YouCallItLove you call it love

昨天看了一部法语老片子,《心动的感觉》(法文原名L'etudiante,女大学生),苏菲·玛索主演。片子于1988年10月5号在法国上映,这是一部纯粹的爱情电影,有茶杯里的风波,也有甜言蜜语,更有美丽的风景和迷人的玛索,这一切足够成为一部感人的青春爱情剧。片头的歌曲充满浪漫气息,与玛素的两部《初吻》插曲一样动听。海报:原声碟封套:片子主题歌名叫《You call it love》,法国、欧洲著名电影音乐家VLADIMIRCOSMA的作品,这首歌的演唱者KAROLINEKLUGER在90年代初被称做法国歌坛的希望之星。可能这首歌太老了,没有找到合适的链接,所以不能把这首歌放在我的播放列表里面。下面的是歌词:You call it love
There are things I need to say
About the way I feel
When your arms are all around me

You call it love
Words I’d heard that sound so fine
Meaningless each time
Till you came and found me
See the ground is slowly turning
dizzily, easily
Feel the way my heart is burning
secretly inside of me

You call it love
All the wishes in my mind
Soared into the skies
Where reflected in my own eyes

You say it’s love
variations on a theme
Love was just a dream
Memories of past sighs
See your love is
always round me
E verywhere in the air
New sensations now surround me
Ocean wide deep inside

You call it love
All my days past close to you
Grey skies turn to blue
And the sun shines all around me

You call it love
It’s a phrase that people say
Each and every day
Real love is hard to find though
See the ground is slowly turning
dizzily easily
Feel the way my heart is burning
from your touch secretly

You call it love
Now I know it’s so much more
Being close to you
Makes this feeling new
that you call it love.


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TVB电视剧《十万吨情缘》插曲 tvb电视剧经典插曲

最早同旋律歌曲为1976年电影《洛奇》的插曲:The final bell。Jean Rochzai 2003年,发表了他的首支单曲“Can you feel it”并获成功。歌词的部分是这样的never knew until i looked at youguess i didnt know what to dothat i couldn

就听对味的DoYouLikeIt do it like a dude

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standbyme的中文歌词谐音的!!!! stand by me音译歌词

Stand By Me(温)stand by me 那怕啦巴叫 啊几撒朗嗯摸罗几马(铉)stand by me 那起靠巴叫 啊几撒朗嘿扫头几马(温)奴多扑依素罗K扑你叫啊叫 那多摸来奴来都不老(key)汗所依将米勒 撒过西破几 依罗乃木素星给汗带(铉)乃马哦米闹 耶给躺跟个太 依

《forever》 make you feel my love


Mayitbe--歌词自译 let it be歌词翻译

昨日在家休息,偶翻出以前打印过的一张歌词,就是这首电影指环王(魔戒)主题歌may itbe。记得自己是因这首歌而去看的这个电影。现翻译一下,但愿不会破坏作者的意境。歌手Enya是自己较喜欢的西方歌手之一,其声音空灵、婉转,感觉真的有如天赖

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