traditional culture.This book realizes new breakthrough that it differs from thetraditional copybook and integrates the learning process andappreciation. It is a collection full of emotions and ideas, and itcollected Pang’s calligraphy works (most of them are his poems)with exquisite ancient paintings.

Copyright information

Publisher: TimesLiterature&ArtPublishingHouse

Address:1825 Tailai, Str.

Changchun, Jilin, 130062

Contact:Zeng Yanchun





爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101016/306847.html


硬笔书法教案视导公开课 硬笔书法教案15课时

硬笔书法教案(视导公开课)滨 城 区 第二小学授课人:吕勇本课内容:横画与竖画的书写教学目的:1、掌握横画与竖画的书写规律,体会横画与竖画的特点。2、培养学生对汉字初步的观察能力及审美能力。

硬笔书法字帖下载 楷书钢笔字帖高清图片

唐王勃诗麻平晚行硬笔书法楷书(1/438)2013-11-01 11:09唐王勃圣泉宴诗硬笔书法楷书(0/124)2013-11-01 10:56韩愈送董邵南序硬笔书法楷书(0/68)2013-10-31 19:27王维诗从军行硬笔书法楷书(0/132)2013-10-30 10:31唐王维诗扶南曲歌词

书法作品格式详解 硬笔书法作品落款格式

2011-05-09 来源:四川书法家网书法章法【章法】指安排布置整幅作品中,字与字、行与行之间呼应、照顾等关系的方法。亦即整幅作品的“布白”。亦称“大章法”。习惯上又称一字之中的点画布置,和一字与数字之间布置的关系为“小章法”。

硬笔书法 少儿硬笔书法培训班


小学硬笔书法教案 小学硬笔书法如何教课

小学书法教师—硬笔书法教案一、教学内容:l 学习基本的笔画写法及汉字的书写结构规律二、教学目的:l 在书法学习中,使他们养成良好规范的书写姿势和执笔姿势l 指导学生写出

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