影片名稱:Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita 中文譯名:甜蜜生活 影片導演:Tony DiMarco / Michael Lucas 影片主演:Michael Lucas / Derrick Hanson / JasonRidge 製作公司:Lucas Entertainment 上映年度:2006 發行地区:USA 语 言:English 影片簡介:本片讲述了一无所有的作家,在写了本畅销书尝到成名的滋味后,便沉迷于上流社会的纸醉金迷,纵情声色无法自拔,直到失去一切后,才对生活有了新的领悟,决定重新开始…… ed2k://|file|%E3%80%90%E7%BA%AF%E7%88%B1%E5%AD%97%E5%B9%95%E7%BB%84%E4%BD%9C%E 5%93%81%E3%80%91%E7%94%9C%E8%9C%9C%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB%20-%20Michael%20Lucas'%20La%20Dolce%20Vita%20%E4%B8%8A.rmvb|370700807|4FDC829F389C9FED2C7146AD536856FC|h=IWWAJCA3PGQAAMENRRZFIINFZ3WB5PDK|/ (提取码:16113c06) http://xianexs.mail.qq.com/cgi-bin/downloadfilepart/svrid222/%A1%BE%B4%BF%B0%AE%D7%D6%C4%BB%D7%E9%D7%F7%C6%B7%A1%BF%CC%F0%C3%DB%C9%FA%BB%EE+-+Michael+Lucas%27+La+Dolce+Vita+%C9%CF.rmvb?svrid=222&fid=5acab6b82e21cc85fd2262ef119b1c14cbd39cfd53789395&&txf_fid=9ab391a488669b91cd43867a702ef1564cc8af01&&txf_sid=2eaf45a94bf289bb18f004696c36fbb69d9b8f27 ed2k://|file|%E3%80%90%E7%BA%AF%E7%88%B1%E5%AD%97%E5%B9%95%E7%BB%84%E4%BD%9C%E5%93%81%E3%80%91%E7%94%9C%E8%9C%9C%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB%20-%20Michael%20Lucas'%20La%20Dolce%20Vita%20%E4%B8%8B.rmvb|509004878|52441A47B1EFC6DC64D3B5478740E92F|h=JMME4DF3OE32CMCGKUW543MPPKTJE52Y|/ (提取码:2b7ba752) http://xianexs.mail.qq.com/cgi-bin/downloadfilepart/svrid224/%A1%BE%B4%BF%B0%AE%D7%D6%C4%BB%D7%E9%D7%F7%C6%B7%A1%BF%CC%F0%C3%DB%C9%FA%BB%EE+-+Michael+Lucas%27+La+Dolce+Vita+%CF%C2.rmvb?svrid=224&fid=0297ea53b4ef5d7f5ced21aedf9a3962f33b9a08234e8157&&txf_fid=cb6da5b61142a98bff97fc22f59c400b9251b2a5&&txf_sid=d314dddbc8a03814895c1fcc445b1a3ba79f3558 本片相關介紹: 本片在07年GayVN大奖上一举拿下14项大奖,破了GayVN的历史记录。 GayVN颁奖典礼是美国G片业的盛事,重要性好比好莱坞的奥斯卡。而“Gayvn大奖”是Gay片業中的最高奖项,所以GayVN也被稱爲“Gay片奥斯卡”。 『Michael Lucas' La DolceVita』在2007 GayVN Awards上所獲之獎項: BEST ACTOR最佳男主角 Michael Lucas - Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita(Lucas Entertainment) BEST ART DIRECTION 最佳藝術編導 Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita (Lucas Entertainment) BEST DIRECTOR 最佳導演 Michael Lucas, TonyDimarco - Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita(Lucas Entertainment) BEST EDITING 最佳剪輯 Frank Tyler -- MichaelLucas' La Dolce Vita (Lucas Entertainment) BEST MARKETING CAMPAIGN 最佳市場企畫 Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita (Lucas Entertainment) BEST MUSIC 最佳音樂 Nekked - Michael Lucas'La Dolce Vita (Lucas Entertainment) BEST NON-SEX PERFORMANCE 最佳非色情類表演 SavannaSamson - Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita (Lucas Entertainment) BEST PACKAGING 最佳碟裝設計 Michael Lucas' LaDolce Vita (Lucas Entertainment) BEST SCREENPLAY 最佳劇本 Tony Dimarco -Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita (Lucas Entertainment) BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR 