




The latest nontoxic anticancerways:

TCM + anticancer diet + HIFU + closedHIF-1 gene + HS magnetic therapy

















那么什么是癌基因的封闭疗法呢?这要从美国约翰霍普金斯大学教授西门兹(Gregg Semenza)博士说起,1992年他因发现低氧诱导因子(HIF1) 而成为现代低氧研究的奠基人。HIF-1基因可以启动一群基因,行使着体内某些急救功能。当身体某个部位因损伤而缺血、缺氧时,HIF-1基因主要是启动了该组织的无氧糖酵解代谢途径。






Twenty years have passed sinceTreatment of Cancer The ChineseWay was first published. During thisperiod, four simplified Chinese editions and three traditionalChinese (Hong Kong) editions have been published. The first Englishedition was published in 1997. Today, 16 years later, New WorldPress is going to publish the second English edition, and willtherefore update the content based on the latest Chinese edition.This book has been repeatedly published and is gaining the favor ofmore and more readers at home as well as abroad. The main reasonfor this is that the definite anticancer effect of traditionalChinese medicine has been recognized and accepted by more patients.Compared to the situation 20 years ago, today both cancer incidenceand mortality have increased even more. This has made peoplequestion the conventional methods of Western medicine that treatcancer. At present, there are three major therapies agains t cancerat hospitals: surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Thesetherapies against cancer may be called the poisonous way offighting cancer.

We often see that once patients,especially the elderly and the weak, have been diagnosed withcancer, they get shocked as if they had just received the deathsentence, because they not only fear cancer itself, but also fearthe cancer therapy. Patients know that once cancer is confirmed,the trilogy of Western medicine treatment, i.e. surgery,radiotherapy and chemotherapy, will begin in a routine way. Thesetherapies are not only expensive, but also have severe toxic sideeffects. Receiving such therapies is, in a sense, actually strikingbrutally both your own body and the tumor that grows in vivo, andtesting them with toxicity. But what about the therapeutic effect?Honestly, the effect is just moderate, because most of the cancerpatients eventually end up with “loss of both life and money” in amiserable way.

Over the past 20 years after my bookwas published, it was often the case that some patients visited mepainstakingly by following the clues in the book. Cancer once lefta huge trauma in my heart despite the fact that I am a doctor.Therefore, I tried my best to help these patients fight cancer on along-term basis, whether they were in the early stage or latestage. Clinically, I have treated more and more patients, andnaturally gained more and more medical experiences, which led to aconstant improvement of the therapeutic effect.

In my book, I list one hundred casesof tumors successfully cured by TCM. So, is it possible to cure alltypes of cancer using TCM? If not, to what extent exactly cancancer be cured by TCM? TCM doctors belong to many schools and havedifferent levels of skills. Then how can we select a TCM doctor whocan help patients triumph over cancer? Those cancer patients oftenhesitate between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.They have to either accept radiotherapy and chemotherapy which dogreat harm to their body with unsatisfactory therapeutic results,or accept TCM with no knowledge of the extent in which TCM cancontrol cancer. This is the question most frequently asked by mypatients in their consultation by phone, and they hope to get arealistic and objective answer from me.

As a TCM doctor that tackles tumors,with several late stage cancer patients at home, too, I have beentirelessly searching after effective TCM therapies which controland eliminate cancerous nidus without doing harm to the body formore than 20 years. When it is difficult to use TCM alone to fightcancer, how can we combine it with nontoxic anticancer therapies ofWestern medicine to continue our fight against cancer? These arethe questions that I often think about. I believe that all familymembers of cancer patients hope to find a nontoxic but highlyeffective way of fighting cancer. In this sense, we are in the sameboat. So I want to tell them the real effects that TCM can achievein fighting cancer from what I have experienced and to share thelatest nontoxic anticancer achievements I have made, so we canfight cancer on a long-term basis hand in hand, until we shalltriumph over it.

In my practice, there are indeedcancer patients who have been cured completely by TCM, suchpatients had developed malignant lymphoma, abdominal cavitymetastasis of hepatosarcoma, colon cancer, squamous cell lungcarcinoma, brain metastasis of adenocarcinoma of the lungs,cervical cancer, etc. They have continuously taken traditionalChinese medicines for one to two years. After their tumors aregradually gone, there has been no relapse. These patients are stillliving a healthy life today. One common feature of such patients isthat their tumors are not big, and have not received anychemotherapy. For such patients, I use high-dose, nontoxic TCManticancer therapy. My medicines have effects in two aspects. Onthe one hand, while making sure that patients’ vitalqi is not harmed, I use sufficientnontoxic or low-toxic traditional Chinese anticancer medicines tocontrol the cancer nidus as far as possible. On the other hand, Iregulate patients’ yin and yang so that their spleen,stomach, urination and defecation operate normally, and maintainpatients’yang qi so as to stimulate patients’ ownpotential spontaneous healing and immunity against cancer. Theeffect of TCM in cancer fighting is indeed slow, but during theentire treatment process, patients have very high quality of lifeand live a life like normal persons. In addition, cancer normallywill not relapse after being eliminated.

