Writing forSomebody
by PangZhonghua

PublicationDate: 2015
RetailPrice: 299 Yuan
Content inBriefs:
This book is the firstcreative related teaching copybook of networks video teaching ofcalligraphy course in China, including three color-printed bookswith thread stitching, two cards of cases of words of microlecture, twenty-four homework cards of comments with cloudtechnology, fifteen notepaper(within the book), two stamps(sellwith the book) and a reference.
Writing for Somebodytakes full advantage of mobile internet technology folding theteaching videos into APP and makes the learning process aplugged-in action (production). People can show their writingachievements and share experience after scanning the QR code andrealizes the fragmentation of study, exercise and evaluation. Theaccompanying program Writing for Somebody will be launched onInternet at the same time in order to evoke people’s need forwriting by heart and carry forward Chinese traditional culture.This book realizes new breakthrough that it differs from thetraditional copybook and integrates the learning process andappreciation. It is a collection full of emotions and ideas, and itcollected Pang’s calligraphy works (most of them are his poems)with exquisite ancient paintings.
Copyright information
Publisher: TimesLiterature&ArtPublishingHouse
Address:1825 Tailai, Str.
Changchun, Jilin, 130062
Contact:Zeng Yanchun