Getit/Gotit get it

当了解情况或是确认收到什么东西的时候,人们常常会说“getit/got it”。现在让我们看看它的用法吧!


“Doyou get it?”

“Haveyou got it?”




“Iget it.”

“I’vegot it.”



Here is a little bit of commonly used slang:

Lily: Bill, you shouldn’t say it that way, say it likethis…”

Bill: Get it.

No, Bill you don’t get it. The phrase “get it/gotit” is used to ask if someone understands information that theyhave been told and is also used to confirm that theyhave. It can be a little confusing, but it isreally not too hard. Watch how it isused:

To ask if someone understands:
“Do you get it?”
“Have you got it?”

Or like most native speakers say:

“Get it?”
Getit/Gotit get it
“Got it?”

That’s the easy part. Confirming ————that youunderstand is a bit harder. The easiest way is tochoose one of these:

“I get it.” (usually, this is followed by a confirmation.Like this: "Oh, I get're a policeofficer, right?)
“I’ve got it." (This one can be a bit confrontational."Look, I've got it; you don't need to tell meagain.")
“Got it.” (Direct and to the point confirmation, and what youshould be using most of the time.)

Stay away from saying “get it.” as aresponse.


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