I remember that the first patientcured by me using TCM 20 years ago was a 52-year-old patient withlung cancer. I included this case in this book. Unexpectedly, shedeveloped intestinal cancer when she was 70. Though I had moved acouple of times and changed quite a few hospitals during those 18years, she managed to find me, and I cured her intestinal canceragain. One Sunday last year, her three children came all the wayfrom another city to visit me, and told me that their mother hadnot taken any medicine for one year, all examinations had shownthat her condition was normal and she had raised a lovely pup andwas spending her remaining years in comfort.

The nontoxic anticancer TCM therapyis most suitable for treating highly differentiated and moderatelydifferentiated cancer in the early and middle stages, as well asvarious precancerous lesions. If these slightly malignant tumorsare not big in size, it is possible to reduce their size until theycompletely disappear and to prevent them from relapsing bycontinuous intake of large doses of traditional Chinese anticancermedicines plus food therapy. Western medicine can often not doanything about precancerous lesions, and the only options areobservation or surgery. For me, I normally ask patients to taketraditional Chinese anticancer medicines for three to six months,which can completely stop precancerous lesions. We mostly treatcervical and gastrointestinal precancerous lesions, such as severeatypical hyperplasia of cervical squamous epithelium, colonicpolyposis, gastric ulcers, atrophic gastritis, chronic esogastritisaccompanied by intestinal cell metaplasia and severe atypicalhyperplasia, etc.

From my experience of treating cancerpatients using TCM, it is easier to treat squamous carcinoma thanto treat glandular cancer. The poorly differentiated glandularcancer has a high degree of malignancy and is susceptible tometastasis. I normally won’t prevent such patients from receivingchemotherapy. As for highly differentiated or moderatelydifferentiated glandular cancer, however, I will advise patients togive up radiotherapy or chemotherapy, because such treatment is notsensitive to cancer cells and does not kill them effectively;instead, it does great harm to patients’ normal cells. If theyinsist on receiving radiotherapy or chemotherapy, it does no goodto them, and will produce potential risks for future treatment,because it will be difficult to control the cancer cells in therelapse after radiotherapy or chemotherapy. The highlydifferentiated glandular cancer can be eliminated by takingtraditional Chinese medicines, even if no surgery has beenperformed. If chemotherapy is used after surgery, the effect isoften quite the opposite. In fact, intake of the general anticancertraditional Chinese medicines will control the cancer quite well.For the moderately differentiated glandular cancer, high-dosenontoxic anticancer TCM therapy is required to control the cancernidus. It is possible to eliminate the nidus if it is small. If thenidus is big, surgery is acceptable, but chemotherapy is notrecommended after surgery. Instead, traditional Chinese medicinesshould be taken, but such medication should be continuous and lastfor at least one to two years, and after that, traditional Chinesemedicines may be taken intermittently.

However, the reality now is thatWestern medicine shows no regard at all for the degree ofmalignancy of cancer cells, and administers routinized chemotherapyfour times, six times or even eight times to almost all cancerpatients after surgery without regard to their actual situations.Such abuse of chemotherapy is undoubtedly an over-treatment.Therefore, by relying on the nontoxic anticancer therapy, I opposesuch practice, or challenge the traditional toxic anticancertherapy which is now dominant in the medical field.

Then how do I treat those big tumorsor cancer of late stage with systemic metastasis? In this case, TCMalone is not enough, so Chinese medicine and Western medicine mustbe combined. However, I still adhere to my principle of nontoxiccancer fighting. That is, I only use those nontoxic and reallyeffective anticancer therapies in Western medicine, such asimmunotherapy, ultrasonic knife therapy and oncogene blocktherapy.

