agree的用法 agree about什么意思


(1). He didn't agree that it was a mistake.他不承认这是错误的。

(2). I agree thatthe book is well worth reading.我同意这本书值得一读。


(1).I asked him to help me and he agreed.我请他帮助我,他同意了。

(2).He proposed marriage to Mary, but she didn't agree.他向玛丽求婚,但她拒绝了。

(3).We shall neveragree.我们将永不会合得来。

(4). Why can't your children agree together?你们小孩子为什么不能在一起和睦相处呢?

agree的用法 agree about什么意思


(1).He agreed to help us. 他同意帮助我们。

(2).We agree to start early.我们同意早动身。

4.agree作为不及物动词,可以和一些介词(如withon toin about等)组成一系列词组。

第一、agree和to 连用,to 后面一般接表示“计划”、“建议”、“办法”等。例如:

*They agreed to my proposal.他们同意我的建议。

* Does he agree to this plan? 他同意这个计划吗?

第二、agree 和about连用。表示“对(某件事)同意”。如:

* They all agreed about it.他们大家都对此表示同意。

第三、agree和in 连用表示“在(意见或原则上)相同,取得协议”。例如:

* We agreed in principle. 我们在原则上取得协议。

* There is one point in which they allagree.有一点是他们大家都同意的。

第四、agree和on 或upon连用表示“对某一问题意见一致”。例如:

* The two sides have agreed upon the date ofnegotiation.双方已同意定了谈判日期。

* They agreed on the terms of reconciliation.他们谈妥了合解的条件。


(1)*He didn't agree with us.他不同意我们的意见。

* I agree with what you say. 我同意你说的。

(2)* The climate here doesn't agree with me. 这儿的气候对我不适宜。

* Do these dishes agree with you? 这些菜适合你的口味吗?

(3)* What you have heard doesn't quite agree with thefact.你所听到的跟事实不完全相符。

* The verb agrees with its subject in number andperson.动词的数和人称与其主语一致。


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