notreally的用法探究 really用法位置


1. —Was he sorry for what he’ddone ?(2010全国Ⅰ,35)


A. No wonder B. Well done C. Notreally D. Go ahead


解析:No wonder不足为奇;Well done做得好;Notreally事实上没有;Go ahead做吧。句意:—他为他所做的事情道歉了吗?—事实上没有。故根据句意选C项。

2.— Do you enjoy your presentjob?(2010江西,21)

—______. I just do it for aliving.

A. Of course B. Not really C. Notlikely D. Not a little


解析:of course当然;notreally(委婉说法)不;not likely不可能;not alittle非常。前句问你喜欢现在的工作吗?从后一句答语我们知道,他仅仅是为了谋生。所以前一句答语应该是否定的,而且答语口气并不强烈,所以要用委婉的语气,故选B项。

3.—Have you played baseballbefore? We need one more player.(2010重庆,35)

—______. I like ball games, so Ibelieve it will be fun to learn baseball.

A. Sometimes B. Not really C.Never mind D. That’s cool


解析:Notreally说明自己没打过棒球,与后面的“我认为学打棒球很有趣”相吻合。Sometimes有时;Nevermind不介意;That’s cool太酷啦。

4.—Did you have a good time inThailand last week?(2008辽宁,21)

— ______, it was toohot.

A. Not really B. Yeah, why not C.Oh, great D. You’re right


解析:句意:—你上周在泰国玩得开心吗?—不是很开心,天气太热了。根据上下文的逻辑关系,应选Notreally(不是,不完全是)。Yeah, why not是的,为什么不呢?;Oh, great噢,太伟大了;You’reright你说对了,显然B、C、D三项与下文不符。

5.—Was Martin sorry for what he’ddone?(2007安徽,24)

— . It was just likehim!

A. Never mind B. All right C. Notreally D. Not surprisingly


解析:由答语It was just likehim!可知本题作出了否定回答。Not really不是,不全是;Never mind不介意;All right好的,行;Notsurprisingly不令人惊讶。

6.—“Could we put off the meeting?”she asked.(2007江苏,32)

—“ , ”he answered politely. “Thisis the only day everyone is available.”

A. Not likely B. Not exactly C.Not nearly D. Not really


解析:由句意可知D项正确,表示委婉说不,意为“真得不行”。 Notlikely不可能;Not exactly不完全是;Not nearly几乎不。

7.—Have you been wasting time oncomputer games again?(2007山东,23) — .I’ve been studying a lot and Ineed a break.

A. No way B. Not really C.I don’tagree D.I couldn’t agree more


解析:由下一句“我一直在学习,而且需要休息”可知,此处应是“我真的不是在浪费时间玩电脑游戏”。故选B项,表示语气很强的否定,意为“真的没有”、“的确没有”。Noway没门;I don’t agree不同意;I couldn’t agree more完全同意。




1)—Are you busy now?你现在忙吗?

—Oh, not really. Why?哦,不怎么忙,有什么事?

—Do you want to come along?你想同我们一起去吗?

—Not really. 不很想去。

2)—He tried to explain it to mebut I just couldn’t understand. Do you?


—Not really. 不很懂。


3)—He’s leaving tomorrow.他明天就要走了。

—Not really. 不会吧。

4)—They got married last month.他们上个月结婚了。

—Not really. 不会是真的吧!


5)—Did you watch the news on TVlast night? 你昨天晚上看电视新闻了吗?

—Not really. 确实没有。

6)—You look very tired. Did yousleep at all last night?


—No, not really. I’m tired outnow.




1. You shall not really be walkingon the lawn.


2. He’s not really an outdoortype.


3. Sometimes an ordinary person isnot really ordinary.


4. She’s not really crying. She’sonly acting to get your sympathy.

5. I'm not really hungry—I’ll justhave some crackers.

6. I am not really familiar withthe local laws

7. I don’t know what I want. I’mnot really a drinker.
notreally的用法探究 really用法位置

8. I cannot believe the time havecome to say goodbye. I am not really sure I want to leave.

9. He’ s not really angry —he’ sjust acting ( the stern father ).


10. He is not really hurt; he isonly kidding.


11. The movies flatter him—he’snot really that handsome.


12. There was not really muchdifference in their points of view.


13. He spoke for a long time buthis meaning did not really come across.

他讲了很长时间, 但他的意思没有人真正理解。

14. I was disappointed but notreally surprised.


15. Most people who enjoy moviesdo not really care how they are made.


16. I do not really believe hisability to get off this stain .



1. —Do you understand what Imean?

—______. I’m a bitlost.

A. Not at all B. Not yet C. Notreally D. Nothing doing

2. —So you gave her yourWalkman?

—______, I lent it toher.

A. Not exactly B. Not half C. Noproblem D. No worry

3. — Could we put off themeeting?

— ______. This is the only dayeveryone is available.

A. Not likely B. Not exactly C.Not nearly D. Not really

4. —Do you want to go to themovie, Jane?

—______. I feel like doingsomething different.

A. Don’t mention it B. I don’twant it

C. I don’t think so D. Notreally

5. —So you missed themeeting.

—______. I got there five minutesbefore it finished.

A. Not at all B. Not exactly C.Not especially D. Not really

6. — Are you aBeijinger?

— ________. I was born in Henan. Icame to Beijing when I was ten and have lived here eversince.

A. Exactly B. No actually C. Justso-so D. Not really

7. —Do you think you could dowithout help?

—______. This is not the firsttime for me.

A. Take care B. Hurry up C. Don’tworry D. Not exactly

8. 一Jay Chou held a successfulconcert yesterday evening!

一 !It couldn’t have beenbetter.

A. Exactly B. Really C. Not reallyD. Not at all

9. —Thank you for your MP4 player.I’ll get Mary to take it to you soon.

—_______. I’ve bought a newone.

A. No sense B. No hurry C. No wayD. No use

10. —Have you finished your firstpaper?

—______. Just half of it. Howabout you?

A. Not yet B. Not likely C. Not abit D. Not at all

11. —I can’t repair these untiltomorrow, I’m afraid.

—That’s OK, there’s .

A. no problem B. no wonder C. nodoubt D. no hurry

12. —Dad! Tom’s broken aglass!

— .A ccidents willhappen.

A. No way B. Doesn’tmatter

C. No trouble at all D. Don’tmention it

13. —I’m dead tired. I can’t walkany farther, Jenny.

— , Tommy. You can doit!

A. No problem B. No hurry C. Comeon D. That’s OK

14. —Would she mind playingagainst her former teammates?

— She is willing to play againstany tough players.

A. I think so. B. I’m notsurprised. C. Of course. D. Not likely!

15. —Shall I lock the lab before Igo home?

—________. I’ll cheek it myselflater.

A. Go ahead B. Don’t bother C. Nohurry D. No problem

Keys:1-5 CADDB 6-10DCABA 11-15DBCDB


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