This Contract has been made on 19 February2013
本合同由以下各方于2013年2月19 日订立
ChinaTransmission Equipment Co., Ltd., A limited liability companyorganized and existing under the laws of P .R.China,with the registered business place of,(Hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)
And 和
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Tenberge,Chair of Industrial and vehicle drivetechnology,Ruhr University Bochum Building IB1/151 Universitystreet 150, 44801 Bochum Germany,(Hereinafter referred to as “Party B”)
乙方:滕伯格教授(工学博士),工业及汽车驾驶技术教研室,鲁尔大学波鸿大厦 IB 1/151,大学路150号,44801,波鸿,德国(以下简称“Party B”)
Article1.Scope ofWork 第一条 工作范围
1.1 Party B provide Party A with thetechnical support of 8-Speed Automatic TransmissionProject.
1.2 Party A will pay PartyB a price of 14,000€ (Say: Fourteen ThousandsEuro Only)for his technical support of8AT research and development.
甲方同意支付乙方开展研发新型8速自动变速箱项目提供技术支持的费用,总计14, 000欧元。
1.3 The scope of thistechnical support includes:此技术支持包括以下内容:
a.Delivery of gear damage analysis.提供齿轮损伤分析;
b.Delivery of shafts and roller bearings.提供轴与滚针轴承;
c.Delivery of FEM calculation.提供FEM计算数据;
d.Detail optimization for standard construction of 8AT.8AT标准结构的细节优化。
Article2.Liabilities of Party B 乙方义务
2.1 Party B shall provide to Party Athe complete set of documents and technical documentations to beused for the manufacture of 8-Speed Automatic Transmission Project products in Party A's factory. Such documents andtechnical documentations shall correctly direct themanufacture.
2. 2 The relatedtechnical standards of 8-Speed Automatic Transmission Project shall be submitted by Party B at the same time thetechnical documentation is provided.
2. 3 The technicaldocumentation covering the manufacture of 8-Speed Automatic Transmission Projectshall be complete.
Article3.Price and Payment第三条价款与支付
3.1 Thetotal price hereof is EURO 14,000 (fourteen thousand Euros) whichexcludes taxes.
3.2Payment from Party A to Party B is due within 30 days after thecontract signature and shall be paid in full amount inEuro.
3.3Payment Method: TelegraphicTransfer 支付方式:电汇
Article 4. Tax 第四条 税费
4.1 Any tax relatingto the implementation of the contract imposed by Party A's countryshall be paid by Party B.
Article 5.第五条 Arbitration 仲裁
5.1Anydispute arising from the implementation of the contract shall be settledthrough friendly consultations. If no settlement can be reached,both parties shall agree to submit the dispute forarbitration.
5.2 The arbitrationshall take place in the Shenzhen Office of the China Council forthe Promotion of International Trade according to its rules andprocedures.
Article 6 Confidentiality 第六条保密
Alldrawings,designs,specifications and all othertechnical information made available under this Contract by Party Bshall be kept strictly confidential by Party A who shall notsell,transfer or divulge it in anymanner to anyone except those of its own employees who will beusing it in the manufacture of the Products,without prior written consent of Party B. Party Amay, however,supply such technical information to itssubcontractor to the extent necessary for such subcontractor tomanufacture parts of Contract Products,pro-viding that Party A shall have suchsubcontractor agree,in writing,to hold such technical information strictly inconfidence..
Article 7. Validity of theContract 第七条 合同有效期
Validity of the Contract: From Feb. 19. 2013 to Feb. 18.2014
Article8.Language 第八条 语言
Thiscontract is prepared in English and Chinese. If there is anydiscrepancy between the Chinese and English version, the Chineseversion shall prevail.
IN WITNESSWHEREOF, the formal authorized representatives of the Parties asundersigned have signed this Agreement in four counterparts (PartyA retaining three counterparts and Party B retaining onecounterpart. ) as of the date of the last signature set forthbelow.
Party ATransmission Co., Ltd.Prof. Dr.-Ing Peter Tenberge
Date/日期Date / 日期: