史宁中 史宁中是什么人

职 称博士生导师单 位数学与统计学院
专 业数理统计办公电话
传 真E-mailshinz@nenu.edu.cn






  主要从事数理统计研究,研究方向涉及多元分析、伞型半序约束、 列联表、凸分析等

  1.多元分析。K个独立的一维正态随机变量其均值与方差同时被半序约束下的统计推断不仅在理论上有意义,并且在研究家族遗传关系,产品质量控制和质量评估中有着广泛的应用,其中求均值与方差的最大似然估计是解决问题的关键之一。史宁中在1994年、1998年发表在J.Mult. Ana.杂志上的文章为解决该问题开辟了新的研究方法,给出了计算均值与方差的最大似然估计的迭代算法,其方法近期被美国学者推广到随机效应模型上。同时,对于K个独立p维正态均值向量被半序约束下的检验问题,他提出了一种解决该问题的方法,其结果发表在Biometrika;J. Royal. Statist. Soc.,C; 《数学年刊》;《应用概率统计》等杂志上。

  2.伞型半序约束。这是1981年从生物遗传和突变研究中提出的问题。研究被试验物体在药物作用下,其阳性反应比例会随剂量的增加而呈现先大后小的这一现象的统计规律,这是增长模型中特殊一类。史宁中先后在Comm.Statist. , Sankhya, J. Royal. Statist. Soc.等杂志上发表了一系列文章,对此问题作了较为完美的解决。其结果被列入美国、日本一些大学的研究生课程中,被美国NationalInstitutes ofHealth用于实际问题的研究,被收入美国SAS和英国BC统计系统中。近些年来,这个问题又被统计学家们从新提起,其中有一类问题是研究有副作用药物的最小有效剂量和最大耐受剂量。史宁中在这方面又作出了新的工作。

  3.列联表。列联表中关于优比的检验,在医学中有着广泛应用,并且一直采用美国Mantel教授1959年提出的利用对数线性模型的方法。但随着实验精度的提高,1987年以后有一系列的文章提出应把对数线性模型中的参数看作未知参数,并寻找新的途径。但是,这样处理将会大大地增加了问题的难度。史宁中1991年发表在J.Amer. Statist. Asso.上的论文,则去掉对数性模型的假设,给出了一个完全不同的方法,并证明了新的方法要优于经典的方法。本领域权威T. Robertson教授评价本研究为“Excellentcontribution”。在多维列表中关于混杂因子的研究是极为重要的,近年来倍受重视。史宁中给出了量化的定义,并用演绎法证明了经典的Miettinen准则和Cook准则的适用性,这些结果发表在J.Royal. Statist. Soc.等杂志上。





  “非参数统计的理论和应用”(国家自然科学基金委员会, 2009-2010)
  “随机微分方程中的参数估计问题”(教育部, 2008-2010)




1.史宁中(2006). 教育与数学教育, 东北师范大学出版社.

2. Shi, N.-Z. and Tao, J.(2008). Statistical Hypothesis Testing:Theory and Methods, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.

3. 史宁中(2008). 统计检验的理论与方法,科学出版社.

4. 史宁中(2008). 数学思想概论——数量与数量关系的抽象,东北师范大学出版社.

5. 史宁中(2009). 数学思想概论——图形与图形关系的抽象,东北师范大学出版社.

6. 史宁中(2009). 数学思想概论——数学中的演绎推理,东北师范大学出版社.

7. 史宁中(2010). 数学思想概论——数学中的归纳推理,东北师范大学出版社


  1. Tao Jian (陶剑), Shi Ning-Zhong (史宁中), Chang Hua-Hua (张华华).Item-weighted method for ability estimation in tests composed ofboth dichotomous and polytomous items. Journal of Educational andBehavioral Statistics, 2011, in press. (SSCI)

  2. Liu Rui-Yin (刘瑞银), Tao Jian (陶剑), Shi Ning-Zhong (史宁中), XumingHe (何旭铭). Bayesian analysis of the patterns of biologicalsusceptibility via reversible jump MCMC sampling. ComputationalStatistics and Data Analysis, 2011, 55, 1498-1508. (SCI)

  3. 季春燕, 蒋达清, 史宁中. A note on a predator–prey model with modifiedLeslie–Gower and Holling-type II schemes with stochasticperturbation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2011, 377, 435-440.

  4. 蒋达清, 季春燕, 史宁中, 于佳佳. The long time behavior of DI SIR epidemicmodel with stochastic perturbation, Journal of MathematicalAnalysis and Applications, 2010, 372, 162-180.

  5. 郑术蓉, 史宁中, 马文卿. Statistical inference on difference or ratio ofmeans from heteroscedastic normal populations, Journal ofStatistical Planning and Inference, 2010, 140, 1236-1242.

