译文来源:三泰虎博客外文标题:20 Army personnel killed in militant attack inManipur外文地址:http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/20-Army-personnel-killed-in-militant-attack-in-Manipur/articleshow/47539776.cms----------------------------------------
NEW DELHI: NEW DELHI: At least 20 Army personnel were killedand 12 injured in a militant attack in Manipur’s Chandel districton Thursday, TV reports said.
The 6 Dogra convoy came under attack while it was coming fromMotul towards Imphal. The incident took place at 8.45am. Theinjured soldiers have been airlifted to Nagaland.
An Army spokesman said that the militants first firedrocket-propelled grenades at the four-vehicle convoy which was onits way to Imphal from Chandel. The ambush took place when theconvoy reached between Paralong and Charong villages.
Most of the bodies were charred.
This is being seen as the worst attack on the Indian Army in atleast a decade. A dozen soldiers were also wounded in the mostdeadly attack in the region in recent years.
Security analysts suspect the attack was in retaliation againstthe reported killing on Monday of a woman by soldiers. The districtobserved a complete shutdown on Wednesday in protest over thekilling.
Manipur, which has a population of 2.5 million, has faced anarmed insurgency for years in which several tribal militant groupsare active.
In the deadliest terror attacks on the IndianArmy in over two decades, 20 soldiers of 6 Dogra Regiment werekilled and 11 others injured in an ambush in Manipur. Intelligencesources say the attackers came from Myanmar.
The government has taken a tough stand overthe tragic loss with Home Minister Rajnath Singh chairing ahigh-level meeting that was attended by Defence Minister ManoharParrikkar and Army Chief General Dalbir Singh Suhag along with NSAAjit Doval to take stock of the situation. The government hasdecided to seal the India-Myanmar border in Manipur and deploy moreforces to intensify operations in the area.
The Centre has also directed allinstallations of the security forces in Manipur and Nagaland be puton high alert to foil any attempt by the terrorists to strikeagain.
Army and civilian authorities suspect theinvolvement of Manipur rebel outfit Peoples Liberation Army (PLA)and Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL), a Meitei revolutionaryorganisation, who used landmines, rocket-propelled grenades andautomatic weapons.
The NIA has also registered a case and willbe scrutinising the route through which the terrorists procuredsuch sophisticated weaponry. The possibility of the attack being ahandiwork of more than one more organisation is not being ruledout.
The ambush was laid by an unidentifiedterrorist outfit under Tengnoupal Police Station in the district.Sources said terrorists used heavy firepower in the attack. TheArmy convoy was on a road opening patrol and was attacked withrocket propelled grenades (RPGs) and improvised explosive devices(IEDs).
After the army vehicle was damaged, theterrorists used automatic rifles to fire indiscriminately at thesoldiers resulting in the heavy casaulty. Some terrorists have alsobeen killed in the retaliatory fire by the soldiers.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi condemned theattack as mindless and very distressing. “Today’s mindless attackin Manipur is very distressing. I bow to each and every soldier whohas sacrificed his life for the Nation,” he tweeted.
Reacting to the incident, Defence MinisterParrikar has said that the Army will not be bogged down and willcontinue to strive towards bringing peace and normalcy inManipur.
Kiren Rijiju, MOS for Home Affairs, calledthe incident unfortunate and reiterated the government’s policy ofzero tolerance towards terrorism.
Meanwhile, Congress Vice President RahulGandhi offered condolences to the families of 20 Armymen who werekilled. “We stand with each of them in this hour of tragedy.”
“Extremely sad to hear about the attack onthe Army convoy in Manipur where several of our young Jawans losttheir lives.”
“My deepest condolences to the families ofthe martyrs, we stand with each of them in this hour oftragedy.”
Kaushik Ray (Yerevan)
These terrorists should be flushed out andkilled without any mercy
Khelkham () 10 hrs ago
army needs to get further training
Andrew Sang (Jaipur, Rajasthan)
so sad to the people who lay down their life for our mother
dfgh (gf) 11 hrs ago
Crush the terrorist by all means, infantry forces are veryvulnerable. Air strike, drone attacks should be considered like US…
Arjun Singh ()
now its pay back time to terrorist… teach them such a lesson..that they sud think twice before doing anything against army
Yo da (Unknown)
this is the result of neglect of NE for such a long time byCongis.. AFSPA is like Chemo, but the real action needs to happenelsewhere..
rahul priyadarshi (Bangalore)
It’s very bad
ruthreddy ruthreddy (Location)
This is unacceptable, india has to do something,where are theseterrorist getting these arms?
anil sharma ()
Whatever anyone says…government shouldn’t buckle..should givethe army a freehand to hunt and eliminate these pests…till the lastdevil is alive..
Proud Ind--ian (delhi)
Most of the insurgencies are supported by missionaries. Hard buthave to digest the fact
indian () 11 hrs ago
it is really sad that we loose our soldiers. But media why youdon’t highlight this as terrorist attack?
Satyanarayana Gavarasana (Unknown)
If the Indian army cannot protect its own and how can it protectthe country?
Intelligence people and commanding officers should be taken totask for the tragedy. Nations will think that Indian Army is weakwhich will shame us.
Armymen to fight back. Same in Kashmir they dont allow army tofight back just to appease minority
Sushil Kumar (Bangalore)
20 lives lost, was this a failure of intelligence? Time to nipthese militants in its bud else it would flourish.
Venkat B (Unknown)
Chinese have started their act on India
Anuj Sharma ()
seems china wants to establish violent states around it. That iswhy it funds terrorism across Asia.
Anniyan ()
I expected that we wouldn’t lose even a single soldier afterNamo comes to rule but there is nothing change exceptselfies………..