Habit 1 ---- Be Proactive
- 人性决定论
What Determines Us
- 选择的自由
Freedom to Choose
- “积极主动”的定义
Definition of “Be Proactive”
- 关注圈与影响圈
Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence
- 情商
Emotional Intelligence
n 以终为始
Habit 2 ---- Begin with the End in Mind
- “以终为始”的定义
Definition of this Habit
- 人生的两次创造
Two Forms of Creation
- 领导与管理
Leadership Vs. Management
- MBTI类型测试
- 生活重心
Centers of Your Life
- 愿景、目标、使命宣言
Vision, Goal and Mission
n 习惯三:要事第一
Habit 3 ---- Put First Things First
- “要事第一”的定义
Definition of this Habit
- 重要性与紧迫性
Importance Vs. Urgency
- 时间管理
Time Management
- 授权
Empowerment and Delegation
n 习惯四:双赢思维
Habit 4 ---- Think Win Win
- 情感账户
Emotional Bank Account
- “双赢思维”的定义
Definition of this Habit
- 人际关系的六种模式
6 Models of Human Relationships
- 双赢思维的心理基础——核心竞争力
Core Competitiveness
- 双赢的五个条件
Conditions for Win/Win
n 习惯五:知彼解己
Habit 5 ---- Seek First to Understand, then to Be Understood
- “知彼解己”的定义
Definition of this Habit
- 人际沟通风格倾向
Behavior Styles
- 聆听的五个层次
5 Levels of Listening
- 设身处地的倾听
Empathetic Listening
n 习惯六:统合综效
Habit 6: Synergize
- “统合综效”的定义
Definition of this Habit
- 统合综效的境界
Synergetic Situations
- 个人创造力
Individual Creativity
- 统合综效应具备的条件
Conditions for Synergy
n 习惯七:不断更新

Habit 7 ---- Sharpen the Saw
- “不断更新”的定义
Definition of this Habit
- 七个习惯与自我管理的关系
Relationship between 7 Habits and Self-Management
- 人生七个方面都需要不断更新
Improving on 7 Aspects of Life
- 人生七个方面同企业的关系
Importance of 7 Aspects of Life for an Organization