  6. 高巍, 史宁中, Tang, M. L., 付连艳, Tian, G. L. Unified GeneralizedIterative Scaling and its applications Computational Statistics andData Analysis, 2010, 54, 1066-1078.

史宁中 史宁中是什么人
  7. Tao Jian (陶剑), Tang Man-Lai (邓文礼), Shi Ning-Zhong (史宁中). Astepwise confidence interval procedure based on an asymmetric lossfunction with applications to toxicological evaluation. Australian& New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 2010, 52(1),93-107. (SCI)

  8. Zhao Yanbin (赵岩斌), Tao Jian (陶剑), Shi Ning-Zhong (史宁中). A noteon observer design for one-sided Lipschitz nonlinear systems.Systems & Control Letters, 2010, 59, 66-71.(SCI)

  9. Fu Zhi-Hui (付志慧), Tao Jian (陶剑), Shi Ning-Zhong (史宁中).Bayesian estimation of the multidimensional graded response modelwith nonignorable missing data. Journal of Statistical Computationand Simulation, 2010, 80(11), 1237-1252. (SCI)

  10. Song Haiyan (宋海燕), Tao Jian (陶剑), Shi Ning-Zhong (史宁中). S-Smethod for stochastically ordered multinomial populations withmissing data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2010,140(3), 684-696. (SCI)

  11. 于佳佳, 蒋达清, 史宁中. Global stability of two-group SIR model withrandom perturbation Journal of Mathematical Analysis andApplications, 2009, 360, 235-244.

  12. 季春燕, 蒋达清, 史宁中. Analysis of a predator–prey model withmodified Leslie–Gower and Holling-type II schemes with stochasticperturbation Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2009, 359, 482-498

  13. Shi Ning-Zhong (史宁中), He Xuming (何旭铭), Tao Jian (陶剑).Understanding statistics and statistics education: a Chineseperspective. Journal of Statistics Education, 2009, Volume 17,Number 3.

  14. Liu Wei (刘伟), Tao Jian (陶剑), Tang Man-Lai (邓文礼), ShiNing-Zhong (史宁中). Model selection in toxicity studies. StatisticaNeerlandica, 2009, 63(4), 418-431. (已被SSCI与SCI同时检索)

  15. Hu Yu (胡宇), He Xuming (何旭铭), Tao Jian (陶剑), Shi Ning-Zhong(史宁中). Modeling and prediction of children's growth data viafunctional principal component analysis. Science in China - SeriesA, 2009, 52(6), 1342-1350. (SCI)

  16. Fu Zhi-Hui (付志慧), Tao Jian (陶剑), Shi Ning-Zhong (史宁中).Bayesian estimation in the multidimensional three--parameterlogistic model. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,2009, 79(6), 819-835. (SCI)

  17. Liu, T. Q., Lin, N., Shi, N.-Z. and Zhang,B.X.(2009)Information criterion-based clustering with order-restrictedcandidate profiles in short time-course microarray experiments. BMCBioinformatics, 1471-2105-10-146. (SCI)

18. Shi,N.-Z., Min Lai, Zheng, S.R, Zhang, B. X.(2008) Optimalalgorithms and intuitive explanations for Markowitz's portfolioselection model and Sharpe's ratio with no short- selling . Sciencein China Series A: Mathematics, Vol 51,2033 – 2042. (SCI)

19. Zhou, Y., Shi, N.-Z., Fung, W. K. and Guo, J. H. (2008)Maximumlikelihood estimates of two-locus recombination fractions undersome natural inequality restrictions . BMC Genetics, Vol. 9,article 1. (SCI)

20. Shi, N.-Z. Geng, Z. Guo, J.H. and Tao, J.(2008)A project ofapplied statistical methods in China:review and outlook. Statisticsand Its Interface.Vol 1,197-207.

21. Jiang, D.Q., Shi, N.-Z. and Li, X.Y. (2008)Global Stability andStochastic Permanence of a Non- autonomous Logistic Equation withRandom Perturbation. J.Math.Anal.Appl.Vol 340,588-597. (SCI)

22. Shi, N.-Z., Hu, G.R., Cui, Q.(2008)An alternating iterativemethod and its application in statistical inference .ActaMath.Sin.Engl.Ser.Vol 24,843-856. (SCI)

23. Shi, N.-Z.(2008) A conjecture on maximum likelihood estimation.IMS Bulletin, Vol 37, 4.

24. Wang ,X. L, Zhang , Z. Z., Tao, J, Shi, N.-Z.(2007)Incorporating toxicity grade information in up-and-down design.Journal of Biomathematics, Vol 22, 1-12.

