F1-Measure、准确率、召回率 准确率 召回率 覆盖率




当参数=1时,就是最常见的F1-Measure了:F1 = 2P*R / (P+R)


召回率和准确率是搜索引擎(或其它检索系统)的设计中很重要的两个概念和指标。召回率Recall,又称“查全率”;准确率:Precision,又称“精度”、“正确率”。(Recall:the ability to remember sth. that you have learned orsth. that has happened in the past.)[2]在一个大规模数据集合中检索文档时,对每个查询(Query)我们可以统计出四个值::


F1-Measure、准确率、召回率 准确率 召回率 覆盖率

检索到1True Positive(TP)False Positive(FP)Predicted Positive(TP+FP)
0False Negative(FN)True Negative(TN)Predicted Negative(FN+TN)
Actual Positive(TP+FN)Actual Negative(FP+TN)TP+FP+FN+TN
TP:检索到的,相关的 (搜到的也想要的)FP:检索到的,但是不相关的 (搜到的但没用的)FN:未检索到的,但却是相关的 (没搜到,然而实际上想要的)TN:未检索到的,也不相关的 (没搜到也没用的)那么,P = TP/(TP+FP),R =TP/(TP+FN)召回率:检索到的相关文档 /库中所有的相关文档准确率:检索到的相关文档/所有被检索到的文档通常我们希望:数据库中相关的文档,被检索到的越多越好,这是追求“查全率”越大越好。同时我们还希望:检索到的文档中,相关的越多越好,不相关的越少越好,这是追求“准确率”越大越好。(这里可能有一个疑问,就是看上去(tp+tn)/(tp+fp+fn+tn)似乎是一个更合适的选择,它可以表示出IR系统所做出的正确判断的比例。理论上确实是这样的,但实际上,针对每个Query的相关文档数相对整个文档集来说总是很小很小一部分(比如0.1%),如果我们的系统追求(tp+tn)/(tp+fp+fn+tn)最大化,它就会倾向于不检出任何文档,这样就可以得到一个相当高的得分。比如相关文档只占0.1%,那么这个啥活都不干的系统就得到了满分的99.9%,这显然是一个很囧的结果。再比如:有10000篇文档,相关文档5000,但算法只检索到1篇, 而且这一篇就是相关的,这样精度为100%,这很让人尴尬!)



In this experimental workwe have proposed the new algorithm for oriented text detection fromthe acquired image, which is applied on 341 sample images. Theseimages were used to test the proposed algorithm and compared withexisting algorithms [16-17]. In all the three kinds of datasets, wehave computed the number of true text block detection (TDB), Numberof False Positives (NFP), number of Miss Detection Blocks (MDB) forthe number of actual text blocks (ATB) of an image.

3.1 Performance Measures for Text Frames
The performance of the proposed method is predicted as under bydefining the following quality measures:
 Truly Detected Block (TDB): A detected block that contains a textstring, partially or fully.
 Falsely Detected Block (FDB): A detected block that does notcontain text.
 Text Block with Missing Data (MDB): A detected block that missessome characters of a text string (MDB is a subset of TDB).

For each image in the dataset, we manuallycount the number of Actual Text Blocks (ATB), i.e. the number oftrue text blocks in the frame.
Recall (R) = TDB/ ATB
 Precision (P) = TDB / (TDB + FDB)
 F-measure (F) = 2 × P × R / (P + R)
 Misdetection Rate (MDR) = MDB / TDB

There are two otherperformance measures commonly used in the literature, DetectionRate and False Positive Rate; however, they can also be convertedto Recall and Precision:
Recall =Detection Rate and Precision = 1–False Positive Rate[18].

Hence only the above four performance measures are used forevaluation. Table-1 and Figure-2 gives the objective subjectiveanalysis of tested sample images for the performance of the twoexisting methods and the proposed method on the non-horizontal textdataset. The proposed method has the highest recall, the secondhighest precision (almost the same as that of Laplacian method) andthe highest F-measure.

This shows the advantage ofthe proposed method because it achieves good results while makingfewer assumptions about text and MDR, which is good as those of theSkeleton-Based method. The proposed methodachieves a relatively high detection rate (88.43%) on thenon-horizontal text dataset, which is much more challenging thangraphics text due to its arbitrary orientation and low contrast.However, the proposed method also has a high FPR.

[16] Trung Quy Phan, Palaiahnakote Shivakumara, Chew LimTan. DAS '10 Proceedings of the 9th IAPRInternational Workshopon Document Analysis Systems, 271-278.
[17] Shivakumara P.,Trung QuyPhan Chew Lim Tan.(2011)Pattern Analysisand Machine Intelligence, 412-419.
[18] Wong E.K.and Chen M.(2003) PatternRecognition, 1397-1406.


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