Tumors may grow very big in theabdominal cavity, such as liver cancer and sarcoma, and it isdifficult to “remove” them by relying on TCM alone. In this case, Ioften first use the ultrasonic knife therapy to minimize the sizeof the tumor, and then continue with long-term TCM anticancertherapy. Many hospitals have the ultrasonic knife equipment, butthe skills of surgeons vary greatly from person to person.Normally, the ultrasonic knife therapy is given only once. Afterpositioning by the computer, high thermal energy is used to aim atthe nidus and completely burn it. As tissue necrosis occurs withina short time, drastic reactions may be produced locally, such asedema, pain and high fever, so patients often need to benarcotized. The ultrasonic knife experts who have cooperated withme for long, however, divide one therapy into seven therapies ordozens of therapies, and use intermittent heating, so as to ensurethat the surrounding normal tissues are not harmed. The advantageof this therapy is that it is very safe, because each therapy onlyburns a small piece of nidus, so the local reaction is quite small,and patients can hardly feel any discomfort. The therapy is like awoodpecker nesting, “fusing” the greater part of tumors.Afterwards, the oncogene block therapy, immunotherapy and long-termTCM therapy may be used to achieve “survival with tumors in vivo”and eventual cure of the cancer.

Then what is oncogene block therapy?This concerns Dr. Gregg Semenza from Johns Hopkins University inAmerica. In 1992, he became the founder of the hypoxia research ashe discovered the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF1). The HIF-1 genecan activate a group of genes, and perform certain first aidfunctions in vivo. When a certain part of the body suffers fromischemia or anoxia due to injury, the HIF-1 gene mainly activatesthe metabolic pathway of anaerobic glycolysis of the affectedtissues.

Regarding the causes of cancer,professor Otto Heinrich Warburg, a famous medical expert inGermany, has put forward the “anoxia theory.” He points out throughhis study that when the oxygen content of the tissue cells of thehuman body is 65 percent lower than the normal value, the tissuecells with oxygen deficiency will be cancerated. Cancer cells arealso called anaerobic cells or hypoxic cells. Now it is generallyrecognized by the medical community that the HIF-1 gene is a“master switch” of cancer which controls the activities of hundredsof cancer genes.

Domestic researchers have found thatboth activation and blockade of the malignant proliferation ofcells are realized through mobilizing the chromatin peptide whichis degraded by the transcription factor of cell multiplicationduring the “Blocking Effect of Broken Key Peptide”. From thisperspective, as long as patients have not developed any completefailure of vital signs or any fatal organ failure, doctors mayutilize the chromatin peptide degraded by the HIF-1 transcriptionfactor to inhibit or cut off the malignization of cells, so as tostabilize cancer patients’ conditions and save their lives. Chineseresearchers seem to have found an inhibitor by utilizing the“effect of broken key peptide.” and developed the chromatin peptidedrug known as “gene silencing” in an attempt to shut down this“master switch” of cancer. In this way, the human genes chain’sinsertion into the cell nucleus is simulated naturally andeffectively, which not only prevents cancer cells from spreading,but also prevents other gene keys from opening the gate of cancercell growth again. In short, the oncogene block therapy means thatthe human body’s own specific chromatin peptide is utilized toblock the anaerobic metabolism initiator of cancer cells, just likea key broken inside the switch, so as to cut off the nutrition forcancer cells, and “starve” cancer cells.

Now it seems that my hard work paysoff. Finally I have successfully set foot on a road of nontoxiccancer fighting. I am able to combine together several reallyeffective nontoxic anticancer therapies: traditional Chinesemedicines + food therapy + thermal therapy + oncogene block therapy+ immunotherapy + psychotherapy, which is the rudiment of thenontoxic anticancer therapy. Obviously, this new way of treatingcancer is far safer and more effective than the traditional toxicanticancer therapy, which consists in surgery + radiotherapy +chemotherapy. Though the latter is still the mainstream way oftreatment at present, it is foreseeable that the nontoxicanticancer therapy will eventually replace the toxic anticancertherapy.

Now many overseas patients, most ofwhom are Americans, are coming all the way from afar to seek TCMtreatment from me. Some of these patients are wise Jews who arevery interested in TCM and are looking forward to reading my book.I want to express my thanks to New World Press. With its efforts,the revised edition of Treatment of Cancer The ChineseWay is to be published soon. Meanwhile,the English edition of another book of mine Nontoxic Cancer Fighting—My MedicalThoughts has also been included in thepublishing plan, but it is a pity that no fund support orsponsorship has been received. I believe that the publication ofthis book will facilitate publication of the latter. By then, theinternational medical community should be able to understand andaccept the oriental concept of nontoxic cancer fighting, and thusadjust the overall strategy on humankind’s fight againstcancer.

MD. Xie Wenwei


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101016/290863.html


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