25. Ji C.Y.,Jiang D.Q.,Shi N.-Z., Donal O'Regan. (2007) Existence,uniqueness, stochastic persistence and global stability of positivesolutions of the logistic equation with random perturbation .Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences ,Vol.30, 77 – 89.(SCI)

26. Jiang, D.Q. Zhang, B.X. Wang, D.H. and Shi,N.-Z..(2007)Existence, uniqueness, and global attractivity ofpositive solutions and MLE of the parameters to the Logisticequation with random perturbation. Science in china SerieA:Mathematics,Vol 50, 977-986. (SCI)

27. Li, Y. L., Gao, W. and Shi, N.-Z. (2007) A note on multinomialmaximum likelihood estimation under ordered restrictions and the EMalgorithm . Metrika, Vol.66, 105-114. (SCI)

28. Liu, R.Y. Tao, J. Shi, N.-Z.(2006) An optimal phase I/II designutilizing severe toxic and moderate toxic response informationseparately. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE, Vol 3,553-559.

29. Shi, N.-Z., Zheng, S.R., Guo, J.H. (2005) The restricted EMalgorithm under inequality restrictions on the parameters. Journalof Multivariate Analysis, 92: 53-76. (SCI)

30.Gao, W. and Shi, N.-Z. (2005) Estimating cell probabilitiesunder order- restricted odds ratios. Computational Statistics& Data Analysis, 49: 77-84. (SCI)

31.Jiang, D.Q. and Shi, N.-Z. (2005) A Note on NonautonomousLogistic Equation with Random Perturbation. J. Math. Analysis.Appl., Vol 303, 164-172. (SCI)

32.Zheng, S.R., Shi, N.-Z., Guo, J.H. (2005) The Restricted EMAlgorithm under Linear Inequalities in a Linear Model with MissingData. Science in China Series A, Vol 48 ,819-828. (SCI)

33.Guo,W., Fung, W.K., Shi, N.-Z., Guo, J.H. (2005) On the formulafor admixture linkage disequilibrium, Human Heredity, Vol 60,177-180. (SCI)

34.Jiang, D.Q., Shi, N.-Z. and Zhao, Y. N. (2005) Existence,uniqueness and global stability of positive solutions to thefood-limited population model with random perturbation. Mathematicsand Computer Model, Vol.41, 651-658 . (SCI)

35. Xiao, Y. S ,Takada, Y.and Shi, N.-Z.(2005)Minimax confidencebound of the normal mean under an asymmetric loss function, Ann.Inst. Statist. Math.Vol. 57, 167-182. (SCI)

36.Wang, X.L., Tao J. and Shi, N.-Z. (2005) Stepwise method basedon confidence bound and information incorporation for identifyingthe maximum tolerated dose. Northeastern Mathematics Journal, Vol.21, 117-126 .

37.Shi, N.-Z., Zheng, S.R. (2004) The maximum likelihood estimatesof expected frequencies under the loop order. Statistica Sinica,Vol 14, 283-295. (SCI)

38.Wang, D.H., Song, L.X. and Shi, N.-Z. (2004) Estimation and testfor the parameters of ARCH(q) under ordered restriction, Journal ofTime Series Analysis, Vol 25, 483-499. (SCI)

39.Guo, J.H., Ma, Y. P., Shi, N.-Z. and Lau, T. S. (2004) Testingfor homogeneity of relative difference under inverse sampling,Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol 44, 613-624.(SCI)

40.Tao, J., Shi, N.-Z. and Lee, S.Y. (2004) Drug risk assessmentwith determining the number of sub-populations under finite mixturenormal models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol 46,661-676. (SCI)

41.Shi, N.-Z., Wang, D.H. (2003) Median unbiased and maximumlikelihood estimations of ARCH (0,1) coefficients. Comm.Statistics: Theory and Methods, Vol 32, 1057-1066. (SCI)

42.Zhang, B.X., Gao, W., Shi, N.-Z. (2003) One-sided estimating andtesting problems for scale models from grouped samples, Comm.Statistics: Theory and Methods,Vol 32, 2341-2354. (SCI)

43.Guo, J. H., Geng, Z. and Shi, N.Z. (2003) Consecutivecollapsibility of logistic regression coefficients over an ordinalbackground, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol 115,59-67. (SCI)

44. Gao, W., Shi, N.-Z. (2003) I-projection onto isotonic cones andits applications to maximum likelihood estimation for long-linearmodel, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., Vol 55, 251-263. (SCI)


46. Lu, C.Y. and Shi, N.-Z. (2002) Admissible linear estimators inlinear models with respect to inequality constraints. Ninth specialissue on linear algebra and statistics. Linear Algebra Appl., Vol354, 187--194. (SCI)

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