1.see 看,看见
英解:to view with the eyes
A: See
that sign? It says no smoking in thisbuilding.
B: I'm the boss, don't tell me whatnot to do.
2.see 了解
英解:to understand
A: Your total debt plus interestmeans you have to pay me NT$12,000.
B: I see
! I'll report you to the policeand have you busted, bloodsucker.
3.see 想像,预期
英解:to imagine, predict
A: The fortune teller said shesees
a catastrophe in the near futurethat will end the human race.
B: In that case, we ought to startliving life to the fullest.
4.see after 照顾
英解:to take care of
A: Where's Mary? I haven't seen herfor awhile.
B: Oh, she stays home and sees afterour newborn twins.
5.see through 看透,看穿
英解:to perceive the true natureof
A: Come on officer, I've told youeverything I know about the robbery.
B: I can seethrough
your lies. Tell me the truth, oryou'll go to jail for a very long time.

6.see eye to eye aboutsomething 意见相同
英解:to view something in the sameway
A: I can't remember what made me lovehim in the very beginning.
B: Are you still able to see eyeto eye
about the future or are you goingto get divorced? 你们对未来仍有相同的看法,还是你们要离婚呢?
Take your best shot!
1. _____ the housework then you cango out with your friends.
2. Don't be sad kid. I _____ your dogcoming home when it gets hungry.
3. Tony and Vito have never been ableto _____ about the family business.
4. I know you want to help, but Idon't _____ how you can do any good right now.
5. My parents grounded me. They canalways _____ my excuses.
6. I can't _____ it from here. Whereis it?
If you couldn't guess!
1. see after (4)
2. see (3)
3. see eye to eye (6)
4. see (2)
5. see through (5)
6. see (1)