不一样的“国务卿夫人”——中英文对照 国务卿夫人第一季


First, there was Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies) in TheGood Wife. Then, there was Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) inHomeland and Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) in Scandal. Thesepowerful characters have impressed many of us who watch television.Now we can add Elizabeth McCord (Téa Leoni) from CBS’ new politicaldrama Madam Secretary to the list.


In the series, McCord, a former CIA agent, is now a collegeprofessor, wife, and mother living on a farm. When the Secretary ofState’s plane goes down in the Atlantic Ocean, McCord is drafted byher old friend, the President of the United States, to fill thesudden vacancy.


Now she must navigate the tricky social politics of the WhiteHouse, while still being a go[]od wife to her husband, and goodmother to her three children.


We next see McCord working at the State Department planning adinner for a visiting foreign leader. She’s also got her hands inmore serious work, like freeing two Americans who are imprisoned inSyria.


不一样的“国务卿夫人”——中英文对照 国务卿夫人第一季

At the moment, only three episodes in, the show is based incharacter and plot rather than action and melodrama. But it alreadyshows quite a lot of potential. For example, the contrastingstorylines allow us to see different sides of McCord, and Leoni’sability to pull off both serious and lighter moments.


Clear ambitions


And while Madam Secretary appears to focus on a “crisis of theweek”, it’s playing some cards close to its chest story-wise. Theseries is clearly eyeing the long-term, and I’m curious how thiswill affect how the story arc unfolds.


McCord as Secretary of State is much more human than mostpoliticians on TV, which is the selling point of the show. This isa woman in power with private vulnerabilities. In the pilot, thequestion of whether McCord should uproot her children from theirschool and friends to move to Washington DC is instantly addressed.Can she use the fact that she’s a woman and a mother to heradvantage? I’m sure the question will keep popping up in futureepisodes.


Compared to other Oval Office dramas, Madam Secretary is lessdark than Homeland, less soapy than Scandal, and, so far, lessintricate and interesting than House of Cards and The WestWing.


But just as The Good Wife has become so much better and morecomplex than it was when it began, Madam Secretary could developinto the next great US television series.


[from] http://www.i21st.cn/story/2289.html


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