最佳男配角 Spencer Quest - Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita (LucasEntertainment) BEST VIDEOGRAPHY 最佳視覺效果 Tony Dimarco - Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita (LucasEntertainment) BEST PICTURE 最佳影片 Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita (Lucas Entertainment) MichaelLucas Michael Lucas 1997年以演員身份出道,98年成立了自己的品牌LucasEntertainment,99年開始從事幕後工作,目前集演員、編劇、導演、製片、CEO等多重身份于一身,同時也活躍在時尚界。非常懂得炒作的一位野心家。 MichaelLucas导演作品 Fire Island Cruising 8 (2006) La Dolce Vita (2006) Fire Island Cruising 7 (2005) 危险关系 Dangerous Liaisons (2005) Auditions: Volume 4 (2005) Auditions: Volume 1 (2004) Strangers of the Night (2003) Hunt & Plunge (2003) Fire Island Cruising 5 (2003) Fire Island Cruising 4 (2002) Fire Island Cruising 3 (2002) Pick of the Pack (2001) Lifestyles (2001) Fire Island Cruising 2: Boys on Fire (2001) Vengeance (2001) Fire Island Cruising (2000) Homebodies (1999) Shooting Stars (1999) Michael Lucas出演作品
Starrbooty (2007) Auditions: Volume 12 (2006) The Making of Michael Lucas' 'Dangerous Liaisons' (2006) La Dolce Vita (2006) Fire Island Cruising 8 (2006) Encounters 3: Flash Point (2006) 危险关系 Dangerous Liaisons (2005) Fire Island Cruising 7 (2005) Auditions: Volume 4 (2005) Auditions: Volume 1 (2004) Thinking XXX (2004) Strangers of the Night (2003) Hunt & Plunge (2003) Fire Island Cruising 5 (2003) Fire Island Cruising 4 (2002) Fire Island Cruising 3 (2002) Lifestyles (2001) Pick of the Pack (2001) Keeping It Real: The Adventures of Greg Walloch (2001) Fire Island Cruising 2: Boys on Fire (2001) Vengeance (2001) Fire Island Cruising (2000) Shooting Stars (1999) Red Alert (1998) Basic Plumbing II (1998) Maximum Cruise (1997) High Tide (1997) Michael Lucas编剧作品
Strangers of the Night (2003) Fire Island Cruising 5 (2003) Hunt & Plunge (2003) Fire Island Cruising 3 (2002) Fire Island Cruising 4 (2002) Fire Island Cruising 2: Boys on Fire (2001) Vengeance (2001) Pick of the Pack (2001) Lifestyles (2001) Fire Island Cruising (2000) Homebodies (1999) Shooting Stars (1999) Michael Lucas制片作品
Uncut Cock Pool Party (2007) Lucas Encounters: The Heat of the Moment (2006) Fire Island Cruising 8 (2006) La Dolce Vita (2006) Encounters 3: Flash Point (2006) The Making of Michael Lucas' 'Dangerous Liaisons' (2006) Fire Island Cruising 7 (2005)
![[转载]甜蜜生活-MichaelLucas'LaDolceVita](http://img.aihuau.com/images/01111101/01082227t01d2ab5a04f690bc6a.jpg) Strangers of the Night (2003) Hunt & Plunge (2003) Fire Island Cruising 5 (2003) Fire Island Cruising 4 (2002) Fire Island Cruising 3 (2002) Vengeance (2001) Pick of the Pack (2001) Lifestyles (2001) Fire Island Cruising 2: Boys on Fire (2001) Fire Island Cruising (2000) Homebodies (1999) Shooting Stars (1999) 求片求檔請到:http://hi.baidu.com/gracefulboy |