Oh my heart it breaks every step that Itake 我的心随着前行脚步的频率,时时破碎越加疼痛。
But I'm hoping at the gates 但是我唯一心心念念祈祷的是,
They'll tell me that yourmine 当我到达终点的时候,我会被告知你是属于我的。
Walking through the citystreets 独自穿越处处钢筋混泥土的城市的条条街道,
Is it by mistake or design 这是无心之举还是早已设计好的,
I feel so alone on a fridaynight 在周末的夜晚感觉如此漂泊无依,
Can you make it feel likehome 如果就像我跟你说的的一样, IfI tell you you're mine 我告诉你你是我的,你是否能终结我这一路的颠沛流离,it'slike I told you honey给我归属感。
Don't make me sad 别让我伤心,
Don't make me cry 别让我哭泣。
Sometimes love is notenough有的时候,所谓爱情,并不足以解决所有问题。
And the road gets tough I don't knowwhy而且我不知道为什么,前行之路已经变得越加艰难。
Keep making me laugh 请继续让我开怀,
Lets go get high 让我们更加快乐。
The road is long we carry on 我们还要坚持下去的路是无尽绵长的,
Try to have fun in the meantime 那么在有限的时间内,暂时相欢莫相违。
Come take a walk on the wildside 来吧,一起去野外漫步,
Let me kiss you hard in the pouringrain 让我在倾盆大雨之中与你激吻, You like your girls insane 我知道,你喜欢 来自伴侣的狂热。
Choose your last words 准备好你最后的告别的言辞,
This is the last time 这会是我们最后一次机会。
Because you and I 因为你和我,
We were born to die 我们本来就向死而生。

Lost but now I am found 曾经在最无助的时候迷失,但如今被你找到被你救赎,
I can see but once I wasblind 我清楚我当时就如同一个看不见光明的人,
I was so confused as a littlechild 还似幼孩一般懵懂困惑,
Trying to take what I couldget 企图竭力去争取一些我所能得的东西,
Scared that I couldn't find 却又害怕自己什么都找不到。
All the answershoney 亲爱的,这些都是我给你的答案。
Don't make me sad 别让我伤心,
Don't make me cry 别让我哭泣,
Sometimes love is not enough 有时候爱并不足以解决一切问题,
And the road gets tough I don't knowwhy 而且我不知道为何前方通途已经越来越难坚持下去。
Keep making me laugh 请继续让我快乐,
Lets go get high 继续共展欢颜,
The road is long we carry on 我们选择坚持的这条路绵长而又看不到尽头,
Try to have fun in themea--ntime 尝试着在有限的时间内尽情嬉笑开颜。